
Chapter 77 Final Decision

"Star, remember, this world is inherently unfair. There are princes and generals, as well as ordinary people. There are people who control the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, and there are also weak people who can't do anything for a lifetime. In the pyramid-shaped world, the only few beings standing at the highest are making the rules of the world, such as the emperor of Mengyang Fanyang, such as Shura and your mother, Princess Baiyan; they control the world, make the rules of the world, and promote historical changes. Below them are the people who use the rules, use the rules made by the people at the top of the pyramid, live with ease, and desperately think that they will become the rules-making people; further down, there are all sentient beings in the world, who support the base of this pyramid, with the largest number of people, the stupidest, often constrained by the rules. It exists to satisfy the ambitions of people who make and use rules!" Ye Yuanhong said indifferently that although he was made into a poisonous body by Shura and his wisdom had been extinguished, he was unlocked by Mengfan God when guarding Mengfan God. Although he is working for Shura, he is actually loyal to Mengfan God. At this moment, there is no need to disguise like that in front of Shura, so you can say anything freely.

"Xingchen, you are my brother, the son of Mengyang Ye. You should not be subject to those who are above you. You have to climb up at all costs and overturn those rules you don't like. As long as you want, the stars in the night sky will revolve around you. Anyway, my brother will help you go down the road you choose!" Ye Yuanhong straightened up and looked at Ye Xingchen's transparent coral red eyes. There was a smile on his pale face, and the moonlight lit up his face, noble and pure.

"I know! I know all this. I have known such a sentence for a long time, 'The dragon lurks deep in the stream, and how can I know how to dance in the sky after the New Year'. This road will take a long time, and I know everything!" Ye Xingchen muttered that he was very calm, as if he didn't realize how shocking and out of reach what he wanted to do. But he said so calmly, without a loud roar, without a sharp tone, like a dream, and like a casual chat, but it can make people inexplicably solemn, making people feel that even if the stars in the sky will fall, he must believe without reservation!

"The grassland is not suitable for you, and the barbarians will never trust a southern nobleman. And Chi Nasi has declined. Find an opportunity to leave the far north and go to the south! Don't go back to Mengyang. Now the whole Mengyang is firmly controlled by Emperor Linxi. You can't develop in Mengyang. Sooner or later, you will be discovered by Emperor Linxi. Go to Fanyang and develop your strength in Fanyang. You need to have the power to compete with Emperor Lin Xi. To be honest, your knife skills, your military talent, and your spells are all your chips! In Fanyang, you will be like a fish in water!"

"Fanyang? Mom also asked me to go to Fanyang, and my brother also wanted me to go to Fanyang? Ye Xingchen said with dim eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't want to go to Fanyang?" Ye Yuanhong frowned slightly, not because his brother did not want to go to Fanyang, but because he saw the loneliness and sadness in his brother's eyes.

"Well, I can't bear Suil and Ke and Yu Meng, and there are many people who are kind to me. The grassland has been the happiest years I've had, but everything has changed now... Yu Meng's father killed Suil's father, and Su Rile must revenge. Yu Meng and Su Rile can no longer be friends and will not come to me..." Ye Xingchen smiled gloomily.

"That's it! People and people will become involuntarily. People are animals with feelings. If you abandon these feelings, you may not be so embarrassed! But if a person really has no feelings, is he still a human? Ye Yuanhong's angular face showed confusion for the first time. In fact, he wanted to say that if people have no feelings, he is the god above others! He wants the stars to be above ten thousand people, but such a cruel and indifferent star is as perfect and noble as a god, and he can't imagine what it looks like!

It may be because of feelings that the world is so rich and gorgeous! After all, living is never a matter of one's own!

"Star, I have to go now! If you come out for too long, Shura will be suspicious, and I will send you back immediately. In the future, I will come to see you from time to time..." Ye Yuanhong stood up and stretched out his hand to pull his brother up from the grass. The brothers looked at each other with reluctance and worry in his eyes! Xingchen is indeed insecure in the grassland where war is taking place, and Yuanhong is also dangerous to work around the cruel and suspicious Shura.

"Yes, stars, remember one thing about your spell. If you have to, don't use spells on a large number of mortals at will. Spells are a forbidden power. Subject to the rules of heaven and earth, you can use spells on mortals at will. You are likely to be erased by the rules! All I know is that overthrowing the rules of heaven and earth is one of the things planned by your mother and Shura!" Ye Yuanhong suddenly said solemnly that he learned a lot about the secrets of spells from Shura and Baiyan. There are some things that Ye Xingchen doesn't know, but he must understand! He was afraid that the night stars couldn't help ** and used spells to kill a large number of mortals on the battlefield!

However, Ye Xingchen just smiled coldly and said, "I don't like spells. I also hate the magician's blood in my body. This is a crazy blood. Every time I use a spell, my heart will change a little. I can feel it... That's why I have to learn knife skills and study the way of military tactics... I hate spells. I remember clearly that my father died under the spell!"

Ye Yuanhong was secretly surprised - the heart of Xingchen has really changed too much than before...

"Let's go and send you back. I'm going back too!" Ye Yuanhong said nothing more and took Ye Xingchen's hand and left in the direction of Chi Nasi.

The figures of the two brothers are so small in the lonely northern wilderness and vast night space that their shadows are pulled by the moonlight, like a sharp sword across the grassland. But who can imagine what kind of waves the two brothers will set off in the world? The future General Fanyang Beichen and the future Dream Emperor of the Fan Empire are ready, and the emperor's buds sprouted new green, with great anger and enthusiasm that no one can bear, swept to every corner of the world.

When Ye Xingchen reappeared in the Chinas Camp, a warrior immediately found him and shouted, "If you find Mr. Ye Xingchen, report it to the king quickly!"

Ye Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and saw the warriors around him surrounded by densely. The light of the butter torch shone on him, and then Suzil and Ke and the big shaman rushed out of the warriors, with an excited look on their faces - the disappearance of Ye Xingchen, they almost activated all the remaining power of Chi Na Si! Looking at Su Rile's swollen eyes and the blood in his eyes, his heart warmed up. Although he lost the rain, he saw his brother who had been separated for many years, and Su Rile by his side, which was enough!

Ye Xingchen looked at Su Rile and the Great Shaman with a smile and whispered, "I'm back!"

"Each unit lifts the tracking order and returns to the patrol position to continue the patrol mission!" Suil and Ke shouted and ordered the surrounding warriors to retreat. He took a step forward and walked to the night star, "Is there any accident? Not hurt?"

"No, the man who kidnapped me was seriously injured and died halfway. I came back by myself!" Ye Xingchen said with a smile that he was really good at lying. On his god-like face that day, there was a comforting smile, which was easy to reassure people.

Suil and Ke only felt that their good friends were safe, which was a very happy thing, and they did not delve into, but the eyes of the big shaman next to him were gloomy - he sensed that the night star was hiding something. There were too many secrets in this teenager!

"Star, I have something to tell you! Come on, the big shaman! By the way, call General Zaerhua and Shen Fan. They are qualified to know!" Suil and Cara returned to the king's exclusive tent. He wanted to tell the big shaman's plan to Ye Xingchen and listen to the opinions of the stars. Since the stars came up with such a huge and sophisticated battle plan for him, he became more and more dependent on the night stars! Although the battle plan failed, he was impressed by Ye Xingchen's ability to come up with such a complex and ingenious plan in just a few breaths!

What is about to be told to the night stars is a major event involving whether Chi Naisi's dominance on the grassland can be continued in the future, and it also involves countless lives. He has to be careful!

Back in the tent, Ye Xingchen, General Zerhua and Shen Fan were gathered. They sat around with Ye Xingchen and Su Zile and Ke, while the big shaman sat silently in the corner of the tent and drank Bai Yue one after another with a thin silver wine pot. Without saying a word, even this group of people looked at it. Don't look!

General Zaerhua sat there and silently looked at the people present. He was very familiar with this atmosphere - that was the old king when he gathered the general and the nobles to discuss the matter. Everyone sat around like friends in private, roasting a lamb on the shelf, eating and talking about things. The old king did not have the air of a king, and the generals also There are not so many etiquettes of warriors, and the feelings between each other are by no means as simple as superiors and subordinates. This is also one of the reasons why Chi Naisi has been strong for so many years. The absolute trust between kings and generals is fundamental to maintain Chi Naisi's high dominance!

Only now, the old king is dead, and those familiar old friends have also changed into many new faces. General Su He and General Alatancang are no longer here, replaced by Ye Xingchen and Shen Fanshuang, two young people from Mengyang. The name of the king has also been inherited by Suil Leheke! Things are wrong and miserable. Now the three famous generals of Chi Nasi are left with his hard support. The heroic horse that has dominated the grassland for nearly a hundred years and the hor horse that scared the enemy are also exist in name only. Chi Naisi's combat power and dominance on the grassland have fallen to the lowest point in history... The pride of being a warrior of Chi Naisi It makes him feel like losing the most precious thing in his life! Every time he saw the flying white wolf flag, he couldn't help bursting into tears!

More than a month ago, Chi Naisi had 60,000 fierce riding warriors, 10,000 falcon mounters, 30,000 wind tent warriors, high-quality armor forged by Fanyang in the south, several of the most powerful generals on the far north grassland, and Mingjuns such as Bo Ri Tie Chi Nasi Chi Nas! But in just a month, Chi Nasi weakened to such a thing, as if it had been destroyed by the Tengri God!

Is Chi Nasi really lonely?

Suil and Ke cleared their throats slightly, and several people's eyes fell on him. Only the big shaman still sat carelessly in the corner of the tent and drank by himself, as if what they wanted to say had nothing to do with him.

Zha Erhua glanced at the big shaman impatiently - when is it that the big shaman is still so careless and nothing! He has always been so careless when talking about big things!

But when Sujile and Ke finished talking about what they were going to say, everyone was stunned - they had to kill Huyan Erdun Ketu by this means? This can no longer be called a conspiracy, it is simply despicable! The great shaman pretended to admit the status of the ruler of Huyan Erduncutu. Azislan and Chinas sat together to talk. Neither side would carry weapons and troops, but they wanted to kill Huyan Erduncutu by themselves... This is simply a despicable idea!

When Sujile talked to Ke, Zaerhua was the first to say, "No, it's too despicable! How can we use such a means when we have ruled the grassland for hundreds of years? We should be defeating Azlan on the battlefield! This is the king's way of Chi Na Si!"

But Suil and Ke shook their heads with a bitter smile and said, "General, I know your mood! However, Chinas now has no strength to compete head-on with Arislan on the battlefield. From the day I listened to General Alatancang and tore up the alliance with Fanyang, our strength with Azislan has not been balanced! On the battlefield, the heavy crossbow provided by Fanyang can shoot through the heroic armor 500 steps away. Their range is farther than the falcon warrior, and the arrows are far more powerful than the falcon! It is difficult for us to gain an advantage on the front battlefield!"

"And... two consecutive defeats, the tribal herdsmen and warriors were very depressed, and they did not have the confidence to fight again! What's more, the man who thinks about it can no longer withstand the losses of successive wars!" Su Rile said in a gloomy and self-deprecating tone.

"King, I want to know, did you come up with this idea?" Zaer's green eyes stared at Suil and Ke, and the light in his eyes was as sharp as the wolf blade at his waist, as if he wanted to see through Suil and Ke!

Su Rile calmly met General Zaerhua's eyes and said without changing his face, "It's not me. The person who put forward this idea is the big shaman!"

The sharp coldness in Zaerhua's eyes was instantly replaced by surprise, and almost everyone turned their eyes to the old man sitting in the corner of the tent and drinking silently! With the exception of Shen Fan, he shook his head slightly with a sad face! I'm afraid he is the person who knows the big shaman best here! He knew how heavy the pain was buried in the big shaman's heart. The big shaman knew that he would not live for two years and wanted to contribute something to Chi Naisi in the last time of his life! He has even told him to inherit the title of great shaman after his death!

The old man ignored everyone's eyes and still squashed his mouth to drink, as if nothing was more important than the wine pot in front of him! It's just that the darkness in his turbid eyes was so obvious that he said casually, "Su Rile, why don't you say all your plans!" There was no reproach in his tone, and he sighed helplessly, "You are just too kind-hearted! You can't say, Zha Erhua, you wolf, first of all, what did I do to you at the beginning? Start when you were a slave!"

Zhaerhua was stunned for a moment and looked respectfully and said, "Zhaerhua was born as a slave cub. At the beginning, thousands of people stepped on it on it. It was the big shaman who gave Zaerhua the wolf blade knife and pointed out the knife skills to send food and clothes at the most difficult time of Zaerhua... If there was no big shaman, there would be no Zaerhua today! Even my surname is obtained by a great shaman! Zha Erhua·Sudden bone!"

"Well, just remember it! Zhaerhua • gutu bone, 'utu bone' means 'guardian of glory' in the ancient barbarian language, and you exist to defend the glory of Chinassis! I should have said this when I gave you this surname, right? The big shaman picked up a white eyebrow and stared at the flower.

"Remember, Zhaerhua will never forget it!" The flowers are getting more and more obedient! He has been upright in his life, but he is humble to the big shaman, although he is not used to the lazy appearance of the old man many times! But it is true that he was blessed and almost gave him a second life!

"That's good! The old man is afraid that your wolf's heart and dog's lungs are hard and his wings will harden and forget what I did to you at the beginning!" The big shaman scolded mercilessly. It is rare for Zaerhua to show embarrassment. So many people are there. The big shaman speaks so facelessly, which really breaks his 'red-hearted wolf teeth' face!

He had no choice but to stand up and bow, "Zha Erhua will never forget your great shaman's kindness!"

"Well, now I have something for you to do, just to repay you!" The big shaman raised his head, looked at the flower as tall as an iron tower, and said, "You, you sit down. The old man standing so high looks at you with a pain in your neck..."

Zha Erhua smiled awkwardly and sat down and said, "If you have anything to do, just tell me...just tell me..."

Almost all the people present couldn't help laughing. One of the three famous generals of Chi Nasi, Zaerhua, who led the strong soldiers of Chi Nasi, and the cold warrior with the title of 'Red Nasi's Wolf Tooth' were reprimanded like a child in front of the big shaman! If the ordinary warriors who are led by the big wind tent see their awe-inspiring generals, they will be embarrassed and restrained for a day, and their eyes will fall off!

But only Suil and Ke didn't laugh. He deliberately missed the big shaman's plan and didn't say anything, because he really couldn't say it! He can't be so cold and indifferent...

"That's good! What I asked you to do is very simple. That is, when Su Rile talks with Hu Yan, you must arrange everything, kill Hu Yan at any means, and then kill my old man..."

In an instant, the tent was suddenly quiet and terrible, only the sound of the jumping and burning flames.

"Big Shaman, are you serious? This kind of thing can't be joked. You are the noble shaman and the messenger of Tengri God..." Zha Erhua almost felt that her mouth was dry and she couldn't even speak clearly!

"Seriously, old man, I'm a big liar. I cheated people all my life, and finally cheated the old lion of Hu Yan! If you kill me, I won't feel uncomfortable. Wash the sins on my body, so that Tengri God won't kick my soul into the hell oil pot..." The big shaman poured a mouthful of Baiyue drunk again, and some wine flowed out along the corners of his mouth and spilled on the robe, looking sloppy and embarrassed! It's just that the old man's eyes became extremely clear and pure at this moment. He said that he had been lying all his life, but what he just said was absolutely from the bottom of his heart!

"Okay, Zaerhua, this is what the old man wants you to do. I know that you can't turn your mind around, and you can't pull back what you believe! It is also because of your loyalty that I have recommended you as a general and made you the youngest general on the grassland. Otherwise, how can you easily get to such a level as a slave? I know you are all good children, and so is Suil. When I first told him that I wanted to die, he was always reluctant! But the old man has been lying to people all his life, and it's time to know something about it! That's it! Zaerhua, be obedient...ah, remember?" The old man looked at the people present in turn. His generation was enough to be their grandfather. At this time, he looked at them as if his grandfather was looking at his grandson. He was kind and satisfied!

Somehow, tears flowed down in an instant! He is resolute, but his tears are like breaking the dike at this moment! He saw that the old man had made up his mind, so he had to nod silently! I can't say a word!

"Fan Shuang, after I die, you will take over the title of Great Shaman. My sacrificial robe will belong to you in the future, and the silver dagger, which is the token of the Great Shaman, will all belong to you! You are very smart. After following me for so many years, I have nothing more to teach you... Good boy, the faith of so many barbarian herdsmen will be handed over to you..." The big shaman nodded to Shen Fan and said, trying to explain the afterth.

He looked at Ye Xingchen, and his eyes were slightly gloomy, and Ye Xingchen's coral-red eyes also looked at him. Their eyes were intertwined, like two lightning across the void. The big shaman had something to explain to Ye Xingchen, but he suddenly smiled bitterly, shook his head and continued to drink his wine!

Seeing this, Suzile and Ke continued, "That's the plan. What else do you want to mention?"

"Su Rile, on the day of the peace talks, let Huyan Erdun take Yu Meng with you. You shouldn't hide it from her anymore. She should belong to you. Be brave and tell her your heart..." Ye Xingchen said gently, and the eyes hidden behind her forehead were red.