
Chapter 99 Cree

Mengyang, the floating city, the palace, the highest floor of the star falling hall.

Sura bent down respectfully and saluted the emperor, "Your Majesty, everything is ready! Just wait for you to step on the blue styroof of the night country with your iron and blood, and the ridiculous sense of honor in the hearts of those warriors..."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, looked at the smiling Shura with dark eyes, and said, "You suddenly became respectful to me... I remember that the last time I was in Ye Kingdom, I didn't attack General Zhentian. Aren't you very resentful? Even my title has changed from 'Your Majesty' to 'You'. Now that I have decided to attack the Night Kingdom, you have become respectful again... Ha ha, you fickle poisonous snake... It's really like what you said!"

Shura straightened up, his dark red eyes turned cold for a moment, and his whole body seemed to become as sharp as a blood-stained sword. But in an instant, a flower-like smile appeared on his thin face, and the red lips twisted out a noble and beautiful smile and said, "Because I really want to see the blue fengxin of the night country stained with dark red blood and turn into a strange purple red... I believe that this will be a more beautiful scene than the frost rose in your frost pavilion. ! I'm looking forward to seeing such a scene with my own eyes, even more eager to see it than you long for a white face..."

Emperor Lin Xi stood up, with no expression on his pale face. It seemed that he suddenly became cold when he heard the word 'white face'! The whole hall seemed to be full of the cold air on the emperor's body. When he passed by Shura, the wind made Shura feel a piercing cold of the white wind in the far north. Shura couldn't even help shivering - can an emperor in the world actually make him feel cold? This is something that has never happened before... He is Shura, the devil in the hearts of the world, but now a mortal temperament makes him feel afraid. What's the matter?

He narrowed his dark red eyes and watched the emperor pass by, followed the emperor to the edge of the railing on the highest floor of the Starfall Hall! This is the highest place in the whole Piao Miaocheng. Standing here, you can overlook the panoramic view of the whole Piao Miaocheng. If it is a cloudless night, you can touch the stars and open your arms to have the whole moon...

The emperor stood there, facing the cool wind and looked at the palaces in the distance, the ferocious wall ridge of the south gate of the ethereal city, and the vast plain outside the city... A month ago, it was still full of terrible red people, with terrible vigorous ridings. The hungry wolves in the north were waiting to break through the gate and bite them outside the city. Their heads dug out their hearts, but now they have returned to peace, as if nothing had happened!

Now the whole Mengyang is under its own control! The city is like a luxurious bird cage held by him, but he feels that the cage is too empty. He wants to raise a peacock... and keep the perfect woman in the palace! The emperor didn't think there was anything wrong with this. He was the emperor. Why did he care about the feelings of those people? Emperors are all gods who stand in the sky and look down on the world!

He suddenly turned around and looked at Shura. His dark eyes were terribly bright, and he said, "I want to stand there!" His arms were raised like a sword, pointing straight to the blue sky, and the light in his eyes was frightening.

Shura looked along the emperor's raised hand and only saw a pure white cloud and a mottled sky between the clouds! His raised head pulled his neck longer and longer, like the slender neck of a beautiful stag, and the dark red in his eyes suddenly showed a piety that had nothing to do with evil spirits, which seemed to have an innate awe of the sky. He looked at the clouds in the sky with blurred and dreamy eyes and said, "Do you want to stand in the sky? Respectable courage, I also want to stand where I can reach out and pick the stars. All sentient beings in the world raise their heads and look up at us, but this road will be difficult to walk... Maybe I will die halfway if I am not careful!"

"Even if you die on the road, you have to go, even if you just stand at the highest place for a moment!" The emperor said feverishly, and his eyes became brighter and brighter, like two diamonds. Just like that, he stared at Shura with burning eyes, as if to burn his whole body.

Shura didn't know what to say for a moment! This young man's fanaticism, arrogance and ambition seem to be a little too big, bigger than he expected, and even difficult to control...

But the emperor did not go on, as if the fanaticism just now suddenly convered into his body and became indifferent and noble again. He said lightly, "Well, let's raise the perfect god-like woman in this cage first... The whole city is a cage I gave her. Let's treat her as a peacock. After all, the palace is too empty..." After saying that, he turned his back to Shura and walked down the star falling hall, and the glazed dragon robe. The broken gold glitters like a starlight color, and just the back makes people can't help but worship it!

Shura watched him leave, his narrow eyes suddenly opened, and his handsome appearance looked particularly ferocious. The hand hidden in the sleeve was pinched into a fist, and the bone joints on the slender fingers burst and crackled. Raise her as a peacock in your palace? Do you think the palace will not be empty? Ha ha, in fact, the most empty thing is your heart. Nothing can fill your world's boundless heart!"

His ferocious appearance suddenly became peaceful again, and this sudden change in his mood made him look extremely lonely. In front of him, Mengfan God's cold and indifferent appearance has changed, everything has changed, nothing, and he can't go back... Even if she is imprisoned as a peacock, what does it matter? He doesn't care!

But why do those dark red eyes become wet? What's flashing inside?

Night Country, Night King's Palace.

Ye Yuanhong did not delay and immediately found General Zhentian and expressed his doubts. I felt creepy when I thought of sleeping in a bloody room all night!

General ordered Vice General Ye Jiangqu to mobilize the guards in the palace to find the two missing warriors. After all, it took a lot of effort to train such an elite warriors. It often took more than ten years, and each of them could not afford to lose. Finally, the warriors of Yejiangqu found the bodies of the two warriors in an abandoned well in the southwest corner of the palace. Now the two bodies are placed in the side hall, where the general stands with cold eyes. Although the expression was still calm, the people present could feel the anger in the general's heart, and the momentum of subverting the three worlds overwhelmed them.

After inspecting the body, he bowed his hand and said, "General, they are all killed in one move, and there is not even a trace of struggle." He walked to the warrior on the left and bowed his head and said, "I take the liberty!" Then he squatted down and stretched out his hand to his forehead, where a thick blood hole could be seen. The slender gray fingers reached into the blood hole, and the fingertips were cut. Dig and then slowly pull it out. A black crossbow was clipped out, and the steel arrow brushed the warrior's forehead and bone, making a chilling thorn. Finally, when it came to the part of the crossbow, the right hand vacated by the arrow held the half-foot-long crossbow and pulled it out vigorously. The arrow stuck on the warrior's forehead, his head was brought up a little, and then fell down heavily and hit the ground heavily.

Black blood and pale brain plasma emerged from the blood hole on the samurai's forehead. He wiped the crossbow and presented it to the general. He said, "It's the fatal injury caused by this crossbow."

The general stretched out his hand and pinched the half-foot-long crossbow. The joints in his hand were a little white and he couldn't help trembling! How can he not be familiar with such a crossbow?

The deputy general next to him took a look and said, "General, isn't this the sleeve crossbow equipped by the guard warrior? How could this happen? Is it the warrior who shot the warrior with a crossbow..."

"Otherwise, General Yunyu's words are bad!" He bowed to Ye Jiangqu and said.

Yejiangqu was previously 'Zhaowu Lieutenant'. When the emperor rewarded meritorious officials after the war, General Zhentian had written to the emperor to title Yejiangqu as 'General Yunyu'. Now Ye Jiangqu is a general second only to the rank of General Zhentian, which undoubtedly makes the strength of the Ye family stronger.

He continued, "Please have a look!" With that, he removed the armor of the warrior on the right, and there was also a soft shark skin armor on the warrior. This kind of skin is extremely flexible. Even if the strong crossbow shoots through the armor outside the warrior, the arrowhead will bite to death in the soft armor and will not endanger the life of the warrior. Although shark skin is extremely expensive, it is worth equipping such an elite warrior.

But now, there is a huge hole in the shark skin on the samurai's left chest, which can accommodate a hand. It feels like someone made a hole in this samurai's chest. On the removed armor, there is also a hole in the left chest, and you can even see the sharp stubble rolled up of the armor forged steel! Everyone present burst into a chill. Did anyone really pierce the hard armor with his hand hole and crushed the warrior's heart?

He was silent, just clenching his hand into a fist and leaning into the samurai's chest. The people present couldn't bear to look at it again and even wanted to leave. But no one dared to move, because the general did not move.

The general looked indifferently at the fists that penetrated into the warrior's chest without hindrance, and the deep hole buried the whole fist. Then he withdrew his hand, and his whole fist was dark red blood, stained all the way to his wrist. He raised his hand and looked at the general and said, "General, this warrior died from his heart, and his whole heart was broken. Both warriors must be killed with one blow, and such a fatal injury is impossible for people to fight back. Therefore, General Yun's statement is not valid. Whether the samurai was killed by heart or the samurai's forehead was shot through, it can't be the killer of the other party, so it can only be done by a third person!"

"How many people can kill two guard warriors quietly like this? Such an elite warrior takes a lot of effort to defeat the general... Maybe the king of Chi Naisi can do it, but the king has lost an arm. Shen Gulan, the Duke of Shen, also has such strength, but he is also dead, or the imperial Yulin forbidden army, but how could the royal family do such an assassination...!" Ye Jiangqu analyzed one by one that it was really unclear who wanted to do this. Normally, these two warriors guarded the eldest prince, but the eldest prince was safe? Such a thing is too absurd!

However, it is still up to the general to decide everything.

General Zhentian looked indifferently and looked down at the samurai's swollen face soaked in the well. His teeth were clenched together, and the muscles on his face trembled dangerously. Everyone knew that the general's heart was boundless anger at this time. For a moment, the hall was quiet and terrible, without any sound, full of depressive style.

The general knows very well who killed the two warriors. The strange man in a scarlet robe appeared in front of him. He could easily kill two elite guard warriors, only the sorcerer who mastered the mysterious spell. Yuanhong always said that when he saw a scarlet demon, he suddenly fell into madness. Xingchen has also seen the man in red. Baiyan even met the man 300 years ago, and even he himself has been cut tens of thousands of wounds by the man's neck... Is that the man a nightmare that his family can't get rid of?

The general had a strong murderous intention in his heart. He was eager to kill those who threatened his family with a sword! But that Shura and the emperor are the people on the side. Is it that the emperor is murderous to Ye Guo? Do you want to start fighting against the royal family like Shen Gulan and Ling Fenglie? It seems that we have to prepare for the worst!

He ordered in a low voice: "Bury these two warriors and give ten gold pensions to each family! Immediately strengthen the city defense of the city that never sleeps, strictly check people entering and leaving the capital, and impose a curfew from tonight! In addition, immediately pull back the light armored warriors and stand by at any time!"

Ye Jiangqu felt the urgency in the general's tone. After following the general for so many years, he still knew the priority. So he nodded and immediately turned around and walked out of the hall to arrange.

The general's heart is a little relieved. Although he knows that the secular army is nothing to the magician, can he at least feel more at ease in this way?

A sorcerer! Who can stop such a terrible spell? I'm afraid only the magician can compete with the magician! It still depends on that woman. Although she and Bai Yan almost broke their faces, for the sake of Ye Guo, even if they beg her, what is it?

The general frowned together and said in a low voice to the standing man, "Handle these two warriors!" Then he left with the warriors in the hall.

He bowed respectfully and saluted and saw the general leave. Only two bodies and himself were empty in the hall. The cold wind outside the hall blew in, which made him tremble all over. But he was not afraid at all. After all, his ancestors worked in this industry and passed down to the seventh generation. I have dealt with dead bodies since I was a child, and I have seen more tragic and more terrible corpses than these.

Suddenly, he found two tentacles protruding from the nostrils of a samurai's body, like sies or tentacles of some insect. He stretched out his hand like dragging out the insect. It was strange that there was such an insect in late autumn! Just as the hand was about to touch the two tentacles, the insect suddenly ejected from the warrior's nostrils, like a dark red dart. He quickly withdrew his hand, but the dark red bug still fell into his hand - it was actually a huge centipede, a full of one and a half long. The empty left hand pulled out the dagger from his waist. He knew that the brighter the color, the more toxic it was. This red centipede is probably enough to poison ten of himself!

He swallowed his saliva, and his right hand did not dare to move at all. He held the dagger in his left hand and slowly stretched out to the centipede. He comforted himself that even if the centipede fucking bit him, he still had time to cut off his right hand, as long as he could survive...

But in a moment, the dark red centipede actually plunged into the skin of his hand. He was shocked and quickly cut the blade against the skin on his hand, but the speed of waving the dagger could not catch up with the speed of the centipede into the skin. In an instant, a half-length centipede rushed into the meat in his hand, leaving no scar, like an illusion.

Looking at the intact right hand in surprise, he couldn't help but suspect that he had hallucinations. Maybe I've been too nervous recently. It's this season. What centipede are there?

He smiled and withdrew the dagger to his waist sheath.

But his smile suddenly froze on his face, because a long bulge bulged in the skin of his hand, and he could even see the joints and a pair of abdominal feet - the centipede was under his skin, not a hallucination, it's true, it's true! He quickly pulled out the dagger and stabbed it in his hand. The dagger suddenly pierced the muscles in his hand, but the centipede-shaped bulge under his skin climbed up his arm and bit it all the way...

A sharp pain that drowned all his thoughts...

How big is the centipede's appetite? He only felt that his whole body was being bitten, and every inch of flesh and blood was a pain... He even felt that the centipede was going to empty his flesh and blood, leaving only a skin bag...

He fell down heavily and slowly stopped breathing...

The hall with only three dead bodies has become as creepy as a grave...