
Chapter 122 Returning on a Snowy Night

Night stars put their arms on their chests and stared at a detailed map of the border defense line, with gloomy and indifference between their eyebrows. Behind him, except General Yu Dianyan, all the generals who could hold the table gathered together. He could feel that these generals who were usually unconvinced were staring at him, waiting for him to make a decision, or waiting to see his joke.

Although the city lord has planned a strategy, although he threatened the emperor to order the princes, and although he is General Beichen, he is only in his twenties. Who can he stand on such a high position in just a few months? Even if he ordered the emperor of Beichen to draw up an imperial edict and make him the commander of Wudu to control the whole war, it was difficult for everyone to look at each other coldly.

A Guankou guard said hatefully, "What do those imperial palaces and guards eat?" Why was His Royal Highness Ning Zheng so old and alive that he was taken away by Mengyang people? Now, the Mengyang people took the princess to Longhuaiguan and beheaded them in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Fanyang? Ha ha, beheading, killing the head, the princess of the Huangfu clan is going to be detained to kill the head. This is an insult to my Fanyang incompetence. This is a provocation, General Beichen, what do you think we should do now? Save or not?"

Serious and vigorous generals echoed one after another, and they were all furious.

A cavalry lieutenant said in a low voice, "Don't be impulsive. What's the style of chaos before the war? Don't fall into the arms of Mengyang people! Listen to the order of General Beichen!"

"General Beichen, Your Majesty ordered you to be the commander of Wudu. You are the biggest official here. Do you want hundreds of thousands of warriors to watch their princess cut off her head, or send troops immediately to step on the Longhuai Pass and save the princess?"

The most difficult problem has been thrown out!

Save or not?

Night stars wander on the topographic map of Longhuai Pass. This is a pass surrounded by mountains on almost three sides. The steep hillsides are full of dragon locust. In spring, locust flowers bloom with a bitter fragrance. In summer, the mountains are dark green, like green dragons hovering in the mountains. In autumn and winter, the locust leaves fall and twisted acacia branches. The stem is like a ghost hand, with teeth and claws, which is terrible and gloomy, and the cold wind roars by, and there is no doubt about the yin Cao hell.

Longhuai Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack to the extreme. Mengyang people have done such a game and just waiting for him to jump. He doesn't believe that the mountain will not ambush warriors. It is surrounded on three sides, like a big pocket. If you go in, you can't get out again. Such a large open basin, even 200,000 warriors will never return. The strong attack of the Pass is the most grinding. In those years, the first emperor of Fanyang, Huangfu Jinglan, forcibly attacked the Langgu Pass, which consumed more than 100,000 lives to break the Pass. How many lives did Longhuai Pass, which is more dangerous than Lang Wuguan but has a more Xiong County?

It can't be saved. This is the conclusion reached by the night stars through the most rational consideration.

But he can't help but save it. How can he leave Ning Zheng alone? At the beginning, Ning was about to be brought back to the imperial capital. He dared to crash into the royal honor guard alone. He was beaten all over his body and wanted to see Ning Zheng for the last time. Now that Ning is about to be killed, how can he ignore it?

This is the problem given to him by Shura. It is clearly the usual means of Shura to infinitely enlarge the most ugly and indifferent part of human nature and extinguish the little hope in his heart with the most harsh facts.

What should he do?

"General Beichen, be sure to take the rescue of the princess as the first priority, and don't chill the hearts of the world and the warriors!"

"Yes, if His Royal Highness Ning Zheng is really killed by the Mengyang people and the princess of the royal family is killed, if this spreads all over the world, it will definitely cause domestic turmoil. The front-line soldiers fight, and the rear is chaotic. How can this battle be fought?"

The generals in the account are talking and talking about it. Wang Zhongli, a Confucian general, cleared his throat. "Don't be angry. This is the trap of Mengyang people. They are waiting for us to rush over. Mengyang people are waiting for us to mess up and break through without attacking. Don't fall into the arms of Mengyang people."

Wang Zhongli's words, which have been famous for a long time, are more powerful. The account is much quieter. Someone asked, "General Wang, will you save it or not?"

Wang Zhongli glanced at Ye Xingchen and sighed, "It can't be saved. Take a hair and move your whole body. If it is saved, it is bound to continue to add troops to plug the hole, and people's lives will be spent in vain."

"Then watch the princess beheaded in front of hundreds of thousands of troops in Fanyang? Only 300 miles from the military tent to Longhuai Pass, just sit and wait for the princess to be killed? A man pointed to the direction of Longhuai Pass in the west and asked harshly.

"The death of a princess saves the lives of hundreds of thousands of warriors. Which is more important? The green mountains are not worried about burning firewood. Now they are fighting to death in Longhuai Pass. What else can they take to fight with Mengyang? Mengyang people thought that if they caught Her Royal Highness, they could lead us by the nose, but we ignored it and let him kill Her Royal Highness Ning Zheng with great fanfare!"

"Yes, there is no need to fulfill the thoughts of Mengyang people. Mengyang people are despicable. It can be seen from the slaughter of innocent people at a stop in Qinghe City last year, and now they threaten the princess. How can we do what he wishes? Her Royal Highness was killed, which was also a good death for the country. In the future, we will break through the capital of Mengyang and cut off the head of the emperor of Mengyang to avenge His Royal Highness!"

"Fal your mother's fart! Your Highness doesn't care about the situation. If you can say this, do you have a heart?

"You can't even keep the princess, and you still have the face to join the army? Go home and raise pigs!"

The big account was noisy again, and the voices were as loud as the downtown. The two groups of people were red-faced and almost rolled up their sleeves to fight in the military tent.

Night Xingchen turned around, narrowed his narrow scarlet eyes, and said coldly, "Shut up."

His voice was very soft, but it swept through everyone's hearts like the most chilly wind. The generals lowered their heads and avoided his eyes for fear of being burned by those red eyes.

"You can't fall into the trap of Mengyang people, but Your Highness must be saved. You don't have to argue. I have my own way and retreat first!" He held the divine knife and glanced at the generals in the tent in turn. His voice was calm and majestic, and his handsome face was a little angerless.

The generals and captains looked at each other, stopped arguing, and retreated unconvincedly.

Wang Zhongli was a few steps behind. After waiting for the people in the account to empty, he looked at the night stars who held the divine knife and even whitened the bone joints. He whispered, "I know you are not good. Now that you are in high power and control the overall situation. Don't be angry and fall into the trap of Mengyang people. Fanyang can't afford to lose!"

"Do you control the overall situation? They don't obey me!" Ye Xingchen lowered his head and said lonelyly, "I just want to save Ning Zheng."

"The terrain of Longhuai Pass is excellent. Mengyang people really want to make an article and must bury countless warriors. I still feel that the children should be put aside first, and it is the man's job to put national affairs first!" Wang Zhongli said calmly.

"General Wang, there are about 160,000 Mengyang warriors after Longhuai Pass, and there are 300,000 troops in Fanyang. If you fight hard, how many chances are there to win?"

"There is no chance of winning. Don't forget that Mengyang still has more than 50,000 wind and thunder iron horses, the most powerful cavalry in the world!"

"What if Mengyang had to withdraw his troops from Longhuaiguan? The wind and thunder iron horse was pulled away, and there was only one pawn left. How many chances are there to win?

Wang Zhongli pondered for a moment, "Sixty."

Even Wang Zhongli, who is the first in the bloody battle, is not ten times sure? Well, it's better than hopelessness!

Night Xingchen came forward, "General Wang, I'm going out. The army is under your command for the time being."

Wang Zhongli did not ask him what he was going to do. He believed in the night stars, just like the city owner had been looking forward to this young man. He just nodded and whispered, "Don't worry." Then he also left the military tent.

Ye Xingchen raised his hand and wore two rings on his hand, one rose gold and one moon silver, one of which he gave to Ning Zheng.

That day, he noticed that a magician appeared in the palace. When he arrived, Ning Zheng had been taken away. He only found the ring, and then news came that Ning Zheng was arrested and was going to be beheaded. He hates Shura's despicable methods, and even hates his disregard for Ning Zheng these days. He is busy starting a war against Mengyang, but if he wants to pay for Ning Zheng's life, he would rather give up everything.

It suddenly occurred to me that when he saw Ning Zheng for the last time, they obviously had a quarrel. Ning Zheng cried and asked him, which was more important, between her and power. He hesitated for a moment before answering and saying sorry over and over again.

Sorry, is it useful?

He lowered his head, clenched his fist, and felt the cold touch of the two rings on his fingers clinging to his skin.

He hissed to himself, "I don't want to... lose it again."


The winter in the far north comes early. Maybe the north wind roars all night in September. The next day, when you walk out of the tent, it is a vast white snowfield. When the south has ushered in the spring flowers after the end of the year, the ice and snow here show no sign of melting.

As soon as the king Suilehek finished his speech to several generals, he took the horse milk wine brought by the slaves and accidentally touched the jade hanging around his neck, which made him stunned for a moment.

A slave crawled and saluted, "Your Majesty, it's time for the great shaman to give you a book."

"Please come to the big shaman and ask someone to go up and clean up the snow on the top of the tent. If it snows again tonight, the tent will collapse. The big shaman is weak. He uses sheep's milk to make him drunk and warm. When he comes, he can just use it to warm up.

"Yes!" The slave retreated respectfully.

The king always felt a little panicked, as if something was going to happen, but he couldn't guess what was bothering him. It is necessary for the great shaman to figure out the puzzle for him.

The new shaman is much more reliable than the deceased old shaman. The old shaman often can't even calculate the weather. He always carelessly goes to the tents to eat and drink, nagging about every shape. But the new shaman Shen Fanshuang said that the old shaman is a respectable old man and a poor old man with too many burdens.

In a blink of an eye, it has been almost two years since the grassland turmoil. Dad and Yumeng have died for two years, and the night stars have left for two years. The deceased can't be chased. Are you still alive?

He reached out and held Yu Jue, and the round and delicate jade warmed his palm.

The tent curtain was lifted, and Shen Fan, who was wrapped in a sheepskin jacket, shook off the snow, took off the sheepskin jacket and gave it to the slave. He smiled and said, "It seems that I really can't care about my demeanor. If I don't wear fur, I can't stand this winter. According to the festival in the south, it is now the beginning of spring, and the far north is still a piece of ice and snow. The barbarians have survived here for thousands of years, which is really awesome.

"Ha ha, the big shaman laughed. I'm still worried that your tent is not warm enough. I'm going to send you a few more wolf skin mattresses. I'm relieved to see that you are safe this winter." The king laughed and greeted the slave to bring the silver bowl with warm sheep's milk to the big shaman and invite him to sit down.

"Your Majesty, there are a few things I have to tell you first!" Shen Fanshuang didn't say much after sitting down and went straight to the point. The king looked into his eyes and knew that it was not a small matter.

"I arranged a letter from the spy in Fanyang. There was a coup in the Fanyang royal family. The prince usurped the throne on New Year's Eve, and the old emperor died. The powerful ministers of Fanyang Temple defected to the new emperor one after another, but in fact, it was the night stars who were really in power." Shen Fanshuang roasted his frozen hands on the brazier and looked at the king and said.

The king just answered faintly.

"Emperor Mengyang Linxi's health is worried. He has gray hair before he is 30 years old. I guess he won't live for a few years."

"People who are too outstanding are short-lived, which is a good thing for the barbarians. Mengyang's military strength has become stronger and stronger in recent years, and he is afraid that there will be a war. Emperor Lin Xi beheaded my father's arm that year. At that time, I watched him fight with my father. At that time, I only respected him." Barbarians respect the strong, even their enemies.

"Night stars set off a war against Mengyang. In just a few days, Chen Bing had 300,000 soldiers at Longhuaiguan, and they didn't wait for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. However, Mengyang Shuluo's national master's means were even worse. He took the Imperial Funingzheng, the princess of Fanyang, and beheaded him in front of all the armored soldiers in Longhuaiguan, which shocked the hearts of the people.

"Oh? Are Mengyang and Fanyang going to fight? Since Mengyang has been the princess of Fanyang, what should Fanyang do? Save or not?"

"This is the viciousness of Mengyang Shura Master. Longhuai Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the basin is open. There is an ambush there. Even if 100,000 warriors go in, they can't escape the sky, but Mengyang wants to behead Princess Fanyang there. Now in front of Fanyang is a difficult problem to choose. To save the princess, it is necessary to fill it with countless lives. If you don't save it, you will lose the princess's life, let alone lose the people's heart and majesty.

"Save, lose people's lives, don't save, lose people's hearts. Ha ha, this is the murder of you southerners, right? I have to say that your southerners' handling of psychological tactics is far from comparable to that of barbarians!" The king smiled.

Shen Fan paused, stared into the king's eyes, and said word by word, "The commander of Wudu in this war against Mengyang is Ye Xingchen. Guess what he will choose?"

The king smiled, and his smile was a little bitter and sarcastic. "With the heart of the night stars, it is natural to give up the princess and put the overall situation first. Two years ago, he made such a choice, which killed my favorite Yumeng.

Shen Fan said lightly, "If it snows late, can you drink nothing? If you want to drink with Yi people, you will become nothing.

He turned his head and looked at the curtain of the tent and said gently, "Chaimen barked when the dog barked, and the wind and snow returned at night?"

The king clenched Yu Jue on his neck. He had a hunch that the source of his upset and sleepiness in the past few days was outside.

The curtain shook, and he only saw a pair of scarlet eyes and a pale and bloodless handsome face.

The night stars that left without saying goodbye two years ago finally appeared on the grassland in the far north.

I only heard him say hoarsely and tiredly, " me..."

With a crisp sound, the jade was crushed in the king's trembling hand.