reincarnation evolution

Chapter 8 Life and Death

When Luo Yun opened the box, he was also shocked by the contents. Because in this, it is not the equipment props, gold and silver that Luo Yun thought of before, but more than a dozen silver tickets with a face value of at least one hundred. Under these silver tickets, there is also a card, and the weight of this box is basically all on this card.

The card is cube, very thin and not too big (you can imagine that Samsung galaxy3 is roughly the same size. But it's a little thinner than it.) These are nothing special, but this card is all a strange red. The reason why it is strange is that the red color shown on this card is really too red, just like blood.

And inside the red, there seems to be a faint golden glow flowing through. But when you look carefully, it seems to be blue, and when you look at it again, it seems to be black, which can be said to be extremely strange. Well, young man, the money in that cloth bag will be used to reimburse your expenses these days. As for that card, it is a tool for us to contact in the future.

After saying this sentence, without waiting for Luo Yun to give a response, the cotton needle has ordered several people to clean the room. And Luo Yun has nothing to ask now, and he sees that the traces he has made have been cleaned. Then he opened the window, turned over the window and went out.

At this time, it was seven o'clock in the evening. In ancient times, it was already very late. Most people fell asleep at five o'clock or even earlier. But for those rich people, this is just the beginning of nightlife. Therefore, if Luo Yun dares to go out of the door and does not put his arms to a young lady, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of some people.

If you turn out from the window, there will be no such burden. After all, this night, not to mention, this is in such a place. Both men and women will only look down. Of course, women look at pockets and men look at skirts. In this case, they probably won't look up.

Therefore, in addition to security, it is much better to turn over the window than to go outside. However, even if Luo Yun really fell from the window, it is estimated that it is only a little skin injury at most. However, when Luo Yun really climbed out of the window and kept climbing up, he suddenly felt a piercing cold on his back.

That feeling is like someone suddenly sprinkled a cup of cold water just taken from the refrigerator on your back after a 10,000-meter long run. This feeling only existed for a moment and has disappeared with the wind. But Luo Yun is so dangerous, so he naturally remembers this feeling.

However, Luo Yun did not look around, because he knew that since the other party could make him so scared, his strength must be extremely strong. At least it's okay to kill himself, and since this person didn't do so, it means that he may not be interested in killing himself.

If you look around to annoy this big man, and then let him use his great magic power to give himself directly, it's not worth the loss. Luo Yun also accelerated his speed and climbed up. At the same time, in a taboo place in the reincarnation space, a figure like a ten-thousand-year stone sculpture slowly opened his eyes and said, "Finally, it appeared."

After climbing to the top of this Fengxian Building, Luo Yun looked down at the earth. Then he took a few breaths. To be honest, the air in such a high place is generally very thin. But for some reason, the air here is so fresh and full of the pleasant smell of life.

Yes, it is the smell of life. The air here seems to have its own life. Taking a sudden breath, it seems that his whole body is full of strength. If the old man takes a breath, he may have the feeling of returning to his youth. Luo Yun also slowly lay down and quietly looked at the stars hanging in the sky.

The bright moonlight shone down, illuminating a piece of land and Luo Yun's heart. What are you fighting for over the years? Is it a relationship or a bond? Yes, what is it? What is it? With such an idea, Luo Yun slowly fell asleep and slept very sweetly. The corners of Luo Yun's mouth seemed to leave some crystal **.

The next morning, nine o'clock. Luo Yun woke up, even though it was nine o'clock now, but in fact, Luo Yun did not wake up naturally. Instead, it was woken up by the noise below. Because it was too prosperous, there were hawkers rushing to set up stalls at four o'clock in the morning in Chaoge City, so it can be said that the shouting has been sounded from four o'clock to now.

Moreover, as the number of people increases, the shouting naturally becomes louder and louder. In this open and noisy situation, Luo Yun can still sleep until nine o'clock. I have to say that this time he slept really heavy and died. But in fact, if the shouts of those hawkers alone may still not wake up Luo Yun, the real reason why Luo Yun gets up.

is a crowd gathered together, as dense as ants. Of course, this alone can't wake up Luo Yun, but this group of people not only gathered together, but also shouted repeatedly. The sound made by so many people also made Luo Yun's eardrums a little painful, and naturally he woke up.

The reason why these people gathered together was the two figures standing on the wall of Chaoge, just like the two figures in the duel between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue. This place is quite far from Luo Yun's position at this time, but Luo Yun's eyes as a reincarnation can still see the specific appearance of the two.

One of them is wearing red clothes and a hat on his head, while he hangs an emerald green Tang knife on his waist. The other is in sharp contrast to him, because he is wearing a snow-white gown and holding a fan in his hand, a fan that seems to break easily.

This fan also makes the whole person full of a taste of walking around the world. After seeing the dress of these two people, Luo Yun also had an answer to their identities. The man dressed in red should be Qiu Hongye, who is at the same level as Yundingtian and even a little stronger than him, and the man with a handsome gentleman's style should only be regarded as a moderate Zuo Tian Cheng among the heroes.

This was originally a duel without a doubt, and the power gap between the two sides can be said to be adults and babies. But a battle with such an amazing power gap has attracted so many people to stop and watch. The reason is that this is a life-and-death battle. Moreover, the applicant for the life-and-death battle is Zuo Tiancheng.

The life-and-death battle is a very terrible fighting contract in the world of Sword 2, which is the fate of the universe as the notary. Moreover, in this fighting contract, both sides can use various weapons at will, and this so-called weapon even includes some hidden weapons.

The applicant must not only pay 10,000 taels of silver as a deposit, but also be an internal member of the Qiankun Fumo Association. Of course, this life-and-death battle must also be extremely fair. After all, the one standing behind the contract is the universe. Such an organization that gathers many good hands in the world, even the emperor dares not provoke it.

This contract does not mean that it cannot be refused, but once it is rejected, it will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in reputation, and it is not impossible to be despised by thousands of people. After thinking of the other party's weak strength, Qiu Hongye thought of the embarrassing situation after her refusal, and directly accepted Zuo Tiancheng's duel invitation.

Zuo Tiancheng is actually not an idiot. Naturally, he will not send out such a duel invitation for no reason.