
Chapter 51 Love and Hate

In the old man's sobs, the alternation of the complicated kingship in the past years of the far north grassland suddenly became clear. From the beginning of Zhuo Ligetu, the god of war, a hundred years ago, and now, Chinasi has barely maintained the dignity of its grassland rulers. During this period, how many heroes died tragically, how many lives were turned into dead bones under the horses, and how many emperors were forced to ride on war horses and waved swords to fight?

Shen Fanshuang couldn't bear to sigh when he looked at the old man sobbing. The former Khan of Gaza killed the great shaman of Naor Halchi, while Chao and Lehe Harchi barely survived and changed his name and reappeared in front of the king of Chinas 40 years ago. At that time, the current king Bo Ri Tie Chi Nasi was still young, and Chao and Lehe Hal Chi regained the title of the Great Shaman with what he learned from his father. After the death of the old king, he turned to support the young Bo Ri Tie Chi Nasi to become the new king of the Chi Nasi family. The agreement reached between the two is that the Great Shaman supports Bo Ri Tie to become the new king of Chi Nasi in the name of Tengri God! And Bo Ri Tie wants to help the great shaman defeat the Lanmuzabu clan and avenge the killing of his father that year.

After the death of the old king Chinasi, Bo Rita was not favored by the tribe. He was too young and weak to compete with several brothers in power. The brothers of Bo Ri Tie also took out heavy gifts and hoped that the big shaman could stand by them, but the conditions of the big shaman shocked everyone and even felt absurd - the Gazabu Lanmuzabu was erased from the grassland, which was the condition offered by the big shaman. At that time, the name of the great shaman had been forgotten. Nest and Lehe Halchi had become the messenger of the god standing in the nearest place of the Litengli god in a gorgeous sacrificial robe to pray for the herdsmen. No one could associate him with the previous great shaman who was killed by the Gaza department.

Several princes in power made favorable conditions to attract the great shaman, hoping that the great shaman could call on the herdsmen to support him to become a new king, but the great shaman was extremely stubborn, as long as the Lanmuzabu clan of the Gaza tribe disappeared from the grassland. Without saying what the reason is, he stubbornly repeated a sentence, "Lanmuzabu, destroy it!" At that time, after the death of Zhuo Ligetu, many tribes that were originally under the high pressure of the God of War broke away from Chinasi. After more than 20 years of independent development, the Gaza tribe had a faint momentum to catch up with Chi Naisi. The princes frowned and looked at the stubborn shaman. They were really unwilling to take this risk to be an enemy of Gaza. The internal struggle for power was fierce, and they really did not dare to make enemies abroad.

Until the youngest son of the old king, Bo Ri Tie Chi Nasi stood in front of the big shaman, the young Bo Ri Tie was extremely confused and quiet, and there was a vague resentment. The unwillingness and resentment in those amber eyes are unforgettable at a glance. He stood in front of the big shaman and said blankly, "Uncle Chao and Lehe, you support me to be the king. I will help you destroy it!"

The big shaman wanted such a promise. He stood in front of all the Chi Naisi herdsmen with Bo Ri Tie and raised his hand to announce that Chi Na Si was the chosen person by God, and he was the best candidate for the king of Chi Na Si. The herdsmen knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the young king and had infinite expectations for him - the appeal of the great shaman in the tribe was like this. As long as he took the name of Tengri God, the herdsmen would unconditionally support and posted nothing in time. He was only the most powerful prince in time. Losing the pastoral foundation, the army in the hands of Bo Ri Tie's brothers also deviated from them and was loyal to the new owner of the Chinas. That is to say, the succession of the Chi Naesi clan was pushed by the Great Shaman behind his back. What the Great Shaman wanted was not gold and silver treasures, not supreme power. What he wanted was just a commitment. Nuo: Erase the Lanmuzabu clan of the royal family of Gaza from the grassland!

Next, Chi Naisi became strong under the leadership of Bo Ri Tie, and its military strength returned to the level of Zhuo Ligetu at the end of the year. The great shaman also became lazy and was only responsible for sacrificing things such as divination and observing stars. When the nobles and Khan kings discussed, they either did not go or sat there to take a nap - he knew that he was just a big shaman and was responsible for the existence of herdsmen' beliefs. What he had to do was to let the herdsmen closely unite with the people designated by Tengri. Beside. Never interfere with the political interests of the tribes! The great shaman has infinite appeal. If the shaman coveted royal power, he can get pure support than any emperor on the grassland. However, if the great shaman, who is in charge of the belief of the herdsmen of the whole grassland, is greeted by the thunderous anger of the Tengri God. The tragic end of the last generation of great shaman Nahor Harchi is a lesson from the past.

Thirteen years ago, in the face of the aggressive Chinasi Department, the Gaza Department brazenly launched a war against Chinassi under the leadership of Lanmuzabu, the king of Khan at that time. This is the challenge of the second largest tribe on the grassland hegemony. In order to seize the most beautiful ranch on the south bank of the Reilana River, the Gaza cavalry quickly advanced there in an attempt to block the Chinass cavalry. In the Chinas Department, the Great Shaman began to calculate who won and who lost the battle between Chinas and Gaza. At that time, the Great Shaman used 128 joint calculations to interpret the 24 nights of the Heavenly Palace. From the day the Chinas cavalry was dispatched, the Great Shaman had been eating or drinking for six days - on the sixth day, the vanguard of the Chinass had already been in the Gaza cavalry. On the seventh day of the war, the big shaman came out, and the calculation for seven consecutive days made his whole heart weak and extremely weak. His white hair was messy, his eyes were covered with blood, and he looked in a trance. When he escorted the great shaman from the warrior to the king, the great shaman clutched the king's collar like crazy and roared: "Has has Chi Na Si won? Is Lanmu Zabu's death?

After decades of concealing his time and biding his time, he was waiting for this day. Thinking of his father who was killed in those years, the big shaman was heartbroken. His wish to support him for so many years was to see the day when Lanmu Zabu's death. Although the Khan King of the Gaza clan who killed the previous great shaman was no longer there, the father's debts and the son paid for it, and the father venge the son But the belief is rooted in the heart of the great shaman day by day. Decades of insecrecy, decades of concealment and bide, only waiting for the morning and evening.

But the great shaman calmed down in the face of the king and said in the ethereal tone of the messenger of God: "The fool used the barbarian formula to calculate the good luck of the battle between Chinas and Gaza!" After he said this, the eyes of the generals and kings present lit up, and their eyes flashed with flames, staring at the thin messenger of heaven, as if he were the gospel of the end of the world.

"Gaza will be defeated!" The big shaman said calmly, with no emotional waves. As soon as his words came out, the barracks tent of Chi Nasi was as happy as if it had been blown up, and the generals laughed loudly - with the words of the big shaman, the battle must have won, and the gods stood by their side.

But then the big shaman said, "But after the fool calculated, he recalculated the Eight Horns of the Heavenly Palace, but found that after the defeat of the Gaza, there would be a figure who could compare with the great king of Zhuo Ligetu, the god of war. 50 years later, the Gaza will replace the Chinasi as the orthodox ruler of the grassland..."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar. The voices of the generals who had just celebrated stopped abruptly, and even the sound of heartbeat and breathing could be clearly heard. The king's amber eyes narrowed fiercely, staring at the big shaman, looking at the old man Gujing Wubo's face, looking at his thin body, and looking at his gorgeous sacrificial robe. And the big shaman looked at the Japanese post so gently and indifferently, like looking at the one who said to himself many years ago, "Uncle Nest and Lehe, you support me as a king, Gazabu Lanmuzab, I will help you destroy it!" Just like young people.

The king is not an indecisive person and has been in a high position for many years. He knows what kind of courage the ruler should have in the face of potential threats. He stared at the big shaman for a long time, and the two looked at each other, as if they were speculating about what each other was thinking, both like friends communicating silently and enemies competing in momentum. For a long time, the king sighed and said in a low voice, "Great Shaman, I haven't forgotten the agreement that year. In fact, you don't have to do this. Since your mind is like this, why not do you want it?

So the king made a decision that shocked the whole grassland - to carry out a tribal massacre against the defeated Gaza tribe, and no one left.

When the king and his son who was still alive at that time, Prince Monduratu Chinas, stood on the high barren mountains and watched a group of Gaza herdsmen beheaded one by one by the River Rebirana, the great shaman was also watching. The messenger of Tengri, who was supposed to symbolize the holy old man, was as cold as the executioner who had killed tens of millions of people. The big shaman's eyes were full of hatred and madness. He stood on the top of the mountain, and his loose priest's robe was blown up by the wind, as if he would fly into the arms of the Tengri god at any time.

No one knows what he muttered at that time when he silently looked at the big shaman who was beheaded and killed by one, the mourning of the previous generation of the great shaman who was also his father, or the pain of revenge on the whole Gaza department, or the loss after the release of hatred suppressed in his heart for so many years? No one knows. But the big shaman stood on the top of the barren mountains and looked at the wide and clear Rebirana River stained with the blood of the herdsmen of Gaza, and the blood had not faded for hundreds of miles. Chi Nasi's massacre of the Gaza part lasted for ten days, and the great shaman also stood high and looked at it condescendingly for ten days. His eyes were cold and cruel, and he watched the death of the Gaza part of the herdsmen under his feet without any emotion. Bloody permeated the whole beautiful grassland on the south bank of Rana River. From time to time, there are vultures eating corpses in the sky that swoop down and grab a person's head and fly into the sky. Wild dogs and wild wolves eat human flesh and their eyes red...

The big shaman just looks indifferently and condescending, like a high-dimensional god who doesn't care about the collapse or rebirth of the low-dimensional world. All he knew was that the Gaza department did not exist from now on. Nahor Harchi, his father, the predecessor of the great shaman of the grassland, hung on the birch pole more than two feet long, failed to close his eyes and finally closed his eyes peacefully. No matter how deep Naor Halchi's sin was, whether he violated the most fundamental rules on the grassland, no matter how he was killed by anyone, the shaman felt that he was just a poor old man who staggered to avenge his father with his only identity.

After the battle of Chinas's extermination against Gaza, the big shaman seemed to suddenly grow old.

No one knows his past. No one knows that his barbarian name is Chao and Lehe Harchi. People only know that he is the messenger of the supreme god, representing the messenger of the highest Tengri god on the grassland. The old man slowly became weak and old, regaining his crazy mouth without a serious look. Only the king often looked at him with solemn eyes full of wine. In his amber eyes, his eyes were unreserved pity and defense.

Burichu knows that the prophecy of the Great Shaman is simply a conspiracy. 50 years later, there will be a hero who can overthrow the Chinasties, which is all lies of the Great Shaman. Chao and Lehe Halchi, this gloomy old man, wanted only the promise he made when he was a king. Perhaps this lie can deceive the nobles, generals and herdsmen, but it can't deceive the king. At that time, in the tent of the barracks, the two had a long silent communication, and the king had noticed that the great shaman had lied, but he did not expose it. At that time, he could see deep burnout and fanaticism from the old man's peaceful and quiet eyes - what supported the big shaman was hatred for the Gaza, and he supported Burithe Chinasi to be a king. The queen never mentioned the agreement between the two again. He believed that Bo Ri Tie was not the one who broke his promise. The old man is waiting, waiting all the time, waiting for the Japanese thread. From youth to middle age, waiting for his hair to turn white...

The king only felt that if the agreement of that year had not been fulfilled, the big shaman would probably die... In fact, the old man would have died long ago! At that time, the king only felt that if he refused the great shaman, the old man would die depressed. The great shaman is kind to himself. Anyway, that agreement must be fulfilled. So, after a long silence, he said, 'Since your heart is like this, what do you want?'

The big shaman got what he wanted! At the beginning, all he wanted was the head of the Lanmuzabu family, but for so many years, he hid his name and endured humiliation for so many years, and the hatred of the great shaman had spread to the whole Gaza clan. He used his identity as a messenger of God to calculate and predict the war between Chinas and Gaza, deceived kings and generals with his identity as a messenger of God, and pushed more than 400,000 innocent herdsmen of Gaza into hell...

The grassland was completely shrouded in night, and Shen Fan and both of them quietly recalled the past history told by the great shaman. He couldn't help looking back at the old man who was about to fall asleep. After telling the most obscure history on these grasslands, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. More than ten years have passed. When the old man mentioned the past that should have been brought into the grave, there was no hatred in his heart, no more impulse and anger at that time. All Shen Fan could hear was endless sighs and regret. It's really creepy to kill so many people for your own selfish thoughts...

But after a long time, the people were no longer there, and even the appearance of those who loved and hated them could not be remembered. What else can't be seen? The original obsession, that resentment, was just a miserable smile. The great shaman, who is high above and alternating the left and right grassland kingship, is now just a dying old man...

Historically, the tribal massacre of the Gaza tribe by the Chinasi tribe was a bloody one in the history of the barbarians. No one could guess that it was just from the hatred that an old man had accumulated in his heart for decades... But if the grassland events after the massacre were connected, Gaza The battle to exterminate the tribe was a turning point for the whole grassland barbarians from prosperity to decline.

In the battle of the extermination of the Gaza tribe, the wife of the King Ramuzab Khan of the Gaza tribe at that time was the beloved sister of the king Erdun Ketu Khan, the lion king of the Azlan tribe, which left a seed of hatred in the heart of Ben and the indisputable Lion King. As revenge, the Lion King assassinated Mondulatu Chinasi, the great prince of the Chinas, and claimed that the son of Chinasi was besieged and killed by the wild wolf... The king and the Lion King completely took the opposite road. The king was always unprepared against the lion king's bite, and the Lion King would not let go of anyone who could destroy the Chinasi. Opportunity... After receiving the support of the southern Mengyang Empire, the Lion King couldn't wait to launch a war against Chi Nasi. The two strongest forces on the grassland finally collided with each other, but it also set off the most bloody killing on the grassland.

Maybe future generations will feel that the whole tribal war between the grassland barbarians is really out of the way of the emperor because of the individual hatred of those in power. As a king respected by thousands of people, you should stand high and look at everything indifferently. Even if the relatives around you die one by one, you should continue to sit on the throne of power with a cold mask. It is a childish and stupid act to set off a war frenzy because my father was killed and my sister was killed. On the contrary, they appreciate the imperial family in the south, such as Lin Xi, the last emperor in the history of Mengyang, who can kill his father and brother, abandon the so-called feelings for the world, make himself like a lonely beating heart, and deliver blood to every inch of the empire at an eternal frequency. No impulse, no emotion, manipulate the development of the empire like a precision-operating machine. Destroy all blood and impulses, accurately plan, as long as you can get what you want, even if you shake hands with your father's enemies...

In the eyes of future generations, this is the way of emperors. Out of the secular world, ignore feelings, infinitely close to the god who is in charge of everything, with cold iron stone in his chest, looking at this lonely world coldly.

However, it cannot deny the bloody nature of the barbarian emperors. The barbaric environment in the far north has created their character. They value family, friendship and love. They are single-minded to protect their loved ones, and even the king they respect and worship has an unforgettable figure in his heart. In order to protect their beloved things, even if the emperors on the grassland are flooded, even if the blood flows into rivers, even if they fight for it until the stars collapse and are afraid?

Thinking this way, the barbarians are more humane. Love is love, hate is hate, a smile for ten years, and an angry corpse of millions. For those who love, they are more like pure 'people' than the southern emperors with cold masks.

As an emperor, we should not only accept the respect of all people, but also have interests and struggles, but also love and responsibility. How many people can figure out this truth?