
Chapter 69 Iron Cavalry Emperor

A big wind tent warrior with a red command rushed to the front under the leadership of Zha Erhua. The silver lock armor set them off like a beam of bright light, but the red command flew behind them like a burning and jumping flame. The galloping tent was dazzling. When they attacked, the whole battlefield seemed to be lit by them. The samurai saddled the horse, and his eyes were boundless.

Zarhua rushed to the front, and there were two deputy generals on the left and right. The wind curtain light cavalry charged with great speed. The distance between Chinas and the Azeslan tribe is only 20 miles. You can already see the wind demon cavalry vanguard under the Azlan and the lion flag flying against the wind. Under his banner, the warrior in fiery red armor with a lion-faced beast pattern on his chest held the flag in one hand and a knife in the other in the other, and looked at their cavalry majestically. Zerhua's pupils shrank, and he could feel that the Lion King had just looked at him! The grassland people have excellent eyesight. At such a long distance, the silence in their eyes, and the trace of disdain to be seen clearly.

Zer's colorful eyes narrowed, and the cold wind made his eyes hurt, but the fanaticism was even more violent. The Lion King must die! This is his only idea. Chi Na Si has bet all the warriors, all the bets, and even the future fortune of Chi Na Si! If you can't kill Huyan Erdun Ketu, the whole Chinas will be annexed by Azislan, and the Chinasi, which has dominated the grassland for hundreds of years, will also become history...

This kind of thing is never allowed to happen as a Chinasi.

He can already see the green copper rust on the huge bronze axe carried on the shoulders of the wind demon warrior in front of him. He can see the convex muscle texture on the arms of the tyrannical warrior**, the solid chest slowly shrinks with breathing, and the cows under them, and even the sharp daggers tied to the horns. The heavy body of the war cow has the weight of two horses, coupled with the fierce size of the German-Soviet warriors and the heavy bronze giant, which is definitely the most terrible cavalry on the grassland. In terms of short-term combat power, the wind demon horse is a well-deserved number one, but it is a pity that the mobility of the war cattle is too poor to be compared with the sensitivity of the war horse. Moreover, the cows are docile and do not like killing on the battlefield. In order to cultivate qualified war cattle, they must keep whipping them from an early age, cut their backs with knives over and over again, and let them bleed and make them hurt. This is how the war cows grow up, so that they are aggressive and fierce compared with wolves. But the war cow cultivated in this way is like an attack by the warrior on its back, which is really difficult to control.

The wind tent is about to approach the wind magic horse, and the rumble of horses' hoofs makes the war cattle more uneasy. They are angry, their noses are crazily open, exhaling a lot of white fog. The bull's eyes have turned red, and they keep shaking their heads to break free from the shackles bound by warriors around their necks. The war cow is as aggressive as a volcano that is about to erupt. The bronze giant of the wind demon riding warrior raised his shoulder and made a swing, and the momentum of splitting Huashan emanated from this group of tough warriors. They did not panic at all and waited for the impact of the wind curtain like a ten-thousand-year-old embankment. In the eyes of the wind demon cavalry warrior, perhaps the heroic cavalry warrior in heavy armor may panic them. They didn't pay attention to the group of light armored cavalry in front of them.

Zerhua looked back at the magnificent horse and slave warriors behind the gale tent, as well as the tycobage archers wandering on the periphery of the battlefield. He must tear off the blockade of the wind demon horse as soon as possible, so as to create opportunities for the follow-up troops. He pulled out the wolf blade in one hand and nodded to the left and right vice generals. They immediately understood and rushed away with the warriors more and more desperate.

The horse control technology of the wind tent warrior has reached its peak. They are about to hit the corner of the battle cow under the wind demon riding. They can see the reflection of themselves in the bull's tyrannical eyes. Seeing that the bronze rode of the wind demon warrior is about to cut down their head, the speed of the war horse is not reduced at all. At the moment when the wind demon rider warrior Da Ye was about to be cut down, the big wind tent warrior suddenly strangled the war horse. The horse body was strangled by the warrior as if there was no weight. The war horse's body was deftly twisted to avoid the bronze Dajue cut by the warrior. Even the skillful warrior had time to stab the cow's eyes and neck with a saber. Soft place. Then he turned his back to the wind demon horse and rushed in the opposite direction.

The wind demon rider warriors were stunned. They couldn't figure out what was going to be. They didn't even hit them face to face. The group of fierce warriors turned around and ran away. Except for the injury of the war cow, they didn't even touch a hair of the wind demon rider warrior. Except when they turned around, the fiery red command behind them swept the war cow fiercely. And the face of the samurai.

The fierce wind curtain comes and goes like the wind, leaving them with only a red command rolling and dancing, burning and jumping flames, red gorgeous and thrilling.

"Moo--" The war cow riding by the wind demon suddenly hissed like crazy, with red blood dripping in his eyes as big as copper bells. The war cow ran uncontrollably, chasing the dust raised behind the horse's hoofs of the warrior, and chasing the rolling and jumping fiery command. The whole two-mile-long wind demon riding blockade collapsed like a flood of the dyke, and the war cattle roared like an estrus. Regardless of the warrior on their back, they only chased the fiery behind the samurai of the big wind tent. The war cow's body is long and its legs are short. When running at full speed, its back is extremely bumpy. Many wind demon riding warriors can't control the crazy war cow. They were turned down on the back of the cow and trampled by the rolling war cow behind them. They didn't even have time to make a muffled hum. They turned into a pool of flesh and blood and rubbed into the withered yellow grassland.

Zerhua roared loudly: "It's better to control the speed and let the war cattle follow our horses and lead them away. It's better to lead them to the rear of Azlan. Turn around and stab them with a knife, provoke the anger of the war cow, and provoke the anger of the war cow with the fiery command behind them.

The big wind tent is worthy of being the most agile warriors. Zaerhua is just a little bit, and they actually did it quite perfectly. The samurai's dexterous skills shined, skillfully avoided the big yu in the hands of the wind demon horse warrior, and could provoke the anger of the war cow. The two-mile-long wind demon horse blockade collapsed. The fierce war cow did not care about the samurai's orders at all. He just wanted to catch up with these people with fiery red prongs on their backs and stab them to death with corners. . The huge and heavy war cattle are crazy and can't be controlled by manpower at all. At this time, it is not people riding bulls, but cows running with people. The wind demon cavalry warrior finally panicked. They found that the mounts under them were uncontrollable, and the big wind tent warriors in front of them stopped from time to time to tease the fierceness of the war cow with the fiery and big command behind them, laughing loudly laughing at the warriors dragged away by the war cow.

The whole line of the German-Soviet wind demon cavalry blockade collapsed, and the crazy war cattle were taken by the Chinas Dafeng tent and ran to the rear of the Azlan Department. Without the wind demon riding in front of the horse, tens of thousands of Kuma cavalry behind were exposed to the vigorous cavalry of Chinas. Before leaving, Zaerhua took a look at the heroic warrior with iron armor and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the rest is handed over to you!"

Suil and Ke watched the iron wall-like wind and magic horse defense line collapse, and they were stunned. They didn't expect that Ye Xingchen's method would be so useful. The battle cow can't stand the red teasing and equips the gale tent warrior with a red command. This change alone allows the gale tent to be entangled with the wind demon horse. Originally, people were so frightened that the wind and the horse and the cow were so easily resolved. Looking at the trembling Kuma light cavalry, the warriors became bloody - this is the punishment of the heavy cavalry emperor on the grassland for those who intervened and provoked their majesty.

Su Rile roared: "Five thousand vigorous riding vanguards and kill all the rebellion of Kuma--"

Five thousand selected elite riders were urged to rush. They knew their mission in advance - to kill the light cavalry of the Kuma department and do their best to weaken the obstacles of the Kuma department. Therefore, these 5,000 cyclists have the determination to die. With the king's order, 5,000 heroic horses, like a rolling torrent of steel, killed more than 20,000 Kuma light cavalry. The iron emperor pulled down the armor, and the sky just dawn seemed to be submerged in blood.

The rumble sound shook the grassland, riding heavily in heavy armor, and the heavy horse stepped on the ground, shaking the sand and rocks to jump and roll. Five thousand cavalry dispersed, and the cavalry, who had the desire to die, locked the cavalry next to each other with thorn chains. Each warrior was ten feet away, and a thousand vigorously rode into a team. Each team rushed forward horizontally. The blood of Gao Yunma was completely stimulated by the atmosphere of the battlefield. The horses in horse armor became faster and faster and dispersed, and the thorn chains between each of the two horses were tightened and straightened. The 5,000 warriors were divided into five teams, each with 1,000 people. The battle line pulled by the warriors chained together was three miles long. The two-winged warriors were extremely fast. The warriors in the middle slightly suppressed their speed, and 5,000 powerful horses surrounded more than 20,000 Kuma warriors like crane wings!

It is absurd and jaw-dropping to surround four times more enemies with fewer troops, but these 5,000 fierce riders are going to do such a seemingly impossible thing. They didn't forget what the king said when he selected them: "I want you to die for Chi Na Si--" They are now dying for Chi Na Si. They know that the follow-up troops are watching them, the generals are looking at them, the king is looking at them, and even their enemies are watching them. They are Chi Na. The Jinghua of Thought is the most powerful part of the vigorous riding! Never allow that glory to be tainted.

The heroic riders raised their knives together to urge the horses to run wildly. The thick thorn chains of the two fingers were straightened and tightened, and the sharp thorns on the chain flashed cold light. The magnificent horse, which was chained together, moved forward like a steel fortress. No one could retreat. The war horses no longer needed their control, just ran forward. It is not only the war horses that are chained, but also their fate. Five thousand warriors share honor and disgrace, and live and die together.

The Kuma warriors finally recovered when they rode around them. They thought they were going to face the fierce 40,000 vigorous riders after the gale tent, but they didn't expect that only these 5,000 vigorous riders would rush in and want to surround their 20,000 troops with 5,000 people? Riding vigorously, too proud and confident. Although Kuma's department is weak, it is the limit to send 20,000 cavalry, but after all, the barbarian warriors who survived the ten thousand years of the grassland can't be underestimated. General Kuma roared: "Kill - kill the wolf of Chinasi -" More than 20,000 Kuma warriors drove their horses to kill the vigorous warriors.

The Kuma cavalry in brown cowhide armor slammed with the magnificent steel fortress chained together, making a frightening scream and roar. It seemed that it was not a warrior and a war horse, but two pieces of flesh and blood, and the blood splashed out was shocking. The front team of vigorous horses actually blocked the impact of the pioneers of Kuma. The fierceness of Gao Yunma broke out vividly. When it collided with the horses of Kuma, they crazily bit the enemy's horse and pushed the Kuma cavalry straight back with a chest nearly half wider than the opponent, and put on the armor of the horse armor as strong as a horse. Head beast.

Some of Kuma's forward cavalry bumped into the thorn chains between the magnificent horses, and nearly a long thorns pierced into the chest of the war horse and the legs of the warrior. Their momentum was so strong that some war horses even fell over with warriors. The chest of the war horse was cut open by the spikes on the chain, and the crimson hot horse blood sprayed on the armor of the vigorously riding, splashing on the armor of the high cloud horse, which was completely stimulated by the murderousness of the Gao Yunma and the heroic warrior moistened by the blood. Before Kumar's cavalry vanguard could raise the knife, he was hit by a fierce horse and crushed under the hoof of the bombardment horse.

With such a meal as the striker of the Kuma cavalry, the first team's strong cavalry is about to close their encirclement. With a thousand people riding vigorously and supplemented by thorny iron ropes, nearly 20,000 Kuma cavalrymen were actually surrounded. The general of Kuma's eyes were angry and he roared fiercely: "Regress, retreat, retreat quickly. The troops behind will rush out before the encirclement is closed, and we will die if we are surrounded."

Kumar's light cavalry was scared by the fierce riding. They had never seen such a tactic and locked together. Even if the warriors on the horse's back died and fell under the horse, the encirclement would not be destroyed. This is simply a matter of life. It is really surrounded by 20,000 Kuma cavalry with a team of 1,000 people, followed by the second team of chained cavalry, followed by the third team, the fourth team, the fifth team... If they don't rush out of the encirclement before these teams are surrounded by the back of the heroic horse, they may have 20,000 warriors. The whole army will really be destroyed.

"Regress--Regress--don't rush forward, retreat--" The Kuma cavalry roared so sadly that they almost saw their vigorous horse warriors who met them in the middle to cut and kill their vanguards. This team swept them like a tsunami of steel, and the thorns on the tight iron chain were blood-red and hung on them. Full of pieces of fresh meat and fragments of limbs - which were torn off by the spikes on the chain, and even half of the bodies were hung on the chains. The heads hung on the ground and were blurred by the sand and gravel with the galley riding forward vigorously. The body torn by the chain flowed out dirty and shook with the tight chain. It seems that it is still beating vividly.

They couldn't see the faces of the magnificent knights. They all wore facial armor and left only a curtain made of steel for the Kuma warriors. The blood-stained armor smelled pungent with the smell of blood and rust, and Gao Yunma gasped and spewed out a foot-long, red horse. Their eyes glowed with red light and the unique wildness on the grassland. Killing and blood made them particularly excited. The rolling iron swept across the Kuma cavalry, as if the whip of the god was beating the battlefield, and the strong Kuma cavalry flew out with their horses. They could not be compared with the vigorous horses in heavy armor and horses, and were trampled by rolling iron hooves. But the heroic warriors also suffered great losses. Many Gaoyun horses did not have cavalry, and their masters had been annihilated under the horse's hoofs and melted into the brutal battlefield.

The warriors of Kuma's department seemed to have experienced a nightmare and finally barely rushed out more than 10,000 people, but thousands of people had been surrounded by the first team's vigorous horses. What's more frightening to them, the second team and the third team were surrounded by them, and their armor and chains were like the most terrible devils, biting them. Down. The fourth team rode vigorously from the flank, and the last team of vigorously rode joined the first team's slashing.

These 5,000 fierce riders really dragged their enemies four times, which is a miracle of the grassland war. When the Kuma cavalry who escaped from the first team was surrounded by the second and third teams, the Kuma warriors felt that the world in front of them was dark! Crazy - this group of crazy people - "I don't know who screamed. They don't know if they are fighting with 'people'. This group of vigorous mounted warriors are not afraid of death at all, and even no one retreats. They tried their best to devour all the Kuma cavalry.

Seeing that the encirclement of the vigorous riding became smaller and smaller, the emperor of steel seemed to be about to squeeze them to death in the palm of his hand. The outermost Kuma cavalry was pierced by the iron chain and was split in half by the heavy *, spewing out bright red blood and white brain plasma, falling off the horse, leaving a stunned and split in half. Face...

The warriors of Kuma are getting smaller and smaller. Thousands of warriors in the two encirclements have been cut down and trampled into mud by Gao Yunma. The warriors are all frustrated. Under the absolute power gap in combat power, their numerical advantage is not an advantage at all. Instead, they are killed by their opponents neatly. What's more, they are less bloody and determined to die than these 5,000 vigorous horses!

Those who are not afraid of death are the most likely to survive on the battlefield! When killing, you must have the awareness of not killing. These 5,000 heroic riders interpreted this sentence well with blood and corpses.

Bethed them, staring at their kings, generals, and subsequent vigorous riding warriors and slave warriors were also infected. They raised their weapons and shouted 'Hang Si Long live Chinasi - Long live Chinassi -', and even the warriors on the other side of Azeslan were shocked and looked at the 5,000 magnificent riders with stunned. Kill vertically and horizontally. On the cruel battlefield, these 5,000 heroic horses are like the protagonists of heaven and earth. Their armor, their chains, and the knives in their hands wantonly kill the enemy with steel. They die without regret, because their lives are dedicated to the glory accumulated for a hundred years, the white wolf flag flying in the sky, and to them. Loyal king!

Far away, the same rampant lion's yellow-brown eyes are also staring at these 5,000 heroic riders and muttered to themselves, "Kuma's cavalry can't survive, and these 5,000 heroic cavalry pioneers can't survive... Next, it's China The real battle between Si and Azeslan..."