
Chapter 53 Opening

Mengyangbian Town, Yinma Town.

The frontier fortress is bleak in late autumn, and the horizon between heaven and earth is wide. The mountains in the distance overlap, like green beast ridges, and then it is the land of Fanyang.

In a cliff highland next to Yinma Town, several generals wearing armored waists and machetes with long guns stood against the wind. The nose and wings of the horses under him were open, and the cold wind like a knife made them uneasily dig their hoofs. The pure-blooded Gaoyun horse bought from the far north grassland is far taller and more powerful than the local war horse in Mengyang, especially the flamboyant horse's mane, which has not been trimmed since the horse was born. With the fiery command behind the generals, it hunted in the fierce wind of the frontier fortress. From afar, it looks like a murderous banner.

The first general stopped a military phlegm on his shoulder. He pulled out the rolled-up parchment from the bamboo tube on the thaya's leg, tore it out and spread it. His eyes behind the mask woven from an iron ring swept the letterhead and sneered.

"The last wind thunder has been pulled out, and it will be able to reach the border town in a few days." He grabbed the letterhead fiercely in the palm of his hand, as if he had grabbed the key that could make him reach the sky in one step.

"Fifty wind and iron riders, 50,000 light riders, 200,000 light armored brigades, 30,000 ospreys * hands, 10,000 elite scouts, and countless hot-blooded men in the rear who are willing to die for the empire. As long as your majesty has an edict, they will be millions of heroes!" The general wearing moon white armor and an iron ring mask said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is so ambitious, how can we live up to your Majesty's expectations?"

Several generals behind him were silent, but their eyes outside the armor were full of perseverance and burning the sea.

Five years ago, Mengyang suffered internal and external troubles. The hungry wolves in the north coveted Mengyang's wealth, and the princes and kings parasitated under the royal family also gave birth to the ambition of thieves in an attempt to overthrow the royal family and replace it. His Majesty Shenluo, the former emperor, died in danger, and the empire was in danger. Wan Yanjun, the third prince, stood up and suppressed the north, calmed civil strife, cut the princes, and gathered imperial power. He almost brought a big change of blood to the bloated Mengyang. He used the emperor's hegemony, iron fist and cold blood to severely suppress the nobles and princes. There is only one word to kill the corrupt officials who are gloomy and fierce, but they impose benevolence on the people, reduce taxes, divide land, encourage business and private trade, and power over the people...

In just five years, Mengyang was built into a very dynamic empire by Emperor Lin Xi. He was no longer the bloated and redundantness of Emperor Shinra. The whole empire is changing with each passing day. The people of the empire are full of respect and enthusiasm for the emperor. Yes, it is fanaticism! Although it is not as good as the barbarian women, children and the elderly in the far north are all soldiers and enemies, just like drinking a jar of old white moon drunk, but there is more like a sword and an axe. Southerners who live a comfortable life have always lived a good life. As long as they don't kill their doors, they feel irrelevant. They have never had the same dedication to honor and dignity as the far north barbarians. This is also the reason why the warriors of the far north barbarians often contemptuously say that people in the south are soft-bone shrimp.

After Emperor Linxi pacified the vassal state, he implemented the imperial rule into every corner of the empire, instilled the belief that honor should be wiped with blood into every Mengyang person's mind, absolutely obeyed the royal family, absolutely defended the empire, and absolutely loyal faith - like a fanatical believer!

The general closed his eyes and sighed, remembering the cold and ruthless words of the young emperor in golden armor when the wind and thunder cavalry was just formed: one person killed one person, one army killed one army, and one team killed one team. If the whole army was cowardly, they would not hesitate to kill all the warriors!

It's really a lord of troubled times!

Although Emperor Lin Xi destroyed the Ye family, the general did not have any hatred, not that he did not hate, but did not dare to hate! And there is a near-morbid excitement - if Your Majesty hadn't killed Ye Mingshan, how could he get his current position? If Your Majesty hadn't exiled the night stars, how could his son have a chance to get a hereditary general? If His Majesty hadn't trapped the arrogant woman in the palace into a canary, how could his jealousy be cured for so many years?

How can he hate His Majesty? Be grateful to your majesty!

General Ye Qingshan suddenly raised his hand, the iron gun was held flat in front of him, and the han on his shoulder suddenly flew into the air and hissed. His eyes were ferocious, and he looked up and roared: "Be loyal to your majesty and die for the empire!"

Several generals behind him also raised their long guns, lay in front of them, and roared in unison: "Be loyal to your majesty and die for the empire!"

The general's wrist shook out a beautiful gun flower, and the sharp gun head drew a gully in front of the horse's hoof. He lowered his head, his eyes were fierce, staring at the gully, and said in a low voice, "Where is this line? Where are our horseshoes feet? Wherever we go, it is my dreamland."

The thalcon flies high, hovering in the dim yellow sky and hissing.

At the end of October of Mengyang Linxi's fifth year, the rolling iron flow finally rushed to the border of Fanyang. The three military towns of Fanyang Danghong met the wind and thunder cavalry that Mengyang had spent five years of painstaking efforts, as if they had encountered a nightmare.

Although Fanyang's military power has a hidden backbone under the construction of General Yan of the Imperial Hall who re-emmed from the temple, it is still not enough to see under the light of Mengyang wind and thunder. The unexpected attack of the wind and thunder cavalry did catch the Fanyang warrior off guard, but it was more about losing momentum. As Lu Miaobai said in those years, Fanyang has a less thing called blood than Mengyang. Even the lieutenants of the border military academy usually train armored soldiers, and the bow is far away, and the rolling stone is boiling water. You can't shake the enemy. If you are defeated, you should retreat first, and then think about it.'

With no awareness of fighting close to life, how can it be lower than these wind and thunder cavalry that are stronger than barbarians?

Fenglei only sent a thousand cavalry, and the leading general Song Hao, who used to be a native of Shen, was the deputy commander of the fiery horse under the command of the Duke of Shen. The fiery horse is known as the first horse of Mengyang's combat power, which is from this person's **. He is good at extremely strong guns. His long guns are hard to bend, his arms are amazing, and he can easily penetrate the heavy armor of the barbarians, and even his name is 'broken armor-breaking gun'.

Five years ago, when the barbarians invaded, Shen Gulan, the Duke of the State of Shen, made an alliance with the barbarians. Emperor Lin Xi used the hand of Duke Qiu Yue to eradicate the rebellion and then destroyed the State of Shen. However, Song Hao did not hate his majesty. Shen Gulan is his lord, but it is wrong that he is not your majesty, and your majesty appreciated his talent. Instead of being punished, he gave him a heavy responsibility. He really used people and took the position of captain of the wind and thunder. Compared with the fiery horse deputy commander given by Duke Shen in those years, His Majesty gave him the opportunity to leap over the Dragon Gate, and now he has given him the first battle of the world. How can he not be crazy? How can you not be excited?

He took the lead and led a large army to advance. The Gaoyun horse bought from the far north grassland was the most suitable for attacking the battle. A thousand wind and thunder horses galloped all the way, advancing extremely fast, as if lightning was directly at the head of the military town. Among the wind and thunder cavalry, there was a strange man from the great general Ye Qingshan. Near the city wall, he rolled down and got off his horse. Unlike the hard armor of the wind and thunder horse, they were dressed in light soft armor, with daggers in their mouths, ropes wrapped around their waists, and an inch long sharp iron finger covers on their fingers.

The ants attached to the wall, their iron fingers pierced into the cracks of the wall bricks, raised their heads and climbed up, and said nothing with a dagger in their mouth. Only their eyes were burning, and they climbed up with bows and arrows against the wall, and they were not afraid at all.

Fanyangbian Town is generally three and one flin. Any military town is attacked. As long as the beacon is lit, the other two military towns will come to support. The three military towns formed a corner of each other, and each military town was stationed with 1,000 troops. After General Yu Dianyan regained the military power, he personally set up a new equipment in the military town, just in case.

Qishi climbed very fast, climbed to the head of the city with his hands and feet, took off the dagger in his mouth without saying a word, sneaked away from the warriors attracted by the cavalry in the city, touched the gate of the military town and became a gatekeeper, and opened the gate of the military town for the wind and thunder cavalry.

General Song Hao sneered. Originally, he wanted the general to send a broken city cone, but he didn't expect that he was really worried. The strange man from the general** is really good. If you bring a broken city cone weighing thousands of pounds, and the mobility of the wind and thunder horse is greatly reduced, how can it be like a wind and thunder?

Song Hao pulled up the iron curtain on his helmet, showing an excited and twisted face, and turned back and shouted, "Five riders on the left wing are stationed to stop the other two military reinforcements, the right wing is thunder, kill!"

This is the conceit of the wind and thunder horse. Knowing that there are 1,000 troops stationed in this military town, and the three military towns take care of each other, that is, 3,000 warriors, still dare to shake 3,000 warriors defending the city with a thousand cavalry. It's not that he is hot-blooded and brainless who only knows how to rush forward, but that he is based on his own conceit and ruthlessly crushes the absolute power gap.

Five hundred winds and thunders rushed in, and Song Hao, the armor-breaking gun, laughed wildly, and the war horse stood up, stepped down the bowl and horseshoe heavily, stepping on the head of a Fanyang warrior who had no time to escape, and his brain splashed. The long gun in his hand rose and fell, provoking two fleeing enemies. The long gun pierced through the back, the sharp gun head poked out from his chest, and blood splashed along the blood tank. The two warriors were picked together in the air like sugar-coated haws, but they were not dead and screamed sadly, and the wind and thunder that provoked them laughed loudly, causing those Fanyang warriors who were fleeing in a panic couldn't help looking back and almost lost their souls.

How has the Fanyang warriors who have not had a war in 20 years seen such a scene?

If the Fanyang warrior 20 years ago fought with the Japanese pirates in the East China Sea, fought with the Southern barbarian warriors, and the cruel pirates, he may be able to stimulate the blood in his bones and the death war against the enemy, but now the Fanyang warrior who has been drowsy all day has not been stimulated, but even the last trace of courage has been Scared.

I don't know who shouted 'Escape--'. More than a thousand garrison warriors abandoned their armor and fled, hoping to have two more legs than their companions.

is equipped with extreme northern blood. How far can human legs run in front of the cavalry of the war horse?

is clearly a killing.

Five wind and thunder cavalry washed over a thousand reefs like a flood, just like farmers harvesting ripe wheat. Achieve a reasonable victory by arrogance and unreasonable means.

The wind and thunder that started with all its strength was a meat grinder. Two charge back and forth, and the thousand garrison fell into a pool of blood, all of which were killed.

The wind and thunder horse of the moon white armor was stained with blood for the first time, which was so horrible.

Take a military town with almost no resistance.

Song Hao turned the horse's head and shouted loudly, "Go out of the city and crush the reinforcements of the other two military towns."

ruthless crushing.

If the war against Fanyang is as easy as today, wouldn't it be too boring? What about the hard battle? Song Hao fell on horseback and thought that I really don't want the achievements that can be obtained so easily!

If this thousand wind and thunder riders are just appetizing dishes, then the next action will really shake Fanyang Chaoye.

Take three military towns, and if the Fanyang defense line is torn open, General Ye Qingshan immediately sent 10,000 elite wind and thunder and 20,000 light horses through the blood-washed military town and rushed to the hinterland of Fanyang, the first to be Qinghe County.

30,000 cavalry rushed 500 miles, like a sharp dagger, penetrating this wine-brewed rich county with one knife.

Whether it is the local troops or ordinary people, agriculture, industry and commerce, they are all sickle cutting wheat and harvesting, and more than 100,000 people in a large Qinghe city became a dead city overnight.

Fanyang earthquake.

Emperor Fuming, the emperor of Fanyang, gave an emergency edict to the court meeting. Officials above the sixth grade put down their matters and returned to Beijing for discussion, escorted the county guard of Qinghe County, and the lieutenant guarding the city to plead guilty. The prince and princess immediately returned to the imperial capital without delay.

General Yin Cangyan, who received the emperor's edict, dressed in sackcloth and sneered at the west: "Mengyang is really a big deal. Is it a slaughter at the beginning? Fanyang, Fanyang, don't be defeated too quickly--