reincarnation evolution

Chapter 6 Be careful when looking for a lady

After surviving in the doomsday for so long, Luo Yun naturally knows the importance of calming and sharpness. Otherwise, if you are angry at a critical moment, the consequences will be unimaginable. Murong Che saw that he said that harsh words, but Luo Yun's face was still as usual, and there was also a trace of appreciation in his eyes.

But soon, the admiration disappeared. Because in front of Murong Che, another man who looked humble but seemed quite tough handed Murong Che a *. Obviously, people like Luo Yun, who have not officially joined the Qiankun Fumo Club, are absolutely not as important as her, so Murong Che lowered his head.

However, Murong Che did not put Luo Yun next to him and ignored him, but called the man who had been given to her * on the ground before and asked him to help Luo Yun punch in Chaoge City. In the world of Sword 2, there are three main cities, namely: Jinling, Wadang and Chaoge. Among them, the monsters around Jinling are the strongest, followed by tiles, and Chaoge is the weakest.

That's why Chaoge City is also the most prosperous. And in the prosperous place, there will definitely be no shortage of Yanliu Lane. Although it is said that the universe will take it as its responsibility to eliminate all demons and protect the world. But because of this, the followers of the Qiankun Fumo Club have been struggling on the edge of life and death for a long time. In this case, they need to vent most to relieve their tense nerves.

In the process of walking, Luo Yun also knew that the name of the man next to him was cotton needle. Of course, this is not his real name, but because he is sinister and malicious, but he often shows people with a smiling face, so he got this nickname. But over time, shouting, he gradually got used to the name, and he forgot his original name.

Now, the cotton needle takes Luo Yun to the land of smoke and willows. But looking at his appearance, it seems that he is not only going to take Luo Yun alone, but more importantly, it seems that he wants to vent his desire. The desire in his eyes was not concealed. Perhaps he thought that there was no need to hide it so much in front of Luo Yun.

Luo Yun can naturally see the specific purpose of this man, but he doesn't break it, because now it is of no use except that it will be annoying. Will Luo Yun be willing to let Qiankun Fumo's favorability of him decrease? Of course, the answer is whether or not. After all, all the tasks he has to do in the future will be carried out here.

Naturally, Luo Yun followed the cotton needle and continued to go to those places of smoke and willows. Ten minutes later, in the east of the city, Fengxian Tower, "Oh, isn't this Lord Mian of the Voldemort Association? Why did you come to our Fengxian Tower so elegantly today?" A woman who seemed to be quite coquettish. After seeing the two new guests, her eyes suddenly glowed and rushed to Luo Yun and the cotton needle like a jack wolf.

Luo Yun didn't say anything, because there was a veteran next to him. After seeing a young lady rushing at him, the cotton needle took out a silver ticket from his pocket and said three words to the lady: "Stop." It's strange that the young lady who rushed forward like a dragon and tiger suddenly stopped after hearing this sentence. In this process, there was no withdrawal, no retreat, and some stopped abruptly.

However, at this time, the lady was less than 1 meter away from the cotton needle, so the lady immediately stretched her hand forward quickly. He successfully pulled back the 20 taels of silver ticket in the hand of the cotton needle. Then he smiled and said to the two, "You two, are you here?" This sentence is very subtle, but as long as you are not a fool, you will generally understand the meaning of this sentence.

The answer to this sentence is no longer the cotton needle, but Luo Yun, who has always been inconspicuous. After hearing what the young lady said, he immediately replied, "Guess." After hearing this, the smile on the lady's face was deeper. Immediately, she took Luo Yun's arm, because she also found that Luo Yun was much better than the cotton needle of the Qiankun Fumo Club.

At least, he can say such a playful thing. Unlike the cotton needle, she has never given any extra tips except for venting, desire, and the young ladies. Luo Yun did not disappoint the lady. He took out a silver ticket printed with 100 on the front, but on the back was a silver ticket printed with the logo of the reincarnation space that could not be seen by anyone other than reincarnation.

There is no doubt that this silver ticket is a masterpiece of reincarnation space. And Luo Yun is now holding this flower that everyone loves and stuffing it into the deep saint peak of Buddha that not everyone loves. After seeing this tip that was almost worth accompanying customers four or five times, the smile on his face became sweeter, and his hand holding Luo Yun became stronger.

The cotton needle seemed to be slightly deeply touched after seeing Luo Yun's behavior, so he also learned it in a way. Later, the cotton needle also found that this trick was quite effective. It is said that since then, there has been a man who spends a lot of money in a place similar to a modern nightclub.

Luo Yun obviously would not have thought that an unintentional move could create a prodigal son, but in fact, even if he really knew. I guess he just said with a faint smile, "Everything is doomed." These are actually things in the future, and now, Luo Yun is pulling an expression**, a woman with spring in the corners of her eyes, going to do some comfortable exercises.

But after entering the box, the woman who seemed to be extremely** suddenly changed her face. And her hand also lit up a chilly light, and this cold light also stabbed Luo Yun's abdomen. After seeing the almost stunned look on Luo Yun's face, a trace of regret also appeared in the woman's eyes.

But when it was about 10CM away from Luo Yun's abdomen, the speed of the woman's bayonet suddenly stopped.

It stops abruptly, but it gives people a natural feeling. Just like stabbing a stone with a knife, it is extremely smooth at the beginning (piercing the air), but it is difficult to go deep after touching the stone. There are no stones in front of Luo Yun, but he is equipped with his own skills. The cloud shield that comes with the cloud ring is not a joke.

Although the evaluation of this skill is just B-, the woman used is just an ordinary attack. Expect an ordinary attack to easily break the B-level shield, unless the woman's strength is 100 points or even higher. Obviously, no matter how you look at it, this woman is an agile expert. Therefore, her strength is naturally not as high as that.

And the woman did not look surprised to see that her attack could not continue to go deeper. Instead, he changed an angle and stabbed Luo Yun's throat. But in the same way, when it was about 10cm near Luo Yun's throat, the woman's attack was stopped again. And the reason why she is still like this is naturally because of the cloud shield.

Although the name of the cloud shield is shield, in fact, it is more appropriate to call it a cloud shield or a 360-degree super shield without dead angle. Because its defense range is all areas within 10cm of the performer, even above and underground. After seeing that her attack failed again, a trace of surprise was revealed in the woman's look.

However, there is only surprise, and there is no other emotion such as fear. And the woman also stepped back, poured the internal force of her whole body into the tip of the knife, and then stabbed Luo Yun a little faster than backward. The power carried by this knife also made Luo Yun dare not hold it big, so Luo Yun also took out something with black light from his personal space.

That is, a shield, a black shield.