
Chapter 54 Lion Tooth Riding and Wind Magic Riding

When King Bo Rishe Chinas heard that Zaerhua's scout warrior was ambushed, he immediately led 20,000 vigorous horses to support him. It's not that he is worried about Zaerhua. The king has always valued the youngest general in the history of Chinas. It's just that this incident came too suddenly. The king really can't believe that the district Kuma dares to disobey the will of Chi Nasi, not to mention that the tribes are facing the southward migration. At this time, is there a large-scale war? Is it reckless?

The king riding on the horse's face became gloomy - and there was a worse situation. Could it be that the rest of the tribes joined forces to resist Chi Nas? If so, the situation is not good. According to the king's plan, the large-scale war between Chinasi and the rest of the tribes will be next year. If the rest of the tribes unite, Chinas has little chance of winning, because the second-ranked Azlan department takes a lot of time to clean up, and with other tribal cavalry, Chinas will even be defeated. However, the king dared to make such a plan because of the strong and lethality provided by the Fanyang Dynasty. With such a fierce weapon, the king is sure to win!

But the news from Fanyang Machinery Manufacturing Office is that it will take at least half a year to deliver 50,000 machine crossbows to Chinasi. Everything is going according to the time set by the king, but now it is taken first by other tribes!

The king's amber eyes showed murderous intent, as if he were going to roar out of a snowstorm. The high cloud horse's nose under him sprayed violently, and 20,000 people behind him rode like a black armored gun to kill the silver horse village. The Kuma tribe is just a small tribe. If it's really just that King Tatlam Khan is crazy, then crush the Kuma tribe. If these tribes join hands, you should be careful!

Chinas is not ready for a large-scale war on the grassland.

"Hulyan Erdun Ketu..." The king spit out the name at the corners of his mouth, and his amber eyes became more and more gloomy. He can smell this gloomy opponent.

"!" Su He, who followed closely behind him, suddenly shouted, and his voice was full of inexplicable panic.

B Richiche looked back at him. Su and Saihan's face was unprecedentedly serious. His beard trembled and said, "Your Majesty, we'd better go around the south side of Yinma Village. From here to Abandoned Village, we have to pass a steep slope. In case someone charges down from there, we can't stop the momentum!" His voice was blown by the cold wind that swept by the high-speed war horse, which was not very real, and even his worries became unreal.

Su He's worry is reasonable. A small tribe in the Kuma department dares to rebel and is bound to kill the only person in charge of Chi Nasi. Just sneaking on a wind tent can't hurt Chi Nasi. He felt that Kuma's sneak attack on Zaerhua's scouts was just a bait, waiting for them to take the bait, and the terrain along the way was really unfavorable to them.

The king pondered for a moment, and his eyes narrowed dangerously. Although he was thinking, his horse's speed still did not decrease. Suhe, let's go straight there. This is provocative! Kuma is provoking Chinas. I know that terrain. Even if they ambushed us on the steep slope, it's not a big deal! The cavalry rushed down like that, and the vigorous horse can resist! And what we have to do is to kill them all and leave none of them. He turned his head to look at Su He and said fiercely, "This is Liwei. I'm afraid they have forgotten how powerful Chi Naisi was thirteen years ago. We need to remind them. Now if they don't crush and dare to resist our enemies and take a detour, it will make them think that Chi Nasi is afraid of them, and there will be more and more people who dare to challenge our majesty in the future. You should know what will happen if the wolves in the wolf pack are sick or old..."

Su He's body trembled, and the posture of riding on the horse was a little unnatural. In a pack of wolves, if the head wolf shows signs of weakness, waiting for its end is to be killed and eaten by other strong wolves and replaced with a new wolf. Now Chi Nasi is such a wolf. If the opponents who provoke Chi Nasi are not executed, the rest of the tribes will challenge Chi Na Si one by one. At that point, Chi Na Si will definitely be defeated in the war in turn, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chi Naisi still needs a peaceful winter rest, and there must be no sign of weakness now. Su He looked at the king with white hair floating behind his head. At this time, the nearly 60-year-old king rode on a war horse to fight in person, just to show the enemy the fighting power of Chi Nasi? Shocking other ready-moving tribes to give Chi Nasi more time to breathe?

Su He's face showed a little pain: It turned out that the king thought so far for Chi Nasi that he was really trying his best!

Su He kicked the horse's belly fiercely, and the horse was a little faster. Before he rushed to the king, he threw more than half of the king's horse out of his body and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, please let Su He rush in front of you! Su He is the strongest warrior under your command, and he will never fall into the glory you have given!"

The heroic leader also made up his mind at this time. Was the blood when he destroyed Gaza 13 years ago been wiped out? Just now, I had the idea of taking a detour... This is not the style of a vigorous riding leader at all!

The vigorous ride is the strongest horse like a rolling thunder.

When riding vigorously, the flying horse's hoof raised a thick layer of dust. At this time, the heavy cavalry emperor slaughtered the enemy like a demon in the dust. And ahead, the lions of the grassland are also ready to lick. Lick. With his minions, he waited to compete with the heavy cavalry emperor who had deterred the grassland for more than 100 years.

In an unknown corner, there are several pairs of eyes watching what is about to happen here.

At this time, far away from the firefield, the big shaman and Shen Fanshuang, who were staying there, suddenly stopped their calculations. Their eyes wide open in an instant, staring at the complicated calculations on the ground, as if they had seen the most incredible results.

This has reached the 128th combination. The two have been calculating for a moment in the past few days, adding various factors such as stars, wind direction, and even water lines. With such full consideration, the two have been slightly depleted, and it is very cold away from the fire. The big shaman was wrapped in a thick sheepskin jacket, stamped his feet, and said, "Fan Shuang, take a look again and check carefully. Is it a mistake in our calculation? Come on..."

I have never seen a big shaman so anxious, even with some resentment. Shen Fanshuang didn't say much. He glanced at the two tents and thought about it for a long time. This result is correct. He is very careful and has never made a mistake in the algorithm. He checked it again and finally said, "Big Shaman, no problem..."

The big shaman sat on the cold rock ground as if he was paralyzed, and his turbid eyes were enlarged and lost his mind. His dry and bleeding lips muttered to himself, "Is that really the case? That is to say, there is no doubt that this boy will die?"

With his words, a colder wind blew through the far north snowy mountains, annihilating all the warmth and turning the whole world into a cold winter...

The king and Su He rushed forward, and 20,000 people behind them rode vigorously, but when they rushed up a gentle slope, the scene they saw made them sink to the depths of the abyss in an instant.

It is not the Kuma cavalry waiting for them. In front of them are the huge cavalry troops waiting for them. Their armor is bright red, like red steel. The warriors' expressions were solemn, and they did not show any panic when they saw the heroic horse rushing over, and their faces were as fierce as the lion-faced beast lines on their chest armor. They carry a big bow on the right side of their saddle, with flexible and cooked iron, while on the left side is a heavy war knife with serrated teeth.

Since its establishment, it has been rumored that its combat power can be comparable to that of Chi Naisi's vigorous riding. In terms of the number of people, combat strength and equipment, it is much better than the poor cavalry of Kuma. Lion Tooth Riding and Shooting has not participated in any large-scale war so far, and I have been unable to figure out its details. This time, is Lion Tooth Riding and Shooting going to fight with Chi Nasi?

The king's eyes are terrible! He roared: "Azran! Huyan Erdun Ketu, how dare you disobey me? The king's only hand released the reins and clamped his legs. Tighten the horse, pull out the * next to the saddle, and raise your shoulders high. More than 20,000 people behind him pulled out their knives and raised them. At the same time, they pulled down the armor on their faces, and their whole body was hidden in the heavy iron armor. The murderous intention of the knife is bitter, and the warriors with black horse and black armor are bright and murderous, accompanied by the already harsh cold wind in the far north, to kill the cavalry who dares to stop them in front of them.

Haiyang, the leading general who shot the lion's teeth, was also extremely calm. This is the first time that Lion Teeth rode against Chi Nasi's fierce riding, and he actually felt blood hot all over! Since he became the most powerful general of the Arzlan Department, he has never appeared on a large battlefield, which is inseparable from the policy of rest and recuperation and accumulation of strength formulated by King Erdun Ketu Khan over the years. This time, there is finally a chance to fight head-on with famous generals like Su and Saihan. How can he not be excited?

He clenched the saber, and the smile on his face became colder and colder. Haiyang turned his head and said to the person next to him, "Brother, I'm ready to kill. This is the first battle of lion teeth shooting. We want to win the beauty!"

Ujili is also the deputy commander of the lion's tooth riding and shooting, and is also Haiyang's own brother. Wujili held Haiyang's wrist and said in a low voice, "Don't move. Have you forgotten the order of the King of Khan?" He stared at the approaching magnificent horse in front of him, and his eyes were calm: "We are the warriors of the Khan King, and we must absolutely obey the order of the Khan King!" Wait a little longer!"

Haiyang's face became pale and said, "Wait? If you want to stand up on the grassland, you have to defeat the heavy cavalry of Chi Nasi and completely destroy them as they destroyed the Gaza Department 13 years ago! In this way, you and my brother can become famous on this grassland and be remembered, you know?

Ujili did not look at his brother and said calmly, "That's just our victory, not the victory that King Khan wants. We are warriors, as long as we defeat the enemy in front of us. King Khan wants the throne of the lord of the grassland. If you act without permission, King Khan will not forgive you..."

Haiyang's speech was blocked, so he had to release the knife resentfully, and his eyes were unhappy to stare at the approaching magnificent horse.

Suddenly, the whole ground shook, which was more obvious than the tremor caused by Chi Naisi's vigorous riding. It's like there's something huge to rush out of the earth.

Ujili glanced at the steep slope in the south and said, "They are coming. Let them break through the team of Chi Nasi first, and then we will go up. We must reduce our losses. The vigorous riding in front of us is not the whole of Chi Nasi. These are about 20,000 people, only half of the vigorous riding system, as well as the Chi Naisi's hornet and the big wind tent. If the people here finish fighting, how can we rely on to fight with Alatancang and Zarhua?

When the two armies were about to fight, another army suddenly rushed out on the steep slope in the south. This army is unprecedentedly terrible and as powerful as a devil! Even the momentum of the vigorous riding could not help slowing down. The warriors' faces were hidden under their faces, but their expressions were panicked! What are they waiting for?

There were fierce roars on the steep slope, and a group of green-skinned giants suddenly appeared. The cow's body was huge and heavy, and the warrior on the cow's back tied himself to the cow's back with a chain to prevent it from being thrown down. **'S upper body is strong, with heavy bronze giants in his arms, and his mouth roars strangely. Zhanniu's eyes showed a crazy light and changed to the past. These huge giants trained to fight were thrown into the war, causing extraordinary lethality and deterrence. Be condescending to rush down and exert the power of these mad cows to the extreme! The horns of the bull are huge and curved, and they are hit at such a speed that even the armor riding vigorously can't resist it!

Su and Saihan looked at the bull cavalry that rushed down and roared, "It's the wind demon horse of the Desu Department!"

The cavalry of Kuma, the lion's teeth of Azlan, the wind magic horse of the German and Soviet... Did the only few tribes on the grassland aim their weapons at Chi Nasi? More than 30,000 lion teeth and more than 10,000 wind magic riders. In the face of such a powerful and heinous enemy, this can no longer be made up by combat power. The opponent's momentum and combat strength are comparable to that of himself, and the number of people is twice that of himself. How to fight this?

The war cow rushing down the steep slope is like a heavy hammer. An adult grassland bull is as heavy as two horses, especially the dagger-like horns on the head of the cow, and even the eyes of this group of bulls rushed down are blood red, as terrible as demons.

The charging momentum of the vigorous riding can't be stopped. The wind demon horse of the German-Soviet department has rushed down and just hit the vigorous riding force. The war horse could not stop the impact of the war cow at all, and the blue war cow rushed down the fierce horse like a frenzy. The war cow is not as tall as the horse, but the corner of the bull's head can just pierce the horse's armor into the horse's heart. The bull's momentum did not decrease at all, and the war horse with its heart pierced still rushed forward, with the hissing horse facing forward. And the wind demon rider warrior waved a heavy bronze qi and hit the vigorous riding warrior. The weight of the qi was extremely heavy, and it took a lot of effort just to wave it. Take a closer look at Da Yu, which did not open the blade, killing the enemy by weight.

A vigorous horse was killed by the front-line wind demon rider and rushed to the side uncontrollably. His legs were squeezed between the two horses and could not be pulled out. The warrior roared desperately and cut the knife to the blood-red war cow. The heavy war knife only split the skin of the cow's head and got stuck on the hard bone of the cow's head. But this aroused the fierceness of the war cow. The war cow shaved its hooves more and more fiercely. The warrior screamed violently, and he felt that his leg bones had been crushed. The wind demon riding warrior waved the bronze Daqi and smashed the weapon to the powerful riding warrior with a ferocious smile. The heavy armor could not stop the hammering of the Daqi, and the Daqi fell down with the momentum of splitting Huashan and hitting the warrior's shoulder. The unopened blade actually smashed the seam of the armored shoulder and unloaded the warrior's shoulder. The warrior's hand holding the knife fell down and was crushed by the war cow's hoof. The samurai covered his broken arm and screamed sadly. His voice was a little stuffy in the helmet, but it was heartbreaking and miserable.

The fierce smile on the warrior's face became more and more frightenistic. Da Ye waved again, and the weapon split horizontally on the magnificent armor. The armor shattered, and the iron armor rolled up and pierced into the warrior's chest. Blood gushed out of his mouth and flowed along the seam between the helmet and chest armor. The wind demon riding warrior shook the big yu and pulled out the big shiver that was stuck in the warrior's body. The warrior seemed to have been cut in half, with a huge gap in his body, revealing his internal organs and dying sadly.

Although the wind magic horse is strong, it loses in mobility and durability. If it is placed on weekdays, it will not be easy to ** China thought to ride vigorously. But today, the wind demon horse ambushed in advance and charged down, and the weight advantage of the war cattle was exerted to the extreme. In addition, under the deterrence of the lion's tooth riding in front of Azeslan, 20,000 vigorous horses were overwhelmed by the German-Soviet wind demon cavalry. As soon as the two armies came into contact, Chi Nasi lost thousands of warriors, which was not at all. Imaginable things.

Perhaps he tasted the pleasure of ** the grassland emperor who once overcame himself, and the wind demon rider warriors became more and more fierce. The long-handled large-handled is far more lethal than *, and it is fatal if it hits the heroic armor. This ten thousand wind magic horse completely broke the momentum of the vigorous riding, and even destroyed the pride and courage of the vigorous riding. The battlefield is full of the smell of blood and dusty choking.

Haiyang and Wujili, who watched silently in front of them, showed a shocked look on their faces - the power of the wind demon horse in a specific environment was too great. If they attacked rashly, they would definitely be attacked by the war cattle that did not distinguish me. Haiyang, who had been fighting, couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his face looked like the rest of his life after the disaster.

At this time, Wujili pulled out his knife and said, "Brother, order it!" Let's give the proud rider the last blow! Moreover, I saw the king of Chi Nasi!" Wujili turned his head and looked at his brother and said, "What reward will we get if we capture him and give it to King Khan?"

Haiyang's eyes grew big in shock. He suddenly felt dry and said in a daze, "Catch the king?" Immediately, his eyes turned into excitement and roared, "Great, that's the result!" Our Arzlan department finally came out. The position of the grassland emperor belongs to the noble king of Erdun Ketu Khan! From then on, my Azeslan's lion flag will float on the grassland!"

He pulled out his knife, raised it high, and roared: "Lion teeth ride and shoot, kill--"