
Chapter 65 The Wind of the National Scholar 2

Xiaowu took a deep breath and did not smile anymore. He knelt on the ground, bowed his head and slowly and said slowly, "The sixth son and I have no name. We are assassins secretly trained by the empire. When we were young, more than 200 children were gathered and began to train, squat, close their breath, run fast, knife skills, hidden weapons, and poison. Detoxification, training all the way, dead all the way. In the first year, when they practiced squatting, four or five children died alive. Their bodies were wrapped around their necks and hung on trees. The warriors who trained us said, "Whoever doesn't work hard, this is the end." We take the school examination every year. The way of the school examination is to fight with each other, two groups, fighting with each other, and half of them die every year. In the third year, our school examination method is to make poison with each other, and then take it and then make an antidote according to toxicity. I saw a friend who had a good relationship with me take the poison and died in front of me. The poison I prepared is very simple to apply bile poison. As long as three or five herbs are decoctioned, it can be detoxified. But he was poisoned. Before he died, he quietly told me that he deliberately did not use the antidote, but wanted to die. As a result, his body was also hung on the tree, rotting and air-dried, and pecked by the crow.

He slowly said these uncomfortable words, holding his knees tightly with both hands and trembling slightly.

"We grew up in hell. When we were caught for training, I was five years old. At the age of 15, I came out and became a number five assassin. At that time, I killed my friends in person. I even had to eat human flesh in order to survive. I was worried all day long. Working with the great master is also to carry out some dirty things such as assassination, inquiring intelligence, and torturing prisoners. Later, Liuzi and I were arranged to come to Fanyang Shangji City to monitor you.

"During the period when we were with the young master in Shangji City, it was really the most relaxing and reassuring day since we were young. We don't have to be nervous to listen to orders at any time. We don't have to kill people. We don't have to hide in the dark. We don't have to follow the young master to walk on the colorful streets, eat things that we have never eaten before, and squatting on the corner to see the street to beaut. Female, lying lazily on the ground and watching the blue sky, white clouds and counting stars, this kind of relaxed life we have never experienced. Tired of following the great master, sooner or later, you will die, but you can follow Shaofei and let go. Even if you scold us for fucking, it's comfortable to hear it in your ears. Xiaowu smiled as he spoke, smiling bleakly and desolately. This fat man who usually smiles and looks carefree has such a sad past.

"The young master decided to learn knives. Originally, we had to report this to the great master. We didn't. We half jokingly pointed out to you that you can't use dead stakes to practice knives. You have to practice with living people and activate the knife road before it can be a great success. The young master was bullied by Li Qingqi and the second prince, and we can't sit idly by. We are your companions. We have to speak out for you. We have killed more than 20 eagles and dogs under the second prince. If this matter is known by the great master, we will all die. Miss Ning Zheng is leaving, and the young master is unhappy, so we have to coax you to laugh and encourage you to find Miss Ning Zheng. There is no other meaning. Don't leave any regrets in the young master's heart... If I said that I just lost the letter Jian was a betrayal of the great master, it would be better to say that we had already disobeyed the great master Yang... If we really want to dig the root Ask the reason, that is, following the young master's buttocks, we are at ease and don't have to worry and fear! To be honest, Xiao Liuzi and I are cannon fodder. If we work with the great master, we will die. No one will miss us at all, but with this young master, even if we die, at least someone can restrain our bones for us, and we will never die in vain..."

Xiao Wu lowered his head, and his voice suddenly became sonorous and powerful.

"Although we are driven by others, if the young master treats him as a national scholar, we will repay him as a national scholar."

The courtyard of the Liang family was quiet, and the voice of Xiaowu, which had always been shrill, echoed in the courtyard for a long time.

The star muttered to himself: "The wind of the national scholar?"

This fat man, who is usually a delicacy, happy horse and loves beauty, has a full of temperament in front of him, and is the most good at raping and poor mouth. How can he say such exciting words? Does he really respond to that ugly sentence? Even if it's a little man, there are tigers roaring in their hearts?

He looked at the fat five who bowed his head and knelt down, and looked at the sixth son standing aside and giggling, with great emotion in his heart. Indeed, he hated the days like a sheep in a caged bird's house in Shangji City. He was used as a brister to kill his will and weave false memories, false backgrounds and false servants for him, but the memories of getting along with Xiaowu and Liuzi are true, and the comfortable feeling of being with Ning is also true. He Abandon everything in Shangji City, and you can't leave these people who leave warmth in his memory.

The fat Aunt Xue in the field porridge room, the grinning old man Liu who made a living by storytelling, and his granddaughter Little Cherry, and the middle-aged craftsman who polished jade, gold and silver accessories. The memories left to him by these people are alive and are still alive. How can he have the heart to lose these?

He is just a poor man who lives on memories.

"Xiao Wu, get up!" He whispered, and his voice sounded like another world.

"Young master? You won't kill me?" Xiao Wu raised his face, and his white and fat face was full of future.

Xingchen kicked him with a smile, "Get up and get me something to eat. I'm starving without eating for a day!"

Xiaowu was kicked in the buttocks, and his tight buttocks rippled. He rolled up and couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He quickly answered, "Oh, huh, come on, what does the young master want to eat? Let's arrange the kitchen to do it."

"It's the same as usual."

Xiao Wu got the order and ran away. Before leaving, he opened his arms and shouted for a bear to hug one. Xingchen looked at the 170 catties of fat man smashing down on his face like a meat mountain, and glared angrily: "Get out--" and kicked it with one foot.

This 'roll' momentum is like a dragon, and Xiaowu pretends to cover his heart, "Young master, you have hurt the heart of the slave family..."

At the moment before, he said with awe-inspiringly that the wind of the national scholar, the fat man was full of blood and resurrected and went away. The sixth son, who had been silent, said, "Young master, what are you going to do next?"

"Ready to go to the battlefield and rely on military merit to stand in Fanyang. After having the power to fight with Mengyang, you will return to Mengyang." Xingchen said softly.

"If the young master doesn't mind, my fifth brother and I are willing to rush ahead for you and break through the thorns for you!" It's rare for Liuzi to say such a long sentence.

Xingchen turned around and looked at this old-fashioned companion, but he didn't expect that he could say such a thing.

"Actually, the fifth brother didn't tell the truth just now. With the means of the great master, it will be a matter of time before you recover your memory, and the betrayal of the fifth brother and I will not be hidden for a long time. I don't know how to deal with the anger of the great master, so... We want to follow you. Only by getting rid of the great master can we survive. So young master doesn't have to think that this is to take us to danger. You are the thorn in the eyes of a great master. If we follow you, we can also do our part, not only to help you, but also to help ourselves..."

"And we have been serving the young master for so long. We know what the young master likes to eat and drink. If we follow the young master, we won't miss you when marching. This is also a request to be a servant."

In an in an assinuation, I felt that kind of heart-piercing emotion.

Although Liuzi has few words, he is the most delicate in his mind. He always does everything well silently. He never asks for meritoriously, and he is proud of his little achievements. He is like holding up the roots of a towering tree and burying it in the soil, but it plays the greatest role. Even every time he went out with Xiaowu to tosss the naval eagles and dogs and ghost scouts, he was the one who broke into the front of the danger, and he was the one who walked last when retreated.

This thin man, like a few steel bars, seems to be gloomy and taciturn, but he is an extremely simple and gentle person in heart.

Xingchen said in a low voice, "Since you have rewarded it with a national scholar, how can I not treat it?"


The end of Fanyang was the era when the heroes of the older generation fell, but they created countless new heroes. They stepped on the bones of their predecessors, followed the future emperors they identified, served them with armor and died.

There are not many generals available under the founding emperor of the Mengfan Empire, Night Starchen, only four people. The mysterious Fengque assassin in charge of the spy, there are only three people who can fight a hard battle on the battlefield and survive: Zhong Li, the king of the 100,000-step soldier who can swallow the sky, the five generals of the heavy cavalry who rode the road and horse, and the six generals who can survive the tough battle.

That is to say, the land of the Mengfan Empire ranges from the far east coast of the mainland, to the far west of the desert, to the vast primitive forests in the south, and thousands of miles of wilderness and mountains in the north. And the relationship between these three and the emperor Ye Xingchen is also very delicate. Wang Zhongli, a soldier, rarely talks with the emperor Xingchen. He relies more on his own judgment to decide whether to send troops and when to send troops, and the emperor is also very tolerant of turning a blind eye to his arrogant opinions.

There is no doubt about the loyalty and trust of the five generals and the six generals of the light cavalry to the Star Emperor. When the emperor is in danger, they always rush to the forefront. The fifth general is fat and inconvenient to wear armor. He only wears the ring of lock armor on the battlefield. Except for the arrows that can cope with long distances, there is almost no shelter effect, but in the battle of Yongquanguan, he was born to block 16 knives for the emperor, and each knife is deeply cut into the meat. When the accompanying military doctor treated the general's wound, he washed it with medicine and sewed it with needle and thread. The fat man, who was usually best to be in front of the emperor, did not say a word, just squeezed his fat face and smiled.

He smiled and said that it's good that he didn't die, it's good that he didn't die. When the injury is healed, he has to block the knife for the young master.

When the star emperor's favorite woman was about of Mengyang's enemy and beheaded on the border between Fanyang and Mengyang, Emperor Linxi deliberately arranged the situation, depending on whether you save it or not. At that time, Mengyang and Fanyang were in a war and were unable to divide their forces to save the emperor's beloved woman. Emperor Xingchen insisted on mobilizing soldiers and horses from the western line and abandoning the four counties on the western line, just for Princess Ning Zheng. This decision was shaken by the government and the opposition, and his subordinates pleaded for death, pleading that it was still in Fanyang at that time, and the general's Star Emperor took back the order, but the emperor insisted on doing so and was determined. When the soldiers of the four counties on the Western Front were fighting to the death, when he learned that they were superior, the general decided to abandon them in order to abandon them by a woman and rebelled and betrayed the enemy. When the angry warriors forced the barracks, the six generals forcibly ordered people to take away the Star Emperor and led the guard warriors to suppress the violence. Chaos.

The thin and resolute general was blind and broke an arm.

The five generals and six generals can be regarded as the right-hand men of the Star Emperor. They are not only loyal to the emperor, but also eager and profound like servants serving their masters. Even when the Star Emperor achieved great success and sat on the emperor's dragon chair, they still called the emperor as the 'Young Master'.

When the historian compiled the Dream Fan Ji Years Generals, he asked the two gray-haired founding fathers why they were so loyal to the emperor. They just grinned, just like the vitality they were when they were young.

"The young master treats him as a national scholar, and we will repay him with a national scholar."

With a sonorous word, the wind of the national scholar will remain unchanged for a lifetime.

This sentence is recorded on the title page of the chronological history of the Mengfan Empire, with iron and silver hooks, just like the oath.