
Chapter 73 With Demons

Mengyang Emperor's Capital, Miaocheng, Longyan Hall.

The emperor patted the table lightly and said, "Is there any certainty that the great master will win? What on earth is the night green turtle shrinking in Qinghe City for ten days?

"Your Majesty--" Shura's arms in a scarlet robe were held on **'s chest, and his figure was straight. He leaned against the dragon pillar in the hall and laughed, "Your Majesty doesn't believe me? I helped you sit on the dragon chair, helped you clean up the vassal states, helped you provoke the barbarians in the far north, and made them unable to calm down for ten years. I helped you build the most powerful cavalry in the world. I have done so many great things for you without any mistakes. Now why do you question the Weichen again?

The emperor was dressed in a glazed dragon robe, the bead curtain in front of the flat crown shook, and his eyes under the sword eyebrows were gloomy, as cold and gloom. His voice was loud, "Mengyang can't afford to lose. This is a war with all his national strength. If he can't defeat Fanyang, he will have to be eaten by Fanyang. It was the war I started. Did you ask Emperor Fanyang to spare my life if you lost? When the great master chose me, he said that he would whip the world with me. If I lost to Emperor Fanyang, would the great master say the same thing to Emperor Fanyang again and then deal with me and my dream?

Shura's scarlet eyes, which have been smiling, opened. Those eyes are different from the transparent coral red of ordinary magicians. The red is thick and tragic, and even the white of the eyes are red, and there seems to be a pool of blood in his eyes. His feet stepped on the carpet of the luxurious and beautiful rivers and mountains of Longyan Hall, stepped on the steps step by step, and walked to the emperor on the throne. His red hair seemed to be burning, beating fiercely, and his whole body seemed to exude a hot wave that could burn the sky and the sea.

He approached the emperor, put one hand on his heart, put the other back behind him, knelt on one knee, bowed his head and saluted respectfully.

This secret magician with the most noble blood in the world kneels down to the emperor of the world and lowers his arrogant head, like a loyal servant.

"Your Majesty, don't doubt the loyalty of Weichen. You chose you at the beginning. You waved your sword at your brother and forced the throne from the former emperor. I have seen your determination, your will, and your awareness as an emperor. I know that for human beings, brotherhood and father-son love are the most valuable. If you can resolutely cut off these feelings, it proves that Weichen's original choice was right! Moreover, Your Majesty is the son of heaven. Since I regard you as the Lord, there is no other Lord!" Shura said in a low voice that his lowered head could not see his face clearly, and what expression was on his face when he said these loyal words. Or is it his usual joking smile?

Emperor Lin Xi, sitting on the throne, looked down at the great master of Shura who had turned Mengyang upside down for five years. When he saw his head down, he showed his slender neck and narrowed his eyes, but showed a sharp light. Xiao Lianjian is at hand. He can hold it with his hand and cut off his head with a wave.

He didn't know when he had such thoughts about the teachers and students of the Shura Kingdom who pushed him to the throne. He couldn't see what kind of thoughts he had hidden behind those scarlet eyes and his smiling face. Mengyang is indeed much stronger. Whether it is the recovery after the invasion of the barbarians in the far north or the recognition of the imperial power by the people after the subjugation of the vassal states, the most difficult problems of these royal families are solved in the hands of Shura. Mengyang's national strength, military strength and cohesion of the people's hearts are far better than that of his father, Emperor Luo.

The more so, the more completely relieved you can't be about this great master of Shura. Just like a poor person who gets a lot of money, he wants to keep it desperately and don't let anyone touch him.

And... he can detect the surging relationship between the great master of Shura and the queen of Baiyan. Shura imprisoned Baiyan with spells, and Baiyan planned to plan in the palace all day long to get rid of Shura's imprisonment? He knew Bai Yan's past, knew that Bai Yan hated Wan Yan, and that Bai Yan didn't pay attention to him, the Mengyang emperor, at all, but he just couldn't help falling in love with the glacier-like face.

Sura, Baiyan, if they don't die, which side will he stand on?

The emperor sighed softly.

"Wor up, you don't have to say such words anymore. I know it in my heart." His voice was tired. He raised his hand next to Xiaolian's sword, pressed his temples, lowered his eyelids, and closed his eyes to refresh his mind.

"Your Majesty, Weichen dared to make a plan for you at the beginning, but he was completely sure. To do this kind of big event, it is essential to kill people. However, when to kill and how many people you kill, you have to plan well. You must not abuse the war. Otherwise, it will be contrary to your majesty's noble spirit and damage the fate of the emperor. May your majesty live a long life. May your majesty live a happy life. May your majesty and the new empire be immortal!"

"Hao Ran Zhengqi? The fate of the emperor? Long life? Happy birthday on the same day? Joke, since the day I killed my father and brother, I was doomed to die. The emperor sneered and didn't think so.

The tired emperor is actually only 25 years old, but the hair under the flat crown has been mixed with mottled silver silk. In the past five years, the empire has looked at everything in detail. He must sleep at night and white early on. His original beautiful black hair has become gray, and he often has a headache. The eunuch who served the emperor often said that His Majesty would have nightmares at night, shout randomly, wake up from dreams, and could no longer sleep. She sat alone in front of the steps of the palace in her robe and couldn't persuade her to go back. She held a sword in her arms - as if only this cold and sharp blade could make him feel a little safe.

This time it was Shura's turn to bow his head and look down at the tired emperor, the person he chose himself. His white and enchanting face was like a mask, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and an imperceptible smile floated to the corners of his mouth - the kind of joking and playful look of playing with people between his palms.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the border in person from Fanyang to the imperial capital. The information about the war is too slow to pass back and forth, and the news I get is always slow. Moreover, I want to see with my own eyes how my Mengyang warriors died, and I want to see with my own eyes the tragedy when they died for the country. The emperor said in a low voice. He frowned slightly and pressed his fingers on his temple more force.

"Is your majesty having a headache again? Weichen, please ask the imperial doctor to treat you one or two?"

"No, the imperial doctor can't diagnose anything. He hasn't had a good rest. You step back, settle down in the palace, and go to the border with me tomorrow." The emperor said impatiently.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I wish you good health!" Shura bowed slightly and slowly retreated outside the hall.

He walked outside the hall and stood in front of the towering Longyan Hall. The joking on his face finally stopped hiding.

His white face was full of madness, like a flame burning in his chest, and his white face was burned by hot wax and became ferocious.

How can a war not kill people? The more you die, the better. The dead, stand up and swallow the world in the horror of death when the night of the lunar eclipse comes!" He chanted in an ethereal voice like a spell, as if he were imposing an evil curse.

He turned around and looked at the empty Longyan Hall. The emperor leaned on the throne alone, his eyes closed and frowned as if he were asleep. A 25-year-old young man is so gloomy, like a dying tree.

"Subtracted by the rules, I can't do many things directly, so please take the punishment on behalf of Weichen." His smile was dewd and gentle, like a bowl of hot and poisoned honey.


Fanyang Qinghe City.

Han Yu's eyes turned red, his hair spread, and a wisp of blood flowed down the bridge of his nose and poured into his mouth. The fishy sweet smell seemed to arouse his murderous intention. He raised his knife and roared, "Shut it, seal it, seal the gate, and never let a Mengyang person slip out!"

His helmet was knocked off by a Mengyang warrior, and half of his head was almost cut off, but he still did not quit. As the three captains of the Yanzi Army, he only needs to stand at the end of the horse and command the whole army to give orders. He can even cut off the warriors who dared to flee with a knife. But he didn't. This is what he learned from General Yan. He didn't let the warriors rush to the front and shrink in the end. If you want the warriors to work hard, the lord must work hard first. Especially for the warriors who have lived a comfortable life like Fanyang for 20 years, they need the general as an example, instead of shouting at him. They rushed forward, but they huddled in a safe place.

The gate of Qinghe City is six feet wide and ten feet long. Thousands of corpses are piled up in such a large area. Mengyang warriors in light leather armor are much higher than Fanyang warriors in terms of martial arts and fighting spirit. Their movements are not stagnant, just like cutting melons and vegetables. The ten-foot-long gate has been pushed in half. If the Fanyang warriors can't hold on, the nearly 100,000-step warriors in the city can break out, disperse along the Yulan Mountains, and meet the wind and thunder iron horses advancing along the post road. Then Fanyang is really in danger.

Han Yu pulled the knife fiercely from the chest of a Mengyang warrior, sprayed blood on his face, with a ferocious face, and roared, "What on earth is the general waiting for? If the army doesn't come, it really can't stand it!"

General Yan's march to war is precious, and he will never delay half of the time. Does the general think there is something strange about it and think it's a trap?

If this is the case, the Yanzi army of their five battalions will have to explain here. The two armies are deadlocked, and what they are fighting for is endurance and perseverance. If one side retreats, there is no reason for the other side not to chase their buttocks. This is the reason why the spirit rises again and again, and then the other is exhausted.

"Your Excellency, my lord--" The messenger came hurriedly and said, "General Yan has brought a large army here. Your Excellency will hold on for a moment!"

Han Yu was refreshed and said with a smile, "Okay! OK! OK! Brothers, hold on for a moment, and the general will arrive immediately to kill all these Mengyang dog thieves and avenge the dead brothers!"

He bent down and picked up another sword, opened the knife with both hands and killed himself.

"Do you think your general will save you? Those iron riders have been wiped out by us, and you have lost!" Han Yu roared and pretended to be intimidated to attack.

Sure enough, the Mengyang warrior who rushed to the front looked flustered and restless.

"Is General Zhentian dead? Are we abandoned?

"Did you lose? Did you lose? Are you going to die here?"

"I don't want to die, don't die! Give me a break, I surrender, I surrender——"

"Something without backbone, kill, continue to kill! My Mengyang iron horse will never fail!"

Suddenly there is a sharp beep.

The dense arrows came from the sky, like a group of angry wasps. The arrows shot by the powerful machine can't help but the armor of the wind and thunder, and it is more than enough to kill these Mengyang warriors in leather armor. The calm and powerful arrow penetrated the warrior's body, and the huge impulse flew backwards with the still dead body, nailing the man to the ground wall. The warriors who were still glued were separated in an instant, and the Mengyang warrior retreated hurriedly.

Han Yu turned around and suddenly smiled. This was the warrior who shot long by Ao Yu. Their long bow and machine were enough to sweep a pawn, and even the bronze shield could be pierced by the armored arrows shot by the machine. Looking back, the fiery red flag floated in the wind, and it was the general who came!

The powerful arrow rain shot the courage of the Mengyang warrior. Under the advantage of falling on one side, the wolf-like Mengyang warrior finally retreated, leaving a layer of stacked corpses, thickly laid a layer.

The tide-like Fanyang warriors poured into the city, and the powerful machine and arrow rain opened the way. When the warriors with knives saw the dying struggle, they made up for it with a knife, neat and chic - the Fanyang warriors were suitable for fighting this kind of smooth battle. Several warriors with long knives nailed a Mengyang soldier to the ground with a knife, starting from the soles of his feet like cutting meat, cutting them off layer by layer, and cutting their legs like cutting sugar cane section by section. The sound of the blade breaking, the blunt sound of entering the meat, the cracking sound of breaking bones, and the screams of Mengyang warriors.

His sad screams seemed to arouse the infinite fun of the Fanyang warriors, as if they were watching a person's body swallowed up by death. They laughed as if they had never experienced the fun they had ever experienced.

Three Fanyang warriors took turns to wave their knives, one knife after another, like claping wood. Soon, the Mengyang warrior's body had been cut off in half and was not dead yet. He lowered his head desperately and looked at the lower half of his body, which had been broken into pieces, screaming misery.

General Yan, who rode into the city, was like a head wolf stepping into the hunting ground. His only one-eyed glance swept the battlefield, caught a glimpse of the miserable situation here, and frowned. He waved his hand, summoned his own soldiers and said, "Catch all those and escort them here."

The soldiers were ordered to escort the three warriors who played with Mengyang's pawn. They resisted desperately and loudly questioned these warriors who belonged to the same camp as themselves: "Why arrest me? Let go!"

When he was taken to the front of General Yan of the Imperial Hall, he came down honestly. The guard warrior kicked their legs and forced them to kneel down. They still raised their heads unconvinced, stared at General Yan and asked, "General, what's wrong with us?"

General Yan's incomplete face was expressionless, and even a smile looked like a fierce grin. He raised his whip, pointed to the Mengyang warrior who was still dead, and calmly asked, "Is it fun?"

Three Fanyang warriors looked at each other in contemptibility. They were just enemies. If they killed them, they would kill them. If they were disabled, they would be disabled. What's wrong with such torture? Who let them be enemies and let them kill 100,000 people in Qinghe City!

"It's understandable that samurai kill people in war, but they even have no humanity. How can they call themselves warriors of the envelope god of war?" General Yan looked at the retreating Fanyang warrior in front of him and said calmly, "To wear armor is nothing more than a sacrifice for the country. To put it more vulgarly, in order to earn a mouthful of food, otherwise who would have his head on his belt?"

"How do you feel if you are lying on the ground when you torture that person so much?" General Yan's voice became colder and colder, "It's natural to fight dead people. If you can give a good time, you can give him a good time. Is it so torture for you to have demons?"

"General - General, we dare not dare next time, and we will never dare again--" A warrior smiled flattered, raised his face and smiled to flatter him. The other two people never dared to agree again, and there was not much sincerity in their tone.

But the general just glanced coldly. The next moment, three bloody heads flew into the air, and a bright light flashed, and the general had put his knife back to his sheath.

He didn't look at the bodies of the three human heads that fell to the ground, and continued to walk forward.

At that moment, people who saw General Yan felt that this ferocious and ugly general, a warrior who had killed countless times in his life, was actually the most unseen to die. In other words, he just wanted every samurai who died because of him to leave with decent and without too much pain.