
Chapter 94 Temple undercurrent and gentle love words

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the golden Yong'an Gate, and the vermilion lacquered brass nails were dazzling for a moment. At the end of the long central axis road behind the main gate, the eunuch Si Li rang the purple bronze bell tripod, just like a Buddhist Sanskrit sound, which came leisurely.

The voices of the ministers talking in abruptly stopped, sorted out their appearance, stood up, and arranged in two rows according to the ranks of civil and military officials. From the front of Yong'an Gate to the Jinshui Bridge, they bowed their heads and whispered, holding the jade charms given by the imperial court in their hands, respectfully as children. At this time, both the arrogant three-grade officials and the rough local officials put away their faces and quietly waited for your majesty's call. After all, it is a fish raised in the pool of Huangfu's family. No matter how wild and difficult it is, when it comes to the master to feed the bait, he will flatter him and make a prosperous atmosphere of ten thousand carp.

You need to raise your head to sore neck to see the opening of the Yong'an Gate at the top. Behind the thick door, a straight and wide central axis road is exposed. The dignified Yulin Zhijinwu on both sides stands on the road holding a pendant red foxed salk, extending all the way to the end of the tall and majestic Jinluan Hall - the place of the Son of Heaven. .

Headed by Yuehua, the civilian imperial palace, the general Yan, and the two rows of civil servants and generals in black and red official uniforms were like black and red dragons, wandering to the emperor with the eunuch Sili, who led the way. They lowered their heads and held the jade charm in their hands steadily. They followed the steps of the previous person for fear that it would slow down for a moment. Every five Jinwu have a cowhide drum. Every time a civil and military officials walk through a drum, there is a thick cowhide drum by Si Lijinwu, which is shocking, and the sound of the purple copper bell tripod in the Jinluan Hall in the distance is still sounding slowly, and the sound is crisp and melodious.

The sound of cowhide drums is heavy and thick, and the sound of the copper bell tripod is crisp and sharp, like tripping horses and long whips, suppressing people who walk fast and people who walk slowly.

I don't know how long it took, two columns of Wenwu walked to the end of the central axis road. The sound of drums followed the sky, and the sound of the bell tripod rippled like a circle of blue water. The red scroll of the ceremonial stick in Jinwu's hand rolled on both sides, and the sun poured down. The golden roof of the palace and the ground paved with white jade reflected each other. In front of the Jinluan Hall, two people needed to hug the thick pillars upstream. Dragons and phoenixes hovered and intertwined, and the bronze fragrant tripod in the hall burned incense and curled, hanging silk curtains hanging on the surrounding shadow walls, embroidered cranes, dragons, white phalan kisses and other auspicious beasts, and decorated with bronzing, decorated with golden bells.

It shows the royal style.

The eunuch Sili, who was responsible for leading the way, led two columns of Wenwu to the 64th stone steps of the Jinluan Hall, and then turned around and stood respectfully aside. In the hall, he slowly walked out of a red robe. After many Wenwu caught a glimpse of the red, his head couldn't help lower - who didn't know Guo Amon in the red python robe? Who doesn't know how fierce the red and purple eunuch around the emperor was in those years? Who doesn't know that this former eunuch is like a hungry cat in the palace, licking his claws and waiting for the opportunity to move all the time?

The red-robed eunuch opened his mouth, but it was a voice he had never heard before.

He boldly looked up and secretly looked up, and most of them were relieved - the person who came was not Guo Amon, who everyone talked about, was a new face. In fact, it is not new. This great eunuch is Bai Honglian, the former imperial eunuch under Guo Amon. He is a solid third-grade eunuch who can speak around the emperor.

Many people exchanged a look at each other, or wondered or relaxed, and had that malicious speculation - if Guo Amon lost his power and was stripped of the red python robe, how could the clan that he had offended in those years repay his teeth and revenge? Question mark

Bai Honglian's voice is simple, just like a wine that has been aging for decades. Although the eunuch's throat knots faded after being removed, and the voice sounds so smooth and sweet, Bai Honglian's voice is always much smoother than before.

"Your Majesty has a decree to enter the palace from officials above the fourth grade, and officials below the fourth grade should kneel down and wait for the decree!" The eunuch put his hands in his sleeves, his eyelids drooped, and his demeanor was luxurious.

"Thank you, Lord Long's kindness." The sound of neatly swinging his sleeves is like a wave beating a reef. This is the basic skill that every qualified official who is qualified to face the saint must know. He is neat, clean and neat. He knelt down in front of the Jinluan Hall, bent down and bent down and threw himself to the ground.

After kneeling down a thousand times, the minister of literature and martial arts who could enter the hall stood up and crossed the threshold of the Jinluan Hall like a carp leaping over the dragon gate. Many Wenwu kneeling outside the hall's eyes turned red, and this is the case in officialdom. The junior officials below the sixth grade envied that they could enter the capital, and they envied these powerful ministers who could enter the Jinluan Hall to see the holy face. I guess those four-grade officials who can only stand on the edge of the door, and envy the important ministers of the first-grade imperial palace who are only a few steps away from your majesty. Just like April peony, layers of green leaves are laid out to set off those beautiful flowers.

After kneeling outside the hall, the night star in a blue satin robe also fell down, but he did not kneel to the ground like those civil and martial arts ministers in front of him. He didn't even hit the ground, but just symbolicly bowed his head and bent his knees - he was disgusted with such a form of slavery, and he was a dreamer. Why kneel to the emperor of Fanyang? He is a noble magician. Why did he kneel to the secular emperor?

He would rather sit on the dragon chair and be kneeled.

"864 steps." He whispered that he walked eighty-four steps from Yong'an Gate to here. When Guo Amon took this central axis, the first eunuch took 900 steps, but he took eighty4 steps. In the future, he can only take this road less than 860 and must not exceed this number.

"This gentleman, your robe is so eye-catching. Are you dressed like this?" A gray-haired Wenchen turned his head and asked in a low voice.

Xingchen turned his head, smiled and nodded.

"There are many rules in the palace. I guess you can't even wear this robe. I just thought that you were qualified to walk in front of the Yuehua Queen of our Royal Palace and General Yan. Unexpectedly, you would still kneel outside the palace with us unincompetent officials, tutut! It's better to go back earlier and change into a robe that suits your status, so as not to be looked at by the official and ceremonial officer, and your buttocks will be humiliated!" The old civil official said sharply.

Xing Chen bowed his head and didn't want to pay attention to it.

Suddenly, his forehead was clicked by the tip of his shoe. He looked up and saw the five-grade iron salt supervisor in front of him turning his head and looking at him.

"I'm talking to you, I'm stunned!" With that, he raised the tip of his shoe again and nodded on Xingchen's forehead.

The white forehead left a dirty shoe print.

He clenched his fists and his face was expressionless.

"Kid, our civilian leader and generals, General Yan and Yue Huahou, are both wearing regular tonics. How many pounds do you dare to wear this blue satin? Return the peacock golden dragon, oh, the ribbon on your waist is still gold-inlaid jade. You are not only going to be attacked by the board, but also you may be raided! How do you think your robe is like the robe that can only be worn by the prince of Jingxuan's previous dynasty. Wearing the robe of the previous dynasty to see the emperor of this dynasty? This is a great rebellion, great rebellion, and it is a capital crime!"

When he said his last sentence, his voice deliberately raised a little, and the close civil and military officials could hear it. They turned their heads one after another and looked at him with a malicious smile like a demon.

The officialdom is cold and warm, and the heartless, which can be seen.

Xing Chen lowered his head again, clenched his teeth and clenched his fist. When clenching the fist, the nails are buckled on the rough and cold ground, which is piercing and painful. He maintained a knee-free posture and supported his body with his hands, which was particularly difficult. It was better to kneel comfortably, and the beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down and flowed down his cheeks.

The people around them sneered and had bad intentions. Suddenly, they felt that even if the palace was illuminated by the warm sun in early winter, it was still cold and piercing.

In the Jinluan Hall.

Bai Hong, the big mink, bent down and quickly walked around to the figure sitting on the high hall, raised his head and straightened his chest to support the royal majesty.

The ministers fished in, and the two columns of literature and martial arts were lined up, according to the official rank, from near to far. The first three princes, a princess, also put on the dress of the imperial court and stood in front of the ministers - the Huangfu family, and the next emperor will be born from these three princes.

Bai Hong lowered his head, listened carefully, waited for His Majesty's order, and nodded from time to time as if thinking.

He cleared his throat slightly, and his voice was as pure as Hong Zhong. "Your Majesty has a decree. Lu Miaobai's face does not kneel after the moonlight of the imperial palace, Yin Cangyan, the general of the imperial palace, does not kneel on his face, Zhong Li, and the four princes and princesses do not kneel on his face."

Good guy, the last Mengyang invasion, rushed to the court, but only three people did not kneel. This time, the whole country gathered together, directly four people did not kneel.

It is reasonable for General Yuehua Houyan of the Royal Hall not to kneel down. Who is Wang Zhongli who was killed halfway? No official rank, no rank, directly crowned as the leader of the army by your majesty? The leader of the armor?

The face saint does not kneel, which is more grace than giving a sword to the horse and gold.

"Hangtray, my emperor!" The ministers in the hall knelt down and saluted, shaking their sleeves and beating thousands. Lu Miaobai, who did not kneel at the head, bowed his waist and thanked him for his kindness, while General Yan was still straight and unmoved. Wang Zhongli, who looked younger, nodded modest but not humble.

"Zhuqing flat!" The emperor raised his hands and made a gesture of ascending all over the world.

"Thank you, Lord Long's kindness."

When the ministers stood down and tidyed up their robes, the emperor said, "Near Xu, the country is in trouble, the tigers and leopards cross the fences, slaughter the people, and pay off the scorched soil, and the whole country is shocked. I am worried. However, I, a talented and brave man from Fanyang, came forward, led the army into danger, chased the wolves and drove away tigers, solved my worries and difficulties, and protected the country for the people. I am very gratified!"

"Yue Huahou, how much has been lost in this military use?"

"Your Majesty, transport the lavan, 500,000 people, forging weapons, consuming 100,000 catties of iron, treasury allocation, 3 million taels of silver, consumption of grain and fodder, 400,000 stones. However, the empire has a solid foundation and rich foundation, and this consumption is not a concern. Now the wind and rain are smooth, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and Fanyang is prosperous, and there will be no change!"

"General Yan, how did you kill the enemy in this battle?"

"Your Majesty, Mengyang's army sent wind, thunder and iron horses to ravage the Qinghe River, and used demonic power to drive 100,000 zombies in Qinghe City to besiege the city. Our army was besieged in Qinghe City for five days, with heavy casualties. The last general was guilty and really didn't want to kill the enemy!" General Yan's voice was hoarse and said calmly.

"Oh? Wind and thunder? Zombie besieged the city? With the power of demons and ghosts, General Yan still repelled Mengyang tigers and wolves and guarded Fanyang's health. Although our army suffered nearly half of the casualties, compared with victory, this casualty was nothing. General Yan is still the first soldier of my Fanyang!" The emperor smiled faintly.

The ministers below took a deep breath, and nearly half of the casualties were killed, that is, nearly 70,000 warriors died, but still failed to leave the Mengyang army and still fled. How powerful should the Mengyang army be? There are also demonic power and zombies rampant. Such ghosts and gods are a great disaster! But on the dragon chair, the emperor was great, talked and laughed, and gave them a great reassurance - even if Mengyang invades again next time, the empire can still save danger?

"The moon of the imperial palace, this battle, planning, logistics supplies, food and grass requisition, and the use of the people's husbands, all of which are handled by Lu Qing, I am very gratified. Give a hundred cars, a thousand taels of gold, and tens of thousands of silver ingots. In the future, there is no need to kneel down and worship. Give me a seat to watch tea!"

The faces of the ministers twitched fiercely, and it was not enough for the saint to kneel down. Can he sit like His Majesty?

Two little eunuchs came up from the side hall with a magnificent chair and put it behind Lu Miaobai. Lu Miaobai was not pretentious. He bent down and said, "Thank you, Lord Long's kindness." Then he sat down generously, and another little eunuch held a fragrant tea and respectfully handed it to Yuehua.

"General Yan, to be honest, Fanyang was defeated in this battle, but although he was defeated, I was worried that you killed the enemy on the front line. Every time the war report comes, I dare not open the envelope in person. I am clear about the war. Mengyang raised 150,000 troops, plus 100,000 zombies in Qinghe City, with a full of 250,000 troops, besieged more than 100,000 people. The power of ghosts and gods is unpredictable. I am satisfied that you can escape safely, not to mention that Mengyang's enemies have retreated, and you are still meritorious officials!"

"General Yan gave the car money. In the future, there is no need to kneel down in the court. You can wear a sword and armor, and you can ride a horse in the palace."

"Thank you, Lord Longen, and I will be willing to distribute the rewarded silver money to the soldiers who have made achievements in the war!"

"Good! OK! OK!" The emperor raised his hand, laughed loudly, and praised.

Then, the emperor turned his head and looked at the third standing figure among the ministers, nodded slightly, and praised: "The soldier is like a thin tiger, breaking the spirit of breaking the boat. Compared with 20 years, Zhong Li, the leader of the soldier, is sharp and calm and sophisticated. When the empire was in danger, you stood up regardless of the past, and I was quite moved. Especially now the veteran of the empire has covered zero, the appearance of you, sending charcoal in the snow, and set the sea needle!"

"Your Majesty's words are serious. The final general was born in Fanyang and grew up in Fanyang. If the empire is in trouble, how can you sit by and ignore it?"

"Okay, Wang Zhongli, who became famous in the First World War 20 years ago, I made you a bicycle general. The proud feather long shot and the imperial forest forbidden army are under your control. I will give you a car, a horse, a sword, and a reward 10,000 taels of silver, and you can wear a sword and armor to the hall."

"Thank you, Lord Long's kindness."

The emperor glanced at the ministers, sighed slightly, and said, "A few faces are missing!" He raised his hand and pointed, "This should have been the position of General Li Siam, the commander of the Cang Navy. Here, it should be General Yang Yu, the commander of Aoyu, but unfortunately they have all died."

"Huangmen Court Servant!"

"I'm there!"

"Try, how should the two martyred generals get the conjugation?"

Yuan Ye, the servant of Huangmen, stood up and stood up, holding a jade charm in both hands, and said respectfully, "General Yang Yu has been loyal and diligent all his life, taking national affairs as his responsibility, and has devoted his life to the empire. Weichen thinks that General Yang Yu should be the word 'Xiang' and his nickname 'Wu Xiang'!"

Then he thought about it, said, and said, "As for... As for Li Siam, he defended the three counties in the southwest of the empire, created a mighty division of 150,000 vicisian navy for the empire, and shocked the small barbarians in the southwest. In those years, he fought in the south and north, and suffered injuries and bloodshed for the empire, which was indispensable..."

"Oh--?" The emperor answered lightly.

Yuan Shilang's body was shocked and sweated all over. For a moment, his back was sweaty. He recognized the faint unhappiness in His Majesty's tone. Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, that's what I'm talking about. In front of the emperor, you must not talk nonsense!

However, in recent years, Li Siam has a lot of autonomy and does not respect the imperial ceremony. In the three counties in the southwest, they act recklessly without fear, and harm the country and the people. It is really a great disaster of the empire. Fortunately, in this imperial disaster, Li Siam all stood up and died for the country. If the merits and demerits are offset, it should be the word 'zong'!"

Wu Zong, the interpretation of 'weak and determined to be vertical; chaos Baidu is called vertical; forgetting morality and etiquette is called vertical', even in the evil, it is extremely low ranking.

"Wu Zong?" The emperor smiled and said, "Love, what other opinions do you have?"

Everyone is silent and dares not say much.

This is when standing in the wrong position, but it will end forever.

Someone came forward: "Your Majesty, Weichen thought that Li Siam would take a Wuzong's nickname and secretly have fun! The old thief is particularly arrogant*, allowing the wicked to rob people and women in the three counties in the southwest, which is really a scum of the empire. Your Majesty can give him the title regardless of the past. It's already Mo*yao. As soon as His Majesty's imperial edict is issued, Li Xi's grave should be smoking!"

Another person moved forward and said, "Weichen also thought that Li Siam is suitable for this title of martial arts. It is said that 150,000 soldiers and horses in the Southwest Cang navy only respect the tiger charm of Li Siam, and does not respect your majesty's decree. This is not a rebellion?"

It's like a flood, two or three people, one after another, listing Li Siam's crimes over the years one by one, which can be organized into a large file.

They are all slippery and cunning people. Only when they realized your majesty's attitude towards Li Xian did they see the wind steering and do what the wall was pushed down by everyone.

"Hum--" A cold voice sounded, "If Li Siam is still standing here alive, do you still have the courage to say that?"

The person who spoke was General Yan, who was already able to wear a sword and armor and ride a horse to the hall. His ferocious face turned to the speaking officials, with cold eyes and sneering at the corners of his mouth.

General Yan, who was surrounded by the spirit of killing, was like a god and demon coming to the world, which made several of them creepy.

"A group of wall grasses, boneless things!" General Yan turned his head and sneered.

"Does General Yan have any other opinions?" The emperor asked with a smile, unable to see the expression of his face hidden behind the bead curtain.

"The last general thought that Li Siam should be the nickname 'Zhong', Wu Zhong!" General Yan said loudly.

"Oh? General Yan said, what achievements have Li Siam's achievements and can be the word Wuzhong?"

Wu Zhong, this is the postmark that the general can get. Even if his achievements are as outstanding as General Yan of the Imperial Palace, he dares not say that he can get the postmark of Wuzhong after death.

"With 133 scars on Li Siam's body, he fought south and north from the time of the emperor, came out of the remote mountain village, left his hometown, fought against the southwest barbarians, crossed the Japanese country in the east, and guarded the southwest gates from the barbarians. This Mengyang campaign did not retreat at all. Although he died, he was still alive. With these, can't you be the word Wuzhong?"

The emperor laughed and said, "General Yan, you are giving your own nickname to others! I was going to give you the title of Wuzhong!"

"The last general doesn't need a nickname. He will die in the future, as long as he can be buried in the mountain village where I was born!"

The old general said rudely, and suddenly there was a feeling of sadness and desolation.

It seems that this alone old general is the soul of all the warriors in the empire.

"Your Majesty, I think it's Wu Zhong's title, so I'd better stay. I might as well give Li Siam a Wu Yi. As far as I know, Li Siam is unyielding and unyielding. He has escaped from death by one breath and killed Liu Anhuaming and Wu Yi, which is well-deserved!" This time, it was the moon of the imperial palace.

When the powerful Yuehua waited to speak for Li Siam, those officials who jumped out to impeach Li Siam turned pale!

"Father, my son also thinks that Wuzong's nickname is too much! After all, Li Xian is a warrior. He is usually arrogant and rude, which is nothing. We raise warriors to raise wildness. We must not fall down to any side of the wind blowing like the backbone wall grass. No matter how many Li Siam is on weekdays, now he has died for the country, but he can cry. When the country is in danger, he can stand up and die at the risk of death. Can such a spirit be summed up by Wu Zong? If it spreads out, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of countless soldiers! I beg my father to think twice!"

The three officials who were not even Li Siam's legs softened and knelt down with a flutter, with no blood color on their faces, as if they had lost their souls.

This time, the eldest prince is the most promising prince to sit on the dragon chair!

General Yan of the imperial palace, the moon of the imperial palace, and a big prince, all spoke for Li Siam, who was usually full of bad deeds, and did not hesitate to anger the holy face for a dead person. The wind direction of this temple is not accurate at all!

The emperor sighed softly, frowned, and did not say anything for a long time. The silence in the Jinluan Hall was depressing.

For a long time, the emperor sighed and said, "Li Siam, nicknamed Wu Yi!"

"Your Majesty!"

"General Yang Yu's nickname is Wu Xiang, and Yang Yunhao, the only son of the old general, was promoted to the governor of the country. He is a scholar of the palace and university. Yang Yunhao is fully responsible for compiling history books."

"Li Siam's nickname is Wu Yi, and his family's reward is thousands of taels, his salary is rich and noble in this life."

The emperor said.

"Father, Li Siam also has a son. I thought that Li Qing Qiu, the son of Li Siam, might as well take over the 150,000 soldiers and horses of the Southwest Cang navy. The Southwest Cang navy has been operated by the Li family for 20 years. Which adult said that the Cang navy only respects the tiger and does not respect the imperial edict. In this case, then continue to let the people of the Li family in the southwest to control the Canghai Sea. Since then, the 150,000 vicissitudes navy is still my precious combat strength. Moreover, the minister promised with his reputation that although Li Qingqi had made bad deeds before, he was loyal to the royal family!" The emperor bowed and said.

The ministers took a deep breath.

Who is Li Qingyu? That's a famous dunk, a big scum. When he was a teenager, he ruined the maid in the house, went to the brothel to drink flower wine, and threw big gold tickets on the street one by one. Every year, this big dage spoiled by Li Siam has to make some chaos in the empire. Isn't it a joke to ask this kind of dage to take charge of 150,000 soldiers in the Cang navy?

"Guarantee with reputation? Wen Kai, you are a person who hopes to sit in the dragon chair. Aren't you afraid of losing your position as a prince? The emperor asked in a solemn voice.

"To the father, the so-called suspicious people are not used, and there is no doubt about the use of people. Now the empire is a time when there is a shortage of talents, and two veterans have been lost in World War I. Such losses are unbearable for the empire. Is it a mule or a horse? Pull it out and slip away. What if Li Qing Qiu can control the Cang navy and use it for the royal family? After all, Li Siam is dead, and the ministers don't believe that Li Qing Qiu has not been touched at all?

"Moreover, Li Siam asked his father to marry Princess Ningzheng to Li Qing Qiu. Why don't you continue this marriage and let Li Qing Qiu become Fanyang's son-in-law? What's the difference between Li Qing Qiu is in charge of the Cang navy and the royal family in charge of the Cang navy?"

"Huangfu Wenkai, you fart! It's thanks to your future prince to marry your sister to that kind of thing!" The second prince said harshly and slousy.

The transcendent eldest prince smiled in a low voice: "National affairs and world affairs, national affairs are more important than family affairs. As long as Fanyang is stable, the sons and daughters of the royal family can bear any hardships. I believe that Ning Zheng also understands this truth and will take military and state affairs as his responsibility."

Princess Ningzheng, who had not made a sound, looked pale. She looked at the tall and thin figure of the eldest prince and suddenly felt that the man in purple golden python was so strange that she could not see what was hidden under his smile. She only felt that her throat was so dry that she couldn't say a word.

"I won't marry, I won't marry Li Qing Qiu!" She said this with difficulty, which was resolute and unquestionable.

"Dad heard that Ning Zheng said she would not marry!" The second prince sneered, looked at the strong third prince beside the eldest prince, and said, "Wu Ben, do you see? This is your beloved brother's face. At the beginning, he forced you to go to the northeast border army, and now he wants to send your sister into the arms of the scum. Maybe he will even give up the throne of the Huangfu family for more than 300 years. People! Tut..."

"You still haven't grown up, just like children!" Huangfu Wenkai smiled gracefully and shook his head slightly.

His posture makes people very angry. The second prince took a step forward, pointed to his nose, and roared in a low voice, "As long as you can do it, only your Huangfu Wenkai is bullish. No one has fought with you for anything, but you are afraid that others will rob you. The brothers are the same as blood feud, and you are smart from beginning to end. Are our brothers dead? Your Huangfu Wenkai is full. Do you care?"

"Enough!" The emperor shouted coldly, and his voice contained anger, "Before the ministers, brothers and feet quarreled, what kind of style!"

"Father is angry!" The eldest prince said gently.

The second prince snorted coldly and took two steps back, blocking Ning Zheng, as if to protect his sister behind him.

"Li Qingyu was summoned to report to the military department and ordered him to temporarily take charge of the Southwest Cang navy, and then make a final determination." The emperor said.

"What else is the matter with you?" The emperor was irritable for a moment and his tone was quite impatient.

Wang Zhongli took a step forward and arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, in this battle, Fanyang can reverse the situation and break the siege in one fell swoop, relying on the strength of one person. If this man hadn't broken the eyes of the zombies, I'm afraid that no 100,000 Fanyang warriors would have survived in Qinghe City.


"Indeed, Mengyang demons were demagogic. At that time, several generals could not control themselves and were on the front line of life and death. Fortunately, this man was determined to stand up in the face of danger, and stood up and destroyed the eyes of the zombie array in one fell swoop, which saved the lives of tens of thousands of warriors. The hero of this battle is not the last general, but this warrior who reversed the universe!" General Yan said.

"Where is this person now?"

"Just outside the hall!"

"What's the name?"

"The surname is Liang, and the name is Xingchen!"

"Xuanliang Xingchen enters the hall!" The emperor said.

Bai Honglian, the eunuch standing behind the emperor, took small steps, walked through the courtiers, walked out of the door, stood on the sixty-four stone steps, looked down at a large number of ministers kneeling outside the hall, and said angrily, "Your Majesty has a decree, Xuanliang Xingchen enters the hall!"

The star at the end stood straight, straight like a sword.

He gently patted his sleeves, dusted off the gorgeous robe, and raised his legs to the Jinluan Hall.

Those officials who had previously mocked him were stunned.

He moved step by step towards the majestic hall and towards the center of power of the dynasty.

Crossing the doorbar, hundreds of eyes fell on his face and on his unruly robe.

He walked through the ministers and walked to the innermost part of the hall. His face was expressionless and his face did not change, as if a dazzling moon rose and the whole hall lit up.

Surrounded by unknown faces, he still found the bright shadow, the girl with a ponytail, and the shadow he insisted on at a glance.

Irreliance of the eyes of the people around him, he smiled gently at Ning Zheng and said, "I'm finally standing here!"

The girl reached out and covered her mouth and cried with joy, as if she had heard the best love words of her life!