
Chapter 120 Gambler

General Beichen Mansion.

Night Star held his arms in front of his chest and stared at the huge picture scroll hanging on the wall. It is said that it is a picture scroll, but rather a pulse map full of names, like a four-way cobweb, spreading from the center.

The middle name is obviously a sharp 'night' character. On the right side of the night character is connected to Huangfu Zeyu. Huangfu Zeyu, who is the emperor's respected emperor, is connected to several famous powerful ministers. Next to several ministers are the proud students and talented young leaders under their families, spreading branches and leaves layer by layer. Come on. On the left of the night character are Wang Zhongli and Yin Cangyan. On the left of Wang Zhongli are several newly promoted young and strong generals, as well as some bold and resourceful lieutenants. This wallpaper full of names almost covers the noble officials in the temple of Fanyang, ranging from the maids of honor to the emperor and generals, all of whom are caught in this context map. But each vein ultimately points to the word 'night' in the middle.

The night star's vision was sharp, and he glanced at one name after another. His brain rotated rapidly and desperately calculated every minute, and pocketed the power of this empire. He spent a lot of effort on this network map. It is not easy to investigate these people, let alone turn them into help that can be used by himself.

The officialdom of Fanyang Temple is on his side. The alternation of new and old emperors is very smooth, and there is no imagined turbulence, which is inseparable from the help of the city owner's grandfather. Grandpa, the city owner, seems to have been trapped in a city for 300 years. In fact, these 300 years of operation have supported countless powerful families, just like sprinkling beans on the chessboard and taking root. On the day he stepped on the ground, 300 years of power was exerted day and night, and the effect can be seen.

But there are still a few unpredictable variables.

Night stars stared at the large blank space behind Yin Cangyan and Lu Miaobai. The two leading people in the Fanyang temple can't be ignored. In terms of General Yan's supreme reputation in the army, he has the ability to influence the whole situation. The same is true of Lu Miaobai. In those years, this man was a counselor in the Qiuyue Kingdom of Mengyang. In just a few years, he raised the national strength of the Kingdom of Qiuyue to the extent that he could fight with the State of Shen. It is said that a series of changes in Fanyang in recent years have come from this. People's handwriting shows the foresight and foresight of the situation.

There are also several names that also make him feel tricky. For example, several vassal kings in the upper right corner, Huangfu Wenkai, are restrained by the new emperor and dare not make up trouble. King Jing has been far away from the core of power, but it should not be underestimated. It is very difficult to have the surname of 'Huangfu'. There is also a small one in the corner. Huangfu Ningzheng. Since the unhappy separation before the New Year, Ye Xingchen still doesn't know how to face her.

He stretched out his slender finger and pressed the three words 'Yin Cangyan'. As long as he got the support of General Yuden Yan, he would wait to hold Fanyang in his hand.

At that time, the war will burn all over the world.

There was a knock on the door behind him. Ye Xingchen knew who it was without looking back and asked softly, "What's wrong with Xiaowu?"

The short and fat little fifty fingers crossed, trotted over, and said breathlessly, "Young master, Huangfu Mingchan hanged himself. What should I do?"

"Does Ning Zheng know?"

"His Royal Highness Ning Zheng doesn't know yet. Is she still angry with the young master?"

Ye Xingchen said calmly, "Huangfu Mingchen died when he died. His outdated emperor has nothing to do with the overall situation. Don't let Ning Zheng know. If she asks about it, she will say that Huangfu Mingzhen has accumulated fatigue and become a disease, and his heart is depressed. In addition, he is cold in winter and he is not feeling well. He will go to the South China Sea to recuperate."

"Yes... But young master, this matter can't be hidden. I think it's better to tell Miss Ning Zheng honestly... The more you hide it, the easier it is to make trouble. The more wrong it is, the more difficult it is for you to deal with it. I really don't want to see you and Miss Ning Zheng die." Xiao Wu sighed.

"I don't know... I don't know how to speak. I almost ruined Ning Zheng's family. How can I face her? How dare you look into her eyes? Ye Xingchen turned his head and looked at Xiao Wu. His fiery red eyes were full of loss and loneliness.

"It's hard to say. The small one is more talkative and more carefully to mention it to you. The small one knows that you have much more ways than the small one. Hey, such a big empire, if you say let it change the emperor, you will change the emperor. This second prince is still very obedient to you. After that, simply abolish the Huangfu family, and you can become the emperor!"

"Then give you a marquis? When you go out, there is a horse and a beautiful woman entering the door, a glorious and rich life?" Ye Xingchen joked and laughed.

"Hey, it's still the young master who knows little thoughts. If the young master develops in the future, don't forget that Xiaowu and Liuzi will be completed!" Xiao Wu scratched his head and smiled thickly.

"Don't worry! So big Fanyang, the only thing I can really trust is you and the sixth son. There has been an endless stream of people visiting me these days, but they can't really let me down. They are all the grass on the wall. The most important thing is to be left to you!" The night stars said lightly.

Listen, and you will hear a little loneliness.

"Young master, don't worry, you are the remant-created parents of me and Liuzi. Originally, the life of me and Xiao Liuzi were the master of Shura. You helped us save this life. In the future, as long as you open your mouth, Xiaowu will not say anything to Liuzi, and the first one will rush up with a mountain of knives!" Xiao Wu patted his chest and said righteously.

"If the young master has nothing to do, Xiaowu will leave first. If you have something to do, just say hello and die!"

"Well, help me make an appointment with General Yu Dian Yan. I want to talk to him, just today." Night stars stared at the large blank space of Yin Cangyan on the wallpaper.

"Okay, give it to the little one!" Xiao Wu ran out with a smile.

Xiao Wu left happily. The room was quiet, and the night stars looked gloomy, and he sorted out the plan over and over again.

He can't turn back. Now he must take Fanyang in the palm of his hand with an unparalleled tough attitude, and then promote the war against Mengyang.

He is a magician who is restricted by rules and cannot directly attack human beings. He has to rely on Fanyang's army to compete with Mengyang's force. In other words, it is to kill Emperor Lin Xi with the army and kill Shura with spells, just like drawing a circle with the left hand and painting a square with the right hand. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky, not to mention such a two-pronged approach?

But he really can't turn back. Too many people have died. He finally climbed to his current position. He has people who have to kill and people who have to be saved. How can he turn back?

He closed his eyes to calm down, and those clear eyes appeared in his mind, shining with incredible light.

In the flash of lightning, he seemed to see another rising ice wall with solidified dark red plasma. A girl was nailed to the ice wall and looked at him with frightened eyes.

It's just that the one who was nailed this time was not Yu Meng in a fiery red horse skirt and a snow-white fox coat. The blood-stained face was replaced by Ning Zheng.

Night Xingchen clenched his hands and hissed to himself, "I won't lose it again!"


General Yin Cangyan, a general of the imperial palace, was born in poverty. When his hometown encountered famine, he had no choice but to lead the robe to join the army. He accumulated military achievements with one knife and one shot, and was actually seated to the high position of general of the imperial palace.

Yin Cangyan, who relies on solid military achievements, knows what the people of the empire need most. The royal family does not know the value of firewood, rice, oil and salt, but only knows how to weigh the pros and cons on the overall situation. Therefore, he was able to say the heroic words of 'only guarding the gate of the people of Fanyang, not the eagles and dogs of the empire'. In the world of the Huangfu family, everyone is eager to cling to the royal family to absorb dragon luck. Such generous words make countless Qingliu Confucian students known as the wind and bones ashamed of themselves.

How can Night Starry say that he uses such a means for his revenge and ambition? His series of actions are clearly the wolf's ambition. In front of the righteous old general, it is even difficult to speak.

The old general was blind with one eye, and a ferocious scar slanted through the whole face. The blind eyes were just a milky white shade, and the intact eye was also turbid, but it was such an old man who made Ye Xingchen feel great pressure falling like a mountain.

"You did this coup, didn't you?" General Yan of the Royal Hall glanced at the night stars across the table and said with a glass.


"I really didn't expect that the unknown youngster who was still in the Fanyang army in October last year turned this empire upside down in a few months. Should I say that the future life is terrible or the ambition is terrible?"

"I'm not ambitious!" Ye Xingchen argued abruptly.

"Ha ha, kill Li Qingyu, seduce the prince, force the palace to abdicate, intimidate the powerful ministers, and play with the Fanyang Temple in the palm of your hand. Now you are saying that you are not ambitious? Who will believe it?" Yin Cangyan hoarse and sneered.

Ye Xingchen lowered his head and clenched his hands. He couldn't explain the contradiction in his heart, just like something that he was unwilling to do but had to do it.

"Your father is the general of Mengyang Zhentian, Ye Mingshan?"

Ye Xingchen raised his head, looked at the old general, and nodded gently.

"In those years, the old man and Ye Mingshan were called the two famous generals in the world by idle people, Dong Cangyan and Ximingshan... I thought they could fight with your father once in their lifetime, but I didn't expect that. Ha ha, it seems that after the general reaches the extreme, he will inevitably end up being killed by the emperor's family. However, Ye Xingchen, your enemy is in Mengyang Wanyan's house. Why do you treat Fanyang Huangfu's family like this? The old general's dark eyes were sharp, as if he were looking at the guilty prisoner.

"I want to rely on Fanyang's national strength to defeat Mengyang... I can't avenge alone!" The night star said softly.

"Ha ha, for one's own personal hatred, you have to drag the whole Fanyang into the water, and your ambition can be killed!" General Yan sneered.

"However, General Yan, Fanyang should take the initiative to defeat Mengyang instead of being passively beaten! An emperor like Emperor Linxi of Mengyang can do 100,000 tragic things to slaughter the city. The Shura master of Mengyang can desphem the dead and turn 100,000 dead into zombies. Can you rest assured that he is adjacent to such Mengyang? Can the people of Fanyang feel at ease? In the first battle of Qinghe City, although the war had subsided, Qinghe City became a dead city in the past, known as the most wheat-producing Qinghe Prefecture. The people fled one after another, and even the winter wheat was not planted. The peaceful and prosperous scenery of the imperial capital, can you know that the people are worried?

"What a righteous rhetoric! Night Star, you have the sharp words of an orator, but you are still too weak.

The night stars have an illusion that the old general can directly see the bottom of his heart.

"How terrible and dangerous you said so much about Mengyang, are you really thinking about the people of Fanyang? Don't you have any selfishness?"

"Yes... I want revenge, I want to kill Emperor Lin Xi and Shura. This is what I have been thinking about for so many years!"

"Can you kill it? With all the combat power of Fanyang, can you defeat Mengyang?" The old general asked sharply.

"I...don't know!" The night star murmured.

"How much do you have a chance of winning?"

"I don't know!"

"Ha ha, I wanted to say you are a gambler, but you are not even a gambler! The gambler still knows that the soles of his feet will slip away when he can't afford to lose. Now you have come to this point and let you go. Can you do it? The old general smiled contemptuously.

"I can't let go. If I let go at this point, there is no hope of winning! What if I win?" The night stars hissed.

"What if? In case the king of the barbarians in the far north broke through Mengyang, what else would happen to you? What if you died in the far north grassland, would there be so many things? What can you do if I and a group of powerful ministers can't lift you as the general of Beichen from the fourth grade? Young man, don't talk about everything. In case you walk on the cliff, you only stare at the opposite bank. You feel relieved when you reach the end. Do you dare to take a look at your feet? Do you dare?"

"That's better than the old general's stopping before he walked on the single-plank bridge and taking a look at the abyss under his feet!" Ye Xingchen's voice has never been so excited and powerful, "And your enemies on the shore will not be stopped by a cliff. They dare to gamble and rush over. Even if they fall to pieces, they will rush to kill all those who disobey his will, kill you and kill me!"

Ye Xingchen stood up and bowed to salute, "General Yan, it's not that I'm too young and hearty, but that you are too old to even have less courage."

He turned around and left, a cold wind swept by, and his hair flew up like a banner.

His footsteps are particularly lonely, like a lonely expedition.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Since the formation of the Yanzi Army, there have been 663300 people. If you want to fight with Mengyang, I will make a contribution."

The night star was stunned for a moment, ecstatic, turned around and bowed deeply to the old general who was like a tiger.