
Chapter 60 Madness

On this day, the iris flag of the red brocade gold line fluttered in Shangji City, and the flying flag stabbed the word 'Huangfu' with silver thread.

The lord of the city once explicitly banned the royal flag from being raised in the city, and it is rare for the lord of the city to turn a blind eye to this matter. During this period, Li Qingqi, the son of Li Siam, the commander of the Southwest Cang navy, Zeng Yunjie, the eldest son of the Zeng family in Jiangdong, the second prince of the Huangfu family and Princess Ning Zheng, were all in Shangji City. The strong and arrogant young Junyan would be easy to make trouble. It is estimated that the city lord is also upset and can't wait for these young people to come back. It happened that Mengyang iron rode raged in the west of the empire, and the empire was changing. Jiangdong Zeng's eldest son Zeng Yunjie, and the Southwest Cang navy also sent people to pick up the big dil Li Qing Qiu. Now the second prince and Princess Ning Zheng are also leaving. Now it's time for Shangji City to be clean.

The purple sorghum street facing the city gate is empty, and all avoid opening the honor flag symbolizing the royal family. Two hundred imperial imperial forbidden troops with white feathers rode on high war horses, wearing heavy armor, and lined up strictly on both sides of the street to escort a luxurious carriage in the middle. From time to time, there was a ghost-like ghosts in black on the buildings on both sides of Ziliang Street. After leaving the city, they would send warriors to protect them. Send.

In the carriage closely guarded, the coachman is the most talkative man around the emperor today, the eunuch of the former emperor, and Guo Ameng, the first master of the world 20 years ago. Naturally, the second prince of Fanyang, who is expected to sit in the dragon chair, and the emperor's favorite Princess Ningzheng.

Hundreds of Huangfu's flags rolled like waves in the cold autumn wind, symbolizing the golden red of the royal family as blazing. The two columns of honorable imperial forest forbidden armies are also dressed in fiery red lacquer armor. The cold and resolute eyes of the warriors are more and more murderous. It is hard to imagine who does not have eyes to dare to attack the royal honor warriors!

In the carriage, the incense burner smoke curled, and the second prince put his arms around his chest and leaned his back against the wall of the carriage. He said with a smile, "Are you dead?"

Ning is putting on the wide-sleeved skirt that she just came to Shangji City, and her face is more and more dazzling, like the most dazzling star in midsummer, and the carriage seems to be bright because of her. She was tight, reached out and lifted the curtain of the carriage. Her clear eyes looked at the empty street outside except for the majestic warriors. She squeezed her lips together and ignored her brother, who seemed to be gloating.

"Ged, Ning Zheng, Liang Xingchen is a coward. You'd better forget him! There will be no result between you and him. Even if he is lucky enough to squeeze into the ranks of the imperial Junyan and enter the eyes of his father's law, Li Siam of the Southwest Cang navy will not let him go. Li Siam's old dog is eager for his dog son to marry you so that he can fall in love with the Huangfu family. The second prince said lazily, with his eyes slightly closed.

"Does he really not even have the courage to come to see me?" Ning Zheng removed the curtain in frustration, stared down at his fingers and muttered to himself.

"It is said that he is a coward. Yesterday, I specially talked to him and used the method of excitement, but I didn't expect that he was really a coward in my bones.

The girl was silent, and her bright face shook like a ripple. It looked like a delicate crystal. With a touch, it would turn into fragments and burst out.

"Anyway, when I go back to the palace, if my father forces me to marry Li Qingqi, I will die!" The girl gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't worry, I will never let you marry that bastard. If my father has made up his mind, I dare to send someone to kill Li Qingyu. Originally, I came to Shangji City with the idea of getting rid of the boy, but I didn't expect that he would also come out. The second prince sneered and pointed to Guo Amon, who was sitting outside the carriage.

"I am now convinced that he is the person next to his father. On the one hand, he came to Shangji City to find you, and he also monitored me and didn't let me kill Li Qingqi... I guess this is also what my father meant. After returning to the imperial capital, I don't know what my father will do with me!" The second prince curled his lips and said reluctantly, "When I go back, I want to see Huangfu Wenkai's sanctimonous face and see how he sneered at me."

Suddenly, there was a noise outside. The second prince said softly, stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain to look out.

At the end of the guard of honor, a warrior of the imperial forbidden army turned his horse's head, raised his heavy fight, and shouted coldly, "Who dares to crash into Your Highness's car!"

A man with a stained hair and blood on his face gritted his teeth and roared, "Get out of here!" His eyes were red, and he saw that the convoy of the golden flag in front of him had moved slowly. The front carriage was still hundreds of steps away from him, and he finally caught up with it.

Hearing the movement, the imperial forbidden army warriors surrounded him one after another, surrounded the stunned man, raised a heavy fight, and was ready to stab the desperate man who dared to crash into the royal carriage at any time. The horse roared in a low voice, and with the armored warrior, surrounded the young man as if he were surrounded by a beast.

"Your Highness has decentralized his power and dares to crash into the royal car without mercy!" A Royal Forest Forbidden Army warrior said coldly, mentioning that Chongge was condescending to the madman's chest. He was confident that with this force, the sharpness of Chongge would tear the man's chest in half.

But his heavy Ge stabbed out but could not be taken back. The madman actually hugged the thick Ge body with his arm, and his shoulder was cut open by a bloody mouth by the heavy Ge blade, and still did not let go. This madman is as strong as a tiger and leopard. No matter how hard he is, he can't pull out the fight.

Seeing this, another samurai also raised a heavy fight and waved his weapon at the young man's slender neck. He couldn't help sneering. He was really a madman. Is there such a way of fighting? Even if you want to assassinate Your Highness, you should practice your skills. Is this kind of assassin here to make them laugh?

Xingchen reacted extremely quickly. After hearing the evil wind hit his ears, his body flashed forward, his neck could avoid the sharpness, and his whole back was cut open. The warrior could even feel that Ge Feng was scratching his shoulder blade.

Xingchen looked up and screamed, hurting his heart. His eyes were red like burning charcoal fire, and his mouth sounded like a beast.

"Go to hell!"

He took a step forward, reached out and pulled out the sword from the waist of the imperial forbidden army warriors, and suddenly pulled it out. He held the sword high in one hand and cut off the heavy fighting in his arms. The light flashed, and the thick head of the cup broke. He held the knife in his right hand, held the sharp edge of the cut in his left hand, twisted his waist and limbs, and the boots under his feet made a violent friction sound with the ground. The knife in his right hand drew a complete arc, cutting off the neck of the forbidden warrior who was the first to take action.

At the same time, the left-handed Ge Feng came out, like throwing a hidden weapon, and the weight of Ge Feng was spinning. Shot out, 'ceng--', is the kind of familiar, sharp metal cut into the flesh and blood muscles and bones, making the blood pulse sound dull. The head of the samurai who scratched the back of the stars was split from the middle, his whole face split in half, and the dark red blood splashed out with the bright white brain. Perhaps he noticed that the owner on his back was dead, and the war horse raised his front hoof in shock and ran forward. The corpse of the warrior whose head on the horse's head was split in half fell down, but his ankles were buckled by the horse's staves and could not escape. The body was dragged away by the war horse and sprinkled with miserable blood and brain plasma all the way.

Xingchen held a knife and turned in place. His blood-red eyes forced the surrounding warriors, and his throat roared low.

He killed two people neatly, and his cruel methods suppressed these arrogant imperial forbidden army warriors. These well-governing cavalry have never been to the battlefield, or even seen such a tragic scene. The idea that they thought it would be easy to kill this madman disappeared and they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

They retreated, but the stars go further. He stepped forward, reached out and grabbed a cavalryman's leg, and pulled him down from the horse. His feet stepped hard on his chest, raised his knife with both hands, and chopped down vigorously. He cut diagonally from his right shoulder to his left chest, and his soft internal organs rolled out of the break. He ignored the tragically-dead warrior, jumped forward and jumped on the horseback, slapped the horse's buttocks with the back of the knife, and shouted, "Ning Zheng, Ning Zheng - I came to see you!"

He seemed to be born to get up, and the horse ran to the carriage under his urging. The frightened imperial imperial warriors behind finally came to their senses, and someone roared loudly: " Stop him, stop him - don't let him approach your Highness!"

The ** here is getting bigger and bigger, and hundreds of imperial forbidden army warriors urged the war horses to surround the young man with scars. The stars lay on the horse and urged the horse fiercely. His eyes were covered with blood, and his eyes were a little unclear, but he still persistently urged the horse and rushed to the carriage in front of him. He knew that the person he wanted to see was there, and his beloved was in front of him. His face showed ecstasy, and his bright red eyes couldn't help flowing with tears. He was left behind by the fast horse and turned into a string of tears.

"Ning Zheng--I'm looking for you--I'm looking for you--" He tried his best and roared out with the last bit of strength in his chest.

He stretched out his hand and almost touched the carriage with a happy smile on his face. Although his smiling face looked so ecstatic, he was clearly ecstatic.

It stopped abruptly.

He felt that he had been pulled back and flew out. He saw the sword come out of his hand and see that the horse under him was still running forward, while his body was flying backwards.

Stric pain in the shoulder.

His body fell to the ground heavily and hurt like a rack all over his body. He struggled to stand up and was dragged to the ground fiercely.

His shoulders were penetrated by chains with barbs, which buckled his collarbone, and several ghost-shaped warriors in black night clothes dragged him back.

The ghost department is a ghost warrior under the command of the second prince.

The stars looked up to the sky and their faces were full of blood and tears. He saw that the sky was blood-red, and a group of geese slowly flew south, and he was dragged back like a dead dog, farther and farther and farther away from Ningzheng's carriage.

Sudden pain, scars all over the body, all of which are straight flesh and blood. The severe pain like a frenzy almost washed him down, but his mind was extremely clear.

Ning Zheng, Ning Zheng, will I still lose you after all?

I just want to see you, just take a look at you!

"This is not the result I want!" He shouted these words! His hands held the bluestone slab of the street, his nails were worn off, and his fingers were blurred.

The ghost warrior who was dragging the chain behind his back suddenly opened his eyes wide. They found that the other end of the chain did not seem to be a person, but an unparalleled wild elephant, a rampaging rhinoceros. They couldn't believe the feeling in their hands. Countless prisoners were lying in their hands, including many burly men, but no one had ever escaped from the barbed chain. But the teenager who was chained through his shoulders and buckled his collarbone was climbing forward little by little, dragging them forward. The inverted hook made a deep blood stain in his flesh, and the teenager didn't seem to feel it at all.

The surrounding warriors of the Royal Forest Forbidden Army were dumbfounded and watched the young man drag several ghost warriors, like bison that could not be pulled back, persistently crawling forward.

His throat was blocked by blood, and he could not make a sound, so he could only make a vague whimper.

But people still know what he shouted.

"Ning Zheng - Ning Zheng - you must wait for me - I will marry you, I will marry you -"

The boy was covered with scars, his nails were buckled with bluestones, and he climbed forward with all his strength and climbed towards the carriage. Although in his blurred vision, the carriage was still moving away and farther and farther away...