
Chapter 83 Sea of Fire

The Xun Gate of the eight-polar hexagram is guarded by Yang Yu, the leader of Aoyu. The bearded veteran sat on the floor, with a huge horn bow on his knees, and stroked the tight bow strings with Tiejue's fingers, as if to comfort an old friend.

Aoyu's long shot is almost all equipped with powerful and labor-saving light crossbows and Osprey*, but this old general is still used to this huge and simple horn bow. He always sneers at those exquisite and clever machines are used by women, even a woman who can play with, and men should use such a giant bow that is nearly one person high. The old general's horn bow is made of a huge bull's horn. It is very difficult to find such a horn alone. It is very laborious to bend the bow and tie the strings, all of which are done little by little by old skills. Even the simplest bow string is made of more than 20 pieces of fine cowhide, which is not sloppy at all.

All the warriors who shoot long with proud feathers are good marksmen. In terms of archery alone, their skills are not inferior to the most elite hornets of the barbarians in the far north. They shot through their heads in 300 steps, 200 steps to be killed in one shot. 500 steps away are even more than 500 steps, as if they were splashed with an arrow rain of arrows on the enemy's head. It's just that most of the Aoyu long shot was disbanded 20 years ago. Now these warriors are far inferior to the previous Aoyu long shot, whether in skill or courage.

The old general Yang Yu always thinks about how to die. As the old saying goes, 'It's difficult to die in peace'. How can a person who has fought for a lifetime die? It would be strange to kill so many evils if they could die peacefully.

So the old general's expression was very calm. Even now there is a desperate situation of a tiger and a hungry wolf behind him, he still remains extremely calm.

There is even a faint excitement.

When he held this horn bow that had followed him for decades, it seemed that he had returned to his youth. He could shoot half a hundred people with dozens of arrows on a horse.

There has been no war in the empire for 20 years. He often wipes and protects this giant bow, thinking about the heroic situation of 'northwest shooting Sirius', and what a magnificent war he will be when he holds this giant bow again.

Even if he dies, there is no regret. It is much more heroic for a samurai to die on the battlefield than on the sickbed.

What's more, there is no successor in the Fanyang military world now! He doesn't believe that tens of millions of men in Fanyang can't come out of a few young generals who can lead troops to war? These old guys are more or less blocking the way of young people, moving aside, retreating, and mentioning young people. The imperial army defines that it can be rejuvenated.

"Take my knife!" The old general suddenly said that his voice was old and desolate, but he did not show that he was tired.

The follower presented a short knife half a foot in his hands and stopped talking.

On the battlefield, if the general is equipped with a short knife, he is determined to fight to the death. If he is defeated and captured, he will kill himself with a short knife. He would rather die than be humiliated.

"I, Yang Yu, can take the lives of the enemy generals with a bow and an arrow, and climb to the position of the main general step by step, and there is also a son Yunhao, which is expected to become a generation of great Confucianism with a boundless future. My life is like walking on thin ice, but I have seen the prosperity of the world and feel the warmth of human feelings, which is not in vain. The old general stood up with a huge bow in his hand and stood upright as if he were loose. He put the horn bow on his shoulder, and the arrowheads rattled around his waist. Under the moonlight, the picture was desolate.

"If you don't die, you will retreat and let the virtu. If you die, you will die without regret."

Zombies in the distance are rushing this way. They become extremely agile and vigorous tonight, like wolves smelling blood. Their heads run wildly, and the smell of rottenness is suffocating.

"Ao Yu's long shot to listen to the order and shoot arrows!" Yang Yu's voice is like a bell.

The powerful sound of thousands of machines behind him, including the upper strings, and the tough bowstrings were pulled tightly contained unparalleled force.

Zombies are getting closer and closer, as if the torrent has flooded the streets and alleys. They smelled the breath of living people getting closer and closer, and they were so excited that they were about to go crazy. They whined in their throats and opened their rotten black mouths. Their snowy teeth were dazzling in the moonlight, and their gums were decadent and black that blended with darkness. Their gray eyes were blankly open and looked forward aimlessly.

"A volley!" The general suddenly ordered.

The powerful dull sound is endless, sharp arrows are thrown out, and sharp arrows rush towards these dead things like angry wasps.

The elite machine equipped with Aoyu's long shooting equipment does not need an ordinary crossbow machine. It is very powerful. It is not a problem to shoot through ordinary armor in a hundred steps. It can easily penetrate these rotten zombies, nailed to the ground and can't move.

The bodies of these dead things have rotted to the extent that they can be easily cut off, unlike those cut down with a knife a few days ago, like cutting them on wood. Because of this, their stiff joint muscles can become flexible and become as fast and sensitive as they are now.

The tide of zombies was still rushing. The old general took a deep breath, raised the horn bow in his hand, took a big step back with his left leg, and stood sideways. He roared, raised his left arm, his right arm muscles soared, and the huge bow was full - a very shocking picture appeared in front of everyone.

Like the strong arm of the old general rooted in the rock, he pulled the horn bow full, like a full moon, wantonly flaunting a wild breath that only existed in the ancient flood and famine period. The moonlight is hazy and majestic as a god in the world.

The tremor of the bowstring being pulled makes the scalp numb. How much arm strength does it take to pull such a huge bow? Everyone's pupils tightened in an eye.


The sound is not as crisp as when the bow string launches an arrow, and it is as heavy as a city hammer. Everyone felt a sense of pure suffocation, as if all the spirit on their bodies had been pulled away by the old general's unparalleled arrow.

The arrows were like angry dragonflies, passing by a line, and everything in front of the arrowheads was penetrated. The head of the zombies in front of them cracked in an instant. The arrows roared angrily and continued to shoot forward, nailed several zombies and flew out with great force with their bodies backwards.

The sound of bowstring competition was endless, and the old general actually shot non-stop. An arrow left the string and put an arrow on the bow. Each arrow was full of bow strings, as complete as the moon.

Under the fierce rain of arrows, the eight-pole Xunmen guarded by Ao Yu's long shot made the zombies nearly half.

The desolate and powerful silhouette under the moonlight, bowing and arrows again and again, full of strings like the moon again and again, as if they are tireless.

He touched the last arrow left in the arrow pot and grinned: "In a moment, it seems that all the arrows of his life have been shot out."

The old general's breath was disordered, and the sweat on his forehead rolled down.

He took a deep breath, and the chilly airflow poured into his chest on the autumn night, and he couldn't help shivering. When he was really old, he felt nothing to swim in the water in winter when he was young.

The last arrow was put on the bow by him, and the iron on his thumb held the bowstring to prevent him from cutting his finger. He shouted like thunder, and the string of the horn bow trembled clearly, as if it was extremely stiff.

The old general felt that the muscles of his arm were about to tear, and the heart in his chest beat like a drum, and his ears buzzed, as if blood rushed into his eardrums. The sweat on his forehead flowed into his eyes, and it hurt. He frowned, tried his best to stabilize his bow, gritted his teeth and persisted.

He felt that if this arrow was relaxed, he would no longer have the strength to pull the giant bow that had followed him for half his life.

"Bong-Bong--" An arrow with all his strength finally shot, but two bangs.

After the moment the arrow was pushed out, the nearly one-person-high horn bow finally broke, as if it had completed its final mission.

The old general's body shook unhearteningly, and he had no strength all over his body. His legs were weak and he fell down. He felt that the scenery in front of him was gradually getting darker, and the surroundings were getting colder, like sinking into the cold abyss that never seen the bottom, and his eyes were empty and distracted, reflecting the rain of arrows.

His cheeks were on the cold ground, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he were asleep.


Half of the eight-polar hexagrams, Qian, Xun, Kan, Li, and the four hexagrams constitute a perfect semicircle. There is a gap between the four hexagrams, and there is another universe in it. The warrior who guarded the four-way hexagram does not want to exterminate all the zombies from getting close. On the contrary, the mystery of this formation is to let the zombies bypass the hexagram and enter the gossip array.

The warriors stationed at the hexagram gate are like a fork in the diversion, forcing the zombies into the inside of the hexagram. Behind the four hexagram gates, a complicated passage is built. The agile scouts walk and stop in front of the zombies and slowly introduce these dead things into the array.

Samurai constantly died tragically under the claws of zombies, their bodies were torn into pieces, and stuffed into the mouths of those dead objects in a mess. The rotten smell was mixed with blood, which was disgusting. When a warrior died, the next warrior immediately took his place. Under the impact of the zombie frenzy, there was no sign of defeat.

It's like a living paradise in the realm of death.

General Yu Dianyan stood at the head of the city. His position was in the center of the eight pole hexagrams, and the battle situation below was clear. He clearly saw that most of the Cang navy died tragically under the zombies, Yang Yu, the commander of Aoyu's long shot, and the death of warriors, and the continuous death of warriors, expressionless and as if indifferent.

There are constantly spy scouts waiting to pass on the battle situation, so that he can grasp the slightest changes on the battlefield.

"General, the zombies of Qianmen Xunmen have been introduced into the array, and Kanmen is still more than 300 steps away, 200 steps away from the gate." Wait for you to reply.

General Yan of the Imperial Palace couldn't take his eyes off the array, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle falcon. Qimen Dunjia seems to be illusory, but the Taoism inherited by the ancients has its own mystery. Even if he is a layman, he can only play two-three of its power, which is enough to alleviate the current predicament.

"General, all the zombies of the four hexagrams are introduced into the center."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath - waiting for this moment.

He shouted, "Fire!"

The sound is like thunder, rolling over.

This huge array of tens of thousands of warriors ignited a blazing fire in an instant, and the night sky of half of Qinghe City turned red.

The zombies who entered the formation were surrounded by the sea of fire and looked condescendingly. At this time, the eight-polar hexagrams were dazzling, such as the fierce chains, which firmly imprisoned these ghosts and made them bear the punishment of refining fire.

The warriors have already been watering fire and oil in the array, which is the final place of the eight-polar hexagram array.

Zombies struggled and screamed in the sea of fire. Driven by a large array, the flames seemed to be spiritual, hissing and burning their rotten bodies like poisonous snakes and turning into flying ashes. The insects that controlled these bodies burned in unbearable flames, drilled out of the bodies, and were swept away by the flames and burned to ashes.

General Yan nodded slightly. Although there were only tens of thousands of zombies entering the array, the pressure on the warriors could be much less if they were eliminated.

He turned around and did not look at the sea of fire below. He faced a group of masked warriors with black leather armor. They were simply equipped, with only a short knife pinned to their waists, and their eyes flashed with ice-like cold light.

A hundred people.

"Disperse, remember their respective positions, and look for all suspicious people. The enemy hidden in the dark should have acted."

He waved his hand like a group of ghost-like bats and whispered, "Go!"

The most elite scout directly under General Yuden Yan quietly jumped down from the city and blended into the sea of fire and night like a fish in water.

General Yan raised his head, and the sky was full of moonlight and cold.

"The lunar eclipse... has begun!"