
Chapter 32 Favor

"Lord, how are you?" Xingchen struggled to sit up, but the wound was torn and his lungs with pain.

The old man stared at the handsome and detached brother, and his eyes under his white eyebrows were a penetrating view of the soul. Two pairs of eyes of the same color, a pair of vicissitudes and rain, a pair of clear and clear eyes, interweave endless years. The sorcerer is an immortal family. Unless he is willing to die, there will be no life, old age, illness and death. Time is meaningless to the magician. They themselves are the relics of solidified time and life.

And the real appearance of the lord of the city is not so old. He has been stationed in Shangji City. In order to hide his true identity and deliberately change his appearance, he has changed his appearance once in decades. Outsiders seem to have seen that the owner of Shangji City has changed for decades, but only the guards closest to the city owner know that the lord of the city was built from Shangji City. Since then, it has never changed!

The body will not grow old, but the mind will still age. As the saying goes, ten generations, and under hundreds of years of etching, even a god-like noble and arrogant sorcerer will be sad. Sometimes eternal life is not a blessing, but the most cruel torture. Seeing that spring flowers bloom, summer and autumn alternate, snow, all kinds of life are reborn and old, and I am unchanged and unable to integrate with the whole world, just like being excluded...

At this time, even if you are as cold and arrogant as a magician, you will feel physically and mentally exhausted.

The old man stared at Liang Xingchen and could not see through the dense spider web or what was in the sealed memory. If this boy really has something to do with Mengfan God, then he doesn't have to be trapped in this city anymore! He was ordered to be loyal to the descendants of Mengfan, because he will be the next 'god'.

The old man was shocked. God, what on earth are you going to do? If you appear in the secular world alone, you will set off a great wave, and now you have created a terrible existence that goes hand in hand with you and even to a higher level?

The magician, the soul returner, the prophet, and the three peak secret races are themselves against the sky. The magician has been extremely strict and is restricted by the underworld rules. He can only live in the dark forest. The old man who experienced the battle of the extinction of the sorcerer tribe 300 years ago has been doubting that such an indisputable small clan has suffered such a terrible disaster. Is it related to Mengfan God's insistence to follow the two young men who inadvertently break into the forest and appear in the secular world?

The more power is above all sentient beings, the more clearly you can feel the rules and constraints in the dark. The secret race is immortal and will be against the sky. If you rely on your strength to rule the secular world, sooner or later you will be erased by the rules. In this world, there are flowers, flowers and failures, fish, birds and beasts, life, old age, illness and death, the alternation of sun and moon, cloudy and sunny, wind, frost, rain and snow, and everything is running according to the established rules. The sorcerer has a destructive and powerful destructive power. The prophet can predict what will happen in the future in advance to avoid danger. The soul magician can resurrect the dead, summon the dead, and easily cross the boundary between yin and yang...

The three secret races are incompatible with the rules of the current world, and even the existence of disobey the rules... Therefore, they have to hide, follow the rules, and dare not let people know their existence. Fortunately, the magicians can form more than 300 small tribes in their heyday, with a little spiritual power of nearly 100 people with strong strength. The toughness is not enough for both hands. And how many years will it take for a more mysterious soul returner and prophet to appear?

And the three secret races have never appeared in the world at the same time.

The soul returners who can rebel against yin and yang, the magicians who can destroy heaven and the earth, and the prophets who can feel the way of heaven. If they appear at the same time, won't they replace the rules?

The old man dares not think about it anymore...

Looking at the quiet face of Mr. Xingchen, the disturbing breath had disappeared, and the city owner finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He smiled and said, "I have heard of the new star rising in Shangji City for a long time. Now when I see it, it's really a talent!"

Xingchen was stunned. He was a useless dage and couldn't fight with a talent or anything. The city owner's speech was really funny!

"This time, it was the ghost scouts under the command of the second prince who surrounded you, and the one who forced you to jump off the lake was the Cang navy eagle dog. Ha ha, you provoked a prince who is expected to sit on the dragon chair. One is Mr. Li, who is the father's best protector of the young, but he can't tear down my Shangji City!" The old man said with a smile.

Originally, he thought that he had made such a big disaster in the city. The city owner was lucky enough not to deal with him, at least he would not give him a good face, but the old man's smiling look was particularly kind, as if he was looking at his own grandson! And Xingchen didn't feel anything unnatural. Except for a slight accident at the beginning, he accepted the old man's kindness with peace of mind.

"Don't worry, I'll shake it for you this time. I have nothing to give you. This is a gift for us to forget the New Year." The old man's long clothes are elegant, his face is full of cranes, and his face is childish, and he is quite immortal. "If you want to bear the revenge of the second prince and Li Qingyu alone, I can't bear it. Besides, I don't like these second ancestors who rely on the shade of their ancestors. If they are picked out alone and fight with you, they may not be able to fight you! But they are a father with the surname of Huangfu and a father who is in charge of 150,000 soldiers and horses behind him. You are too weak!"

The old man suddenly sneered: "Even if one of them is expected to sit on the dragon chair, the other will inherit 150,000 soldiers and horses. Compared with you alone, it is nothing!"

The stars are stunned. What does the city lord mean? It seems that the owner of Shangji City, who has never met before, is on his side, and does not pay attention to the second prince of the empire and Li Qing Qiu of the Cang navy. What place does he deserve to be favored by the distinguished city lord?

"I have sent someone to tell your family that you can rest at my place before they come to pick you up!" The city owner said with a smile, "I will tell Li Qingyu and the second prince well. If they play rogues, they will reason with them. If they are reasonable, they will play rogues. I am so old and thicker than anyone else. In Shangji City, even if the emperor comes in person, he can't speak!" The old man pouted and was naughty. He added, "Even if the emperor comes, I don't want him to step into the gate!"

The old man turned around and walked out. Before leaving, he smiled and said, "In the future, if you have nothing to do, come to the city master's mansion to find me. It's good for you to go in and out of the city lord's mansion!"

"Lord... why did you do this to me!" Xingchen saw that the old man had opened the door and loudly said his doubts.

The old man turned around, his smile touched his white beard, was kind and gentle, and blinked his eyes, "Maybe it's because you and my eyes are the same color!"

The stars laughed dumbly and felt closer to the city owner.

When the old man went out of the door, the guard Wang Zhongli greeted him.

"Sent someone to greet the two angry guys in the city into the main palace. I want to talk to them about life, talk about ideals, and establish a outlook on life... Tell Shangji City, these rich families, to give more face to the Liang family in the future, and even let out a little rumor. Liang Xingchen will be the next Shangji City. Lord. In addition, the child of the Liang family can enter and leave the city's mansion at will in the future. I want to cultivate him! Such a good seedling, if it is wasted, it will be a big mistake!"

Wang Zhongli seems to be unable to believe his ears!

How many nobles and nobles hope to get on the big ship of the city owner at great cost, and even have the children and grandchildren of the second-grade and third-grade powerful of the imperial capital with a lot of white beards. They are willing to recognize the lord of the city as their adoptive father and only want to be favored and sheltered. Every time they see those powerful officials of the imperial capital are douting elsewhere and in the city lord Before, his adoptive father shouted sweetly, and he couldn't help laughing.

But how can Liang Xingchen take a look and let the city owner favor this? In his eyes, Liang Xingchen is just a beautiful and strange dhow. The most indispensable thing in Shangji City is the handsome boy!

As if he knew what he was thinking, the city owner smiled and said, "It's strange why I value this unrooted Liang Xingchen so much?"

Wang Zhongli did not deny that his mind was always known as soon as he read the paper in front of the city lord.

"Ha ha, he is of the same clan as the old man, but the tribe from whom I came from has been sent to the forest in the south... Now it is rare to see a young man of the tribe, how can he be willing to suffer from dust? I had been waiting and waiting before, trapped in a city, waiting for the emperor of Fanyang to change one after another, waiting for generations of heroes to die and live, like inexhaustible weeds, I just looked at it coldly! Now when I meet such a young man, it is like a nonsensical hand in the world's dead chess game, and the whole chessboard is alive! This time, I want to rearrange and activate all the chess eyes! You can't stay in a city without moving, and the old bastard in the deep water also has to float up to change his breath and eat two mouthfuls of food, right?

The city owner held his hand behind his back and walked away with a smile. Wang Zhongli looked back at the room where the boy was located. Could it be that the city owner had been waiting for him for so many years?

How much should it be to let the lord of the city pay attention to this?

In the eyes of the city owner, even if the Emperor Fanyang is just dead, there will be someone who will come out to replace the goods. Is this Liang Xingchen more noble than the emperor?

It is a great blessing to be appreciated by the city owner. It depends on how many points you can grasp and achieve geometry! Wang Zhongli suddenly became a little curious. How many times can this young man toss the world back and forth?

Let's wait and see!


The non-stop Cang navy finally rushed back to the three counties in the southwest. When crossing the boundary monument, the old general breathed a sigh of relief - his territory was still comfortable. No matter how gorgeous Shangji City was, it was not as pleasing to his mu!

The three counties in the southwest have been painstakingly managed by him for 20 years, and the industry and commerce are flourishing, like a small kingdom. Under his careful planning, the three counties in the southwest were separated from each other and did not interfere with each other. Especially for military roads, maintaining and maintaining roads every year is a large expense. Many generals feel that the three counties in the southwest do not fight, and it is only a burden to build military roads, but the old general still insists on it.

Twelve large and small branches of Bing Road in the three counties in the southwest are connected in all directions. The Cang navy, which has cultivated and raised soldiers, is scattered on weekdays and operated separately. Except for 40% of the harvest handed over to the general's mansion for untime needs, the harvest belongs to Jiashi. The Cang navy, which is distributed in the three counties in the southwest, can immediately use the military road to bring the warriors together and be strong.

The military road is not allowed to be occupied, traded, and people are not allowed to walk. Violators are not forgiven!

The almost strict decree has been strictly implemented, and there has never been the saying that the ignorant are innocent. Even if you don't understand this rule when you first come to the southwest and set foot on the military road, you will have to be cut off your bloody head and hang on the roadside to dry and rot in order to set an example.

At this time, the old general led a galloping horse on the military road and rushed to the general's mansion in Longya County. All the way, without this unimpeded military road, only the Tianmo traffic around the three counties in the southwest would have to go around for a month.

Near the general's mansion, the old general's tense nerves could finally be easier. He couldn't help whipning the mount again and seemed to rush away.

Near the gate of the mansion, the old general looked awe-looking, picked up the iron gun and looked angrily. Behind him, he also drew a knife and lifted the crossbow from the elite, with gloomy eyes.

A man in scales stood at the gate of the general's mansion with a smile, looking at a group of sword-drawn horse warriors with a joking look. Holding a sharp three-front dagger in his hand, he stabbed through the 'Li' battle flag that was abruptly torn off.