
Chapter 71 The Death of Alatancang

The slave warriors who rushed directly to Azeslan in the middle knew their mission - the meat shield! Their combat strength was average, and they had no armor on them. Some slave warriors even went to the battlefield wearing broken sheepskin jackets that usually served their masters and wielded their knives. They want to listen to the king's words, rush, and rush to the flag of the Lion King. No matter who stops them, they can't stop. They go up against the current to lay eggs and get sturgeon, regardless of the upstream waiting to eat their natural enemies, blindly, instinctively rush forward!

The slave's life is low, and they die. No one will care about it. Even they don't care about their own lives and even want to seek liberation by death. Therefore, they rushed more fiercely than warriors without any pause or hesitation, as if it was not Arzlan's sword that greeted them in front of them, but A beautiful kingdom!

The rushing slaves finally attracted the attention of Azran until nearly a thousand steps away from the flag of the Lion King. There was a team of lion-toothed warriors on each wing to stop the slaves. The lion tooth riding warrior has an arrogant ability, that is, horse riding and shooting. When the lion tooth riding was originally established, it was to combine the armor of the fierce riding, the shooting technique of the thor, and the mobility of the wind tent... Although it is unilaterally inferior to the army they imitate, the comprehensive strength should not be underestimated, not to mention the slaughter. A group of slave warriors with simple equipment and no fighting spirit in their hearts!

The lion's teeth shot by the warrior pulled open the horn bow hanging next to the saddle. In the sound of the bow string, a sharp arrow accurately shot at the slaves, and the arrows pierced the slave's body without hid. The fresh bodies fell off the horse and disappeared into the sand raised by the horse's hoof. They seemed to die so lightly and meaningless, which made people feel sad. But only they know what their death means - they have to cover the cymable warriors lurking in them anyway. They are an indispensable part of the whole huge battle plan. They are poisonous snakes and want to bite the lion fiercely, while the phaya horse hidden in them is the teeth of the poisonous snake. The lion is killed by the venom in the teeth.

Without their slave warriors, all previous sacrifices would have been abandoned. Only they know that their efforts are by no means meaningless!

The lion's teeth rode and killed the slaves, which looked very pleasant. They did not go deep into the slave warriors, but just walked around the periphery, and the slaves did not fight back. They just rushed forward and launched an angry charge against the Lion King's flag. The lion-tooth riders suddenly felt that this was like chasing a large group of yellow sheep hunting in autumn. The frightened yellow sheep only knew to run in any direction, and they just rode after the yellow sheep to hunt. When arched and shot arrows, they did not even aim. As long as they shot an arrow, the yellow sheep would hit the target. The Azlan warriors had never fought such a relaxed and comfortable battle. The hunting-like war made them feel happy, waving bows and arrows around the slave warriors and making strange screams, with a presumptuous smile on their faces.

The slave warriors had no expression on their faces, but silently kicked the horses and rushed forward. Their non-resistance made the Azislan warriors more and more presumptuous, and a dirty scolding spewed out of their mouths. "Chi Na Si dog cub - Chi Na Si slave dog - coward - bastard - bastard -" accompanied by a bow string vibration and the joking laughter of the Azislan warriors, the brutal killing of this group of slave warriors was true. It has reached the point of hunting, and the war seems to have changed.

The endurance and endurance of slave warriors is really unexpected. They don't care that their comrades-in-arms around them are falling by arrows one by one, and they don't care that the Azeslan people are getting dirty and abusive. They just raise their faces and meet the dawnlight, looking at the flying lion flag and standing in the distance. His majestic warrior - Lion King Huyan Erdun Ketu. In early winter, the morning light shone on their thin and dark faces, and they actually had a holy feeling. At this time, the expression on the faces of this group of slave warriors was as calm as the Puritans, and they silently endured all this pain that seemed to be born to bear!

Aratancang and his 1,000 horriding warriors are among this group of slave warriors, and now they are more than 800 steps away from their goal. He looked back in gloomyly. When he came, there were already thousands of slave corpses lying on the way. The horses under them stood there alone, standing beside the dead master and moaning. For a while, Alatancang felt uncomfortable - these slaves were also naked! Their order is to cover the 1,000 shooters at all costs to reach the effective shooting distance within 300 steps of the Lion King. Naturally, including their lives at all costs!

It is not easy to live every life on the grassland, but it is wasted in endless wars!

These slaves usually serve their masters faithfully. If they do something wrong, they will be whipped. Even if necessary, they will be traded by their masters as objects - they are just tools to speak. Now in the era of war, they were given weapons again. They hurried to the battlefield without even a decent armor that could play a defensive role, and died in obscurity. Is this slavery?

Deep sadness appeared in his deep eyes. The slaves around him always surrounded him to death. Just now, a slave in the upper left fell from an arrow, and immediately another slave came forward to mend it and always used his body to resist the arrows for him. The same was true of the thousand hor-riding warriors, although the arrows shot by lion teeth were very Sharp, but at present, one of the Hayabusa Knight has not died! The sacrifice of slaves in this battle is too great!

Is this bloody plan really invented by the gentle and honest child Sujile and Ke before they take their lives to cover the horde to shoot Huyan Erdun Ketu? If it is really a plan that Su Rile came up with, it has to be said that the death of the old king and the pressure of the whole tribe of Chi Naisi have changed him too much! If the deepest kindness in your heart has changed, it will have to be worrying!

The slaves were still dying one by one, and the abuse and ridicule of the Azeslan warriors around them became louder and louder, so that they were unwilling to end the pleasant war too quickly. Alatan lay on the horse and silently measured the distance from the Lion King! There are still more than 600 steps, and it is impossible to calculate how many slave warriors have died along the way. Thousands of people died before the 20,000 slave warriors who had just been dispatched in the middle road could approach the flag of Azeslan! I'm afraid not even half of these slaves can survive!

He only needs 300 steps away, 300 steps is enough! Three hundred steps away from him and his warriors is enough to shoot a thousand arrows in an instant, enough to tie Huyan Er Dunketu into a hedgehog! Only 300 steps away! His sharp eyes could see that the lion king's majestic eyes fell on the Aleslan warriors with two wings and did not notice their group of slave warriors. No, maybe he didn't notice them, but the noble Lion King did not regard them as an equal existence at all, just a group of slaves, in the arrogant Lion King. What is it in your eyes?

This is exactly the effect they want. The Lion King will never think of a real fatal blow, hidden in the slave he didn't pay attention to at all! What would the old lion's face look like at the time he was hit by an arrow? Really looking forward to it! Alatancang can't wait to see the recalcitent and provocative Lion King defeated by Chi Na Si. Depressed? Regret? Pang? No matter how much the Lion King admits his mistake, it is unforgivable!

There are still 600 steps and 600 steps away. It's the range of two arrows. They can't wait to become an arrow and shoot on the Lion King Huyan Erdun Ketu like light!

The ray horse warrior no longer suppresses the speed of stepping on the snow and high cloud horse of pure blood. The snow horse, which is more fierce than the ordinary high cloud horse, is slowly ahead of the war horse of the slave warrior, and the thaya horse finally showed the edge hidden in the slaves.

Areslan's warriors still swam around the running slave warriors like hunting. They laughed presumptuously and cursed the silent slave warriors. Every time the bow string rang, a slave fell off the horse's back, in exchange for the more presumptuous laughter of the Azlan warriors. Nearly half of the slaves have died. From the beginning of the charge to now, there are corpses planted on horses and trampled by horses' hoofs along the way, which makes people's hearts cold - scattered flesh and blood are almost fused with the grassland sand. The slave warriors are getting closer and closer to the headquarters of Azlan, and the lion-tooth riders have also increased their interception, from scattered shooting at the beginning to the dense shooting of arrow rain, concentrating on the advantage of arrow rain to clean up the slaves who have not fought back!

There are still 500 steps, and a thousand phant horses finally stood out from the slave warriors, as fierce as the poisonous teeth exposed by poisonous snakes, killing the lion flag of the Azlan Department and the man in fiery red armor under his banner. The charge of the cypress warriors is extremely fast. The lock armor made of silver and bright iron rings on their bodies makes them look like a bright light. The snow-treaded high cloud horse under them rushed forward like crazy. Against the morning light, the nose of the horse fiercely opened and closed, spitting out more than a foot of white gas. The snow-high cloud horse did not trim the horse's mane much and fluttered and danced. The horse's mane looks like a black temperament. And the warrior's eyes on the horse were as sharp as a knife, like an eagle swooping down from high in the air, hovering and hissing to catch the prey!

Alatancang clearly heard the slave who had been following him say, "General, I can only help you so much--"

This extremely calm sentence made him feel like a knife - the slaves have paid a lot. How many people died to cover them all the way? So, he must succeed! You must watch Huyan Erdun Ketu being shot under the dragon tongue bow of the thalley!

"Halman Rider - is a Hayabusa cavalry! There are hordes in this group of slaves - stop them!" A thousand captains of Azlan suddenly roared. His eyes suddenly widened and scolded, "How can an asshole have a bal?"

It's too late. The horse of the horrel cavalry is the best bloodlined high cloud horse on the grassland. After leaving the slave group, a thousand horrel cavalry shot forward like an arrow from the string, and went straight to Huyan Erdun!

"Don't worry about the slaves, don't care about the slaves - intercept the team of phlams - quickly -" The roar of the thousand-fu was almost to break his throat, and he watched the tyrans rush towards their king like an explosion from the slaves!

The horde horses are generally scattered to fight separately, wandering in the battlefield and shooting their opponents. A thousand horrcers gather together. This combat power is more terrible than tens of thousands of vigorous horses! The Hayabusa cavalry can shoot three rounds of arrows than breathing, and it is extremely high. It is not too much to say that it is a hundred shots! Now everyone can see that the group of horrels rushed to Huyan Erdun Ketu! The previous endure and sacrifices of this group of slave warriors were covering for this thousand horse hors, and they were all deceived!

But the slave warriors who had been rushing forward and did not resist fulfilled their mission. They suddenly fell off their horses, pulled out their sabers hanging around their waists, and killed the Azesans who had intercepted General Altancang. Try to delay the departure of Azeslan's elite.

It was not until then that the warriors of Azlan knew how wrong they were - the blood of the slaves of Chinas was by no means in vain! They saw that the team of harrier cavalry get farther and farther away from the Lion King. At a distance of 500 steps, the harrier can shoot their opponents in just 300 steps. That is to say, as long as the Hayabana cavalry advances another 200 steps, there will be a thousand arrows at the Lion King Huyan Erdun! This is Chi Naisi's tactic, a must-kill situation! There is no obstacle between the phre and the phlam, only a flat grassland where the horses can indulge in gallop.

Aratan lay on the horse and stretched out his hand to pull out an arrow from his waist. He clenched it tightly, as if he were holding his life. The wind roared in his ear, and his hair was blown back. The cold airflow seemed to bypass him. The war horse under him seemed to feel the murderous spirit on his master. The speed was a little faster. When the long-legged war horse ran with all its strength, the horse's back was not very bumpy. All the conditions were fine, even if it was Huyan Er Dunke It's too late to escape now. As long as you enter within 300 steps, it will be the death of the old lion!

A great ecstasy rises from my heart! It seems that he has lived for so many years for this moment! All the falcon warriors around him showed a light that was about to dive down to the prey. He had grasped a sharp arrow in his hand and was waiting for the war horse to carry them into the best range!

Their excellent eyesight can even see the hair of the Lion King blown by the wind, and see what kind of panic there is in those yellow-brown eyes - when the hor rover appears in front of whom, there is no one who is not afraid!

The surroundings seemed to suddenly become quiet. The roar of the Azlan warriors, the roar of the slave warriors, and the sound of the horses galloping under him. Everything became quiet, and the whole battlefield became unreal. Only the bows and arrows in the hands of the Samurai and the target they want to shoot are the real and eternal existence between heaven and earth!

The Lion King had no time to retreat. At the beginning, his attention was attracted by the heroic cavalry of the two teams of the two wings. He didn't notice that the real killing was in the group of slave warriors in the middle road that he didn't pay attention to at all! Alatancang felt that the arrow in his hand and the arrow in the quiver behind him shook his body like a poisonous snake.

Suddenly, Huyan Erdun's eyes withdrew from the fierce riding and lion's teeth riding that were fighting fiercely on the two wings, and his turbid eyes glanced at the thousand horse horrel riding straight towards him. Yes, it's just careless, as if he didn't pay attention to it at all, as if this thousand cavalry was within his expectation!

They saw the warrior waving his hand behind the Lion Dynasty, with a cold, cruel and infinitely sarcastic smile on the corners of their mouth.

When Alatancang did not understand the intention of the Lion King to do this, the warriors behind Hu Yan took a step forward and stood in front of the Lion King, holding a strange weapon with metal cold light in his hand. He could not see what weapon it was, but the sharp cold light in the front was shocking!

"Bang-Bang-Bang-" sounded from Azlan one after another, like a rumble of thunder. At this time, there were still more than 400 steps away from the lion flag, but thousands of small gun-like arrows shot at them!

The pheasant riders are all good at using bows and arrows. They are arrogantly that their shooting skills are unmatched in the whole grassland, but the speed of these arrows shot in front of them is scary. The roar of thousands of arrows through the air makes their scalp numb. They can't believe that they can shoot arrows nearly 500 steps away! This is simply against the world view!

In an instant, the nearly half of the horde cavalry was swept to the ground by this dense arrow. Alatancang was so scared to find that the arrows shot by the strange weapon were powerful and terrible. Not only could it still hit the target at such a long distance, but after being plunged into flesh and blood, the strength of the arrow was not reduced at all, and the human body was enough to go backward. Fly back a little far away.

Alatan's eyes are red and about to bleed - is there a more powerful shooter than the threw horse on the grassland? This is impossible, but today it is so bloody in front of him!

"Spray--disperse quickly--" Alatancang roared at the left and right samurai. He couldn't hear what he was roaring. His mind was full of the sound of strange weapons again, like a rolling thunder. Alatancang and his remaining warriors almost instinctively shot a wave of arrows, but their arrows were powerless to fall to the ground halfway, and the enemy's powerful arrows fell on them again. The dense arrows are like a 'wall' composed of metal, pressing against them. They are dozens of feet in radius of arrows, and there is nowhere to dodge...

A large number of warriors were shot by arrows, and they didn't even have time to scream. This kind of strong arrow, dense arrow rain did not give any room to survive at all. The gun-like heavy arrow god, a long arrowhead, the barb at the end of the arrow, and the decoration on the arrow rod - was completely designed to kill people. Arrow, Alatancang can conclude that this is not something on the grassland! It is obviously the 'poisonous dragon arrow' that the Fanyang messenger showed to the old king before!

The thre should have been the most powerful bow and arrow on the grassland, with the longest range and the fastest archery, but there is no room to fight back under the machine made by the skilled craftsmen in the south. Under the strong range of the heavy crossbow, the arrows they shoot can't even hook half of the enemy's hair.

"rush over, rush over--" Alatan roared crazily. There were only more than 200 palae warriors beside him, and the enemy had only two rounds of arrow rain. They killed more than 800 sharpshooters!

Archery is an eagle-like hunt for falcons, but for this group of Azeslan with excellent machines in the south, it is an emperor-like and condescending killing!

has no choice. Alatancang knew that the more warriors he rushed forward, the more they died, but his only chance was to rely on his only warriors to exchange their lives for him! On the battlefield, the life of the samurai no longer belongs to himself!

Alatanang jumped off his horse and ran in. Although speed is very important at this moment, the huge target on horseback will make him a stack of arrows. He ran and fired arrows with all his strength, and the horses around him galloped by, covering him behind the horse. The warriors knew the general's intention. This is the time for them to open the last path for the general. They only need to advance another 100 steps, maybe 80 steps, to enter the range!

Fifty steps, forty steps, thirty steps... Alatancang looked at the warriors in front of him fall in a row like the harvested marriage. They were all dead, leaving only the injured horses rushing forward. As his shield, Alatancang had no time to grieve. He was about to reach the range, and his heart beat wildly. There were roaring arrows around him, but his heart was fearless. When the last thre was swept down by the arrow rain, he finally entered the range of 300 steps. He took a deep breath, stabilized the running and chaotic breath just now, and pulled away the dragon tongue bow in his hand against the rain of arrow! Excellent threed warriors can calmly open bows and shoot arrows in any environment at any time. Even if the enemy rushes to them, they will not draw knives, but draw arrows from the quiver!

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and Alatan couldn't help but take two steps back, and the huge force made him fall to the ground. He looked at the bow and arrow in his left hand and couldn't help roaring desperately - the dragon tongue bow string in his hand was broken by the enemy's arrow, and the arrow that was about to be shot on the bow fell weakly on the bloody ground!

The last opportunity, the last hope, the road paved by countless lives, was buried like this! Alatancang felt that the last strength in his bones had been drained, and the huge cold despair submerged his whole body, and his deep eyes were full of gray tears!

"Bang--" is another sound of bowstrings. This time, there are only a dozen arrows, which are still so powerful, calm, unstoppable and inescapable. Alatancang did not have the strength to escape. Finally, the arrow that failed to shoot drained the last bit of strength in his bone marrow. He sat on the ground and watched the arrow shoot at him, and even the star-like shining arrow was reflection in his eyes--

The arrow pierced his body, and his whole body twitched randomly. His slender and powerful limbs twisted together with instantaneous severe pain, looking like a huge insect roasted by flames, struggling in panic, but unable to escape. This arrow is twice as long as an ordinary bow and arrow, shooting into his body with strong force, almost nailing his whole body to the ground, but Alatan said nothing! His eyes were weak and lax, and his slow look was unbelievable. He couldn't believe that he was shot 400 steps away

Suddenly, the cat-like smiling face of the Fanyang messenger came to his chaotic mind. The man once said that not only five hundred, but also could even develop 800-step, 900-step, or even a thousand-step crossbow in the future. At that time, he thought he was a fantasy, which was impossible thing... ...Now, my mistake is so unforgivable!

"Ah--" He roared and suddenly stood up, with several arrows inserted in his body. He was almost nailed to the ground but struggled to stand up again, with a painful and ferocious expression on his face. He walked forward step by step, staggering towards the flying lion flag and the lion-like warrior in fiery red armor. The wound on the body was bleeding, and there were shocking marks on the ground!

Huyan Erdun looked coldly at the general who was so weak that he would die at any time. One of the three famous generals of Chi Nasi actually raised a sense of respect in his turbid eyes. Perhaps this general, who is proud of the grassland with his super god's shooting skills, will never understand the horror of the southern machine, but he can still rush forward like this and even threaten him - just now he clearly saw Alatancang pulling the bow away at him at a distance of 300 steps. If the bow string had not been broken by an arrow, I'm afraid Now I'm a dead person! Luck! My luck is really good. The arrow can break a thin string, which is obviously the luck that Fuxi of heaven and earth can have!

If you think about it carefully, the whole tactical plan of Chi Nasi is clear! The Lion King couldn't help admiring that there was someone who could come up with such a tactic. It was really terrible! One ring and one ring, with the precise cooperation of the machine bracket operation, he thought that he had mastered the advanced machine bracket in the south and could win, but he did not expect that he was still threatened by the deathless tycoon horse. If he hadn't been too lucky in the end, this tactic would have been successful! In any case, the person who came up with this tactic and the final fatal blow of the Alatan warehouse are respectable!

"Go and ask General Alatancang to take a good look at the heavy crossbow in his hand and kill him--" Hu Yan appointed a samurai and said in a low voice.

Although he was surprised by the order of the Azlan warrior, he did not hesitate to implement it! It is a great honor to kill Alatancang, one of the three famous generals of Chinasi. He ran against the stumbling figure, running like a full lion!

But when he stood in front of Alatancang, his eyes couldn't help but be shocked - his body was full of huge blood holes, and the wound shot by the poisonous dragon arrow was very large. If there was a magnificent armor, most of the arrow strength was blocked. The wound was fine, but the falcon's body was full of locks and light armor, and there was no resistance. The wound washe However, there was a huge blood hole, and blood spewed out along the blood groove etched on the three-front arrowheads. Alatan warehouse came all the way and was almost stained with blood.

He reached out and held the heavy crossbow in front of the Alatan warehouse. The wooden texture of the machine was brightly brushed with pine oil, and even showed the texture of metal. Alatan tremblingly reached out and stroked the smooth and bright mechanism structure, stroked the steel * and crossbow strings, and his eyes flashed with fear and curiosity, like a curious child! He can't believe that such a small thing can shoot arrows 500 steps away!

Big tears suddenly gushed out of his eyes. When did the resolute general cry like a child! At this moment, his heart was full of regret, hating himself for inciting the king to tear up the alliance with Fanyang and rejecting those heavy crossbows! In fact, on the day he tore up the alliance with Fanyang's messenger, what Yin Zhe said was right! He was afraid that such a powerful crossbow would appear in the army of Chi Naisi, which would make him and his horridor no longer be useless... It was his selfishness that harmed Chi Nasi, and it was his fault that he harmed Chi Nasi!

The Azeslan warrior did not give him any more time to regret. He reached out and pulled out the knife around his waist and cut it down his neck. The head full of blood and tears fell to the ground with a grunt, and then the general's steel-like body fell down. The samurai grabbed the long hair of his head, held it in his hand twice, and ran to the Lion King with excitement.

The head that failed to close its eyes, mixed with blood and tears, has become a trophy, shaking and shaking like a captured eagle...