
104th General Blood

"Your Majesty!" Shura looked at the figure coming step by step and bent down and bowed. The smile at the corners of his mouth became stronger and stronger, and the people who should come were basically all here, except the timid boy. He is the only one left, but the ending will never be a reunion!

Emperor Lin Xi wore the luxurious golden armor and a gluttonous beast helmet, and the peacock feathers at the top of the helmet shone like enamel in the sun. The autumn honey-like sunshine poured on his scarred armor, shooting out arrow-like brilliance, and the whole person was like walking in the light, full of noble atmosphere like a god.

His eyes hidden under the helmet of the gluttony were as dark as ink and as cold as a piece of ice. Sharp eyes took turns to look at the general who pointed the sword at Shura, and then looked at Shura with a mask-like smile. Then he saw Ye Yuanhong, whose expression was numb and dull, his arms stretched out like an eagle, and his fingertips were connected to some thin silver lines. His eyes have always been so cold, like frost flowers for three or nine days, like steel buried in the snow, indifferent and hard. It was not until his eyes fell on the bound white face that it softened.

Everyone can feel that the emperor's eyes when he looked at the white face became soft, just like the frozen three-foot lake began to thaw, soft blue waves, and layers of ripples fainted in his eyes. His eyes were not so cold, became hot and enthusiastic, and his eyes seemed to be lit by beacon wolf smoke.

He came step by step, making a crackling sound at the seams of his armor. When passing by the general, he said, "General, there are some things you need to know!" He stopped, put his hand on the general's Zhanlu sword pointed to Shura, and slowly pressed it.

The general did not disobey the emperor and bent down slightly to greet him, but Zhan Lujian was only held by his backhand and was not included in the scabbard. The muscles on his body are adjusting, and he will burst into a wave of power at any time to cut the sword into the body of the person in front of him.

The general's voice trembled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, I need an explanation! Is all this your order?

The emperor looked at the general who was twice as old as himself. His eyes as deep as the starry sky reminded him of his father. Their eyes were a kind of penetrating soul. In the past, when he was a child, he couldn't help dodging in the face of his father's eyes. He was in awe, fearful and fear from his heart. But now, he also has such a sharper vision than arrows, which is born to those who are in a high position!

But Emperor Shinra has died. He has even forgotten what his father looked like before his death and the eyes in his father's old eyes, but he still remembers those words. But today, when I saw the general, I finally recalled that when my father saw him holding the heads of his two brothers, he also looked at himself with such contempt, anger and even hatred.

But who cares? He smiled softly. Killing one person is a crime, and killing ten thousand people is a king. Who cares about the dead?

The emperor whispered, "General, don't be surprised. It's indeed an order from me!" After all, there is only the night kingdom left for the princes of Mengyang, and the night kingdom is one of the vassal states I fear most! Please note that I used the word 'fear'! Yes, I feel very uneasy and afraid of the 100,000 light armored brigade of the Night Kingdom and you, the first person to platoon in 50 years..."

The general was shocked. Is it really because of such a 'unwarranted' rebellion that caused the murder of the royal family? But he never thought of judging Mengyang... Whether it was Emperor Shenluo or now Emperor Linxi, he and his night country always obeyed the orders of the royal family...

But in the face of Emperor Lin Xi's sharp eyes as if he wanted to shre him, he didn't know what to say.

The emperor suddenly smiled, smiled peacefully and beautifully, and said, "I hope the general can understand... I was the least favored third prince. My throne was taken from the hands of two brothers, and it coincided with the invasion of Chi Nasi. How many people support me in the whole dream? Several princes and kings had their own ghosts. Ling Fenglie, the lord of the State of Ling, tried to control my brother Wan Zerui to overthrow me, help Zerui as emperor and then indirectly control Mengyang. The State of Shen colluded with Chi Naisi to intend to enter the imperial capital, and the lord of Nanliang was assassinated and the land was annexed. Feng Zhongqiu, the lord of Qiuyue, needed them most on the battlefield of the imperial capital. However, he sneaked on the State of Shen, and then kidnapped Shen, Qiuyue, and the land of the Three Kingdoms of Southern Liang in an attempt to establish themselves as emperors and resisted the Mengyang royal family... The ministers of the imperial capital were also eager for me to fly and die in a violent death! Everyone has their own ghosts!"

"At that time, I had decided that the feudal system did not need to exist anymore. Mengyang only needed the royal family. After all, everyone wants to be called the royal family, and everyone has greed! If I hadn't been ruthless and had no scruples, I'm afraid I would have died..." The emperor seemed to be explaining to the general, with an extremely sincere tone and a humble attitude. I still remember what he said to me when I held the heads of my two brothers and asked my father to give up the throne to me on the night of September 15th. He said, 'Do you think you are cruel enough to do it first and you can become the emperor? Then why not kill everyone? Then no one will fight for power with you! Do you know that those tiger and wolf-like people outside are staring at your erratic city? They will rush in and cut off your head, cut open your chest and dig out your heart, and stack them with your brothers' heads...'" The emperor said these words so gently, as if he were saying that the weather is good today. No sadness, no arrogance, peaceful like a river flowing at midnight, reflecting the stars in the sky.

"So I secretly provoked the contradictions between the princes and kings and successively destroyed these vassal states in order to unify Mengyang. I know that you are loyal, General. I can see that you do your best in the war against Chi Naisi. But do you guarantee that your descendants will still be loyal to the royal family after inheriting your throne and the position of general? People's hearts are not old. Sooner or later, it will become one day. The ancestors of these chaotic princes are loyal ministers who followed the Liunian emperor to fight the world! Even in the early days of Mengyang Jianchao, he followed the emperor of Liu Nian all the way north to the south bank of the far north barbarians. Each of them was loyal. If it hadn't been for the death of the Liunian emperor, the princes might have followed him and annexed it with Fanyang! But these things were 300 years ago..." The emperor said calmly, and he knew what kind of attitude to use for what kind of people. If it were the Mid-Autumn Festival and the ambitious people like Ling Fenglie, I'm afraid they would not have such a calm explanation, and it would directly be the peace of the army. But now this man is the most powerful general in Mengyang, and he has to deal with this matter no matter.

"Today, 300 years later, these princes' awe of the royal family has become less and less, and even openly resisted, so they have no choice but to abolish the division of princes and kings. I hope the general understands!" With that, the emperor actually punched the general and bent down and bowed.

The general looked at the emperor with a grim face like a golden stone. His eyebrows were extremely gloomy. He looked at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty is going to remove my general position, and is there still the position of Lord of the Night Kingdom?"

The emperor smiled softly, and his smile formed an obvious contrast with the armor on his body, as if his smile was cold and hard as metal armor. Ha ha, after all, your prestige is too high. I am the political emperor of Mengyang, and you are the military emperor of Mengyang. In Mengyang's army, your order is more effective than my order. For you, it doesn't matter the position of general. As long as you stand there and wave your arms, there will be countless echoes! And I, as a political emperor, have no ability to suppress you at all... I don't want to see such a thing!"

The general's face suddenly changed, and the muscles on his face trembled dangerously and said, "Your Majesty wants to..."

The emperor reached out to stop him from continuing and said, "General, I'm sorry, too. But I still understand the principle of cutting grass without leaving roots... If I don't kill all the people who can threaten my throne, I can't sleep and eat. As my father said before his death, 'How many people are staring at my ethereal city, waiting to rush in from outside the city and cut off my head to dig out my heart...', I also have to be careful..." As he turned around and looked at his eyes full of fanaticism, "Maybe it will be cruel, but it must be endured! Just like when I killed my two brothers and forced my father to die, although I was a close relative of my flesh and blood, I still had to watch them die in my own hands. But don't you think it's worth it to get a powerful and unparalleled dream?

The general followed the emperor's eyes. At the entrance of the front court of the hall, a team of warriors with golden armor came in, all of whom were the most elite Yulin imperial army. These warriors wore some people wearing the blue fengxin family emblem robes of the night country, all of whom were members surnamed Ye. Everyone has a sharp sword around their neck and is escorted here like a death row prisoner.

The muscles on the general's face unconsciously became ferocious, like an angry lion. When the last few warriors came in, the general's dark eyes suddenly rose round and full of anger - the last few warriors were holding small night stars, and the child's face was pale and his eyes were stunned, as if scared. There are still blood stains on the robe, and the blue fengxin embroidered on the front of the chest is stained with blood stains into a magical purple color.

Two sharp swords staggered on the child's thin neck. The general had no doubt that as long as the child moved a little, his head would be cut off.

The white coral-red eyes also took on the scarlet color in an instant. After all, Ye Xingchen is her son and her biggest support. Now someone puts a sword on his neck, why don't you make her angry? But Shura slowly turned around, and his slender eyes narrowed into a hook moon, with a dangerous light shining inside. She shook her head with an unreachable magnitude, signaling her not to act rashly. In fact, Bai Yan can't do anything now. The spiritual power in her body can't launch an effective attack at all, and Shifang Tianluo is still devouring her power!

Those golden warriors kicked the legs of the members of the night family and forced them to kneel down. There are nearly 100 elderly people, including 60-year-old children and children as old as Ye Xingchen. At this time, they are kneeling like death row prisoners, and the sharpness on their necks makes them feel like they are out of their souls. They raised their heads and looked at the general expectantly, hoping to be rescued!

The emperor said lightly, "The status of the Ye family in Mengyang is too high, especially in military power. I remember that a newly enthed 'General Yunfu' is from your night family, right?' The person surnamed "Night" in Mengyang's army is equivalent to the status of the person surname "Wantong" in the court! So, I can only kill them all!"

"Your Majesty, is there no room to return? We can abolish the status of our family and expel us from Mengyang. We will not come back..." The general whispered.

The emperor's expression suddenly changed. His pale face smiled with interest: "I thought the general would fight fiercely, but was it so easy to compromise and make concessions? This is not in line with your 'Zhentian' title..." With that, he walked forward, walked to a man surnamed Ye, and looked down. He reached out and grabbed the man's hair, pulled his head up, and looked at him.

The emperor looked at the man's dark eyes, as if to blind those eyes with his cold eyes like arrowheads. But the man surnamed Ye stared back without hesitation, with his eyes as fierce as a wolf and a ferocious face as a beast. The emperor loosened his hand holding the man's hair and said, "Yu Weiyoulie... Such a hateful look is frightening! General, do you see it? These people hate me and hate me so much that they can't wait to death! Even if I expel your family from Mengyang and abolish the position of princes, hatred will be accumulated from generation to generation among your descendants. They will teach their children Mengyang as their enemy, and their children will teach their grandchildren the same hatred... Accumulation from generation to generation is inevitably not a disaster! Who can guarantee that there will not be a person like "Wan Yi Nian" among these people or their descendants? Emperor Liunian also started from nothing and formed his own army to destroy the Jingxi Dynasty at that time! I have to guard against it!"

He looked at the general as if he was saying something that was not painful or itchy. In this case, why should I ask for trouble? Isn't it easy to kill them all? He"

"Your Majesty, you have talked too much today. This is not your style. I remember that when you killed Ling Fenglie, you didn't say a word, and you killed him directly without even issue the imperial edict!" Shura laughed and teased.

"After all, there are some things that need to be explained clearly for the hero of General Shi Mengyang! The general is not the kind of little character who kills in a muddle. He must have enough respect!" The emperor said lightly. Whether it's out of sincerity or face, it's still rare for him to say such a thing.

The general felt a little unreal. Is it really a disaster? The emperor didn't seem to let go of himself for any reason! Suddenly, he thought of what Ling Fenglie said before his death: 'Tell you, this emperor is a devil. He ruled the country with demons, and everyone came to a miserable end! If Nanliang is destroyed, the State of Shen will not exist. Our State of Ling will disappear, and the autumn moon will not last long. And your night country has the military power to sweep the mainland. Do you think the emperor will let you continue to exist at ease? Your end is worse than mine, you can wait...'

If it is true, he thought that as long as he was loyal to the royal family, the royal family would not do it. It's still too naive! Emperor Lin Xi is really an unscrupulous emperor, who is well versed in the principle of cutting grass and rooting out future troubles. If you don't focus all the rights of Mengyang on the imperial power, Emperor Lin Xi will not let him go! Whether it is loyalty or rebellion, it will be destroyed by the royal family... This is a contradiction accumulated between generations between princes and royal families, but the generation of Emperor Lin Xi finally broke out, and how can he, as the most powerful prince, not be affected?

Suddenly he smiled and laughed furiously? Or a desperate laugh? The general smiled for no reason. The whole palace was full of his bold laughter, and there was a calm and courage to sing loudly in front of thousands of troops and horses. At this moment, the general is like a general fighting on the battlefield again. The whole world is his battlefield, pointed by the sword, and the mountains and rivers are moving.

The emperor looked at the general with great interest, and in his eyes, it was a fateful smile. Everyone has different expressions when they are desperate. Some people cry bitterly, some people regret it, and some people struggle to death, but some people suddenly laugh. But even if there are thousands of amorous feelings, you can't escape a desperate life.

Suddenly, the general moved. His body was like a flash of lightning, and the black and sharp Zhanlu sword in his hand was like a rapid arrow, which was terribly fast. He is only three steps away from the emperor, which is absolutely a fatal move for this sword speed that exceeds the limit of naked eye recognition!

It turned out to be the same instant killing move as Yongkui. First of all, keep forbearance and adjust your state. Until the moment of peak, the momentum like a frenzy will swallow everything like thousands of miles of thunder. The general's instant killing move was more terrible than Yongkui's. Zhan Lujian approached the emperor's neck without armor as if he had teleported.

Emperor Lin Xi reacted quickly and immediately raised his hand to seal the general's sword with the night practice sword, and the speed was actually as fast as killing. But it's still too late. The general's blade rubbed the night to practice the sword, and the dark tip of the sword was about to pierce the emperor's throat. The instant killing will never fail in one-on-one, not to mention that it was launched by the most powerful warrior in Mengyang!

The time left for Emperor Lin Xi was not even enough to make his expression furious, and the golden armored warriors around him did not even react. It's too late!

The general never knew whether he would launch this sword. After all, he couldn't do this kind of rebellion. Kill the emperor? He never thought about it. But it's up to him today! The stars must live. The 300-year inheritance of the Ye family cannot be destroyed in his hands, so he must do it first. As long as he kills the emperor, all this will be over. When he took action and the sword was launched like lightning, and there was no chance to take it back, he was relieved and relaxed. It seems that I have lived for so many years for the sword stabbed to the emperor today!

In an instant, a touch of scarlet flashed in front of his eyes. Is it blood? There is no smell of blood and no temperature of blood. The general's sword could no longer push forward at all. Oncoming, it was a handsome smiling face like a woman. His slender eyes narrowed into a gap, which showed a red glow like red charcoal, and his vermilion lips showed a sadistic smile. Red hair and robes are fluttering like blood splashing into the sky.

Shura, it is Shura! The ghostly man pinched the poisonous dragon-like Zhanlu sword with his slender fingers to restrain the general's instant killing. The tip of the sword stopped an inch in front of the emperor's throat, but there was still a trace of blood in the emperor's throat, which was cut by the wind of the rapidly advancing sword...

The general's eyes opened in horror. This was his first time in horror! Isn't Shura a dozen steps away? How could he plug in so quickly to stop his sword? Is the magician really so terrible?

Suddenly, the golden warriors around finally recovered and let out a shocking roar. They are about to rush over with weapons. If anything happens to the emperor, it is their dereliction of duty and the great crime of destroying the nine clans.

Emperor Linxi shouted loudly, "Don't come here!" His voice was still stable. Although the wound on his neck was burning and the coldness of Zhanlu sword metal only an inch from his neck made him cold, the momentum of the world was still strong! This is the latest death since he suffered from sepsis last time! If you die, there will be nothing left!

Shura's white face showed a devious smile. His thin arms actually had such a terrible power. Just holding the sword with two fingers made the general unable to move! He raised his empty left hand and made a fingerprint. The smile on his face became more and more obvious, and a dense spell inscription appeared on his body.

Bai Yan saw this scene in the distance and realized what he was going to do. He shouted, "Lusius, stop..."

Kshura turned his head and looked at her, smiling more and more beautiful, revealing his neat teeth. But the dark red gums and snow-white teeth are particularly strange, like a human-eating demon. He looked at the white face with a smile, his dark red eyes shining brightly, and whispered, "Crash..."

The general's body suddenly flew into mid-air, a few meters above the ground, and his body was twisted like an ancient totem. With a bang, his body seemed to explode, and the whole body cracked. Like a bursting blood sac, the blood all over the sky spilled down like a rainstorm and poured it on the emperor and Shura! Neither of them dodged and stood straight, allowing the rain of blood to hit them. They stood side by side, like gods and demons, looking at this lonely world indifferently.

Shura in the blood rain looked at the white face without any blood color and showed a touching smile. The blood rain wet his hair and flowed down his face, but his smile was as innocent as a god, not stained with dust. Like the child who had not grown up 300 years ago, his eyes were pure and clear, looking at the god in his heart quietly and quietly!