
Chapter 57 Demon

"Is it really Arislan's support behind his back?" Suhe Saihan stared at the figure that rushed down the steep slope. The red gold armor was like a burning meteorite and rushed to the battlefield with unreasonable courage. King Erdun Ketu Khan raised his knife in the process of charging the war horse, and the knife seemed to feel the murderous intention from such a long distance. Behind King Erdun Ketu Khan is a thousand of the most elite warriors of the Azeslan, whose combat power is above the strongest cavalry in the grassland.

The king glanced at the 30,000 lion teeth in front of them and looked at the elite armor and weapons on them. This was the first time that the lion teeth were put into use on a large battlefield. The warriors of Aries in Arieslan roared and killed like angry lions, and they actually had a stronger momentum than the grassland emperor. The king muttered, "Is this the savings of the Azran department for more than ten years?"

The battlefield is chaotic at this time, and Chi Nasi is at an absolute disadvantage. Since the beginning of being scattered by the wind magic horse of the German and the Soviet Union, the vigorous riding has been too passive, and it has lost too many warriors with the momentum of the wind magic horse like a city hammer. Now that Azeslan's army has finally joined the war, 20,000 vigorous riders have almost fallen into a dead end. But after all, the vigorous horse is the strongest army that has galloped across the grassland for nearly a hundred years. After the first half of the second half of the warrior and the king cut off by the wind demon horse, the strong killing power of the grassland heavy cavalry emperor also broke out. The black horse armor is like a black demon-like fierce horse that rolls over the cavalry of Azlan's troops like a rolling iron stream. The green bull cavalry wind magic riding is too bulky to keep up with the galloping speed of the vigorous riding. They are only suitable for entanglement. As long as the current vigorous riding gets rid of the wind magic riding, it only needs to get rid of Ageslan's lion tooth riding and is a victory!

But as the Khan king of Azeslan joined the battlefield, the lion's teeth rode and rushed to the horse like crazy. The expression on the warrior's face was twisted and ferocious. At that moment, everyone felt that even if there were unstoppable ancient dragons in front of them, these warriors would rush forward regardless of death. In the first confrontation with the vigorous riding, the lion's tooth riding was unreserved, just like the young descendants desperately trying to defeat the famous predecessors and establish their own power.

That's right, if the so-called invincible horse defeats, the name of the first fierce horse in the grassland will belong to the lion tooth rider of the Azlan. This is the rule of the grassland. If you put it in the eyes of the military tacticians in the south, it is not shameful even if you are defeated at this time. You will be defeated by the wind demon horse first, and you will fight against your enemies far more troops. Even if you lose, you will be outnumbered. But the wild grassland will not think so much. If you lose, you will lose. If you lose, all the previous honors, the first fierce cavalry emperor of the grassland, the magnificent iron cavalry... All kinds of glory will be deprived, and even the lives of the heroic warriors will no longer belong to them!

The king was silent for a long time, and his amber eyes had been squinting like an falcon. His sharp eyes swept across the tragic battlefield, and his hand holding the knife trembled and trembled - it was by no means fear. Su He was very clear about the king. After a temporary silence, it must be a volcanic eruption. There is wolf blood in his bones. How can he be afraid?

Sure enough, the king sneered, and his gray hair suddenly floated away, and his dark and old face was infinitely arrogant. Su He, take 2,000 warriors to kill Huyan Erdun Ketu!" The king spit out this sentence coldly!

Su He immediately understood the king's meaning - the king of Erdun Ketu Khan wanted the king's life. Whether it was a wind demon horse or a lion tooth horse, it was to help him achieve this goal! But if King Erdun Ketu Khan dies, who else can these warriors fight for? In the words of the Southern Soldier's Book, this is to capture the king first. Give up fighting with the enemy, gather the strongest troops, and aim at the deadly blow of the enemy generals, then these Azlan warriors will naturally be defeated. This is often the most effective tactic when there are fewer enemies. After fighting with the south for so many years, the generals on the grassland have more or less learned what is in the southern military books.

But the king thinks so, and King Erdun Ketu Khan may not think so. If you can kill the king, it means too much. Just pick the king's head on the birch pole and insert it in front of the Chinas tribe, and the whole tribe will collapse! The king is like the sun, moon and stars, like a living god.

Su He didn't say much. He raised his knife and roared: "Dry vigorously and gather according to the team. Give up fighting with the enemy, divide the three warriors, fight with two wings to block the enemy, and follow me in the middle to kill the enemy's rebels!" His voice was like a rolling thunder running across the battlefield. The heroic riding warrior heard it clearly and did not hesitate to give up the enemy he was fighting and gathered according to Su He's order. The vigorous riding warrior is extremely harsh on the general's orders. When training warriors, the most important thing is to obey, even if the order to charge to the cliff without hesitation!

Soon, the remaining 10,000 warriors were completed, and 4,000 warriors on each wing intercepted the lion's teeth and the wind demon horse, wrapped in the scabbard of the blade, and the most elite 2,000 warriors guarded in the middle were extremely sharp blades, which would give a fatal blow to King Erdun Ketu Khan.

The king stared at the vigorous horses gathered around him and said in a low voice, "The Tengri God is on our side. The glory that belongs to the emperor of the grassland will never be extinguished!" His voice was not high, but it was clearly heard by the warriors, which cheered the hearts of the warriors like Sanskrit spells.

Su He roared vigorously, "Riding vigorously, charge!" He pulled down the armor and kicked the horse's abdomen fiercely. The horse hissed and killed King Erdun Ketu Khan, who rushed down from the steep slope. The whole heroic riding formation is not chaotic, and the heroic riding of the armored iron horse is like a moving steel fortress. The solemn military array is like a rainbow of murder. The strongest blood in the warrior's body is burning, and the atmosphere on the battlefield is even more fanatical because of this group of warriors.

What kind of scene is this! The heroic warriors on both wings will fight back the enemies who rushed towards them. Even if they die, they will jump up from the horse and lift the other warriors off their horses. They will fall on the dusty battlefield and are trampled into a pool of indistinguishable flesh and blood by countless horses' hoofs - even if they are powdered bones, they will be merged with their opponents' flesh and blood. Perceiving the intention of the vigorous riding, the lion's teeth riding and the wind magic riding on the two wings hit more fiercely. The vigorous riding on the two wings stopped them like a steel wall, opening the way for the samurai who was responsible for killing the king of Erdun Ketu Khan in the middle.

King Erdun Ketu Khan, who was sprinting, saw the magnificent cavalry array changing so fast that he couldn't breathe for a moment - is this the strongest cavalry on the grassland? It reacted so quickly and quickly decided on the right strategy. The formation of the army changed so fast that the series of vigorous riding was extremely beautiful and shocking. The warrior's wildness and strict obedience are perfectly combined with the vigorous riding, which is far less than the lion's tooth riding. He only cares about whether the samurai's combat strength is strong or not, but ignores the training of the samurai's formation and response ability on the battlefield.

Seeing the vigorous cavalry gathering troops rushing towards him, King Erdun Ketu Khan felt a great crisis, so he ordered him to charge the bloody lion riding on the battlefield to slow down - facing the emperor on the grassland, and the slightest difference was the end of doom, and he had to be careful.

The driving speed was very fast. Although the pressure on the two wings was great, it opened the way for the elite warriors in the middle to the king of Erdun Ketu Khan. The lion tooth shooting and the wind demon riding were entangled by the warriors of the two wings and had no time to split up. Realizing Chi Nasi's intention, the leader of lion teeth riding and shooting changed his face and roared, "Lion teeth riding, drawing bow and long shooting, shooting horse legs, shooting horse legs... Let them stop!"

Haiyang is really afraid. The horse is a group of crazy people! They actually used such a tactic. In order to kill the King of Khan, they let the two-wing warriors be eaten. If they can't stop the blade-like warrior in the middle, the King Khan will face danger directly. If King Khan dies, if he dies... He really wants to slap himself with a big mouth, how can he think of such a thing!

The arrows shot by the lion's teeth are so dense that they shoot at the vigorous horse. The bows and arrows have no effect on the grassland heavy cavalry emperor, only horse legs and horses. The eye is a weakness, but except for the most elite pheasant warrior, few people can hit such a subtle and high-speed target with one blow. The rain of arrows fell on the armor and rolled down like a pea, and the rider was still charging, getting closer and closer to the Khan King.

Ujili, who had not said anything, gritted his teeth and roared, "Two hundred people, rush to me and hit the horse. Even if you tear your teeth, you will tear off their flanks!" After saying that, he was the first to rush up, and the subsequent samurai followed without hesitation.

The lion-tooth mounted warrior desperately leaned towards the vigorous riding body. Their knives could not cut off the armor on the vigorous riding body, so they could only rely on stabbing. However, after piercing the heavy armor, the blood tank of the saber was stuck and could not be pulled out, and their heads were cut off by the vigorous riding knife. A lion-toothed shooting warrior suddenly shouted. The war horse squatted on the horse's back while running at high speed. Seeing that a fierce warrior jumped on it, he lifted it off the horse fiercely and annihilated it under the rolling hoof.

The battle to this extent is no longer described as tragic.

It's close, 300 feet away from the king of Erdun Ketu Khan. The well-eyed warrior can already see the bloody lion's violent eyes on the blood-red lion flag of Azlan. The warrior who rode the two wings suddenly dispersed to both sides, and the scabbard wrapped in the sharp blade shot at the lion's teeth and the wind demon horse like a crack, desperately killing the cavalry that had tried to envelop the cavalry before the magnificent riding. At the same time, the scattered two-winged warrior bit at the king of Erdun Ketu Khan like an open huge mouth. The elite warriors who were desperately protected in the middle of the road finally showed their sharpness. There was no loss on their way. The blade of 2,000 people was sharp and forceful. Without the protection of the two-wing scabbard, they charged faster.

Close, close, close! Su He's heart was about to jump out, only 150 feet away from the king of Erdun Ketu Khan, and more than a dozen horses of barbarian blood can reach it in a breath. But this distance was the farthest and longest road in his life. He turned his head and glanced at the king. The old man's face was gloomy and blue, and he really fought for Chi Nasi. So, for the sake of the king and Chi Nasi, he can only rush forward, rush, rush, can't stop, never stop!

Two thousand horses slowly pressed down their bodies, and the * in their hands were tilted on their shoulders - the standard vigorous cavalry charge and slash preparation posture. As long as he can get close to the king of Erdun Ketu Khan, the thousand blood lions around him are useless and can never stop the most elite king from riding vigorously. Just this 150-foot distance!

The vigorous riding on the two wings completely dispersed. They just want to stop the lion's teeth and the wind demon riding, and block the obstacles for the warriors in the middle. But after dispersing, the front was too long, and their disadvantage of insufficient troops was revealed. Three or four warriors who rode with lion teeth surrounded a vigorous rider. After all, they were cut off the horse, and the flank defense line of the vigorous riding began to collapse. But in any case, the lion's tooth riding can't catch up with the speed of the middle of the road, and it is powerless to return to the sky.

The king of Erdun Ketu Khan grabbed the reins of the king of Khan and shouted in a low voice: "King Khan, retreat, retreat quickly - we can't stop this road! If you don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

King Erdun Ketu Khan roared angrily. After preparing for such a good opportunity for so long, even the German and Soviet Department and Kuma Department were transferred, but still failed? Tactics, tactics! Did he lose tactically? The combat power of lion tooth riding may be a little different from that of the vigorous riding, but the number of people is dominant. The reason for their failure is tactics!

He can even see the dark amber eyes of Bo Rita Chi Nasi from the rapid rushing riding, and the ferocious face of Su and Saihan - this is obviously going to kill him! He waved his hand and prepared to retreat temporarily, but what happened in front of him was suddenly stunned!

That Mengyang messenger! It turned out to be Mengyang's messenger. When did he appear in front? The slender and thin Shura stood in front of the rushing horse and opened his arms, as if to block all the warriors with his own strength! His scarlet pupils seemed to be burning, his scarlet hair and scarlet robe bulged violently, like a fierce heat wave all over his body. **'S chest was full of shiny spells, even with spells on his neck and face, and an ancient dragon-like momentum burst out of his body. The handsome face that can't tell the gender is ferocious and terrible at this time!

This is the feeling. It looks thin and weak, but the momentum is heinous. The two thousand-riding warriors were dull.

The king and Su He saw the most incredible thing in the world! Other warriors may not know what happened, but they know it clearly. They have not forgotten the mysterious man who destroyed the shield wall for Mengyang four years ago. The same red-haired robe, his eyes were frighteningly red. He stood there, and all the warriors knelt down to him, as if this was God, the center of the universe, the supreme existence in charge of the power of life and killing in the world!

But at this time, the frightening 'god' stood in front of them and opened his arms to stop them?

The man in front of him is insignificant compared with his 2,000 warriors, and even stepping on a horse can kill him, but the king and Su He feel great fear, and even every warrior around him feels the fear and madness from the deepest part of his heart, as if he is forced to recall the most terrible in his heart over and over again, and he is the last to mention The most vulnerable thing for them.

The king muttered to himself immediately, "Is this what the great shaman said about God?" Over the mysterious man in red in front of him, the king clearly saw Huyan Erdun's face, yellow-brown eyes, and even the hatred and madness in his eyes. The king suddenly roared, and the horse's mane floated like a flag with his big command. His voice was clear, "Ride vigorously, rush over and kill Huyan Erdun Ketu!"

If you want to kill Hu Yan, you must cross the mysterious red-haired man in front of you. The moment the king saw Huyan Erdun's eyes, he made up his mind to kill the man who dared to disobey him and kill the red-haired man in front of him! He has the determination to be godless!

Two warriors and one horse attacked Shura first. Their knives were held diagonally, one left and one right like scissors. In their opinion, in addition to looking strange, this man was really weak and pitiful - he ran to the battlefield without weapons and armor. Isn't this killing him?

The two riders killed him like a fast horse wind, raised their knives and chopped them at their heads. Shura Zhuhong's lips muttered a spell, and their whole body seemed to burst into endless flames. The * that the two heroic riders cut at him turned red in an instant, as if they had just taken out of the stove.' Sneer...', the heavy * eyes melted into iron water droplets falling on the sand, splashing out a hot and dazzling fire.

Sura's stretched arms suddenly shook, and the two warriors were caught in his hands and stuck in their necks as if they had been sucked alive. The thin Shura held a samurai's neck in one hand, and the warrior's legs kicked helplessly in the air and desperately tried to break Shura's hand, but the slender and beautiful hands were as unbreakable as iron pliers. The strength in this thin-looking man's body is so terrible!

His blood-red eyes looked at the two warriors struggling in his hands. Their faces were covered under the armor and could not see any expression. He twisted a smile cruelly and said, "Human beings, do you know how weak your strength is?" The charms all over his body suddenly burst into a red and dazzling light, and his arms seemed to be shrouded in flames. The two warriors with their necks suddenly screamed - their armor was melting, and their bodies were like countless fire snakes biting their internal organs. The armor quickly turned red and melted into iron. The high-temperature iron burned their flesh one by one, penetrating their bodies, burning through their shoulders, chests and skulls, penetrating their bodies and falling down. The two warriors soon stopped moving, and their bodies smelled of burnt carrion.

The two charred bodies almost shrank in a large circle, like skin and bones. The charred skin clung to the bones, and the silhouette of the skeleton could almost be seen on the samurai's face. Shura let go of his hand, and the two bodies fell to the ground. In an instant, they fell into pieces and disappeared by the wind.

All the forward horses stopped violently, as if they had seen the most horrible thing in the world - two big living people, are gone at once? Except for a pile of black deformed iron on the ground, there is no trace left? Great fear rose from the hearts of these fearless warriors and looked at the enchanting man as if they had seen the most terrible nightmare.

"Demon--" I don't know who shouted out, and the whole heroic warrior panicked, and even the horses under him retreated uncontrollably. Immediately, several voices shouted, "Monster! King, you can't rush like this..."

The king's face is gloomy and terrible, demon? This red-haired man was obviously on their side in the First World War! At this moment, it has become an obstacle for them. The magnificent ride is only 100 feet away from Huyan Erdun Ketu, which can be reached by a few breaths from the war horse, but it is blocked by such a demon-like man! How can this make him happy?

Suddenly, Su He shouted, "Don't retreat, the loser will be killed!" His voice was so loud that people's ears were shocked, and even the fear in the hearts of the warriors was shattered. He pulled off his helmet and threw it on the ground. His hair was scattered like a ghost, and his dark eyes were boundless anger and madness. He stared at the warriors who were afraid of retreating and roared, "The traitor Huyan Erdun Ketu is right in front of him. He must rush to death!" He raised the knife like a god of war on a horse. His armor glowed coldly, and the expression on his face was fearless.

"The king raised you, not to let you give in at this time! Rushing towards the demon, a hundred people killed one by one. One team died, and the last team followed, and then the next team continued to kill! If you all die, it will be my turn. If I die, it will be the king's turn! The moment we are warriors set foot on the battlefield, our lives don't belong to us! Vigorous riding, no backing coward!" Su He roared, his eyes were red, and his expression was ferocious like a beast. Coward on the battlefield, I'd rather kill you with my own hands!"

The usually arrogant and vigorous horse trembled under the soul-taking voice of Su and Saihan at this time, and a humiliating fighting spirit rose from the chest of this group of prairie heavy cavalry emperors. There was no fear, no fear, no fear, only full of fanaticism!

Su He glanced at the battlefield. After all, the front line of the two wings was nearly defeated because of the lack of people. Tens of thousands of lion teeth and wind demons tore the two wings of defenses and rushed over. About a miles away from them, the warriors of the two wings were almost killed and injured, and the black armored black horse was annihilated in the red armored lion teeth and cyan In the wind demon horse, there are only two thousand of them on the battlefield at this time.

Su He turned his head and looked at the king and said in a low voice, "King, there is no time. We must rush head-on. If we can't kill Huyan Er Duncutu quickly, we will be the one who died!" He took a deep look at the king and said, "Su He vowed to defend the glory of the king and Chi Nasi!" Xuan'er, he turned his head and shouted, "Team 1, kill, kill this demon at all costs!"

Shura, who stood quietly with a gentle and devious smile on his face, heard them scream, hear them roar in unison, feel their fear and current fanaticism, and watch them rush towards him again. Shura sighed with pity: "The so-called courage of warriors is as ridiculous as children's anger..."