
Chapter 105 Traitor

The blood rain finally ended, and the ground under the feet of the emperor and Shura was crimson, and their bodies were full of dark red blood. Shura's fiery red hair is not so elegant, twisted into a bunch, and his pale and handsome face is full of blood stains. And the bright golden light of the golden armor on the emperor's body set off the scarlet blood like a rising sun. Both of them were expressionless and let the blood rain on their bodies.

The members surnamed Ye around were stunned, and then let out a loud roar: "No--", the general has always been the pillar of their hearts. They firmly believe that as long as the general does not die, the Ye family is Mengyang's second only family to the royal family. Although the family is not very harmonious because of various power struggles, if people outside the family try to invade the family, the night family will still unite. How can such a scene not make them angry now?

'Wai--' The general's body fell from the air and fell heavily on the ground stained red by his own blood. Everyone took a breath of cold - is that still a human? I can hardly see the human figure! The general's whole body was naked, as if all the skin had been peeled off, revealing dark red muscle blood vessels. The body is full of huge knives that are deep to the bones, and you can even see all kinds of organs from the knife edge of the chest. Only the flesh palms were left, and all five fingers were cut off. The face seemed to be cut down with a knife from the forehead to the chin. Without facial features, the whole face was cut off! The general's whole body seemed to have narrowed a large circle, and it seemed that the outermost muscle skin had been cut off...

What kind of means is this? Even the devil will not torture people like this... People look at Shura with fear and a kind of disgust from the bottom of their hearts. Shura's careless and joking smiling face makes people feel cold. How can he laugh?

The emperor looked blankly at the unrecognizable body of the ground * army, reached out to cover the wound cut by the sword on his neck, and asked in a condensed voice, "Are you dead?"

"No, I'm very good at it. The serious injury is not fatal, and there is still a breath! It's a small punishment for him to offend His Majesty!" Shura stretched out his hand to open the tangled hair that blocked his sight and said with a smile, "However, even if his injury is cured, this person has been abolished..."

The whole palace vestibule was as silent as death, with only a brief dialogue between the two. The scene didn't look real, and the blood red eyes were like burning flames, and the rising fiery twisted what was seen in front of them. Everyone did not dare to make a sound again and lowered their heads glanguly. Even those regal Yulin forbidden army warriors lowered their heads and dared not look directly at the emperor and Shura standing in the blood.

The emperor returned the night training sword in his hand and said, "The sword of instant killing is actually the strongest killing move in the Jingxi Dynasty! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid..." His voice was still calm, and there was no sigh for the rest of his life, as if he had experienced an extremely peaceful thing. This kind of mind will never be available to ordinary people.

Shura still smiled jokingly, casually looking at the members of the night family, looking at their drooping heads, and imagining the fear, uneasiness, resentment, or despair on their faces that made him happy! When his eyes fell on the thin Ye Xingchen, his eyes widened with a smile, and his dark red eyes seemed to see something incredible!

The child's coral-red eyes were full of frightening blanks, no crying, no howling, or even fear! He looked at his father with empty eyes like that, with an indifferent face, but a pale face. Scared fool! Shura thought. Isn't this child very cowardly and crying? This is not in line with the real him. He should be scared! After all, I'm only 12 years old. I haven't seen such a scene. But he wants to make this child a god standing in the clouds, indifferent, ruthless and determined. It's not a bad thing for him to come into contact with these early. Didn't he make up his mind to wear the mask of 'Sura' when he saw the tragic battlefield of the forest?

If you want to stand in the clouds and be worshipped in awe, you can only be reborn from purgatory and climb to the highest place step by step, just passing by the world.

Shura looked back at Mengfan God, who was bound by Shifang Tianluo, looked at her pale and beautiful face, looked at her lips biting on the tip of her teeth, looked at the veins pulled on her slender neck like an impala, and looked at her chest that was violently undulating due to anger. This time, his face did not have such a teasing smile, and his bloody but beautiful and innocent face was as cold as ice. The red light from his slender eyes stared at Mengfan God without hesitation, staring at the woman he had worshipped, admired, feared, loved, hated, and worshipped as a god in his heart. He is no longer a child holding the head of his beloved girl 300 years ago and crying and begging for God to stay. He is Shura, the devil who wants to hold the whole world with his hand and then smash it down. Even if he is the enemy of the world, what can he care about?

'What can I cherish without you standing by my side?' Shura thought indifferently.

His eyes met God's coral-colored angry eyes, and those beautiful eyes like the gods burst out a sharp and cold light under the gentle eyebrows like willow leaves, as if with endless penetration, straight into his heart. Suddenly, like a child who was caught doing something wrong, Shura couldn't help looking away and dodging God's fierce and cold eyes... After all, he still couldn't face this god with an arrogant attitude. Even if he had turned her into a winged peacock, it was still difficult to be strong in front of her...

The emperor turned around indifferently, looked at the night family who were detained, and said, "Kill..."

The warrior of the Yulin Forbidden Army has recovered from the panic just now. After all, he is the most elite warrior. What hasn't he experienced? Without any hesitation, he waved the sword in his hand and crossed and cut at the night family kneeling on the ground. The sharp sword was so fast that these people could not even make a painful wailing, so they were cut off their necks, and their heads were whirled and the thin blood was pushed into the air. The Ye family kneeling in a row were beheaded one by one. Standing at the top of all the nobles in Mengyang, the Ye family was about to be lost in the blood of history...

The emperor looked indifferently, without a trace of sympathy in his eyes, as if he was appreciating or tasting...

Suddenly, a man surnamed Ye suddenly broke away from the warrior who was holding him and split the sword in the warrior's hand. He bullied himself forward, hit the sword handle on the chest of the warrior next to him, and pulled a boy from the warrior's hand. His arm strength was extremely amazing, and the child was easily grabbed by him and dragged behind him to protect him. Then the sword was raised horizontally to his chest and stood there in a defensive posture.

This Ye family man looks very similar to Ye Mingshan, the general of Zhentian, but it is more gloomy compared with the righteousness of Ye Mingshan. And the child behind him was only twelve or thirty years old, timidly grasping the corners of the man's clothes. In fact, this is a very handsome child, but the scar on his face that has been slanting from the right eyebrow bone to the left chin has ruined his appearance. Lie on your face with scars like dark red centipede, making the child look much more ferocious.

The emperor looked at the man silently, watched him hold a sharp sword and turn at the warriors around him, and watched him protect the boy behind him like a beast guarding the young... He is also familiar with such a scene! By the way, when he was young, he followed his father to hunt. In the face of the wolves, his father also protected himself behind him like this!

The emperor couldn't help softening his heart and said to the fierce warriors, "Don't kill them first..."

The man took a look at the emperor, then knelt on the ground, walked to the emperor's feet with his knees, put his forehead on the ground, and said, "Your Majesty, the little man Ye Qingshan, the brother of the general Ye Mingshan, please let the little man and the dog live!" With that, he pulled his son's hand and made him kneel down.

The emperor looked down at them and didn't say anything for a long time. Shura quietly approached the emperor and said, "This man once begged me... to work with us. He and the general are on the opposite side..."

The emperor nodded thoughtfully, looked down at him, and said in a loud voice, "Do you want to stand with me? Standing at the top of Mengyang, reach out to pick the stars?"

"Think!" Ye Qingshan said in a low voice. The villain can help your majesty command this 100,000 light armored brigade. 100,000 warriors are all from the night country and only obey the orders of the people surnamed Ye. If your majesty kills us, no one can mobilize these 100,000 warriors... Moreover, the villain's platoon can no less than Yeming Mountain. When I inherited the throne of the Lord of the Kingdom, I could not become the Lord of the Night Kingdom only because I was a disciple of the separated family. As long as your majesty gives the villain a chance, the villain will build an army stronger than the light armored brigade for your majesty, and completely obey your majesty's orders..." He suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of eager expectation, and his dark eyes seemed to beat like flames.

The emperor smiled indifferently and said, "It's a little interesting... But how do I know if you really obey the orders of the royal family? What should I do if you survive, gain power around me, betray me one day, and restore your night country... Moreover, all I see in your eyes is full of greed and ambition! I still know the truth of attracting wolves into the house..."

Ye Qingshan's eager expression became gloomy. He raised his head and slowly lowered his head, knelt on the ground and trembled. Suddenly, a detained Ye family scolded, "Ye Qingshan, a traitor to your family, actually went to beg this dog emperor... Your body is the blood of the Ye family. Are you worthy of the Lord of the country? Is it worthy of the ancestors of the Ye family? The night family around them echoed and scolded one after another. They couldn't move and could only use vicious and cursed words. If their necks were not against the sword, they would have torn the traitor to pieces in the morning...

Ye Qingshan trembled under these curses and lowered his head and did not respond. The emperor also looked at him with a wait-and-see attitude to see what else he could say.

Ye Qingshan slowly raised his head, his face twisted together, his eyes were fierce, and his throat said, "The little man let your Majesty see my determination to follow you..." He suddenly stood up, stepped back a few meters away, and stood among the night family. Then he raised his sword and danced. His sword was not as aggressive as open and closed, as elegant and indifferent as petals flying in the wind. The waist and body are as soft as a dancing woman. No, it's really like dancing. The sword flower of the sharp sword blooms beside him, and the whole body is dancing with the sword...

I have to admit that such a sword move is indeed very pleasing to the eyes. A man can dance such tenderness with a sharp and hard metal-texturd sword, such tossing and sorrow, such feelings like flowers and snow... I'm afraid that only after experiencing many things that ordinary people have not experienced can he can dance such a sword move...

However, Ye Qingshan's beautiful sword move is a real killing move, gorgeous killing move. Every time the flying sword flower blooms, it cuts through the body of a night family. The silver sword flower carries a bright red blood color, and the dance posture is more and more gorgeous and touching. The sad screams of the injured Ye family around seemed to be dancing and sound for him. The more tragic it was, the more tender his sword moves were, but what was left was an unconscious body! The sword dance in an instant killed more than 20 people. They are all night families with the same surname and the same blood as him!

Ye Qingshan's eyes did not have a trace of sympathy, as if they were slaughtering livestock, and there was no fear that these people were their relatives. His dark eyes were blank and unsympathetic. The cold expression contrasted with his soft dance posture. There were more and more night family members lying at his feet, and the sword was becoming more and more fierce...

'Papa...', the emperor actually applauded, and his dark eyes had an appreciation. He didn't know whether to appreciate the dancing sword of Ye Qingshan or his determination to kill his own people. But the cruel smile on the emperor's face was real. He only heard him say, "You have won the qualification to live... But I can't entrust you with heavy responsibility yet. You can continue to fight for it. At least you can survive..."

Ye Qingshan stopped the sword, his body was full of blood, looked at the emperor with a blank face, stepped over a body on the ground, and then knelt in front of the emperor and said, "Your Majesty..." Now as long as he lives, it is enough. He believes that his talent will be appreciated by the emperor...

"I don't know how you felt when you killed your own people? Is it as decisive as when I killed my two brothers..." The emperor looked down at Yeqing Mountain kneeling at his feet, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"To your majesty, the villain just wants to live. If killing them can make your majesty happy and prove to your majesty the sincerity of the villain, even if you kill all of them willingly! When the little man waved his sword, they were cats, dogs, and beasts. Anyway, they were not human... This is what the little man thought when he killed..." Ye Qingshan replied. The night star next to him trembled. It seemed that he had never seen such a father. The scar on his face was more obvious, and his whole body was trembling!

The emperor smiled and said, "Oh? Selfish guy... I've changed my mind. I'm not going to let you go. You deserve to die!"

Ye Qingshan froze, looked up at the emperor's smiling face hidden under the helmet of the gluttony beast, and was speechless. He never thought that the emperor would change his mind so quickly, and he also made a lot of determination to kill his clan! I just want to live!

The emperor continued to smile softly and said, "Of course, I want to see if you can do something to your son? Kill this child, and I will give you immortality!" The emperor pointed to the night star cold that was trembling around Yeqing Mountain and said playfully, "Let me see your determination, your sincerity, and those who achieve great things must abandon human nature. If you want to stand in the clouds like a god, turn your heart into a cold iron stone..."

Ye Qingshan looked at the emperor in a stunned way and then at his trembling son beside him. When the child saw his eyes, he was scared and shouted and took a few steps back. He had never seen such a father. His fierce eyes, blood stains on his face, and cold expression made him feel that his father seemed to be possessed by the devil... If there was no way to go, he really wanted to escape...

Ye Qingshan looked at his son's strange eyes and his heart was broken. He withdrew his eyes, lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and said hatefully, "Your Majesty, please give me a death and kill my son. I can't do it!"

"Hahaha..." The emperor laughed loudly, laughing happily, like a temporary god in the blood all over the ground. No, you can live, you and your son can live! I just want to see if you don't even have the last trace of humanity. If you kill your son, I won't let you go..."

The expression on Ye Qingshan's face was wonderful, kowtowed like an amnesty, saying, "Your Majesty, thank you..." As he pulled his son, the father and son knelt down together and said, "Your Majesty..."

The emperor waved his hand and asked them to go aside. In fact, the first words that Ye Qingshan said have touched him. Yeguo's 100,000 light armored brigade can't be put down like this. This is a fierce soldier who can compete with Chi Na's vigorous riding. Whether it is demobilized or killed, it is an incalculable loss. He needs someone to take over this army for him! Ye Qingshan, this vicious man is one of the best candidates, of course! The emperor is ready to replace him at any time, because he can't fully trust this man.

He looked at the remaining night family, and there were only 30 left. He whispered, "Keep going..."

The ruthless blades of the warriors fell into the body of the night family, and blood burst out along the sword blood tank. A man fell like a truncated tree. Until the last little boy, the warrior had just raised the sword in his hand, and a cold voice sounded: " Stop, don't kill the stars..."

The emperor was stunned when he heard this sound. His expression changed from calmness to excitement for the first time, like a lucky man who was favored by God. He suddenly turned around and looked at the owner of the voice, the woman who was bound in the ten directions and looked like a god!

His dark eyes are full of joy and excitement, and even such an angry voice sounds like nature to him!

In fact, it is false to say so many words to the general about the survival of Mengyang and the princes's politics!

He attacked the Ye family, abolished the loyal general, and destroyed this family that could almost be on an equal footing with the royal family in Mengyang with unwarranted rebellion, for this woman - this woman he fell in love with for the first time, he felt it was a hit at first sight. A fixed woman seems to be a woman who makes the whole winter as warm as spring in an instant...