reincarnation evolution

Chapter 16 The Blessing of the Demon Emperor

At this time, Will said to Luo Yun in a trembling voice, "Head, that animal will teleport, and the attack is still so high. How can we fight it?" So why worry? This guy's skills should have considerable limitations. Otherwise, it can completely teleport behind us and then kill in turn. There is no need to hide back. Will nodded repeatedly when he heard this sentence, obviously thinking that what Luo Yun said was correct.

Luo Yun looked at the group of elephant demons in the sky again. After confirming that they did not plan to attack now, he turned his head and said to the fat tiger, "Fat tiger, can you go down and guard the people in the city?" Fat Tiger is the kind of child who likes to show his head, which can also be seen from his frequent howling to everyone. Therefore, he nodded after hearing what Luo Yun said, and then transmitted it directly to the bottom to protect the old villagers.

When the elephant demon leader saw that there was one less person on Luo Yun's side, he became more determined. Without any movement, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he were recuperating. But it doesn't move, which doesn't mean that Luo Yun doesn't move. Luo Yun knew the sentence "preemptive". Although he did not praise this sentence as the truth, he did not doubt the accuracy of this sentence.

Therefore, he also directly let Daxiong put on a bamboo dragonfly and rushed up. After all, according to the current situation, it is estimated that he who has just lost his shield can't withstand the attack of the other party, let alone others. Now, it is thought that the protagonist Nobita is the only one who can barely fight with or win them.

In the original plot, Nobita could have killed this elephant soldier leader in seconds with only one knife. But now, because of the participation of Luo Yun and his group of reincarnations, the demon emperor has integrated the stone demons under his command with these elephant demons, so that these elephant demons have obtained the cultivation of the stone demons themselves and the hard physique of the stone demons (there is no doubt about the hardness of the stone), which can be said to have greatly increased their skills.

More importantly, don't forget that it's not just Luo Yun and his group of reincarnations.

Therefore, when the elephant demon leader saw Nobita rushing over, there was no panic on his face, but showed a dark smile.

And when Nobita was about 50 meters away from it, the empty void in front of the demon leader suddenly shook, and finally seemed to lift a layer of cloth, and straight figures appeared from these shaking void, as if to break through the sky. These figures are... Reincarnation.

And these guys also directly surrounded Nobita's front, which made Nobita's original forward trend slow down. Naturally, such a good opportunity will not be let go of like a demon leader. It directly summoned a huge stone ball and then hit Nobita hard.

When Nobita saw the stone ball thrown towards him, he just squatted down slightly. His dodging action was naturally ridiculed by other reincarnations, who didn't think it was so easy to avoid this guy's stone.

It's just that soon, they couldn't laugh. Because when Daxiong squatted down, a bullet came from behind him at a high speed. Before seeing this bullet, these guys never thought about how deterrent such a small thing could be, but when they saw this bullet, they knew that they were wrong and outrageous.

Because light is the wind brought by this bullet in action, it has made them dozens of meters away feel that there is a cool breeze blowing on their faces, which makes them feel pain. If this group of bullets are fired into the skin, the answer will no longer need to be guessed by this group of guys, because in front of them, the bullet has been shot into the stone, and the stone has also burst at the moment it was shot in.

Water is the softest thing in the world, but if you shoot it out at a high speed, you can use it to cut off metal. Obviously, the hardness of the stone is never lower than that of water. Therefore, if it is allowed to fly out at a high speed, then its power. Well, look at the faces of the guys we were attacked by it now, and we will know.

These poor people were so close to the stone that they suffered almost all the attacks after the stone burst. Their current situation is: seven orifices are bleeding, pores bursting, intestines are flowing, and brains are splashing. This is indeed a little exaggerated, but the current situation of these poor guys is indeed not much better than this.

The originator of this thing is also the only sniper of Luo Yun's current group: Conson, but at this time, he replaced the super bullet that had just been replaced: the explosive bomb, and then loaded with ordinary bullets. He aimed at that group of guys again, but it's not that he didn't want to use this kind of bullet. However, he only has three of these bullets.

Moreover, it costs 40% of his maximum physical strength to use a burst bomb, and once it is bucked, it will directly lead to his death. And now this group of guys has become like this, so in fact, no matter what kind of bullet you use, you can easily kill this group of guys.

Nobita also did not let go of this opportunity to kill these guys. He rushed directly to these poor people and was obviously ready to kill them directly. However, how can a B-level task be so simple? When he was only ten meters away from the group of guys, he was directly bounced out by a yellow light emitted around the group of guys.

And outside this yellow light, there is also a head of an unknown animal. This is the boss of the whole world, the head of the demon emperor. Twenty seconds after the yellow light appeared, the mouth of the head finally began to move: "Humble mortals, how dare you try to compete with me and hurt my friend. I want you to pay the price. Recover, my friend. Nadoka Samunia..."

After it finished saying these strange French words similar to spells, the reincarnations also received a hint: all the enemies who came to attack were blessed by the Demon Emperor, their bodies (i.e. physical strength, mental strength, vitality) returned to the best state, and all attributes were increased in an hour 2 0%, note: this state will only appear once.

After that, this group of guys finally came out of the yellow light, but they had more domineering and domineering that they had never had before. And this is the domineering that can be experienced from the demon emperor just now.

After seeing this group of guys come out, Nobita naturally rushed to this group of guys again. However, this time, he is no longer alone. Because behind him were companions of bamboo dragonflies copied by Doraemon with the replica mirror.

And when the demon leader saw the many soldiers behind Nobita, he naturally did not intend to pick so many, but ordered the soldiers under his hand to consume with these soldiers, and then when he killed these guys, he would come to help them. . Although this group of elephant demons did not have a high IQ, the only good thing was their loyalty was extremely high, so after hearing the leader's order, they rushed to Luo Yun and others crazily.

Originally, in such a chaotic battlefield, the optional skill of the reincarnation team: the fire can be called a magic skill. But on the other side, they are fighting at an altitude of almost 200 meters from the ground. In such a place, it is obviously impossible to have any combustible materials. Therefore, their skill has become a semi-waste skill at this time.

But the enemy's reincarnation seems to be like a fish in water. They guess they can easily fly freely in this place because of the power given to them by the Demon Emperor. Moreover, in their group, it seems that they are all reincarnations with raids as the main body. Because they can all hide in the void and then launch a raid on the enemy, they also give Luo Yun and others a headache.