
Chapter 61 Alatan Warehouse

Su and Saihan were so weak that they lay in the tent, and their bodies were full of black blood scabs. As soon as they moved, the blood scabs collapsed, and the black and red blood mixed with yellow pus flowed down. His body was originally very strong, but now his body seems to have been reduced by a whole circle, and the meat on his body has been burned together and stuck to the bones, which is beyond expectations. How can the majestic and brave cavalry commander not be frightening that the general led tens of thousands of grassland cavalry to fall into such a field? The first thing Su and Saihan did after they woke up was to meet the new kings Suille and Ke Chinas.

We must tell everyone that Mengyang's demon is helping Huyan Erdun to be prepared. That kind of power is too scary and cruel, and the bravery of the warriors is unbearable at all. That is clearly an irresistible force, and even God is angry. In the war against Mengyang four years ago, the red-haired man helped them destroy the three-layer shield wall used to protect Mengyang's wall of the erratic city wall. One move to 'burn the city' would block their tens of thousands of troops from moving.

I thought the mysterious man in red was their god, but now it is clearly the devil of Chi Naisi. Suddenly, Su He vaguely realized something, and his whole body was as frightened as if he had been poured cold water - in the war with Mengyang four years ago, the old king felt that someone was intervening when the war was critical. When the man in red destroyed the shield wall, it was probably an order from Emperor Lin Xi. Emperor Lin Xi deliberately destroyed his own defense and let Chi Nasi fight head-on with the light armored brigade of the Night Kingdom, consume each other, and fight each other... Both sides were almost weakened. Chi Nasi had to return to the far north, and the strength of the Night Kingdom was greatly damaged by the Mengyang royal family. The same is true of destruction, including several princes!

Four years ago, their war against Mengyang was actually helping Mengyang Lin Xidi drive away wolves and tigers and wear out the power of Mengyang princes, so that the royal family can hold power alone?

These ideas appear in his mind like lightning, which is absurd, but they don't have the courage to refute like facts. They thought that they were in power and thought that they took a mend iron horse to the south to fulfill the wishes of the barbarians, but they didn't expect that they were just making wedding clothes for other people's apprentices. Su He was so depressed that she wanted to cry.

When the king died, he saw the king of Huyan Erdun Ketu Khan cut the knife along the king's neck, not fast, as if he was trying to make the knife sharp or not. At that time, the king did not dodge at all, allowing his neck to be separated, blood vessels splashed with blood, then muscle bones, and finally the trachea... The king did not struggle at all, as if he was willing to accept all this.

What shocked Su He most was the king's eyes before his death. His amber eyes were not as domineering as before, and there was no confidence in the master of the grassland in his eyes. On the contrary, at that time, the king's eyes were clearly begging, which had never been prietic. Su He saw it clearly! The king used his horse to control the grassland with an iron fist. Who did he ask for? Why did he look so ping before he died?

Su He moved his body slightly, and the pain swept through every detail of his body in an instant, like tens of millions of knives cutting his body. He hissed and didn't dare to move any more.

There was a rapid sound of footsteps outside the tent, and the warrior guarding outside the tent said in a low voice: "King--"

Su He quickly turned his head to the entrance of the tent curtain, regardless of the rupture of the blood scab on his neck, and the strong pain dared to make his tears fall straight down. The king came... The king came, as if he had suddenly found hope, and Su He's eyes were also more brilliant.

Opening the tent, an extremely burly young man came in. He wore a black command symbolizing the status of a king and strode at a large pace. When the tent curtain was lifted, he stood there against the light, with a halo outlined around his body, and his face could not be seen clearly. Only his eyes were bright and clear, like the brightest starlight.

"It's Suzil and Ke!" Su He sighed secretly in his heart that the old king was dead, and only the last young man with the surname "Chi Nasi" could inherit the title of barbarian king. He doesn't know whether Suil's personality can compete with the unfathomable Erdun Ketu Khan, but now Chi Nasi can only rely on this gentle and even cowardly young man.

However, Suhe now clearly feels that Suzil and Ke have changed. When he approached, he clearly saw the blood and fatigue in the young man's eyes, with no expression on his face, but with an extremely powerful breath. Unlike Suil and Ke in the past, it seems to have been broken from the inside out like a jade-like eggshell surrounding him. It is no longer soft and soft, but like an ancient dragon full of spikes. It's such a frightening breath.

"Su He, this is the new king of Chi Naisi and the new master we will dedicate our lives in the future." Alatan behind Suzil and Ke said in a low voice that he did not look at Suhe's body. The bruised body really made him feel uncomfortable.

"I know that Suil and Ke Chi Nasi, the old king failed to see you become a king in person. Maybe this is the most regrettable thing in his life..." Su He's voice was very weak, because as soon as he opened his mouth, the muscles on his face trembled and the blood scab would crack.

"My father's most regret is that he didn't get the fertile soil in the south! I know his heart!" Suil and Ke said that the young man's voice was very quiet, with a trace of imperceptible resentment.

Su He's eyes were clear, and he felt Suil and Ke's tone. It went smoothly. He seemed to understand why the king's eyes begged before he died... But this young man didn't understand. Do you think your father lost a mess for him? Do you think what your father asked him to bear is too heavy? Do you think your father is just a cold and domineering king? But he can't say anything. This is a family matter of Chi Na Si's family, and he is not qualified to say anything. What he can do is to be loyal to the new king of Chinas.

"Your Majesty, Su He has something important to tell you, which is very important." Su He struggled and continued to say that his body was very weak, and after a few words, he felt an uncontrollable pain.

Suil and Ke nodded quietly and sat by his bed - the general's body became like this, and he didn't even want him to speak again, but he had to understand what had happened on the battlefield, and the whole army was destroyed by 20,000 magnificent horses. Such a loss was too heavy.

Su and Saihan quietly said that they were about to reach Yinmazhai on the battlefield and were defeated by the wind demon horse. After fighting with the wind demon horse, Azhlan's 30,000 lion teeth rode and joined the battlefield, and Huyan Erdun Ketu also fought in person. The heroic horse took the array of crane wings to kill the king of Erdun Ketu Khan, and the two wings covered the most elite two thousand warriors in the middle, and everything went smoothly...

Su He didn't speak fast. Suilhe Ke and Alatancang had time to imagine what happened on the battlefield - they encountered the wind demon horse, were besieged by the lion's tooth horse, and took the crane wing array to kill Huyan Erdun Ketu directly. Su He's thoughts were fine. They can even imagine that as long as the 2,000 heroic horses in the middle can kill the king of Erdun Ketu Khan, the victory belongs to Chi Naisi.

"But there was only one person who stopped us in the end! The elite of 2,000 people in the middle of us was stopped by one person..." Su He's voice suddenly trembled, as if recalling the most frightening thing, and his eyes surged with unprecedented panic.

"One person?" Suil and Ke looked at General Suhe in surprise. Can one person stop the magnificent horse of 2,000 people? Such a thing is not even a joke, unless the Tengri god comes to the world. However, the fear in Su He's eyes can't be pretended anyway. How can he make the famous magnificent riding on the grassland so depressed?

"Aratancang, do you remember that when we followed Wang Nanzheng Mengyang four years ago, there was a man in blood-red clothes with even red hair? That man destroyed the shield wall that prevented us from riding tens of thousands of vigorously riding and thaya. At that time, you said that it was the god standing on our side. That's what you said at that time, didn't you? Isn't that right? Su He shouted hoarsely and turned his head desperately to look at Alatancang, as if to let him confirm his words. Without the confirmation of Alatancang, he couldn't believe what he was going to say.

Alatan was stunned for a moment, but nodded without hesitation and said, "That man's strength is not human to stop. If it hadn't been for the mysterious man's action at that time, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to break Mengyang's shield wall."

"That's right, that's right!" Su He shouted, "It's the person who blocked us. The person who helped us deal with Mengyang four years ago is now standing with Huyan Erdun Ketu!" The heroic horses of 2,000 of us were all killed by that man! No, that's not a human at all. It's not an too much to say that it's a god. He can manipulate the fire, and sing a series of spells in his mouth and the fireball comes out. As soon as the fireball hits the samurai, knives, armor, horses, people, and horses are all burned to ashes... No matter how many people rush over, they are killed, and we can't even get close to the man within a foot in front of him. In the end, there was really no time. More than a thousand of us pressed on it and were killed by him in one breath, even less than three breaths... The army of 2,000 people were killed like this, and the man was not even injured at all..." Su He said such a long words in one breath, as if he had exhausted his strength. He lay in ** and breathed, and his chest heaved violently, which made people fright.

Suil and Ke were silent and didn't know what to say. Is there really such a thing? Su He didn't talk nonsense. He could see the panic in Su He's eyes - the fear that could not be disguised. Even General Alatancang didn't say anything. Has General Alatancang seen that man before?

"King, what Su He said is true and there is no lie." Su He felt the silence of the two and struggled to say such a sentence.

"That man should be a magician, and he is the same kind of person as the Mengyang southern child Ye Xingchen beside the big shaman!" Alatancang was silent for a long time before saying, "I'm afraid this is why the big shaman tried his best to keep the southern child, even gave him noble status, gave him money from slaves and sheep, and even did not hesitate to engrave Yumeng Erdun. The most beautiful girl on the grassland would marry him to keep his heart! The big shaman had long expected that the mysterious man in red was now standing on our enemy's side, so he prepared the night star for the back..."

Suil and Ke's head suddenly raised and looked at Alatancang's eyes - still hidden in the eyes, and they could not see through Alatancang's eyes and this person's thoughts. But at this time, all he heard was the sentence, 'Even if you don't hesitate to marry Yumeng Erdun, the most beautiful girl on the grassland will marry him to keep his heart.'

Do you want to marry Yu Meng to him to keep his heart? Keep his heart? Keep his heart? What about his own heart? A momentary fury rose from his chest, lifting him up like a flame and surrounding his whole body. The irredeable mania rose from his heart. He really wanted to rush out and kill Ye Xingchen now... But another small voice said, "Ye Xingchen is a friend, a friend, a friend..."

The two extreme voices repeatedly intertwined in his heart, as if to tear his whole body in half.

"The great shaman must have his consideration! The big shaman also said at that time that there are people who have a higher level of power in the south. The bravery is as ridiculous as a child in the eyes of that kind of person. That's the kind of person. If that man really joins hands with Erdun Ketu, our army can't resist that spell power at all. Only people of the same level can compete with it. King, it's time for Ye Xingchen to take action! Chi Nasi has raised him for so many years, and it's time for him to do his part!" Alatancang's voice was unusually stable to analyze the situation and was extremely calm. At this moment, he was like a smoothly running machine, saying what he was thinking without any emotion, calm to cruel.

"Also, that person is now the great master of Mengyang's auxiliary country. He represents the will of Emperor Mengyang Linxi, and the Azlan Department is Mengyang's support behind his back." Su He forced his mouth again, and the severe pain made him couldn't help humming.

"That's right. Let's go back to what I just said to the king." Alatancang's thinking was extremely keen at this time, "Mengyang is supporting Azislan to overthrow Chinasi, and Fanyang is supporting us to unify the grassland and start a war with other tribes... Mengyang and Fanyang are playing chess, taking the grassland as the chessboard. We are pawns, and then follow the ideas of Emperor Mengyang and Emperor Fanyang. The war between us and Azeslan on the surface of the war between the two tribes on grassland kingship is actually a struggle between Mengyang and Fanyang. King, can't you see it yet? We will be used again! Fanyang is using us, just like Mengyang is using us. The war between Chinas and Azlan is like the beasts loved by the southern nobles... They are human beings, we are beasts!"

No anger, no excitement, no indignation. Alatancang's tone was calm as if he were practicing archery, without any emotional fluctuation, like an outsider looking at this complicated and confusing thing.

"King, Su and General's information is very useful. We should quickly throw the night stars into the battlefield, use him to fight against the Mengyang man, and order him to leave the battlefield of the warrior when fighting with the Mengyang man. The battle between magicians escaped fierceness, and we can't participate in it. Secondly, immediately terminate the alliance with Fanyang. The southerners just want us to weaken the strength of our opponents and consume the internal military power of the barbarians so that the south can settle down. No matter what they think, southerners always have plans, and we have to guard against it!" Alatancang said that his deep eyes were terribly bright at this time, and he quickly formulated countermeasures. He looked at Suzile and Ke, his eyes were sharp and sharp.

"Do you want to let the night stars participate in the war? Night Star is a man of the Great Shaman, which requires the permission of the Great Shaman. Moreover, Ye Xingchen is my friend, and I don't want him to participate in the war between barbarians. After a long time, Suil and Ke opened their mouths. It seems that it took a lot of determination to say such words.

"It's not a problem for the big shaman. I believe that the big shaman raises the night stars to put it into war at this time. As for Ye Xingchen, your friend of the king, I can't bear to let him participate in the battlefield. Please forgive me for saying bluntly, what is Ye Xingchen? He is just a down-and-out nobleman of Mengyang. Even if his father is General Mengyang Zhentian, he is already dead. He is nothing now. If it weren't for his magician blood, why should we have spent so much effort to protect him and raise him? We are raising him with the beef and mutton of the Chinas herdsmen, so that he can enter the war and die at the right time. He was exiled to the grassland by Mengyang, and it was Chi Nasi who took him in! His life was given by Chi Nasi, and now it's time for him to repay..."

"Don't say it...General, don't say it! Let me think about it..." Suil and Ke are very confused at this time. Do you want Ye Xingchen to participate in the battlefield of the barbarians? Want to let the boy with a god-like face enter the cruel battlefield? Do you want to stain that exquisite and handsome face with blood? Want to make that graceful boy become crazy and ferocious and ferocious on the battlefield? Suil can't bear to do this.

But there are no night stars. Can they resist the magicians on the other side of Azeslan?

"King, you are the master of the grassland and should not have any friends. Everything on the grassland is yours, and you can ask for it. Even if he wants the life of the night stars, he has to hold it to you with both hands. Don't be kind, don't feel guilty. You are the king of Chi Nasi. It is understandable to order a southerner who survived with the protection of Chi Nasi. Let the night stars enter the battlefield is an opportunity for him to make contributions, his glory, and an opportunity to show his loyalty to you. It's just a humble southerner. Don't worry about anything--

"Alatan warehouse, shut up--" Suille's voice suddenly became cold and fierce, and his bloody eyes flashed coldly, looking at him fiercely, as fierce as a beast, without any human nature - unprecedented fierceness and brutality. For a moment, Alatancang didn't dare to say anything more. He didn't even dare to look at Suzil Heke's eyes, so he had to lower his head.

"I will consider this matter. In this case, don't say any more!" Suil and Ke slowly calmed down and did not look at the Alatan warehouse. Instead, he said to Su He, "General, have a good rest. Chi Na Si will definitely avenge you!" After saying that, he strode away without hesitation, as if he couldn't wait to leave here. My heart is full of boredom.

Alatancang watched his figure disappear outside the tent. The moment the curtain was opened, the light outside the tent came in and fell on his face. The deep eyes were finally not so gloomy - the look in his eyes was clearly helpless and disappointed.

"Aratancang, you just said too much... We are the warriors of the Chinas family, as long as we obey the king's orders. Too many words is not a good thing. After saying that, Su He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

Alatancang heard the blame in Su He's tone, and he sighed helplessly: "Suil and Ke Chi Naisi are too young to be decisive. He is not as domineering as the king. He is too soft. If the old king is still alive, I will definitely listen to the king and not say a word more. But Suzil and Ke Chinas are really afraid to follow and believe! There are hundreds of thousands of Chinas tribe, and they must be responsible for them.

The long silence is extremely embarrassing.

Xu Jiusu and said coldly, "Are you doubting the king... Alatancang, your arrogant nature has not changed at all. However, I don't believe in the current king. This is already unfaithful. Be careful, the people who miss the family are full of wolf blood..."