
Chapter 81 Conditions

When the Chinas and Azlan warriors entered the tent, they suddenly became crowded. The fire in the tent is burning, and it is cold and snowy outside, but it is warm and comfortable inside. The Lion King and Suille and Ke sat at both ends of the tent, and the big shaman sat in the innermost position in the middle. For a moment, no one spoke. Only the upper slave served the roast sheep on the fire and filled the wine cup in front of the king and the lion king.

Both of them were silent, and the atmosphere was so depressed that even the air was heavy, making people unable to breathe. For a long time, the big shaman sitting at the top said, "King, the Lion King, the peace between Chinas and Azlan was proposed by the old man. Let the old man say a few words first."

Suil and Kemo were silent and just nodded. The Lion King ignored the big shaman at all, picked up the wine cup and took a deep sip of white moon drunk, and felt the feeling of the liquor burning down his throat. His yellow-brown eyes intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the slave who was serving the roast sheep.

The big shaman didn't care. He cleared his throat and said, "As the two largest tribes on the grassland, there is nothing they can do to fight like this. Chinasi's heroic horse was basically destroyed, and the thaya horse was basically abolished. The two generals Su and Alatancang were not there, and even the Bo Ri were killed. Chi Nasi no longer has the ability to maintain the rule of the grassland. Hu Yan, that's enough. How about stop? Now the far north grassland is already yours..."

Hu Yan turned his head, looked at the old face of the big shaman, and suddenly smiled, mockingly and sadly, "The noble big shaman, let me stop. Is this a condition for Chi Na Si's peace? Becoming the lord of the grassland, Arislan inherits the ruling position of Chinas. Is this the condition for me to stop?

The big shaman suffocated, and his turbid eyes flashed with a trace of light, "Hu Yan, isn't it enough? You used the machine of the south to destroy the strongest fighting power of Chinas against the south, killed several of the most famous heroes on the grassland, and uprooted Chinas's rule on the grassland. And Azlan rose and replaced Chinas as the most noble tribe on the grassland. The whole grassland is king of you. Azislan's lion flag is inserted in every corner of the grassland, and everything on the grassland can be claimed by you. Isn't such a price enough?

Suddenly, the Lion King raised his head and laughed loudly, laughing wildly and wildly, as if he had heard the funniest jokes. The whole tent was full of his old and wild laughter. "Big Shaman, you are really old. You are far from the courage of the previous generation of great shaman Namor Halchi, far less than the previous generation of big shaman. The heart of love is angry. I really don't know if the end of the previous generation of big shaman is too miserable to scare you, or are you really smart? Let Azislan become the ruler of the grassland? Let me become a king? Is this the condition put forward by China's thinking and peace? The great shaman is too stupid. These things are not enough to be a condition for peace talks with Chi Nasi, because these things don't need to be given by Chi Nasi. The warriors under me and I can get them with our own hands! These conditions are far from enough!"

A trace of anger flashed on the big shaman's face - the previous great shaman Naor Harchi, this man is the reverse scale in the heart of the big shaman, and few people on the grassland know the relationship between the big shaman and the previous generation of the big shaman. However, if the bright-eyed person can sort out the alternation of tribal royal power disputes on the grassland, they will find that the root of the war between Chinas and Azeslan is caused by the tragic death of the father of the previous generation of the great shaman Nafire Harchi, the father of this generation of the great shaman and the previous generation of the Gaza Khan.

The previous generation of shamans are domineering and domineering. He played the throne, demagogic, and died tragically at the hands of the Khan of the previous generation Gaza Khan. The barely surviving shaman and the previous king planned to launch a tribal slaughter war against the Gaza tribe, which affected the most beloved sister of Huyan Erduncutu, the king of the Ageslan Khan, causing hatred and hostility between the two tribes. With the support of Mengyang in the south, they brazenly launched a war against Chinas.

In fact, over the past decade, under the leadership of the Lion King, Arieslan has advanced rapidly. After the slaughter of the Gaza tribe, Arieslan has become the second largest tribe on the grassland. His military strength and wealth have risen to a very high level. Coupled with the decline of Chinas's many wars against the South, Azeslan has hidden Chi Nasi, the grassland royal family hanging above their heads, is not very scary. Instigated by hatred and southern Mengyang, he brazenly launched a war with Chi Naisi.

The big shaman is very clear about these things. If you really want to find out, the biggest reason for all this is that in the war between Chinass and the Gaza Department, because of the words of the big shaman, Chinas innocently killed Masulda Erduncutu, the sister of Huyan Erdunketu... This is the root!

"So, what price do you think I have to pay to reach a peace agreement with Chinasi? As long as Chi Nasi can bear it, everything will be done!" Suzile and Ke said that he stared at the Lion King through the fire, trying not to let his eyes fall on the rain and not to be lost in the charming and delicate face.

The Lion King sneered at the corners of his mouth, rolled up the sleeves of his silk robe, sneered, and his eyes flashed with a different happy light, as if what he was about to say was particularly pleasant. "Chi Na Sijun, the conditions you just put forward are not substantive at all. Give me the position of the king? Give me the title of the ruler of the grassland? Put the far north grassland under my Azeslan's name? But these things are too false and not substantive at all! What's more, you don't have to give these things. I, Azlan, can get them from you only by virtue of your fighting strength. You are still arrogant. Even if you are defeated and surrendered, you should stand high as always and give those things to me in the form of gifts! Chi Nasi, don't forget that this is the far north, the grassland, and the most fishy place under the gaze of the Tengri god. Everything is spelled out with a sword, not by inheritance, but by giving can get everything steadily!"

The whole tent was filled with the high and exhilarating voice of the Lion King, and the eyes of the Azeslan warriors standing behind him also glowed with excitement - replacing Chinas to achieve hegemony, which is an exciting thing for every Azeslan! Even Yumeng couldn't help looking at his father - his father, who had always been gentle to him, had such a fanatical ambition in his heart!

Suzile and Ke frowned and said, "The Lion King, what do you want? As long as we can give it, we can give it to you. As long as we can no longer bear the pain of war, we can do everything!"

The Lion King picked up the wine glass in front of the table and shook it slightly. He looked at the pure wine inside shaking, reflecting his old and domineering face, and fell into an embarrassing silence in the account. It seems that the lion king's words and smile will make the earth collapse here.

For a long time, the Lion King sighed softly: "Chi Nasi's achievements and glory created during the Zhuo Ligetu period to this generation is completely lonely..."

Suile and Ke hidden hands under the table clenched their fists, their thick joints turned white, and their lips bit together. Even the slave who was serving the whole lamb couldn't help but stop for a moment.

Barbarians do not die from rebirth, do not value safety, and only value honor in their lives. Chi Naisi, which has been crossing the grassland for hundreds of years, has now declined, but the deeply accumulated glory in their bones makes it difficult for them to stand such a run, although this is true!

"Since Chi Nasi also admits that he is lonely and wants to pray for peace talks, it's not for you to open the condition! Either according to my conditions, or we will meet on the battlefield!" The Lion King drank all the wine in the glass, wiped the white moon drunk from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, looked coldly at the young Suzil and Ke, and looked at the anger on his face. At this moment, the Lion King knew that he had taken the initiative!

"What King Khan wants, you might as well say it and listen to it..." Suille and Ke said with difficulty and said in a low voice.

The smile at the corners of the Lion King's mouth became stronger, and his yellow-brown eyes seemed to contain lightning, from which dazzling electric light was about to destroy everything in front of him. Chinas disbanded all the army and was allowed to retain only 10,000 slave warriors; executed Chinas's wolf teeth and handed over his head; divided half of the population into the Azeslan tribe as slaves; and provided 100,000 yi gold to Azeslan every year for ten consecutive years.

At this moment, the cold and ruthless dead behind Suzile and Ke also looked angry. What is this condition? This is more humiliating than the failure on the battlefield! Disband the army? General Zaerhua, who killed one of the three famous generals of Chinas? Divide the population? Supply of a huge amount of gold? This series of conditions clearly destroys the foundation of Chi Naisi. If these conditions are accepted, Chi Naisi will become the last tribe on the grassland. How can Chi Nasi, who has always been proud, endure it?

The Lion King silently filled himself with wine, holding his forehead in one hand and a glass in the other, and raised his glass to pay tribute to Suille: "These four conditions are not compromised, no concessions, only allowed to be accepted as a whole! In fact, according to my intention, I hope that Chi Nasi can refuse these conditions and we will continue to meet on the battlefield... I am looking forward to doing a tribal massacre like 13 years ago..."

Su Rile's face became extremely ugly, and even the dead men behind him couldn't help putting their hands on the knives around his waist. The warriors on Azeslan's side had touched out sharp arrows and could shoot them at any time. Three warriors stepped forward and stood in front of Princess Yumeng and protected them firmly with their bodies and armor. In an instant, the atmosphere became tense and the scene became extremely quiet, and the slave was sandwiched between two groups of people and continued to serve the roast sheep as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the shaman opened his mouth and said hoarsely, "Hu Yan, your request is too much... This is obviously to put the land of immortality. The grassland relies on the army, and it is difficult to accept just to dissolve the army. Not to mention that there is a general who executed Chi Nasi, divides the population and compensates for gold... Both of you should take a step back. Chi Nasi will compensate twice the gold. General Zaerhua can leave a life, and Chi Nasi does not need to divide the population. Is it feasible to pay tribute to Ajslan for generations? Moreover, after the peace talks are reached, the old man, who is also Azlan, is full. As long as there is a word from my old man, the herdsmen on the grassland will definitely support you! You are the lord of the grassland appointed by God!"

Hu Yan sneered, still with such a sarcastic and compassionate smile, and said, "I have already said that either accept my conditions completely or we will meet on the battlefield!" It's so simple. The king doesn't have to be embarrassed. It's just a simple choice. You don't have to worry about the great shaman. As long as you can be my shaman, you can keep you safe and even enjoy better treatment than Chi Nasi!"

Suil felt that his mind was buzzing and the blood in his head was about to explode. He imagined tens of millions of situations, but he didn't expect that the conditions of Huyan would be so harsh. He thought that they angered Azlan and forced Azlan to do it first, so as to start the next step... But Now the dead behind him are almost unable to suppress their anger. From the beginning to now, the Lion King has taken the initiative! Compared with the resourceful Hu Yan, he is really far behind!

He turned his head and looked at the night stars standing beside him. The young man had a smile on his face, touching and gorgeous, and shook his head gently at Su Rile. I don't know what Ye Xingchen was thinking. He didn't tell himself what to do during the peace talks, and he didn't even know when to attack Hu Yan... Su Rile was really panicked at this time!

"Your Highness the Lion King, don't worry, let us think about it. After all, this is a big event involving hundreds of thousands of people. We can put down our posture to ask you for peace talks, and we are ready to accept all your conditions! After all, Chi Nasi can no longer stand the war... Now it is your time, His Royal Highness the Lion King, and your rise has become a fore. As an outdated tribe, we have nothing to do but accept your conditions! I only ask His Royal Highness the Lion King to grant us enough tolerant protection after we agree to all your requirements, so that Chi Nasi can leave an inheritance, which is our only condition!" Ye Xingchen stepped forward and said with a slight smile on his face in front of the Azlan warrior who would rise at any time. His tone was with the unique ups and downs of the southern nobles, and the ending was slightly upturned. Even when he was talking about surrender and peace talks, he was still so calm, which made people couldn't help holding his breath!

The Lion King looked at the night stars again, and he became more and more convinced that this young man in the south was not simple. Whether it is temperament, flexible ability, active thinking, and that convincing atmosphere, it makes him feel like he is facing the emperor who holds millions of territory in the south. Compared with his lord of the wild land in the far north, it is nothing!

"Your Royal Highness the Lion, please taste my Chinas slave characteristic burning lamb. At this time, it was cold. When Chi Nasi talked with Azeslan, there was wine, white moon drunk, and delicious roast lamb, which was a kind of enjoyment!" Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand, put his four fingers together, put his thumb close to the palm of his hand, and his slender arm waved down like a sharp sword, pointing to the slave who was roasting sheep in the center of the tent.

At this time, the lamb roasted on the fire has turned into a burnt yellow color, and the fat accumulated in summer and autumn on the body was roasted on the fire until it was cooked. The slave made a cut a cut on the sheep with a knife and sprinkled seasonings such as chili noodles, pepper powder and salt in it to make the seasoning taste seep. Go into the mutton. The meticulous baking technique made the warriors present can't help but open their appetite, but no one dares to act rashly.

It is winter now, and the snow has been sealed. The grassland will usher in a cold winter for nearly half a year. Every winter is the most comfortable day for herdsmen on the grassland. Chinasi herdsmen will pick out the fattest lamb, kill it, peel it and bury it in the thick snow outside their tent. Whenever the whole family eats one, they will dig another one out of it from the snow, wash it with snow water and bake it on the fire. I don't know how many lambs it will never be eaten. Roast lamb in winter is the most famous delicacy on the grassland. Even the rich giant merchants in the south will buy a slave who can cook lambs from the grassland at a high price, specially for burning lambs. The treatment is even better than the chef in the big restaurants in the bustling cities of the south!

But now, nearly 50 people in the tent are drooling at the roast lamb, but no one dares to say that they can eat it freely!

The slave took out a silver plate, lifted the roasted yellow ripe lamb in the other hand, held a silver knife in the other hand, and turned his wrists over. Pieces of thin and oily lamb like cicada wings were sliced down and fell into the silver plate one after another, automatically arranged neatly. The upper body of the slave** glowed with sweat beads by the fire. When he waved the blade sheep, the muscles on his body bulged out, and the muscles on his back were like a sail blown by the wind. His strong body did not have a trace of fat, which was very powerful and beautiful.

In the blink of an eye, the lamb was cut into slices and divided into three plates. The slave respectfully picked up a plate of mutton and knelt forward. His face was as expressionless as a stone. His eyes narrowed, he raised the cut mutton, raised it above his head, and placed it in front of the big shaman. He kowtowed respectfully to the big shaman. The big shaman leaned down and put his hand into a piece of mutton from the silver plate, stuffed it into his dry mouth, muttered and chewed it, and said, "The sheep are well roasted. Go and share it with the lion king and the king..."

But only the slave heard the words in his ear when the big shaman leaned down to pick up the mutton: "Be careful..." In just four words, the slave nodded in an inexplicable range.

He knelt down again, picked up a plate of mutton, climbed in front of the king of China Si, respectfully put the mutton on the table in front of the king, kowtowed again, and retreated back to the fire. Quietly in the tent, only the big shaman casually sped his mouth and chewed the mutton, while Sujile and Ke looked at the fragrant roasted mutton in front of him and the slave who knelt down and retreated at all. They had no appetite at all.

The slave picked up the last plate of mutton. This time, instead of kneeling, he straightened up and strode towards the Lion King, condescendingly looking at the Lion King in a loose robe with an open chest.

Hu Yan raised his head, looked at the slave with great interest, and said, "Why don't you kneel down to me?"

The slave is carrying mutton. He is ** in his upper body and only wears half a pair of sheepskin trousers. His face is dirty and looks awkward and cheap. He said hoarsely, "The villain is a slave of Chi Naisi. He only kneels down to the noble big shaman and king, not to Azran!"

The Lion King was stunned, turned his head to look at the warriors behind him, and laughed, "Listen, listen, see? The slaves of the Chinas family are more backbone than their masters! See? Hahaha--"

The Azeslan warriors around laughed with their masters, and unbrid laughter fell on the 'boned slave'. The slave did not argue. He respectfully put the mutton on the table in front of the Lion King and bowed.

At this time, Hu Yan did not laugh. At that moment, his eyes became extremely sharp and stared at the dirty and humble slave and said, "I heard that the wolf teeth were born as slaves. Unexpectedly, after so many years, the method of re-burning lambs was still skillful. Sure enough, it was a slave, and the low blood in his bones was completely changed. No! Don't you think it's Zaerhua?

The Lion King's cold words swept the whole tent like wind and snow, and everyone's hearts seemed to have raged a blizzard. The respectfully bowing slave narrowed his eyes and suddenly opened, revealing a pair of green, wolf-like awe-like pupils!