
Chapter 21 Poor

There is a wooden stake more than one person high behind Zhaerhua's tent, which is densely covered with knife marks, which he usually teaches Prince Sujile and Ke. At this time, a boy in rough clothes stood in front of the wooden stake. He held a cloud knife about the same length as others. The tip of the knife rushed to the ground and put his hands on the handle of the knife. Sweat wet his hair. His whole body seemed to have lost all strength, and the whole weight was pressed on the knife. His silk robe hunted in the increasingly cold wind, looking at it from a distance, like a blue rope tied to the handle of a knife.

Ye Xingchen's eyes were half open and hissed. The heat from his mouth quickly turned into a white fog in the cold wind and was blown away. But the cold wind crawled down his throat into his abdominal cavity and rushed along his neck into his back, which had been clinging to his coat, and he couldn't help shivering again! The teeth were trembling violently, and the muscles on his face stiffened.

He doesn't know how many knives he has chopped! General Zaerhua did not teach him any specific knife moves, but ordered him to cut wooden stakes with a knife. Let him 'find the feeling', feel the sound of the blade rubbing against the air when swinging the knife, feel the sense of cooperation driven by the muscles all over the body when swinging the knife, and feel the dull feeling of the blade cutting into the wood... In short, let him familiarize himself with the feeling of using the knife first. But now he only feels that his body hurts like a loose frame, and his joints are like a red burning iron stick inserted, and he doesn't even have the strength to move.

"Don't stop, don't stop! Keep cutting until it is cut off!" Zaerhua's indifferent voice sounded behind him. The indifferent and resolute voice did not care that the night stars were as tired as a dying dog.

"Yes." The child answered loudly without hesitation. He suddenly raised the knife and cut it down desperately. The wood chips flew, and his hand holding the knife shook painfully. Especially in the place where the tiger's mouth was close to the knife, a blood bubble had been worn out. The bubble in his palm had been broken, and now it was as painful as a blunt knife cutting meat. In particular, the force of the knife on the wooden stake makes the bloody palm and integrated arm hurt.

But the child did not hesitate at all, as if he could not feel pain. He was still cutting and cutting. His wet hair was entangled in front of his dark red eyes, and the light from his hair was fierce and vicious.

Zha Erhua looked silently. His armor was as cold as ice in the cold wind, but the light in his bright green eyes was colder. Looking at the child who waved the knife desperately, he was sympathetic.

"The movement slows down and the posture is a little stiff, which makes you find the feeling of waving a knife, not the most labor-saving way for you to explore." Peanuts said hard.

'Wo-hoo-' When the child heard the words, the sound of waving a knife to break through the air became louder and louder, and the sound of cutting on the stake became louder and louder.

Zerhua shook her head and said, "Your health is too bad. When I taught the prince, he could break a stake a day... When I was a slave, I could break three piles a day... You are very bad!" This is Zaerhua's evaluation of the night stars. In fact, the child has been splitting all afternoon without stopping. At this time, the sky is already dark. As the night approaches, the clouds in the sky are getting more and more frightening.

"I will change!" Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth and said. His teeth clenched tightly, and the muscles on his face twisted fearly, ferocious and terrible.

"The legs are bent, staggered back and forth, and the center of gravity decreases with the movement of the knife, and try to press your weight on the knife together with strength. The trajectory of the knife should be smooth and not messy. Zaerhua shouted in a low voice.

The child obeyed, stood bowed, and his hands were wider and closed. But the blood bubbles on my hands have been worn out. With the swing of the knife, the blood beads fell drop by drop on the sand around the stake.

"On the first day, I will practice until Lianhei, and then I will send someone to send you back to the tent. Send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning!" Zaerhua said against the wind.

"I know-Dao!" The child gritted his teeth and replied as he waved the knife desperately. The voice became more and more hasty, and the face became more and more red.

"General!" A samurai came, knelt on one knee, put his arms around his chest and said, "The king is looking for you to discuss something. He is already in your tent."

"Oh? Got it." Zaerhua said indifferently. Since the king came back, he has rarely come out. Why did he come here at dusk this time?

He glanced at the child and looked at his fluttering hair and sweat, as well as the speckling blood. He said coldly, "Don't be lazy - practice knives don't tolerate laziness. If you steal for a while, you will lose your life on the battlefield!" Then he turned around and walked towards the tent.

Zerhua lifted the thick cowhide curtain, lowered his head and got into the tent, and smelled the faint smell of rust - this is the unique smell in his tent. Zairhua loves knives. She usually collects a lot of famous knives, often polishes them, and even learns cast iron technology to repair and maintain those knives by herself. So his tent doesn't smell like dizzying spices like other nobles. Those precious spices were exchanged with cattle and sheep on the grassland for greedy southern merchants...

The king half sat on his clothes, holding a bowl of steaming goat's milk, and leaned thoughtfully against the tent wall.

Zha Erhua was about to worship, but the king waved to him and asked him to sit aside. Ordinary people are not qualified to sit in the same ** with the king, but Zaerhua is the youngest general in Chinasi, and he is qualified to enjoy such grace in terms of strength and status.

"Is that little guy learning knives?" The king's old and dark face smiled peacefully, and he put down the silver bowl with goat's milk in his hand and asked.

"Well, the big shaman brought him here this morning!" Zerhua stretched out her hand and lit the mutton oil lamp at the head of the bed with a fire fold, and a small spark lit up his and the king's face.

"Why does that child suddenly want to learn to use a knife? The children of Mengyang noble families are generally asked to learn some books and etiquette of saints and grow up to be sergeants. Is this child envious of our barbarian boys who can ride horses and dance knives after coming to the grassland? Do you feel envious? The king's amber eyes stared at the sheep oil lamp, and the light reflected two bright spots in his eyes. It looked a little strange, but the smile at the corners of his mouth was as peaceful as an old grassland herdsman.

"No, that child is very determined. He is by no means envious that barbarian children can ride horses and dance knives to learn knives. He has a lot of things in his heart. What supports him is hatred, unwillingness, anger... even stronger than his determination to change his fate when he was a slave!" Zaerhua replied.

"Oh? Very high evaluation. The king smiled and said, "I haven't seen that person's wolf tooth that can make me think like this."

"To be honest, even Prince Suzile and Prince Ke don't have the child's determination. Although he was in poor body and his posture was very clumsy, he could keep practicing, practicing, practicing, and his hands were full of blood bubbles and didn't stop..." Zha Erhua was a little distracted when she thought of the child's dark red eyes and delicate face. Especially when the muscles on the child's face twisted and endured the pain, his heart became cold.

"This is an interesting, interesting child." The king reached out and stroked his chin and wiped off the goat's milk flowing along the corners of his mouth. If this child wants to learn knives, let him learn and give him everything you can. As for how much he can learn, it's up to him! However, his life must be saved. Don't let him have an accident. From now on, Chi Na Sibu can't die under any circumstances. It's the child and Shen Fan's twin sons!"

"Suil and Ke, is your only son not as important as their life?" Zerhua turned her head and looked at the king and asked. Her face was very calm and calm, which made people feel unnatural and dangerous.

The king's face was gloomy for a moment, but he immediately eased. In the high position of the king, he has been able to control his emotions well, not to mention that he is old... Many things are beyond his ability.

"My son, his life is not as precious as the life of more than four million people of the whole barbarians... Those two people from the south are the hope for the revival of our barbarians!" The king said peacefully.

"What are you planning with the Great Shaman?" Zaer's bright green eyes are extremely bright, like the wolf's eye hunting in the dark night. The tone of his words is a statement, just looking at the king's reaction.

"Hmm." The king did not deny it and nodded: "Those two southerners are the key to the plan. Now I can't tell you all the contents of the plan. As long as you know how to protect the child's life and restore the losses of this southern expedition, and continue to expand your troops. Besides, be ready for war at any time!" The king looked at Zaerhua through a little firelight, and Amber's eyes flowed unfathomable light like liquid gold.

"Zha Erhua understands it." He knew that there were some things he should not know. Sometimes obedience is enough. Obedience is a virtue that a warrior should have.

"I'm looking for you this time about the recovery of warriors, armor, weapons and war horses." The king picked up a silver bowl and drank a sip of sheep's milk. His lips were covered with a layer of milky white halo, and his dry lips were slightly moisturized.

"4,773 people were killed on this expedition, and 4,300 pieces of armor were recovered, that is to say, 10,367 armors were thrown in Mengyang and could not be recovered."

Zerhua took a breath of cold air, and the loss of this magnificent ride was really too great. I thought the Southern Expedition to Mengyang was very smooth, but I didn't expect that the most elite cavalry on the grassland suffered so many casualties, and even the weapons and armor were not recovered. This is even more tragic than the casualties when the Chinasi and Gaza began to fight ten years ago. It seems that the weak Mengyang also has a fighting power that cannot be underestimated.

"Ha ha, to be honest, the one who caused such a big death and injury was the father of the child named Ye Xingchen, General Zhentian of Mengyang. It's a pity that he died. That man is a hero. If we hadn't belonged to different camps, I'm afraid we would all become friends... Unfortunately, if we died, there would be nothing left." The king smiled indifferently.

"The gold, jewelry, grain and so on brought back from the south are enough for herdsmen to spend the winter, and the rest is put in to recover the loss of equipment for the magnificent riding. General Su and General have begun to select warriors from various stockades. You have always been responsible for weapons and other armaments in the clan. This time, I will also give it to you, and all the family background of the clan will be handed over to you. I want to build at least 30,000 magnificent riding armor and *, all of which are made of the best iron materials. I want to raise the heroic riding entity to a new level. The king's voice was very gentle, but the blood of Zhaerhua was about to boil.

"To build 30,000 armor, the number of vigorous riders is... that is..."

"Close to 60,000 people!" The king had an unpredictable smile at the corners of his mouth. At that time, the vigorous riding will be the strongest army on the grassland, and no one can compete with us. After we unify the grassland, we will start the expedition to the south. At that time, I will let my barbarians take root in the fertile soil of the south and never leave..."

Zer was stunned. This is what he dreamed of. Which barbarian warrior's Mengyang didn't step into the city of Mengyang into the most vast pherd farm? But the barbarians are at a loss because of people's hearts. Several barbarian tribes often kill me and I kill you. Ten years ago, the Gaza tribe was destroyed. This time, the king's expedition returned to the Curry's troops to intercept, and the Curry's tribe will also disappear from the grassland. Now there are only four tribes left on the grassland... If more than four million people on the grassland work together to form the most powerful cavalry army, the south and the rich south, what else can hinder them?

"Remember to send people from the south to find the best craftsmen to make armor with the best technology and the best iron. The strong horse is strong on the armor, and the bow and arrow are completely useless to them. Gao Yunma, who wears a vest, can crush an enemy. I want to see a more powerful horse than the Zhuo Ligetu period! Let those who dare to obstruct us become powder!"

Zha'erhua felt awe-blow and bowed her head and said, "I know!"

"Very good, my wolf teeth have never let me down." The king said with satisfaction. I'm afraid this is one of the few stable winters we can enjoy. Looking at this year's snow, it's time to see next year's blood... Don't you expect it?"

Zarhua nodded silently, looked at the king and asked, "Will the king start the war? Starting from the barbarian tribe?"

"Yes, if you want to launch an attack against Mengyang, you must unify the power of the whole barbarian clan." The king said fiercely. When attacking Mengyang's erratic city, even if you give me 1,000 more people at that time, I can enter the erratic city. Unfortunately, I didn't! Moreover, when I returned with the warrior, I climbed over the wilderness and mountains, and the first thing that greeted us was the blade of the Curry Department? Ha ha, Zha Erhua, how will you feel?" The king sneered.

"I know the thoughts of these kings! Although I'm missing an arm now, they still want to defeat me. I, Bo Ri Tie Chi Na Si, will not fall so easily. I know that on the day we came back, the lion's tooth shooting in Azeslan was less than 30 miles away from us, and the horse could reach it with sweat. But when you see that we have won the battle, didn't you retreat with your tail? They are afraid of us in their hearts! The dignity of the orthodox lord of the grassland cannot be trampled on by them. The king said coldly, and his whole body was gloomy, like emitting endless magic flames.

"When my military strength recovers, I will pull out these cancers on the grassland one by one. I don't want the Chinasi herdsmen left on the grassland to be armed by other tribes when I was fighting in the south. The king said gloomily. Moreover, Mengyang's system has changed, and it is no longer a feudal system of princes, and the system of our barbarians will also change. At least, I want all the barbarians to unite under the white wolf of my Chinasi, and there is no more Azlan, Kuma and German-So faction..."

He stood up, and his big command covered his body tightly, but he knew that the king's command was missing an arm, and he couldn't help but feel heartache.

"Remember, since you are teaching this child swordsmanship now, you can protect him! His life is very precious. In the future, we will rely on him to fight against the higher-level power from Mengyang... Some existences are not something that we can easily provoke, and we can't forget this anyway!" The king walked towards the curtain of the tent, and Zha Erhua hurried forward to open the curtain for the king. The king's uncle outside the tent knelt down from the warrior and stood behind the king with a knife.

The king's amber eyes looked at the child who cut the stake fiercely, his face was ferocious and twisted, and his sweat mixed with blood dripping down. The child raised the knife over his head and cut it down fiercely. The blunt sound of the blade splitting on the wooden stake was particularly piercing in the wind.

"Not like his father at all, a too weak child! However, who would have thought that this child's body was full of power that even we could not compete with? The king turned over the horse after saying a word. Although he lost an arm, the movement of getting on the horse was still unrestrained and smooth. The warriors whipped the king's buttocks, and they quickly disappeared into the dark twilight.

Zha Erhua watched the king leave and was still tasting what the king had just said. Is this child the key? Do more than 4 million barbarians rely on this child to support their lives? He didn't dare to question anything. The two most noble barbarians, the king and the great shaman, were so sure that he could only obey! However, he didn't know whether the burning flame in the child's eyes would burn with them?

He always feels that the thing hidden in the child's body, the evil, horrible and disgusting thing, will destroy himself sooner or later, and the whole world!

He walked over and grabbed the child's wrist. The child let go of his hand in pain, and the cloud knife fell into the hands of Zaerhua.

"This is the end of the day!" Zaerhua said coldly. He turned his head and looked at the stake, looked at the splitting on the stake, and said, "It's terrible. I haven't cut it off all day."

With that, he raised the knife in his hand, seemed to wave it carelessly, and the knife smoothly sank into the stake. The stake was cut into two pieces and broken. He inserted the knife in front of Ye Xingchen and said, "When can you break a wooden stake? When will you officially teach you the knife method?" Go back and wrap your hand with gauze and paste. When the scab heals, the wound will turn into a cocoon, and you will no longer be afraid of being bruised.

"I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning and take you back now." Zaerhua said indifferently and turned around and walked away.

Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth and held the handle of the knife with his bloody hands, pulled the knife out of the soil, looked at the scattered blood stains on the ground, and his face was calm as if he were dead. Then he no longer hesitated and turned around to follow the footsteps of Zaerhua.