
Chapter 38 Meeting

Su He looked at the king through the jumping fire, and his eyes were deeply surprised, as if he saw for the first time this person he had worshipped for decades, a person who was willing to hand over his life. No one knows what the supreme king on the grassland, a man like Tengri, is thinking in his heart. I just felt that what jumped in those amber eyes was the fanaticism that never came across the grass.

He swallowed his saliva nervously, "Does the king agree with the alliance with the southerners in his heart? As long as the conditions of southerners are suitable and can satisfy you, will you agree?" He didn't hear what kind of disgust and trembling was contained in his voice.

The king did not look at his favorite general, "I'm dying, and I want to leave something for the grassland... While I can still wave a knife now, I can fight as much as I can for Suzile and Ke! While I'm still alive..."

"You can form an alliance with southerners and cunning and greedy southerners... King, this is causing fire..."

"I know! How can I not know the disadvantages! So let me try with the rest of my life. Even if I have to bear it, just let me bear the anger of Tengri God... It's nothing! But if it succeeds, Su He, can you imagine what kind of future we barbarians will have? The king's head suddenly raised, like a wolf smelling blood. His amber eyes were swollen and his pupils contracted like the tip of a needle, and the shining light at that moment was more intense than the flame.

"We can live on the fertile land in the south. We can graze on the warm and fertile soil in the south. We don't have to experience the drought in summer and the blizzard in winter. We can ride our horses all the way south to the south to the southernmost coast!" We can also live in the pavilions of southerners, wear silk, and have gold. Our children can grow up well and will not fight for a leg of sheep when they are hungry, and there is no need to fight for a little water source and pasture between tribes... Su He! Don't you expect it?"

Su and Mumu have to listen, which generation of heroes on the grassland don't expect such a scene! Involutedly, his blood became hot, and the late winter night was cold, but there seemed to be a flame beating in his heart. Suddenly, I felt that my mouth was very dry and I couldn't say anything. He knew that the beautiful thing the king said was based on the successful cooperation between the barbarians and the southerners. But will the greedy southerners, the cunning southerners, the arrogant southerners, and the 'barians' southerners who deeply despise them? Will they be willing to share the land of the south with the barbarians? I'm afraid that they will just use the barbarian army as a weapon!

The king's face showed a longing smile, and his cracked lips curved into a beautiful arc. Under the starry sky, the small fire illuminates this darkness, which also illuminates the king's face. The deep yearning and smile on the face of this person who is no longer young can't bear to destroy it. Suddenly, a chill appeared in Su He's heart - the king was too obsessed with getting the land in the south! Obsessed enough to lose the most basic judgment! This is a very dangerous signal.

Last year's expedition to Mengyang, although the barbarians won strategically, they lost as the king. Chi Nasi's heroic riding and Falcon riding suffered huge losses, and even the king himself lost an arm... This is the king's heart thorn! Perhaps more eager than bringing a better future to the barbarians, the king plans to form an alliance with Fanyang in the south to defeat Mengyang!

Su He did not dare to say anything. Although he smelled danger, as the general of Chinasi and the most loyal warrior under the king's tent, all he could do was to obey! Even if there is a sea of knives and fire, you have to rush forward without hesitation. But compared with the alliance with the southerners, he prefers to use powerful force to force the arrogant southerners to bow to the iron and blood of the barbarians, just like the achievements of Zhuoligtu Chinas, the god of war a hundred years ago. Moreover, doesn't the big shaman already have a plan around the southern child, the night stars?

Thinking of this, Su He's mind is like a lamp! The big shaman, that's right, only the big shaman can convince the king! He looked at the king seriously and said, "Your Majesty, I think the plan of the Great Shaman is more feasible than to form an alliance with the southerners... As long as we unite the power of the whole barbarians, we can also conquer the south! Coupled with that god-like child, the white wolf flag of Chi Naisi can be inserted all the way to the southernmost coast!"

"Big Shaman?" The king raised a white eyebrow and his eyes became cold. Su He was surprised, and the light in the king's eyes was clearly suppressed anger.

"Su He, do you think you can see the big shaman clearly? See what he is thinking? How much do you know about him over the years? The king asked in a low voice.

Su He Yusai, on thought, he really didn't know much about the Great Shaman, although the Great Shaman was already a noble messenger of God before he became a famous general. The old man likes drinking and eating meat, but he doesn't like rich women very much. He is lazy and wandering on the grassland all day long, like a wild horse with nothing to do, and he doesn't manage the affairs of the clan. As a great shaman in the clan and the messenger of the gods, he doesn't even have the duty of a shepherd dog! This is how he feels about the big shaman!

But it is undeniable that the great shaman is the smartest person on the grassland, and the only one who can read and trivial ancient barbarian words, divine, observe celestial phenomena, and preside over sacrifices... Perhaps ten years ago, his good impression of the great shaman has been greatly reduced, and his respect for him is only based on his status as a great shaman.

"Ha ha, you can't understand him either! Maybe I'll give you a little advice and you can understand a little bit!" The king had a faint sneer on his face.

"Please make it clear!"

"The name of the barbarian who has been forgotten by the great shaman is Nest and Lech Harchi!"

"Hest--" The temperature in the air suddenly dropped, and even the jumping firelight lost its warmth, and the deadly silence around it made people breathless.

"When the nest and Lehe Harchi... Harchi, Harchi... When the god of war Zhuoligitu became king, the great shaman seemed to be surnamed Harchi. Is it...?" Su He said with difficulty, as if he couldn't believe what he was saying...

"As long as you know it clearly! Don't say it! Compared with southerners, I prefer to guard against big shamans! If the southerner is a cunning and greedy fox, the big shaman is a poisonous snake that can hide in the grass and wait quietly for decades...!" The king sneered, and his gray hair was blown up by the cold wind. This snake may usually lie there lazily, but when it moves, it is a devastating blow. The most recent one was the war between Chinas and Gaza ten years ago! Gaza's extermination.

Su He's heart sank into the abyss that could never reach the bottom, and he couldn't help shivering.

"The great shaman is unpredictable! Although he looks lonely, his identity as a messenger of heaven raised his arms, and at least half of the herdsmen in the grassland would stand by him... Now he holds Ye Xingchen and Shen Fan in his hands... I can't imagine what will happen. The big shaman is planning something in his heart, and even he won't tell me frankly. Instead of being led by his nose, it's better for me to work hard. My grassland can't help him. The king's voice became colder and colder, his amber eyes narrowed, and the light between his eyelids was clearly violent and fierce.

Su He sighed in his heart. It seemed that the big shaman and the king were usually harmonious, but in fact, the gap between the two was very deep! Even the cracks appeared when the two were young, accumulating year by year, and did not break out until recently.

"No more about this person! In a word, the big shaman is also the one we need to guard against! You have to keep this in mind!" The king said, and the fierce breath also converged.

Su He's tense back muscles eased - although the king is old, the king's temperament is still awe-inspic, not even worse than when he was young.

Quiet. Under the night sky, kings and generals, as well as a group of loyal followers, are as proud as the ruins of ancient murals. A group of three surrounded the king and the general's heroic warrior holding the knife loosely with one hand. The huge and heavy * blade shined under the firelight. The jagged teeth on the back of the knife were like sharp wolf teeth, which made people feel cold. And the war horse stood motionless not far away, and the breath of the strong Gao Yunma quickly condensed into a string of water mist in the cold air, shining golden red by the firelight. The dark war horse was dressed in Ma Kai, and the sharp armor set off these herbivorous animals like a fierce ancient beast.

Such a warrior, such a war horse, forming the strongest iron cavalry of the barbarians, is the most terrible dream of southerners. No one wants to see such heavy cavalry across the cities in the south, and their iron hooves are enough to trample every inch of land into powder. Although there are only 50 strong cavalry here, the momentum experienced by thousands of troops and horses is real. As long as the king orders, they will not hesitate to turn over and charge hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Dingling...Dingling..." A series of crisp bells came through the thick darkness, and the heroic warriors suddenly looked in the direction of the sound, and the circle of colleagues guarding the king and generals shrank a little. Sharp and heavy * tilted on the shoulder - the standard heroic riding and slashing hand.

The king surrounded by guards smiled softly and said casually, "There is one thing that southerners are very commendable, that is, they are very punctual."

"Are you coming?" Su He said softly.

"Don't be nervous. This time, the person who came here is the Dazhu Kingdom of the Fanyang Empire, the imperial palace and Yuehuahou, from the Lu family, a famous family in the capital of Emperor Fanyang. Fanyang's Dazhu Kingdom is already an extreme minister. It is the first time to contact Fanyang. It is such an important minister. It can be seen that Fanyang is sincere. The king stood up, and the black command was slightly bulging in the wind. His old face was extremely calm. There was no ordinary barbarians who saw the strange appearance of foreigners, and the breath of the barbarian king became more and more vivid.

Su He also stood up. Really, there are many heroes on the grassland, but there are few heroes who may confront the southerners head-on. Southerners look down on the barbarians, the vulgarity of the barbarians, the poverty of the barbarians, and the murderousness of the barbarians. Even the heroes of the barbarian war are looked down upon, but only a few heroes will make the arrogant southerners tremble, feel afraid, and turn into respect. It is undeniable that the king is the king who can make southerners fear and respect, and as the strongest samurai under the king's account, how can he refute the king's face?

The king lined up the warriors in front of him and stood on the grass slope and looked down at the darkness below. A few firelights were slowly approaching, and the faint firelight lit up the flag in the hand of the front messenger! The night wind blows, and the flying flags are churning like a dark dragon under the night sky, roaring silently.

The king turned his head and said to a warrior, "Let out my white wolf flag!"

The warrior neatly pulled out a roll of white silk from his waist, pulled out an iron bar with a thick thumb from the side of the leg armor, twisted the small mechanism at both ends, and the two ends of the iron bar popped out more than one meter long. The warrior hung the white wolf flag on the flagpole and raised the flag again. The white wolf flag hunted and roared at the flag of Fanyang from afar.

In this way, they stood high and looked down at the dusty south, looking like a tiger and leopard standing high looking down at a group of elk deer.

Closely, the two teams are less than ten meters apart, and they can see each other's armor and faces through each other. There are not many people from Fanyang, only a dozen people. Standing in front was a middle-aged man, dressed simply but with extraordinary temperament. He raised his straight eyebrows and looked up at the armored warriors standing high in front of him. His dark eyes could not hide the sigh in his heart - this was the first time he was so close to the barbarian army! In addition, he looked at the burly man at the front of the barbarian team - the king of the barbarians!

The man took a deep breath, and the cold air poured into his chest like a tide. His chest seemed to contain endless breath, and then roared out loudly - "Fanyang is coming, the imperial palace and the moon is waiting, and Lu Miaobai, on behalf of my emperor, I would like to meet the noble king of the king. Salute——”

The group bowed and bowed together and saluted the barbarian warriors at high. It's just polite, by no means humble. They are decent to represent their empire.

Through the thick night and cold, the king looked at the group of southerners bowing their heads respectfully, and couldn't help but sneer at the corners of their mouth - they seemed to bow their heads respectfully and salute, but what kind of sarcasm on their invisible faces! How can southerners really bow to the barbarians? And why does this man who claims to be 'Lu Miaobai' by this name? In my impression, the prime minister of Qiuyue, a major vassal country in Mengyang, is the name!

"Welcome to the friends from the south. You have crossed the Riana River and come here. Thank you for your hard work. Please forgive me for not having good wine and barbecue to treat you. I'm really sorry to meet you here. Please don't take it seriously. Although the barbarians are despicable, there is still a way of hospitality, but you have a special status and can only be wronged. The king said calmly.

"Hahahaha - what did Your Highness say about this! You're welcome. We are all people who are determined to whip the world. Why should we care about false etiquette? Your Highness can come to see Miaobai in his busy schedule. How can he care too much? Lu Miaobai laughed cheerfully and said that his long body was straight and as sharp as a sword. It is already valuable for a literary minister to have such a temperament!

Lu Miaobai had a graceful smile on his face, and the sense of nobility cultivated by several generations of southern aristocrats was revealed. He strode towards the king without any fear or hesitation, as if he had experienced thousands of troops and horses passing through. The clothes brushed across the grass and made a rustling sound, and he came up calmly. At the same time, a young man covered in black scales followed him with a blank face, like ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

The king turned sideways, made way for him, led him to the bonfire, motioned him to sit down, and sat down cross-legged himself. Su He pressed his hand on the knife around his waist and stood behind the king, with tight muscles on his face. The young man who followed Lu Miaobai looked at Su He indifferently, and then turned his eyes away, and a slight smile appeared at the corners of his mouth - a contemptuous smile.

Su He changed color and despised himself without hesitation. This slender southern young man was the first. But what capital does he have to despise himself as a vigorous riding leader? Such southerners can't kill more than 100 by themselves!

Lu Miaobai noticed that Su He's face had changed, smiled softly and said, "Is this the strongest warrior in your department, the powerful cavalry leader General Su and Saihan... It's really an extraordinary warrior who grew up in this bloody land of the barbarians!"

"Zhe, this kind of nature is not good. After all, this is a famous general of the barbarians, and the most basic courtesy is still necessary! Put away your hostility." Lu Miaobai turned his head and ordered the young man standing behind him. After saying that, he smiled at the king with guilt.

The king also smiled and said, "Is this Mr. Lu's guard?"

"Yes. After our fighting ship docked, the large troops stayed on the ship, and we came to meet your Highness first. After walking for ten days, he met four teams of bandits and nearly a hundred enemies, which were solved by Zhe alone. Lu Miaobai said casually, as if he was saying something worth mentioning. The young man behind him still smiled softly, and his eyes narrowed into a crack, like a sleeping cat, but the light between his eyelids was as cold as a dagger!

"Oh? It turns out that Fanyang is really a land of crouching tigers and hiding dragons. He has such skills at such a young age! They are all great masters on the grassland!" The king praised, but it was just a courtesy admiration. There are many such masters on the grassland, and they don't pay much attention to other things.

Lu Miaobai put his hand on the fire and roasted it, rubbed his frozen fingers, and said, "Your Highness may not have heard of Zhe, but you must have heard of his father!"


Lu Miaobai laughed softly and said, "His father is the same as me as the Great Pillar Kingdom of Fanyang, General Yan of the Imperial Hall, Yin Cangyan... Has Your Highness heard of it?"

The king couldn't help looking at this careless young man and whispered, "General Yin Cangyan, I have indeed heard that this is a famous general as Mengyang Zhentian General Ye Mingshan. No wonder there is such a momentum! Ha ha."