
Chapter 26 Queen Shaohua

After tonight, it will be October,

The night in Shangji City suddenly became cold. The night sky was clean and clear, and the stars fell from the sky. Taking a breath, you could faintly see a string of vague white fog, standing in the courtyard as if it was cold to the bone.

Xingchen stood silently, holding the divine knife in his hands. He was not afraid of the cold. On the contrary, such weather felt comfortable, as if the cold night was as comfortable as his water, as if the snow flowing in his veins was itself mixed with ice. He stood quietly, only feeling full of depression and loneliness. The yard was full of dead leaves, and Xiao Se was as in his mood.

'When you are unhappy, think about beautiful things, such as the beautiful me!' This is what Ning Zheng said to him. He would indeed think about Ning Zheng, her ponytail, and her blue eyes when she was depressed.

But now he can't laugh... He really wants to see Ning Zheng and ask her who she is! What happened during the day blocked his chest, and his heart pounded, making his chest hurt slightly. Is Ning Zheng really hiding something intentionally or unintentionally?

The bell, the wind bell came with the wind in the silent night, and the stars felt that someone was staring at him. Suddenly, he drew the knife, and the narrow knife body was across his chest. The phoenix's eyes glanced around sharply, and the body quickly adjusted to the peak state. The spine muscles were tense, like a big sail blown by the wind.

"Stars...Stars..." The girl's soft voice came from the wall, followed the sound, reflecting the hazy lantern halo in the courtyard, and saw Ning Zheng's head leaning out from the other end of the wall.

The stars were shocked when they saw it at first sight - as if the girl's head was hanging on the wall and smiling at him. He put away the divine knife, hurriedly greeted her, climbed up the wall along the old tree in the courtyard, and took Ning Zheng's hand to pull her up.

"Oh, it's a failure to climb your wall this time. Humph, if I hadn't brought you a gadget, I wouldn't have won't need your help!" Ning stood up gracefully, with one hand behind him, patting the brick dust rubbed on his body with the other hand, and the ponytail gently shook it, and his handsome face was full of smile.

It seemed that Ning was always smiling. Xingchen looked at her beautiful and touching smiling face and felt as warm as spring, but the doubts in his heart made him unhappy again. He couldn't help taking a step back along the wall and was a little farther away from Ning Zheng.

"Look what I brought you!" The girl stretched out her hand hidden behind her and only saw a clenched fist, and then a series of shiny shell bells flowed out of her sleeves like a trick, jingling, which was particularly crisp and beautiful in the quiet night, as touching as Ning Zheng's laughter.

The star coral red eyes stared at the string of flickering shell windbells, and the girl was swaying in front of him, like a shadow shining with shells in her eyes.

"Look, the biggest shell here has small golden spots on light blue. You don't look like a small piece of the night sky. The golden spots on it are like stars, just like you!"

Xingchen looked at the shell wind chime being held by Ning Zheng and made a tinkling sound. The shell jumped up and down, and the voice was crisp and lively, while Ning was smiling gently like a kitten.

He looked directly into Ning Zheng's eyes and desperately wanted to see the cunning and falsehood that might not exist at all, but the girl smiled sincerely. Her clear eyes narrowed gently into a crescent moon, and her pale pink lips were like a flower, and her smile was as warm as spring.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Zheng's smile slowly dissipated - she was scared by the coral-red eyes, as if two pieces of burning red charcoal, and her sharp eyes seemed to pierce her. Xingchen didn't laugh as much as he thought. When he saw the gadget he bought for him, he was expressionless.

Xingchen finally smiled, but the smile was extremely far-fetched. "No...nothing!"

The girl suddenly bulged, bulged her cheeks, poked his forehead with her fingers, and said, "You are the smelliest and hardest stone that will only be bored with nothing!" Look at your expression, it doesn't look like it's okay at all. You're not a liar. Your mind is written on your face!"

The girl said like a cannon. It is estimated that people familiar with her will be stunned when they see her. They stand on the wall of other people's houses at night and scold them for being stupid and wooden... You know, she used to be quiet and silent! After leaving the palace for so many days, the girl turned into a tenacious cactus like a delicate peony flower, soft and strong. Instead of being unconvinced, her vitality was extremely strong.

Xing Chen didn't say anything and turned his face to look elsewhere. He didn't dare to look at Ning Zheng anymore. He was afraid that if he would look at it for a while, he couldn't help but tell all the doubts blocked in his chest. And the idea she said that she wanted to be a beauty disaster when she was in the field porridge house for the first time. Maybe it was just a joke, but he took it seriously. This is a little secret buried in his heart. But after all these words are said, can they still be friends again?

"Xingchen... Don't ignore me. Shangjicheng is your only friend. If you ignore me, I will have no friends..." Ning Zheng's aggressive voice gradually weakened. She held the wind bell in both hands and lowered her head and whispered. Her hair on her forehead hung down and covered her blue eyes.

In the face of Ning Zheng's sudden weakness, Xingchen was at a loss. He stepped forward and watched the girl standing there. Her thin body trembled slightly in the cold autumn night. He wanted to take her by the shoulder and give her the warmest surround with his arms.

"I'm not... I'm just a little confused." He said sullenly. It's not that I'm unhappy to see you. In fact, I really want to see you these days. Today, I went to the inn where you stayed to find you, but I couldn't find it..."

"Okay, don't be unhappy. You rarely come to me once. I'm too late to be happy. Don't be angry. I just thought a little!" Xingchen looked nervously at Ning Zheng, who bowed his head and said no. The breeze blew the string of shell wind chimes and jingled.

Ning Zheng still stood with his head down, biting his lips, and his body trembled more violently. He stood there silently, lonely as if abandoned by the whole world.

Xingchen suddenly felt that his mouth was so stupid that he would not say anything to comfort the girl. If only he had been as smooth as Xiaowu! Looking at Ning Zheng's bowing head and trembling slightly, he regretted why he had to keep a straight face just now!

He stretched out his hand and wanted to pat the girl on the shoulder, but a low sob made his hand freeze in mid-air - Ning was crying.

"I'm sorry, don't cry... Then I'll tell you what I was thinking just now, okay?" He was completely panicked, and the girl sobbed, which scared him more than the thunder.

"I don't want to listen!" This time, Ning Zheng took a step back and distanced himself from the stars.

This step back seems to draw an insurmountable gully in front of the stars.

The heart is like a knife in an instant.

The two stood silently on the wall without saying a word, and the atmosphere was awkward.

"Then... I'll take you to find delicious food. Last time you took me to the field porridge house, this time I'll take you there, I'll treat you..." Xing Chen said upsetly.

The girl suddenly raised her head, and the bright ponytail threw out a bright arc. Her handsome face could not be seen at all. She was depressed and uncomfortable, and she was obviously smiling!

"Hahahaha, Xingchen, you are so cute! Look at you so scared. Have you never seen a girl lose her temper? Ning Zheng almost laughed and had a stomachache. He bent down and squatted down happily.

The stars are stunned. What's going on?

"Oi, it's hard for me to forgive you, but you keep your word and take me to eat delicious food, and then tell me why you were in a bad mood just now. Let me give you the right medicine and get rid of the disease!" Ning Zheng got up, put one hand in his waist, and the other hand handed the wind chime in front of him. He looked at his stunned face and almost burst into tears.

"Take it, this wind chime is for you!" Ning Zheng pouted, "I don't want to talk to you anymore, the stinky and hardest stone..."

Xingchen hasn't recovered from Ning's unpredictable mood. Oh, he took the wind chime from the girl's hand, jingling, crisp and pleasant.

Then he felt a warm hand holding his hand, and Ning Zheng couldn't help dragging him down from the wall, as light as a swallow, and landed steadily. The stars were much worse, staggering and almost falling down.

The two jumped and shuttled through the night street of Shangji City. They put Xinghui on their shoulders, held hands, and laughed like wind chimes.


Night Xingchen, General Fanyang Beichen, has always avoided talking about his experience in Fanyang. Especially the scene of being captive in Shangji City like a canary. Being tampered with by the enemy, twisting his faith, killing his will, like a walking corpse, every time he thinks of these absurd days, his heart is full of a shocking anger.

He can't wait to forget this memory and never think about it again. Until his hegemony and the establishment of an unprecedentedly powerful Mengfan Empire and became the son of heaven, he desperately destroyed his people and things in Shangji City. Shangji City, known as the most luxurious city in the world, was almost razed to the ground.

He can be the only emperor of the empire and remembers the memory of a woman - Huangfu Ningzheng, the subjugated princess of Fanyang, who was later named 'Queen Shaohua'.

Even asked the historian to write "The Biography of the Queen of Shaohua" and mentioned the queen who seemed to exist only in memory, the emperor's sharp coral red eyes glowed softly, as if they had softened the whole years. The emperor repeatedly said Shangji City, Jiaxiu Lake, field porridge house, roof, night sky... and so on. The most commonly spoken clip is that Queen Shaohua often lies on the wall of his house and calls his name in the middle of the night. Then they hold hands and jump out to find delicious food. The queen laughs like a wind bell, and a thin ponytail strokes his face. She is itchy and just wants to laugh.

When Ning was together, he couldn't help laughing, and all the unhappiness disappeared. It seems that the days when he was young with Queen Shaohua spent all the happiness in his life.

"We often go to a small porridge room to drink porridge. The dates and lotus seeds are very sweet. The boss's wife selling porridge is very fat and beautiful. Her name is Aunt Xue. There is often a storyteller in her porridge room who brings her granddaughter to lecture. I picked up a knife to fight the world, and it was also because He Ningzheng listened to the storyteller's Hundred Battles of the First Emperor on a whim. I can't read the scholar's book, but I have a special preference for wild history and romance novels... Ning Zheng likes to laugh very much. As long as she is there, I won't I feel bored... Those days were the most confused and embarrassed time for me. Fortunately, I had Ning Zheng..."

The historian wrote the record, and the more he frowned, until the emperor said that they first knew each other and kicked over a bun vendor who was embarrassed. The historian abandoned his pen and got up, turned over and knelt down, trembled and said:

"Your Majesty, you have made a subjugated princess queen. The Wenwu of the whole dynasty was appalled and very dissatisfied with your decision. Have you noticed that just in the month when you chased the subjugated princess Huang Funing as the queen of Shaohua, the first generals who followed you to fight in the world have unloaded their armor and returned home one after another... Empress Shaohua is no longer there. Writing history like this is tantamount to whitewashing skeletons. Those who assume the position of the queen should have the maternal demeanor of the world. Your Majesty insists on doing so, but It's going to chill the hearts of people all over the world..."

"Presumptuous--" The emperor was furious.

The historian knelt down and tremblingly, and still said, "Your Majesty, history books do not say anything and do not say anything, so that you can be a mirror and shine on the world. I hope you can think twice about Queen Shaohua. No matter how beautiful it was and how unforgettable it was in your majesty's heart, Huangfening is the subjugated princess of Fanyang. She is already a dead bone in the loess. Empress Shaohua only exists in your majesty's heart. She is no longer by your side...!"

The emperor was thundered, as if his spirit had been suddenly taken out, his dark red eyes were empty and lonely, and his face was sad.

In the end, it was like a dream he often had at that time - the world was full of night flags. He led the warriors to fight in all directions and won the world, but he was still alone.

Shaohua is easy to die, beautiful and easy to grow old, Shaohua queen, Huangfu Ningzheng.