
Chapter 29 Chaos

"Dong-dong--" A rapid and heavy drum sound came from the silent night sky, like an angry roar of a god. The snowy night seemed to have a heavy cold and silence, which was crushed by the roar of the noisy crowd and horses. The whole night sky was full of roaring warriors and drums, as if it had been attacked by other races.

"Dong Dong..." The war drum beat again, and the frequency was more rapid than just now. This is a call that the king usually uses when he gathers nobles and generals. If it hadn't been for 100,000 urgent things, it would never have been used easily, but now the drums have sounded twice. The nobles and generals hurriedly climbed out of the warm tent, wrapped their robes and stretched their necks to see what was going on outside the tent.

Outside the accounts of each noble family, there are summoning warriors riding high war horses and holding torches. He roared at the nobles in the tent and said, "The king has orders, the nobles and generals immediately gather at the big tent!!" In the distance, the huge drum in front of the king's tall tent beat one after another, and it became more and more rapid, almost breaking the drum. The summoning warrior did not specify what had happened and hurried to the next tent, leaving only the anxious nobles looking at each other.

The atmosphere in the king's tent is particularly serious. The major nobles and generals of the Chinas Thought Department did not dare to talk nonsense and stood there. There were torches burning in the tent, but the blue king was as cold as a piece of ice, and everyone knew that something had happened. Several generals stood side by side by side, and Zha Erhua's face was even more ugly. He held the knife of the wolf blade, pushed the knife out an inch and fastened it. The knife collided with the silver pattern on the scabbard, making a sonorous sound. In the quiet tent, there was only this sound of metal impact. Several nobles looked at Zaerhua with dissatisfaction, but the king didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to make a worse.

There are already 40 or 50 people standing in the tent, all of whom are big and small nobles of the Chinasties, as well as several generals. From the gathering situation of these people, we can clearly see the distribution of the power of the senior level of the Chinasi Department. The nobles of different families crowded together and exchanged their eyes silently, and their eyes were full of worries. Several generals stood side by side behind the king, looking down at the nobles like cheetahs on the cliff. Only the big shaman stood in the corner with his arms in silence. The big shaman has never been very enthusiastic about the urgent call of the tribe, and always comes at the latest and slips away first. But today, the nobles and the masters of the families have not arrived, and the big shamans are already in the big account. The old man pouted like a goldfish and looked angry - such a big shaman is rarely seen! Usually, the big shaman in the impression of the aristocracy is always drunk and doesn't speak serious. Maybe something big happened in the clan this time.

"Who else hasn't come?" The king asked in a low voice. His old voice was full of fatigue, but the majesty of the king still oppressed the underground nobles.

Su He, the leader of the magnificent cavalry, ordered the number of nobles and replied, "The owner of the Hulutai family did not come!"

"One more drum, if he still doesn't come, send someone to drag him out of the tent and drag him on the horse's tail!" The king said fiercely.

Su He did not hesitate. He always did whatever the king ordered! Just as he was about to walk down and lift the tent and order the warrior to beat the drum, the curtain of the tent was lifted with the cold wind. The owner of the Hulutai came in with a smile and gasp, looked around the nobles around him, then saluted the king on one knee, grinned and said, "Hulutai is late, please don't blame the king. Hulutai drank some wine in the afternoon, and just heard the sound of drums and immediately got up to rush to the big tent..."

"Get up and stand aside!" The king interrupted his explanation indifferently.

"It's really urgent to gather you here today!" The king's amber eyes looked at the panicked nobles below and said that Zaerhua still held the knife one by one, which did not affect the king's words, but made the king's voice more sonorous like a beat.

"In our Chi Nasi's land, a 100-person team with a big wind tent was intercepted halfway. What do you think of the things protected by this team have also been robbed!" The king said majestically.

The nobles below whispered like a nest. Does anyone dare to intercept the king's warrior? Still on the camp of the Chinasi Department, this is too bold! But someone immediately realized the purpose of the king's summoning them. It's not a big deal that a 100-person team was killed. The key is that the thing escorted by the 100-person team was robbed. This is the root of the king's anger!

The king took a look at the nobles below and suddenly became clear! At present, only the highest level of the Chinasties knows the existence of the night stars, that is, the king, the great shaman, the prince, the princess Yumeng and several generals, and the slaves given to the night stars. After all, the existence of night stars is too **, and it is best not to be known, so the king avoids the importance and says it as 'thing'.

Zer's bright green wolf's eyes narrowed together, and he could only see two thin green lights from his swollen eyes. He really wanted to be like a wolf lurking in the night. But in case this wolf jumps up, it will bite your neck. His sharp eyes were cast on the faces of nobles, as sharp and cold as knives.

"This thing is extremely important to Chi Naisi, and I must get him back! Is there anything you can do? The king said that his dark face flashed with demonic light under the flames in the tent, and the whole tent looked depressing and heavy.

The fat meat on the face of the owner of the Hulutai family was squeezed together, and his eyes were squeezed together and smiled and said, "Great king, can you tell us what we have lost? So that we can all find a way."

"You don't have to know what it is, just know what was extremely important to Chi Na Sibu at that time! Even if all your lives are added together, nothing is important!" The big shaman in the corner said gloomily. This is the first time that an old man has taken the initiative to speak on such an occasion, and it is the first time that he has said such harsh words to a host.

But Hulutai did not dare to contradict the big shaman, but at that moment his face became extremely ugly, but it soon eased.

The king turned his head and looked at Zaerhua. Zaerhua took a step forward and said to the nobles, "We must find this thing!" We need a tent by tent search, and no one can leave the big tent until the search is completed!"

The nobles under it really exploded. Is this doubting them? Do you want to search their tents one by one? Then where is the face of their nobles? Everyone knows that Zaerhua used to be a slave cub, but now a slave cub wants to take people to search their tents, which is obviously hitting them in the face!

The reaction of the owner of the Hulutai family was the most fierce. He took a step forward and looked at Zhaerhua and shouted, "Zhaerhua, what do you mean? Do you want to take the army to lift our tents one by one?

Zha'er walked forward with no expression on her face. Sen Lv's eyes forced the owner of the Hulutai family and said without hesitation, "What is the noble owner of the Hulutai family doing with such a fierce reaction? Are you guilty? Or is there anything hidden in your tent?

The surrounding nobles suddenly turned their eyes to the owner of the Hulutai family.

Hulutai's face is as ugly as red pork liver. He never thought that his slaves would say such a thing to himself in front of so many nobles and kings. He accumulated fury in his chest and roared loudly, "Zerhua, what the hell do you think you are? A few years ago, weren't you a slave cub trampled by thousands of people? Now you dare to doubt your former master. Who gave you so boldness? Ah?"

Zhaerhua stared at the owner of the Hulutai family without changing her face and said coldly, "Zhaerhua used to be your slave, but now she is the king's warrior. Wherever the king's arm points, my knife will swing. No matter who you are, as long as there is a suspicion, I will not let it go!"

The owner of the Hulutai family pulled out a knife from his waist. A few days ago, he was already angry when he took his son to ask Zaerhua to teach the knife method. Now he is blocked in front of so many nobles, and his resentment has reached its peak. He held the knife in his hands and held it in his hand, and his face turned red.

Zerhua is not weak. In fact, he has never been afraid except the king. In an instant, the wolf blade was already held in his hand, and the snowy blade of the one-meter-long wolf blade was excited under the firelight. It shoots cold light. He is only a few steps away from the owner of the Hulutai family. With his superb knife skills, he is enough to cut off the neck of the owner of the Hulutai family in an instant.

"Dog, how dare you draw a knife from me? Do you really want to be the master? Hulutai fiercely raised his knife and forced forward, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Enough!" The king shouted coldly. Zarhua and Hulutai, put away the knives!"

The two stared at each other and then returned the knife to the sheath. They dare not disove from the king's orders.

"This thing is extremely important to the whole barbarians! To put it bluntly, first of all, I suspect that the major nobles must search one tent after another, including generals, as well as Prince Suzil and Ke tents. The tents of the big shaman are also within the search scope! Do you have any opinions?" The king said in a majestic voice. He was angry and his tone was very unhappy. No one dared to refute the king at this time. The angry king is a murderous demon. He will jump up and raise his knife and kill desperately, and they can only kneel on the ground trembling like fallen leaves in the wind, bowing their heads and waiting for the king's knife to be cut on their necks.

"Before the end of the search, all the owners are not allowed to go back and stay with me! If someone resists the search army, let's kill it!" The king said in a stern tone. Come here, take down the owners of each family and arrange for tents to stay for the time being. Wait for my news!"

The nobles know that the overall situation has been decided and the king has made up his mind. If they talk more, it can only attract the king's greater anger. It's better to obey the king's intention. If the king doesn't find anything, they can still look at the king's jokes fiercely. Anyway, they have no ghosts in their hearts.

Only the owner of the Hulutai family flashed a stent in his eyes, stared fiercely at Zaerhua and the king, and left with other nobles.

When the tents were gone, the king said in a low voice, "The vigorous riding, the thaya horse, the wind tent, and the warriors of the slave camp are all launched to search for a tent by tent! Even if you dig three feet of the ground, you have to find the night stars! Don't let me know who dares to kidnap the person I want!"

Zhaerhua hesitated for a moment and said, "King, Zaerhua thinks that the owner of the Hulutai family is the most suspicious!" He took his son and asked me to teach him knife, but I refused! Maybe he sent someone to inquire about Ye Xingchen, so he kidnapped Mr. Chen.

The king didn't say anything, but nodded thoughtfully.

"There is another suspicious person! Please don't blame Zaerhua for saying it bluntly..."

"Say, when did my wolf teeth become hesitant..." The king leaned his head on the throne and looked at the Tengri God on the top of the big tent and said.

"Zha Erhua still suspects that it was done by the prince! Don't you think you care much less about the prince since Mr. Chen and his two sons came to the grassland? Zaerhua said carefully.

The king turned his head and stared calmly at Zaerhua with his amber eyes. His eyes were too calm. He thought that the king would be furious, but the king's calm examination was more frightening than fury. No one knows what kind of waves are hidden under the king's calm. Zaer's green and sharp eyes softened under the king's gaze. He slowly lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

Unexpectedly, the king just smiled and said, "If it were Su Rile, I would be happier!"

Zha Erhua was shocked.

"That child's heart is too soft! It has always been like this! It's not the material of being a king. This time I took him to participate in the Southern Expedition to change a little. At least he can kill people decisively! If Suil can really hijack the night stars because of his father's favoritism, I will be proud of his courage for a while! However, if it was really Su Rile, I would still not let it go!" The king said in a low voice.

"Zarhua understands!" He stopped talking.

"King, those warriors who were killed all died from arrow wounds and sealed their throats with one arrow. Only two armies can do this method on the grassland, and my subordinates are worried that it may be under the hands of enemies outside the tribe!" General Aratancang said with sharp eyes like an eagle.

"The grassland can seal the throat with one arrow, except for the chinass's phant horse, and the most elite team of the lion tooth rider in the Azlan Department!" The king said, "I know these! I hope it's not under the hands of the Azeslan Department! Now that Chi Nasi has not recovered his vitality, he can't rush to provoke a war with other tribes! Let's check the inside of Chinas first! If it's really under the hands of the people of Azlan, we can only face the old lion of Erdun Ketu..."

"Search quickly and give me the results as soon as possible!" The king said solemnly.

"Yes!" The three generals said in unison and retreated.

Only the big shaman and the king were left in the big account. The old man glanced at the king and said, "I'm afraid of this kind of thing. What are you really afraid of!"

"Hmm!" The king answered tiredly and said, "After all, it is close to the existence of God, which is too much involved! Who knows that they will be jealous? At such a young age, they are very malleable and easy to control. Cultivated it is the power that can sweep the grassland!" The king's amber eyes closed, and his mind remembered that when he could not attack the south gate of the erratic city for a long time, the man in a scarlet robe destroyed the shield wall that blocked their army of tens of thousands of people! Whoever sees this power will be jealous!

"Borichi, that child must be found. If he can no longer be firmly in our hands, it must be destroyed and never let him fall into the hands of other tribes. The great shaman said in a sasly tone.

"Well, I know this!" The king said, "What we can't get, we can't let others get it. That's the truth!"

"What is this place?" Ye Xingchen felt that his eyes were covered by a thick black cloth and could not see anything clearly. Judging from the degree of bumps, he seems to be on horseback. His hands were tightly tied behind him, his arm hurt like a broken, and his mouth was blackened and speechless. He tried to struggle, and his neck was immediately pinched by a hand like a pliers.

The gloomy and smooth voice said coldly, "Be honest!"

Night Xingchen slowed down for a long time before she realized that she had been kidnapped. She didn't know how far she had gone. She must have been hung on horseback again! Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that all the warriors guarding him had died in the end. The dense arrows in the dark pierced them like a strange creature, but no one retreated. They surrounded him desperately without hurting him at all... But did they die like this? And the centurion who talked a lot, does he still want to hear him die about the magical things about people, wolves and yellow sheep?

His head was very heavy and he felt very tired. He lay weakly on the saddle, allowing him to walk forward by the galloping horse. From the dense sound of horseshoes around, it can be judged that there are no more than 100 people! I don't know where they are going to take themselves? What if I die? Then you will never see Yumeng and Suril, the Great Shaman, General Zarhua, and the little slave Uma who is always timid!

The mind seems to be stagnant, and it can only be carried to an unknown place in such a daze.

"Is it just such a thin thing that Zha Erhua would rather teach him than teach me knife magic?" A child said in a strong voice, "Is that dog Zha Erhua looking down on me?"

"Ha ha, distinguished young master of Hulutai. There are few people who dare to scold Zerhua like this on the grassland in the far north!" The gloomy and smooth voice sounded again. Zaerhua · rugged bone became famous late in the grassland, but it is recognized as the most dangerous warrior of every tribe. Few people are willing to fight against his famous skill! Even our strongest warriors in the Azislan Department can't guarantee that they can defeat Zaerhua!"

"Well, no matter how proud I am now, I can't change the fact that I used to be a slave of the Huluta family. A son of a bitch is a son of a bitch, and the dirty blood in his bones can't change!" The barbarian child's voice gritted his teeth and said with a viciousness that adults did not have.

"Master Hulutai, where did you take this boy?"

"The family's tent is not safe. This boy should be very important. It is estimated that many people will be looking for him. Come with me? I know a place where absolutely no one can find it!" The young master of the Hulutai family twitched the ** horse fiercely and ran forward against the thick night.