
Chapter 96 Air Transport


Another year of ice and fire blending in the frost pavilion.

The fiery autumn roses are like beating flames. The cold of early winter condenses the water vapor of the city on the delicate petals. The fiery red roses seem to be frozen fire, together with the jumping hot red. Looking around, a piece of ice and fire blended, like molten magma flowing on the ice sheet.

Emperor Lin Xi, dressed in a glazed dragon robe, stood with his hands behind his hands behind his hands. His narrow eyes were lax, and he didn't know where his distracted eyes were focused. Behind him, Shura in a scarlet robe stepped barefoot in the garden covered with frost and withered leaves. The redness on his body was particularly against the frost all over the courtyard, and the red hair above his head curled up, as if he were a fire rose.

The emperor's temples are white, and there are fine crow's feet in the corners of his eyes. In just a few years, this young man in his 20s suddenly became old like an old tree, but his eyes were still hot, just like the madness when he killed his brother and forced his father to abdicate with two bloody heads.

"Damn it's not dead, but it's not dead." The emperor whispered, calm and ruthless.

"Your Majesty, no matter who dies, Fanyang has seen the power of the imperial iron horse and scared his courage. The next expedition to the east will definitely come true." Shura's enchanting face showed a bright and touching smile, but his smile froze the next moment.

Because the emperor suddenly turned around, his dark eyes were full of majesty, and his knife-like sharp eyes came straight in.

"Next time? If the next Eastern Expedition fails again, will the national teacher say that it will succeed next time? The emperor came forward and took a big step, almost sticking to Shura's indistinguishable face.

The emperor waved his sleeves, stretched out his fingers to the east and gritted his teeth and said, "This time, the Eastern Expedition, recruited two million people's husbands. Since September, the whole country has been coordinating combat readiness materials. How many men have left their fields and crops, relying on women and children to do that rough farming work, and transported grain and grass back to the front line 3,000 miles all the way? The army started and cost countless money. Don't you count the samurai and national division who lost their lives in Fanyang?

Shura elegantly took a step back, distanced himself from the aggressive emperor, waved his hand and smiled, "Your Majesty, this is not like you! Why did you start to pity the people? You swear to be the owner, how can you be so soft now?

Then, his face was as elegant as a proud aristocrat's smile, and his dark red pupils suddenly contracted, and his voice was high and cold and ruthless: "It's just a small expedition, do you care about gains and losses? It's just a city-by-pool battle, do you pity the people? How to achieve great things? How many people died in the war of the founding of the Wanyi family? A full 500,000! How many people died in the Northern Barbarians when the Emperor Bihai visited the north? 1.2 million! Almost a whole generation of young people were buried on the grassland in the far north! But what did they get? The Liunian emperor got half of the world and established the Mengyang Empire. The barbarians fought by the Bihai emperor split into many tribes and failed to recover their vitality for 30 years. After that, when the Bihai emperor died, he sighed that his life would not be long. If he could live for a few more years, he would definitely keep the barbarian pieces! If your ancestors are like this, how can you be so gentle as the emperor flowing with Wanyi's blood?

His scarlet pupils are like burning charcoal, burning hot, and his eyes seem to be spraying flames that burn through everything. "This time, it is just to proofread the power of the wind and lightning, and at the same time kill the famous general of Fanyang as much as possible, only to make small fights in a small city of Qinghe City. You only count how much the empire consumes and how hard the people work. How can it not count the loss of Fanyang's war? Two veterans, more than 70,000 elite soldiers, more than 100,000 civilians, burned 100,000 stones in the grain warehouse in Qinghe City. It is clear that our army has won a great victory! You are not satisfied with this result. Do you want to annex Fanyang in one fell swoop and take down Fanyang Xiangquan City in one fell swoop? Dream!"

His voice was loud, and his hot eyes were branded on the emperor's face, but his words were as fierce as wind and snow, as if he were reprimanding the teacher of the schoolchildren.

"Fanyang is an empire that is as strong as Mengyang. They have the most advanced manufacturing technology and a richer background to support the war than Mengyang. It is by no means a two-fight that can be settled. The previous war, evenly matched, is one fierce battle after another, accumulating small victories into great advantages, and then making a final sound and achieving supreme achievements. Your Majesty, do you have this determination?

"In the future, when the war is stalemate, it may be necessary to search every grain of the empire for military food, send every man, boy, and even woman who can afford a knife to the front line, melt every nail into sword armor, tear down every house, and use rover wood to make siege machines. When the war develops To this extent, are you still determined to continue the war?

The emperor stepped back two steps, as if by thunder. It's not that he hasn't thought of the cruelty of the war, and even has the consciousness of going to the front line to kill the enemy, but if the war goes to the level mentioned by Shura, what's the point of continuing?

"The national teacher... Is it really meaningful to continue this battle at this point?" The emperor roared angrily, and his voice was so loud, like a roaring lion, and his roar echoed in the frost pavilion.

"meaning? Does war need meaning? The battlefield is just a chessboard of the gods. You and I are just chess pieces on the chessboard. The meaning of war is just the entertainment of the gods. What else can it be? As if satisfied with the emperor's reaction, Shura's mouth evoked a playful and joking smile, and his voice was sweet and silky, like poison.

"Your Majesty, are you slacking off? Have you forgotten what you said when you put on the glazed dragon robe? What have you forgotten that we have prepared for so many years?

"No, I haven't forgotten!" The emperor lowered his head, slowly raised his hands and put them in front of him. His hands clenched his fists and loosened, and the pale bones were bloodless in the ice and snow. It's just that I feel that my headache is getting worse and worse recently. I always feel dizzy and weak. I can't sleep at night, and I'm afraid that I can't wake up again when I fall asleep. Master, I think I'm going to die. There is always an inexplicable sound and buzz in my ears. Now that I've been standing for so long, I feel like I've traveled a long way. I feel chest tight and breathless..."

"It's not that I'm slacking, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to survive the day when I see Mengyang unifying the world. I also want to be the Lord on the same day and want to see a complete Mengfan Empire... However, how can I lead the generals in my current state? How to whip the world!" While talking, the emperor couldn't help wrapping his robe tightly. The extremely luxurious glazed dragon Xiang robe is not as warm as rough sheepskin fur. It is better to eat mountain delicacies all day, but it is better to eat coarse rice and thin noodles to maintain health. In fact, this young man is only 25 years old, as thin and old as a 55-year-year-old man. Fty-six years after inheriting the throne, it seems that after fifty or sixty years, the young man's spirit has been drained. The supreme throne seems to be like a beast that devours his life.

A little imperceptible smile flashed from the corners of Shura's eyes. He stepped forward, knelt on one knee, put one hand in front of the heart, put the other back behind him, and his head drooped, very respectfully.

"Your Majesty, if you are tired, put the burden on my shoulders. I am willing to conquer the world for you and pave the way for you to become the co-owner of the world. You just need to sit on the throne and wait quietly for the day of the world to be the same! You don't have to bear all this alone. Weichen will give everything for you and Mengyang!" It is rare for Shura to speak so solemnly, like a pine tree rooted in a cliff.

The emperor smiled softly, sighed silently and said, "Sura, you cunning man, you don't have to say so much. I'm a lonely person, and I have nothing to rely on but you. I'm not loyal to my courtiers, and I don't listen to the army I send. I'm depressed. I can only lose my temper with you, roar and ask questions, and I can't do anything.

The emperor's voice was boundless and lonely, and the dazzling figure was like a star hovering quietly in the cold and dark night sky.

"I don't dare to go to the Star Temple recently!" The emperor whispered, raised his steps, and walked to the depths of the ice and fire in the courtyard.

"Standing on the edge of the top floor of the Star Picking Hall, I'm not afraid that I will fall off the line, but I'm afraid that I want to jump down." As the emperor walked, he raised his arm and stroked the frost and fire rose with his fingertips, only feeling cold and piercing.

"Why does Your Majesty think so?"

"I don't know, do you think this is a dangerous idea?"

"You may be too tired!" Shura said.

"Well, I'm so tired!" The emperor answered.

He turned around and stood in the middle of the frost and fire roses all over the courtyard. There was a layer of crystal clear frost on the glazed dragon robe. His dark eyes looked at Shura from afar and said in a low voice, "Master, you do what you want to do. I don't mind being a short-lived emperor. However, I just ask you to have more pity for my people and compassion for the country.

After saying this, the emperor's eyes were distracted, his pupils turned up, and his eyes were pale, like wind and snow. His body shook heart-wandingly, and his arms stretched out, and his body was like a 'ten' word, like a god holding the mountains of the world in his hand, and like a prisoner nailed to the cross. Then, he fell back, as if he had lost all his strength and fell into the frozen roses in the courtyard.

Like a sleepy person for a long time, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Shura wind generally swept to the emperor's side, reached out to explore his nose, and was as angry as a silk.

He took off his scarlet robe and covered it on the emperor's glazed dragon robe. Looking at the face with a slight frown and a painful look, he whispered expressionlessly, "Pity? Compassion? I agone to be a god, how can I have this mercy? If I want to hold up and break the world, how can I care about the people? After all, the emperor of the world can't be as cold and ruthless as the gods of the clouds, so don't blame me for plundering your luck all over.

His upper body, his muscle outline is smooth and powerful, emitting a hot wave all over his body, and the frost melts from his feet. He looked down at the emperor and suddenly felt sorry for the young man.

He strode around and walked out of the Shuang Fei Pavilion.

"Your Majesty is too tired to send your majesty back to the palace to rest." After ordering the maid who was waiting outside, he left by himself.

In the frost pavilion, the emperor lay in the frost flowers, with crystal frost hanging on his eyebrows, his lips were frozen blue and purple, and his face was calm and quiet.


Qin Tianjian, the director of Mengyang, is a gray-haired old man named Han Shi. He is already very old, and his skin is wrinkled, as if he is loose and hanging on the bone shelf, much more than his actual skin. Up to now, he has been the Qin Tianjian of the three emperors, which is the most leisurely and difficult of all officials.

His palace is full of calculations, star track instruments, and sunglasses. Except for a student of Huigen and Qingming, there is no one to accompany him. He has never married in his life, and naturally has no children. He is the Qintian prison of Mengyang. He is a person who observes the celestial phenomena, supervises the imperial column of luck, deduces all kinds of changes, and has insight into the secrets of heaven. Therefore, most of the people around him are short-lived. It is said that leaking the secrets is a big taboo, and sooner or later he will retribution. Therefore, he simply does not have a family all his life, so as not harm himself and harm others.

"Master, our Mengyang's pillar of luck just fluctuated again. It was not easy to stabilize and almost dispersed!" The student who had been holding the sunglasses and looking at the universe in the pavilion said nervously.

This eyebrows were like a young man with eight characters frowning, which made his serious and nervous expression particularly funny.

His appearance is not good, especially his eyebrows, which are thick and short. He always looks sad. Even if he smiles, he still looks unspeakably bitter.

I'm afraid this is also the reason why Lao Qin Tianjian named him 'Han Kusheng'.

The old man straightened his waist and ran over, almost hitting Han Kusheng with a big heel. Master often said that Qin Tianjian is not easy, his life is short, and he will be punished, but Master has lived nearly 80 years old, and his body is still strong. He can drink a little wine and chew cooked beef on his teeth. When he is idle, he squats at the door of Qintian Hall and smokes a pipe of tobacco. In his opinion, it is a comfortable day. He really doesn't know where the bitterness is.

He looked at the master raising the ink crystal, looked at the air column in the pavilion, and asked in a low voice, "Master, our Mengyang's air column is becoming more and more unstable. In case this collapses, what should the empire become?"

The old man put down the ink crystal, tremblingly took out the smoke rod from his arms, squeaked twice, and said worriedly, "The air column can directly reflect the state of an empire. In case the air column is unstable and the air machine leaks out, it will not be long after the emperor's death. If the air column is completely dispersed, the building will collapse and the dynasty Destroyed."

Han Kusheng suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and said in horror, "How can it be? Didn't Mengyang beat Fanyang next door a few days ago? The national strength is strong! And Your Majesty is still very young. How can the pillar of luck be floating and scattered?

The old man narrowed his eyes, covered his eyeliner with his white eyebrows, exhaled a strong breath of smoke, and said with his teeth, "Now Mengyang's pillar of luck is shining, which is a little stronger than that of the Blue Sea Emperor, but it is not condensed enough. Yes, the national strength is much stronger, and we have our own cavalry, who can go to Fanyang thousands of miles away, beating them up. But you don't know that it was our Mengyang cavalry that killed hundreds of thousands of people and innocent people in Fanyang. In those days, the transport column kept shaking, and the air machine collapsed all the time. However, due to the surge of the air machine, it offset the collapsed air machine, but the foundation of the air transport column was unstable.

"To tell you this, do you know that there is a mountain that supports heaven and earth in ancient mythology? The air column is like the Bzhou Mountain that supports the Mengyang River and the community. The Bzhou Mountain was finally knocked down by the water god Gonggong, and the sky collapsed a hole. Your Majesty killed so indiscriminately, just like cutting off his own air luck column with an axe and eating the consequences!" Seeing that his student still didn't know much about him, the old man rarely had the patience to explain it.

"In the prosperous times, the pillar of luck was condensed and strong, which was the case in the 20 years of the former emperor Shenluo. The country is prosperous, the society is prosperous, the gas is prosperous, and it is a prosperous atmosphere. Six years ago, the barbarians invaded Mengyang, the former emperor died, and several princes fell. During that time, the pillar of luck was shaky, and I was worried about it. I was afraid that Mengyang's 300-year-old Guozuo would be destroyed. Therefore, our majesty Lin Xi abruptly repelled the barbarians and stabilized the country, and the pillar of luck stabilized. A few days ago, Your Majesty sent troops to Fanyang, and the imperial fortune soared. This was to plunder Fanyang's luck and strengthen Mengyang's luck. However, His Majesty killed more than 100,000 lives in Qinghe City indiscriminately and ruined countless fortunes in vain. Now this pillar of air transport is strong, but the air machine lingers and leaks out, not condensed enough, always vibrating and disturbing, and there are signs of collapse... It's not a good omen.

The old man took a sip of smoke, slamped his mouth, showed a greedy face, and said intoxicatedly, "It's cold. If there was a little wine, it would be perfect!" After saying that, he sat on the ground and stared at his apprentice.

Han Kusheng curled his lips, and the master was waiting for him to run errands to get wine. The old man was such a sloppy virtue. Qin Tianjian is a famous Qingshui government. The whole Qintian Hall is just old and young. Maybe one day when the master accidentally kicks his legs, he will have to inherit the position of Qin Tianjian and stare at the pillar of luck for a lifetime.

In fact, this is not the life he likes.

He took the wine and secretly took a sip. It smelled really good. Maybe the master will eat meat after drinking wine, so he can just take the wine and meat together to save another trip.

Seeing that the apprentice not only brought rescue, but also cooked meat, the old man smiled, showed his smoky yellow teeth, and laughed, "You are getting more and more sensible!" I knew that the old man wanted to eat meat, and he just patted his forehead and said that he forgot to bring meat with him..."

Seeing that the master had good food and drink, Han Kusheng couldn't help thinking of his name. This life is bitter and boring.

As if he realized that the apprentice was bored, the old man was rarely generous. He pushed the wine pot in front of the apprentice, tore a piece of cooked meat, and said, "Rabbit, you also eat and drink!"

Han Kusheng was not polite. He picked up the wine pot and poured a few mouthfuls. As a result, he was filled with spicy tears. The old man opposite was very happy and laughed. He knew that his eyebrows must have frowned - his eyebrows were the most funny. He thought that the master was generous, but he didn't expect that he was waiting for him here.

He chewed the cooked meat fiercely and stared at the master angrily, as if he wanted to treat the old man as meat in his mouth and chew it hard.

The old man restrained his look and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Apprentice, let me tell you why our Mengyang's luck column will become turbulent!"

As if talking about a taboo, the old man felt cold on his back.

"There is someone who is stealing the luck of His Majesty Lin Xi and the fortune of our Mengyang Kingdom!"

Han Kusheng's eyes widened and was speechless in shock.

"This man is vicious and obviously wants to cut off our 300-year-old national society!"

Suddenly, there was a string of scalp-tingling purrs in the old man's throat, as if choked. Han Kusheng shouted and retreated.

I don't know when a gorgeous man with red hair stood behind the master, rubbed his fingers into a knife, and went straight into the master's neck. He was wearing a scarlet robe, and even his pupils were hot red. His lips smiled and mocked. His fingers pounded in the master's throat, and blood gushed out, splashing Han Kusheng's face.

The man pulled his hand suddenly and tore off the old man's whole tongue. The old man's body fell to the ground, and a huge hole appeared on his neck. Blood flowed all over the ground, and his thin body twitched and slowly died.

Han Kusheng screamed and lost his soul.

He recognized this person! It is clear that he is the great master who follows your majesty all day long!

Shura's hand was full of blood and shook the tongue in his hand twice. The scarlet tongue hung down softly, like the blood-red tongue of a dead ghost.

"It's not a good thing to talk too much! I can only ask you to shut up!" He casually said to himself, and then threw his scarlet tongue next to the old man's body, and the blood in his hand was still warm.

He looked down at Han Kusheng, who had lost his soul, squatted down, picked up the wine pot, and took a big sip on his neck.

"From now on, you will be Qin Tianjian." He stuffed the wine pot into Han Kusheng's hand, stretched out a blood-stained finger and scratched the boy's lips, as if he had painted him a layer of red lips.

Shura looked at his 'masterpiece' with satisfaction. It was a pity that the young man's eight-character eyebrows, with the scarlet on his mouth, did not play juggling.

"Continue to enjoy your wine and delicious food. If you are disturbed, please forgive me." He is like an aristocrat and polite.

After saying that, turn around and leave.

Leave a body that is slowly getting cold, and a poor young man who will live in nightmares for the rest of his life.