reincarnation evolution

Chapter 8 Shadow Assassin

Yes, it's just a dragon roar. Although this cave is called Dragon Valley, in fact, in the original plot, this cave has only one dragon. However, this dragon has been dormant in the original plot, and only the green dragon wakes up because of the sound caused by the two guys, Xiaofu and Fat Tiger. But now everyone is here, and from now until now, several people have not made sounds that can be easily heard by normal people except breathing. Not to mention that the green dragon has entered a deep sleep state, so from the current situation, the green dragon obviously woke up early because of hearing a sound.

And after hearing this voice, several families were also happy and worried. For the team of Nobita, they must have a trace of expectation in fear, but what Luo Yun and others have is left with sadness. After all, except for the demon emperor, there is only the protagonist Daxiong and the wild bear who dare to face such a green dragon directly. But this is only in the original plot. If it is in the reincarnation world, there is no doubt that reincarnation will be added to these data. But if you can really fight with this green dragon, then the strength of this group of reincarnations can definitely be called a strong person even in the whole difficulty or even two difficulty.

And if such a group of reincarnations want to kill Luo Yun and their current group, it is not difficult. However, this refers to under normal circumstances. Now this group of guys are facing a green dragon that is strong enough to be comparable to the B-level main mission BOSS. If Luo Yun outputs firepower to this group of reincarnations at this time, there is no doubt that the impact on this group of reincarnations is also quite great, and even causing them to destroy them. Possible. Therefore, Luo Yun and the others also rushed directly to the green dragon, and the four protagonists, even if Luo Yun and others didn't say it, they would rush to kill it, so they also closely followed the footsteps of Luo Yun, a group of reincarnations.

However, when they arrived at this place, they were deeply shocked by the scene of this place. Because in this place, it is not the reincarnations, demon emperors and so on that Luo Yun and others have thought before, but a group of ordinary people. The reason why Luo Yun and others were able to confirm this matter is that the original hot spring in this place has been stained with blood, and the owner of these blood is a corpse, and it is also a corpse with brain plasma and intestines splashed, and the pungent smell of blood on these corpses. It is also like maggots rushing straight into the noses of several people.

If this is the only estimate, it still doesn't explain any problem, but even if these bodies are roughly estimated to be at least 100. Obviously, it is absolutely impossible for a reincarnation world to have more than so many reincarnations. And more importantly, the reincarnations will become a key after death (as can be seen from Luo Yun's killing the group of reincarnations before), and this group of guys has not changed much. Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, this group of guys is actually a group of ordinary people.

And after the four protagonists saw this scene, they all vomited except Doraemon. After all, they are just a group of children, even a group of children who are still in primary school. Therefore, their psychological endurance is also conceivable. Even if Doraemon didn't spit it out, the expression on its face was like seeing a mouse. In addition to Luo Yun, his face was also slightly pale among the reincarnations. Luo Yun has been numb because he has experienced too much. And the rest of the reincarnations have only struggled several times to survive in various reincarnation worlds, so their psychological quality is also good, but now they suddenly feel a little disgusting when they see this scene like hell on earth. In terms of image, Luo Yun saw this scene like a forensic doctor who has gone through human anatomy many times when he saw the "Mermaid in the sewer", while others are like a person who has seen the "Mermaid in the sewer" several times and then saw a vivisection.

Therefore, among the people, except Luo Yun, other people's thoughts have fallen into a chaotic state, and it is difficult to come up with anything useful. And Luo Yun's eyebrows also frowned, and obviously he had entered into deep thinking. But after the corners of his mouth moved slightly and spit out two words, his eyebrows frowned more tightly. And the two words he spit out were: "Is it?"

After that, Luo Yun said to Ying, "Shadow, aim at a body casually and then shoot a shot." After hearing this sentence, Ying gradually came to his senses. Then he raised his black gun and hit a corpse. But when the bullet shot into the body and let the body bloom a blood flower. In front of him, a fist also attacked him. The speed of the fist is very fast, and it still carries a pioneering momentum. But the shadow did not look panicked, but turned his face to Luo Yun, as if he wanted to squeeze out a few words.

But when he wanted to say the first word, Luo Yun's fist had reached his face, but it penetrated directly through his face. At this time, he slowly spit out a few words: "When did you find out?" Luo Yun slowly took back his fist and completely ignored the protagonist of the plot next to him and the roaring Qinglong. He stared at the shadow's eyes, as if he wanted to see through him, and then said, "Guess." Ha ha. Guess whether you guess or not." I guess you can guess." The two guys seem to have played with words and completely forgotten their current situation.

But after Luo Yun said this, both of them were not talking, and the atmosphere was deadlocked for a while. But a minute later, Luo Yun closed his eyes directly, and at the same time, the shadow's eyes also revealed a touch of appreciation. When Luo Yun opened again, he was already in front of the natural barrier where he had been before. In front of him, there was also the protagonist Nobita team and the group of reincarnations, and their faces showed a trace of care and relief. At this time, Luo Yun received a hint: "You have successfully broken through the magic array of heart demons, your transfer mission has been completed, and you have become an instant shadow assassin."

"Instant Shadow Assassin: Thousands of miles of traceless cold moon shadow, ten steps to kill ghost sorrow. Agile skills, fast position and position changes, gorgeous combos, proud explosive power, everything is explaining the essence of its killer, which is the assassin of the instant shadow. You have activated the exclusive skill of Instant Shadow Assassin, exclusive skill 1: It's all over the sky. Exclusive skill 2: Yin and Yang buckle. Exclusive skill 3: Wearing cloud legs (Note: Exclusive skills are not allowed to be evaluated because they are special skills). Remaining skills:??? Not activated)

"You are equipped with the cold moon blade, and the equipment has successfully recognized the Lord (never fall), fit: 100%. Because of the secondary weapon you are equipped with, you activate the exclusive title of transfer of the equipment: one knife and two pieces. One knife and two breaks (black iron): strength +10, physical strength +10 (this attribute bonus increases with the increase of the title level.)

"Cold Moon Blade (+4): Level: LV2 (this is related to the following introduction). Type: secondary weapon. This weapon is a growth weapon, and a certain growth point is obtained with the increase of the number of kills. The current growth point is 100/200 (the former is the current point, and the later is the growth point required to grow to the next level). Secondary weapon exclusive skill 1: Hidden knife type. Exclusive skill 2: welcome knife style. Exclusive skill 3: Knife sharpening. Exclusive skill must-kill skill: instant knife.

Secondary weapon LV4 special effect: spirit +10. How can this be?" When Ying and Chen Xin saw this, they couldn't help asking. They really can't figure out. Isn't Luo Yun's transfer mission to soak in the hot spring of the dragon? How could it suddenly become this magic array of heart and demons?