
Chapter 44 Bloody Ten Years Ago

At that time, he took all the men who could ride a horse in the Azlan Department and rushed to the battlefield of the Rilana River like crazy - until his beloved sister Masulda was about to be executed, that he put down his worries about Chinas, put down his worries about the Azlan Department, just waving on the horse for his beloved sister. Kill with a knife! He didn't hesitate to fight with Chi Nasi to save his sister's life, which was his only thought at that time.

When he rushed to the battlefield where tens of Azlan warriors were executed, the scene he saw was a nightmare in his life - the riverside of Rilana was full of headless corpses, blood suddenly flowed from the broken neck, and his big head rolled into the river, washed downstream along the water, rushed into the sea, and was washed by the river. The fish in it jumped and nibbled into skeletons, buried in the mud and sand of the river, and were washed into the vast sea... The headless bodies were also thrown into the river one by one, and the wide river was stained with blood red, stretching hundreds of miles along the river without being light... The originally rich Rana River grassland was disgusting. The smell of corpse...

Team after team of Chinasi warrior pressed the herdsmen of Gaza to the river. The knife in the hands of the executed warrior flashed, and his head was rushed to the blood spewed from the artery and fell into the river. The warriors behind kicked the headless body into the river - the warriors cooperated as precisely as the umbrella operation, along the river Nearly three miles of the slaughterhouse, blood and water have penetrated deep into the soil, which may be one of the reasons why the Rana River grassland has always been richer than other places!

The young Huyan Erdun Ketu looked blankly at the people killed in the slaughterhouse. If more than 400,000 herdsmen of the Gaza department were killed at such a speed, they could not stay within ten days. The scene in front of him was like Shura hell, full of scarlet blood, full of heartbreaking roars, and full of creepy roars. Sound... There seemed to be a small voice in his heart saying, "Sister Masuda is dead and has been killed..."

He left the warrior who followed him like crazy, left his horse, and jumped into the river from the north bank of the Rilana River. Despite the river's scarlet, floating its head and body, it swam desperately towards the north bank, as if only swimming to the Shura killing site on the south bank could save his sister.

His movements attracted the attention of the Chinas warriors who were killing. Before they could get to the shore, several Chinasi warriors opened their bows and turned sharp arrows at him! He swam hard on the water and roared, "I'm the king of Erdunketu Khan of the Ageslan Department. I want to see King Chinasi, and I want to see General Suhe..." With one mouth, the river was mixed with blood, and the nasal cavity was full of blood.

The warriors on the shore looked at each other and flashed with a trace of surprise in their eyes, but the bow and arrow in their hands finally put away - a tribal king was a figure standing at the top of the grassland and must not be hurt at will. Immediately, a warrior left to inform the general in charge of the battlefield, and the rest of the warriors dragged up the embarrassed King Erdun Ketu Khan soaked in the corpse water and watched him firmly.

Soon, the leader of Chinasi, who carried out the tribal massacre, came - Suhe Saihan, the devil on the grassland, his face was full of blood, and his eyes looked gloomily at King Erdunketu Khan, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing here? Leave quickly, it's too dangerous..." He waved his hand to leave.

At that time, the strength of the Azlan tribe was not strong, which was not worth mentioning compared with the Gaza tribe and the Chinas tribe. In the eyes of Chi Nasi's heroic riding leader, his Khan King is just a name and does not attract his attention.

Hu Yan broke away from the Chinasi warrior beside him, opened his eyes fiercely, and his eyes suddenly rushed to Su and roared, "Where is the Lanmuzabu people? Where is the Lanmuzab Khan of the Gaza Department?

Su He, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped, looked back at him and said, "Dead, Lanmu Zabu Khan has been killed in an attempt to disobey the king's will. And all his relatives, all the people related to him, were executed, and one of them was not left... Moreover, the Gaza department no longer exists..."

"Have they all been executed? Are they all executed?" Hu Yan stepped back two steps in a stunned way, as if he had been punched hard on his body. He held his hair with his hands and roared fiercely, like an injured beast. His sister was executed?

General Su and General looked at him indifferently, and then looked at the tens of thousands of aggressive Azislan cavalry on the north bank of the River and said, "King Erdun Ketu Khan, calm down. I don't know what the Gaza army has to do with the Azeslan army, but this is the war between Chinas and the Gazan army. The Azlan department is still not You have to participate, otherwise I don't mind crushing another tribe! The king is very angry about the disobeying his will of the Gaza tribe. If you don't want to be slaughtered from the grassland like the Gaza tribe, take your warrior away!"

Hu Yan finally woke up under the cold words of the strongest general of Chi Nasi - this is the battlefield! He rushed over with his samurai, which was obviously looking for death! However, I don't want to fight. I just want to find my sister Masulda. Has my sister been killed?

"General Suhe, General Suhe, please stay!" He stumbled over, stopped the bloody general, and said hurriedly, "Where is the body of King Ramuzhab Khan and his family? Can you give me a look?"

The general took a deep look at him and said, "The head of King Lanmu Zabu Khan needs to be seen by the king himself. What right do you have to see it?"

Huyan wanted to plead again, but Su He sighed and said, "Come on... I still know more or less about the Azlan Department and the Gaza Department..."

Huyan Mumu followed General Su and through the grassland full of corpses. He looked up at the blood-red sky, tried not to look at these terrible things, and tried not to think that his sister had become a headless corpse! Tears rolled down his face and with the blood under his feet.

"That's right there!" Su He pointed to a small pile of heads and corpses not far away - the nobles of the Gaza, the generals, the Khan king and the bodies of their families were all there, which was something to bring back the king's life.

To his astonishment, the noble king of the Azeslan rushed to the pile of corpses, rolled up his sleeves and picked up the bloody heads to identify them. Regardless of the smell and blood stains of the corpse, as well as the obscurity of these dead people.



"No!" Hu Lie turned his skull one by one, wiped the blood stains on his head's face with his sleeves, and carefully identified each face for fear of missing one. At this time, his heart was like dead. He was also a corpse, struggling in the pile of corpses, struggling to climb out, but it got deeper and deeper and deeper...

Until he was finally frustrated, his fingertips touched the bottom head, like an electric current passing through his fingertips. He screamed sadly, and at that moment, his heart was as uncomfortable as if it was broken. His intuition told him that it was this one. He pushed away the head next to him, cried and picked up the head he was looking for, carefully wiped the blood on his face, and sorted out the hair on his head...

That's right! That's right, it's his sister Masulda. The beautiful face was not destroyed by death at all, but her eyes were not closed and empty - she did not close her eyes. But she couldn't see her eyes, and her eyes were covered with blood, and she couldn't see her bright eyes. For a moment, great grief fell down and enveloped him, wrapped around his body like a jagged chain, tearing his whole body to pieces.

The whole Shura-like south bank of the Rana River is full of young Huyan's sad roar.

Holding Masulda's head tightly in her arms, her mind was her gentleness to him from childhood, her protection, and what she said to him. She sacrificed her happiness as a woman and married King Ramuzab Khan of Gaza in exchange for Gaza to support you to be the Khan king of Azran. When he rode on a horse to receive the herdsmen of the tribe kowtowed and worship him, his sister forced a smile in the dark tent to the man she clearly did not love. Obviously, she was just a weak woman, but she was involved in the huge whirlpool of tribal war and died!

King Khan rebelled and it was enough to kill King Khan. Why did he even kill so many innocent people? Huyan Erdun roared desperately and roared desperately, turning the anger, pain, helplessness and regret in his chest into this sad roar. The whole battlefield on the south bank of the River seems to be full of lions roaring.

"Cough--" His face was so flushed that he collapsed on the ground, his eyes were lax and drooling at the corners of his mouth - the violent roar made him dizzy and couldn't help coughing.

He caught a glimpse of Su and Saihan, who were silent beside him, looked at the blood stains all over his body, and looked at his cold and cruel face. He couldn't help holding his sister's head tighter, and the inexplicable chill enveloped him - the murderer was looking at his embarrassment beside him, but he could do nothing. The warmth between heaven and earth seems to have disappeared in an instant, leaving only a cold chill!

"Why? Why kill so many people... They are innocent..." Hu Yan said in a daze. The reality of his sister's tragic death has numbed him, and the rest is just his instinct as a 'human'.

"Why not." Su He said indifferently, "The Gaza department should be aware of paying the price if it brazenly provoked a war and challenged the majesty of the supreme ruler on the grassland. King Lanmuzab Khan launched a war, but it is not up to him in what way and in what direction the war is going. If there are no rules, it is the rule of war on the grassland.

He looked at the king of the tribe indifferently, looking at his wet and embarrassed eyes. This new king of the Azlan Khan has not yet realized as the ruler of the barbarians - this is not the south. There are so many benevolence and morality. This is the far north grassland, which is the most cruel and most barbaric place. There is no room for tolerance for those who make mistakes. The Khan of the Gaza tribe takes the lead in plotting, so there is no need for the Gaza tribe to be grass anymore. The original necessity of existence, the rules are so simple.

"You can take this woman's body away. There will be no one to track down so many bodies. What's more, this woman's life and death have nothing to do with the overall situation." Su He turned around and left. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Hu Yan and looked at his empty and paralyzed eyes, with a little compassion in his eyes - what kind of strong man's compassion for the weak.

Suddenly, he looked around with a dull look. No one paid attention to him. It was full of headless bodies. From time to time, an eagle falcons swooped down from time to time. His claws grabbed a head and flew to the bloody sky. The whole world seemed to be bloody and cruel, which made him feel that he wanted to vomit, tremble, and felt Cold...

He stood up, silently picked up his sister's body from the corpse, held his sister's hair in his mouth, and took her out of the bloody killing scene step by step. With tears in his eyes, he muttered in his heart, "Sister Masulda, let's go home..."

"Your name is Huyan Erdun Ketu. You have the blood of a lion in your body. Be brave and hold your knife tightly. You can live well without your sister."

"You are the man of the Erdun Ketu family, riding on a war horse, raising a knife, and bravely defending the lion flag of the Azlan Department. One day, everyone on the grassland will kneel in front of your horse, kowtow to you, and call you the 'Lion King'.

"My brother, my favorite Hu Yan, live, must live..."

Sister's words often appear in his heart like the blessing of the gods, like warm flames. Although they are dead, they live in his heart.

The seeds of hatred still quietly take root in the heart of the proud Lion King. He hates Lanmu Zabu Khan, Su and Saihan, the king, and the whole Chinasi tribe. More than ten years later, Huyan Erdun Ketu has not forgotten what Su and Saihan said - no rule is the rule of war on the grassland!

The Gaza tribe was destroyed, and the Azlan tribe became the second largest tribe on the grassland in terms of population. The king divided part of the Gaza tribe, cattle and sheep to the Azlan tribe. The Azlan tribe slowly developed its own strong soldiers, trained excellent warriors, and 'prepare for war at any time.' This is what King Erdun Ketu Khan remembered in his heart.

But the beautiful sister is no longer there. Only the whole tribe and the herdsmen who kowtowed to him and called him the Lion King are worth protecting. He only has so much left, nothing to care about, nothing to be happy, frustrated, and alive like a walking corpse, just listening to his sister's words: live...

"My brother, my favorite Hu Yan, live, must live..."

"Well, sister, I remember that even if I don't become a lion king, even if I am like a dog, I will live..."

"Ah..." King Erdun Ketu Khan leaned against the wall of the tent, held his head in his hands, and roared in a low voice. His chest fluctuated violently, as if he had run a long way. Tears flowed from the fingers that covered his face, and big drops rolled down.

It's terrible! What happened just now? Why did those things that were sealed in the depths of memory seem to have been repeated in front of his eyes? It seems that he was forced to return to that time and was forced to repeat the pain, fear, panic, anger over and over again... Sister, Masulda, this is obviously the person he doesn't want to mention but can't forget in his life. Without my sister's sacrifice, how could there be the current Lion King?

But why did these things suddenly come out? Those things have been ten years away, but the feeling of fear, fear and anger in the face of the dead is exactly the same as at that time. Hasn't he seen anything in the past ten years? In the tragic battlefield, dead and bloodshed, he saw a lot, and he became extremely strong, which led to the name of the 'Lion King' Erdun Ketu Khan.

"Yeah... Distinguished King Erdun Ketu Khan, this feels uncomfortable! Why do you go against your own heart? You obviously hate Chi Nasi, hate the king Bo Ri Tie, hate Su He who killed your sister, and hate the whole Chi Na Si tribe. Don't you develop your cavalry and lion teeth that can compete with Chi Naisi in order to defeat Chi Nasi and destroy the murderers who took your beloved sister?

Shura smiled and looked at the trembling Erdun Ketu Khan King, slowly squatted down, looked at the same level as the Khan King, looked at the tears in his yellow-brown eyes, and said, "Why betray your heart? Why do you want to hate Chi Na Si, want revenge, and cut off the heads of those people? Why do you go against your wishes? He stretched out his hand, his slender fingers were as crystal clear as jade, put his hand on the shoulder of King Erdun Ketu Khan, and said softly, "I have come thousands of miles from the south to the far north to help you realize your wish! I'm here to help you do what you want to do most in such a long time..."

His voice seemed to have unparalleled magic. The trembling body of King Erdun Ketu Khan calmed down in an instant, his distracted eyes regained their brilliance, and the Lion King seemed to have regained his former determination at this moment. He stood up, looked straight into Shura's eyes, looked at his scarlet eyes like red charcoal, and said, "Mengyang people, I want the heads of Bori Tsai and Su and Saihan, as well as the heads of all the heads of Chi Na Si. Can you help me do it?"

Sura stepped back, with a charming smile on his face. He bent down and bowed deeply to King Erdun Ketu Khan and said, "I'm willing to help... I can even make you a new king on the grassland..."

King Erdun Ketu Khan sneered: "It doesn't matter whether you become a king or not. What I want is Chi Na Si to destroy the clan..."

"But can't you do these two things together to destroy the clan and become the new king on the grassland with you? After destroying Chi Nasi, isn't your king's road natural? Shura said softly.

King Erdun Ketu Khan just lowered his head indifferently and did not respond.

"Well, I can reply to your Majesty. Mengyang will fully support the path of grassland hegemony of the Azlan Department!" After saying that, Shura bowed deeply to the king of Khan again and turned away from the tent with a honey smile on his face. But his scarlet eyes inexplicably have a trace of sadness - in the memory of King Erdun Ketu Khan, the young man who held his sister's head and cried on the battlefield of the Rana River at that time was similar to how he looked in the forest at that time, and even the feeling of loss, anger and grief were exactly the same. Like. There is also the feeling that something is broken and reborn in the heart, wearing a mask to hide all the sadness and walking in everyone's worship.

Huyan Erdun Ketu Khan, this man is also a man with a lot of stories...

He walked out of the tent, squinted at the blue in the sky, the less dazzling sunlight, and the lonely snow lines on the snowy mountains in the distance. The spring breeze blew, and the wind was mixed with the fragrance of the soil along the Riana River. Who could have expected that a whole tribe of 400,000 people was slaughtered here ten years ago? Who cares about a poor woman among those killed who has secretly hurt the king of the grassland for more than ten years?

But the death of a woman changed a lion on the grassland, and the causal cycle is such a thing.