
Chapter 48 Rift

Extreme north, away from the fire. Chinas Ranch.

The weather in the far north grassland is extremely extreme, and the cold in winter and the heat in summer are hard to believe that this is the weather in this place. It's August, the hottest time on the grassland, and the blazing sun has dried up the grass. The cattle and sheep also tried their best to find the shade of the mountain and did not move. The herdsman's hounds spit out their long tongues and gasped, but the water on their tongues was quickly dried by the sun.

The whole world is rising with heat, which is really unbearable. But the herdsmen have already felt lucky - this summer is far less than the drought on the grassland three years ago, at least not to the point of drought. Moreover, such a hot day does not last long. From time to time, dark clouds will come and bring rain to wash away the heat of midsummer.

But at this time, there were two people standing in an empty and silent open space. Both of them were ** upper bodies, and sweat flowed down their strong chests. Although they felt itchy, they did not move. One is thin but not fragile, and the other is strong and sensitive. Both of them hold knives in one hand, only five steps away from each other, and their eyes show perseverance that do not match their age.

Suilheke looked at the teenager from the south in front of him. It has been almost three years since he came to the grassland, and the night stars gradually became stronger under the nourishment of beef, mutton and cheese. In the past three years, he has been flying. When he first came to the far north grassland, he was two heads faster than the night stars, and now the night stars have reached the bridge of his nose. Coupled with General Zaerhua's devilish training, Ye Xingchen's body has a contour of muscle lines, and the whole person stands there like a birch tree deeply plunged into the soil, and even has the fierceness of the barbarians.

The beautiful face is as always, the skin is as white as snow, and the red lips are clear. Coral-red eyes stared at Suzile and Ke's knife, and his body was tight, like a tightened bowstring. The cloud blade shines like a diamond in the sunlight, as if it was not a knife in his hand, but a dazzling incandescent sunlight. His coral-red eyes under his thin eyebrows did not have any emotion, and he looked at it as if there was a cosmic starry sky in the young man's eyes.

"Star, are you ready?" Suil and Ke asked, his broad face was covered with crystal sweat, and the huge split knife in his hand had a faint momentum.

A smile appeared at the corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth, and suddenly raised the narrow and sharp cloud-patterned knife. The tip of the knife was straight to Sujile Heke, and the sharp blade broke through the air. Suil and Ke were shocked by the sudden action of Ye Xingchen, and their eyes were distracted for a moment.

But this moment is enough for Night Star. The sound of a tsunami came to his face, and the night star came out of the knife in a short moment. There was no change in the backhand, but a direct stab. His legs strode forward into a bow step, and the slender cloud knife formed a smooth straight line with his arm. The cloud pattern knife stabbed straight in front of Suil and Ke's chest like an unusually sharp gun.

Su Rile looked at the dazzling knife and stabbed in front of him in an instant. His pupils suddenly tightened, and the night stars five steps away rushed to him in front of him in the blink of an eye. He reacted quickly. The opponent came too fast and fiercely. It was too late to block or kill back with a knife, so he could only retreat. Suil and Ke were so angry that they were robbed by Ye Xingchen, and they could only retreat all the way.

But his retreating steps were not chaotic. He strode out and escaped the length of the knife tip of the night star. His right hand suddenly exerted strength and shouted loudly, and the whole wilderness was full of his deafening shouts. The heavy * in his hand was waved into a semicircle, as if a sharp blade appeared in every inch of space in front of him - if the night stars could not stand the steps forward, he would undoubtedly be cut into two by *'s waist.

But the momentum of the night stars rushed forward without any stagnation. The wrist turned dexterity, but the Wenyun knife was clenched with his backhand, and the bow-shaped steps made the center of gravity of the body drop a lot. His soft and straight waist suddenly bent backwards, and Su Rile's blade actually cut against the tip of his nose. He hit hard and missed his hand, and the night star had rushed to him.

The cloud knife held in the backhand was flexible like a poisonous snake, and suddenly became a forehand. The knife waved by Su Iller and Ke Dali could not stop the knife, and what remained in front of the night stars was an unreserved neutral. His bent waist finally straightened like a bow tightened by the bow string. His waist twisted and turned the cloud knife with the power of his body. The sunlight shining on the knife seemed to have been shredded by this knife, leaving patches of light. Su Rile seemed to be full of sharp knife light, nowhere to dodge and unhindered.

"Turn the wolf front--" Suille and Ke's heart sank. He has seen this starting style, which is obviously the best knife posture of General Chi Naisi's wolf teeth. As soon as the wolf front came out, he had to see blood. He couldn't learn this move, but he didn't expect to be used by the night stars.

Ye Xingchen's quiet face had no expression when waving the knife, until the wolf front was completely used out, and there was finally a win-win smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't underestimate me...stars!" Suil shouted and did not try to dodge. Instead, he stood with his feet in the shape of a horse and firmly pricked there. In an instant, Su Iller's temperament changed. He was like a pine stuck in the mountain rock, like a reef washed by the rapids, standing there steadily until the night stars.

The sound of the knife into the flesh sounded, and the blood splashed, showing a charming bright red in the dazzling sun. Night Star's knife was unstoppable to cut Suil and Ke's waist, but it was only half an inch deep into the flesh - Suilul reached out and grabbed his blade. He smiled at Ye Xingchen with his teeth and said, "Have I caught you now?"

'Wang--' Taking advantage of the moment of Night Star's surprise, Su Rile's knife has been placed on his neck. Ling Han's blade is close to Ye Xingchen's slender and beautiful neck. As long as he strokes gently, the artery of Ye Xingchen's neck will bleed - or Su Rile and Ke won!

"Su Rile, are you okay... I didn't mean to. I'm not familiar with the wolf..." Ye Xingchen hurriedly dropped the knife, helped Su Rile, slowly let him sit down, and asked urgently.

Su Rile smiled bitterly, slowly put down the knife and inserted it in the grass. At the same time, he released Ye Xingchen's knife. The knife was full of blood, and the wound on his waist was only a skin injury. Fortunately, he struggled to grab Ye Xingchen's knife with his hand to avoid getting more serious injuries. His eyes at the night stars flashed for a moment - night stars, really regardless of the consequences? If he didn't grab the blade of the cloud pattern knife with his hand, he would have been cut off just now. Knowing that he can't control the power of the wolf front very well, he still uses it without reservation... Night Xingchen, what are you thinking?

He looked at the fear and nervousness of Ye Xingchen's pale and handsome face, and his god-like face was full of anxiety, and his squeezed lips couldn't help loosening - doubting his friends, not his style.

But he didn't notice that Ye Xingchen's eyes were hidden under his forehead and hair, without any sympathy, no tension, or panic that matched the expression on his face. The coral-red eyes were still as quiet as death, and even looked coldly at Su Jile and Ke covering the wound around their waist and sat down with their teeth.

"I'm sorry, Suil, I didn't mean to..." Ye Xingchen grabbed his robe from the grass beside him and was about to help him tie the wound.

Su Rile waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need it. He said, "You like silk robes and blue feng husks on them, which are difficult to find on the grassland. Your robe was given to you by Yu Meng. Keep it well and don't get it dirty... There are not many girls who can embroider on the grassland! Yu Meng can actually make up his mind to learn this kind of thing..."

"Yu Meng..." A curved arc appeared at the corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth, and her coral-red pupils contracted. Suddenly, he suddenly tore open the water-like silk robe in his hand, silently wrapped it around the wound on Su Rile's waist, and wrapped the wound skillfully. In the past few years, I have suffered countless injuries, and I am very proficient in dealing with wounds.

"!" Su Rile was stunned to watch this gorgeous silk robe turn into fragments between the hands of the night stars. I don't know how many nights it took for this robe to rain...

"It's just a robe. Suil, you treat me like a big brother. I hurt you. The fault lies with me. A robe is nothing, although I like this robe very much!" Ye Xingchen did not look at him and lowered his head and focused on dressing the wound on Su Rile's waist.

A moment of warmth poured into Su Rile's heart - is this the friendship between men?

He can't express and can't say beautiful words. He just feels that the night stars can give up the robe given to him by the rain and such a precious thing on the grassland. This friendship is enough for him to move. Barbarians are simple in life. Whoever treats him well will be his friend. It is very lucky to get the friendship of the barbarians. Ye Xingchen, who has been together for so many years, has been a friend with unforgettable bones!

Ye Xingchen didn't say anything more, but his smile was more devious. He couldn't figure out what he was thinking and couldn't see what his expression was under his smile. He is very good at observing what other people are thinking, grasping other people's thoughts and feelings, and is very good at demagoguery. For him, it is worth giving up a robe in exchange for the gratitude and trust of the future grassland king and forgiveness for his failure.

is not a natural truth, but a careful calculation and guess, and then come up with countermeasures. It has nothing to do with friendship, but the complicated and unpredictable thoughts in Ye Xingchen's heart.

"Stars, do you know? There may be a war on the grassland... The generals have been getting busier and busier recently, and all herdsmen have to join the army, but I don't know who we are going to fight with, and I don't know if Dad will go to war with the south again!" Su Rile lay on the soft grass and looked at the clouds in the sky tired. If you fight with the south, Xingchen, will you be sad? After all, Mengyang is your motherland..."

"Nothing, hit it." Ye Xingchen said briefly, "I have no sense of belonging to Mengyang. Mengyang took everything from me. Mengyang is the place I hate and hate."

"Oh...that's good!" Suil's head didn't know what to say again. He can't talk. There is no rain. Both of them are dull together. They can't talk, and the night stars don't like to talk. But Ye Xingchen often said, 'It's enough to stay quietly like this, and it's very reassuring to stay together like this.'

It's very reassuring. Yes, it's this feeling of peace of mind when you are with the rain and the stars.

"Star, do you want to go back to the south? Go back to Mengyang..."

After a long silence, the night stars also lay down, shook their heads, shook their hair on their foreheads, and their coral red eyes stared straight at the blue sky.

"I want to go back to see the Night King's Palace and the Nightless City, but the people there are gone. Father, mother, brother, uncle Yongkui, old servants... are all dead. My mother is still imprisoned by Mengyang's emperor. I don't know how it is now. Brother Yuanhong has become impotent. I don't know if he still remembers me! I'm afraid he doesn't know me when he stands in front of him..." Ye Xingchen put his arms on his chest, as if he felt very cold for a while. The people who are worthy of my care are gone, and I am the only one living in the extreme north.

"Oh..." Su Rile really hopes that Yu Meng can be here at this time. As long as she is there, she will definitely calm the sadness in the heart of the night stars. The girl will say loudly, "Don't be sad. In the future, you will take me to the south to play all the fun and eat all the delicious food like the emperor!" But now the rain is still thousands of miles away in the Wusu Muyuan. It will take several months to see you. Suil really regretted mentioning the sadness of the stars.

"Star, what do you think of the rain?" Suil asked again that he didn't like the awkward atmosphere and always wanted to say something.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think of her? The most beautiful girl on the grassland!" Su Rile didn't feel that the tone of the night stars was a little stiff.

"Very good, very suitable for you. The future barbarian king, perhaps only Princess Yumeng deserves the future king of the grassland!" Ye Xingchen turned over and said distraughtly. He covered his ears with his arms, as if he didn't want to hear anything more.

"Hey, how come? She is so powerful that she knows how to bully me. I'm so scared to see her!" Su Rile said with a simple smile, but his heart was happy.

The night star lay there with no expression on his face and said nothing more, but the coral red in his eyes became red, as red as blood. The mood became inexplicably irritable - for a moment, a different feeling appeared in his heart, and he disliked the barbarian teenager beside him, his simpleness, his clumsiness, and even his voice... Such a gloomy and strange emotion filled his heart and eroded like poison in his heart.

"I really want to see Yumeng. Only I can meet her every winter. In winter, the tribes will move south to the south bank of the Rina River, and Yumeng will come back. Then we can play together. In the past two years, the rain has also grown a lot, and the face is getting more and more beautiful. It's just that she has always liked the pomegranate red horse skirt, the white fox jacket and purple gauze scarf..." It seems that when it comes to rain, Su Rile's words are endless. The teenager's heart is full of joy, and everyone can hear the feelings in her tone. That kind of proud and gentle, as if talking about the best in the world The best thing.

The night star next to him suddenly sat up. He lowered his head, reached out to grab the handle of the cloud knife, and stood up with the knife. Through the hair on his forehead, you can faintly see the blood red in his eyes...

Suil didn't notice Xingchen's movements and still said, "You can also ride a horse now. When Yu Meng comes back, we will secretly ride from the frozen Resurana River to catch the snow fox on the north bank and use its skin to make a small jacket for Yu Meng. She has grown tall, and the previous one can no longer be worn... He closed his eyes and said, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became softer and softer, unlike the dull Suil and Ke. Really, when he thought of Yumeng, he had a lot to say.

Ye Xingchen turned his head and looked at him condescendingly. In the blood tank on the ridge of the cloud knife in his hand, the blood from Su Rile had just coagulated, and the cloud lines in the blood tank became darker and brighter - Ye Xingchen's eyes also became blood red, and there was no emotion in Su Rile's eyes.

"Remember when you first came to the grassland in the winter, you were captured by the bastards of the Hulutai family. Yumeng and I went to find you together. I went to the camp of the Azlan Department to find Yumeng first, and then found that the people of the Azislan Department arrested you. We braved the wind and snow to find you. At that time, we were afraid that you would be killed, and Yumeng was so anxious that she cried... I still clearly remember that at that time, her tears flowed out and were instantly frozen into ice and hung on her face... I also killed the Azeslan warrior who was behind the scenes. At that time, I was too angry... We were best friends. , never allow anyone to hurt you..."

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen's body suddenly shook, raised his head, and stared at Suille Heke. The hand holding the knife slowly relaxed, the blood red in his eyes gradually faded, and his coral-red eyes became clear again. I don't know what kind of struggle he had just made in his heart, but his murderous intention was so strong just now, so real... Su Rile had just now been closed at the ghost gate...

"Yu Meng, Su Iller and Ke..." Ye Xingchen muttered, becoming lonely for a moment, and his face turned pale. He whispered, "Su Il, let's go back. You're injured. Go back and get some medicine..."

"Oh...good!" Suil and Ke, who were still talking to themselves, stopped talking, got up and grabbed * and smiled at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen also smiled gently, which was completely different from the red-eyed appearance just now - he was very familiar with the random change of the mask.

The two stopped talking and returned to Chi Naisi's camp side by side. They held knives and strode forward. The sun sprinkled on their strong bodies, like a layer of sacred light, and the outline outlined was like a miracle. The future barbarian King of Wu and the future General Beichen have begun to appear. Maybe they don't know that the stage of troubled times has pushed them to the front of the world. Maybe they are not ready, but the invisible gap is already between the two.

There is no hatred between King Zunwu and General Beichen. On the contrary, King Zunwu is several years older than General Beichen and protects him like a brother and protects him everywhere. But the fragile General Beichen always has the sour feeling of wandering under the shelter of others. In Chi Nasi, he has no relatives, and only a little female slave serves him with all his heart. The barbarian king, the great shaman and the generals all plotted against him. He had suspected many times that if it hadn't been for his terrible and disgusting bloodline, he would have been killed long ago. What's more frustrating for him is that if it weren't for his useful value, Suzil, Ke and Yumeng, would they have helped themselves to make friends with their peers?

But these Beichen generals can stand it. He is just a lonely noble son of Mengyang, and he is lucky to survive. However, there was extravagant in his heart. He tried to have the most beautiful woman of the barbarians, tried to completely take the gentleness for himself, and even forgot that he was just a poor and humble son of Mengyang's depressed aristocratic who no one cared. While secretly jealous of King Zunwu, he smiled at Yumeng and Sujile and Ke, the only friends on the vast grassland. ** The fragile and suspicious personality made him slowly get out of control and finally embarked on the opposite road from King Zunwu. And the pearl of the grassland that made him persistent and obsessed also died tragically in his own intelligence. Until the end, General Beichen didn't know whether Yu Meng had himself in his heart... Whether all his pursuits were just his wishful thinking and self-immoited.

But when General Beichen really owned the vast and rich land in the south, the girl who made him obsessed, made him lose control, and made him abandon his unforgettable friendship in the Far North Grassland is no longer in the world... The hooked agreement, the bloody life alliance, is gone...