reincarnation evolution

Chapter 12 The Practice of Internal Force

Luo Yun is hard, and he is shamefully hard. But Luo Yun is a normal man, so he doesn't like to be seen that his bottom is hard, and the gown he is wearing now to integrate into this society can easily let people see that his bottom is hard. So Luo Yun was inhaling, and he wanted to soften this thing.

But this thing doesn't make it soft when he wants to become soft, not to mention that Luo Yun's mind continues to show the picture that is inappropriate for children at this time. Cut it." Luo Yun came up with this idea, but soon, he wanted to slap himself. How can you raise your head in front of the group of animals after cutting this thing?

"There seems to be only one way." Luo Yun sighed secretly that he closed this picture that was not suitable for children. After ten seconds, it finally softened. Luo Yun stood up and returned to the inn arranged for him by Voldemort. Then he called Xiao Er and told him not to disturb himself, so he took off his trousers, and the red-faced scene came to his mind.

Then, Luo Yun put his hand in the most precious place of each man, and then put it up and down. For a long time, accompanied by a voice: "Ah..." Luo Yun shot. Of course, this "ah" is definitely not what he shouted, but the touching moan of Murong Che, who has been floating and blushed like an apple (isn't this chapter a little yellow... It won't be deleted.

Luo Yun looked at his sticky hands. Although this thing came from his own body, he still felt a little disgusted. So Luo Yun directly used the prop obtained from the previous world: the water pipe, which can create water without anyone, and the water produced can change the temperature and stop at will of the user.

The sticky ** was washed off, and Luo Yun's hand was cleaned again. Looking at the very neatly manicure hands, Luo Yun suddenly had an impulse to cry, "My hand is finally back." At this time, Luo Yun's door suddenly rang. With Luo Yun's ear, he naturally heard it, but he said directly, "Didn't I tell you? Don't come to me for anything."

"Hello, Mr. Luo, I'm Zuo Tiancheng." "The door opened." You are Mr. Zuo. Please come in and sit down. Would you like to have tea? I didn't expect Mr. Zuo to come over. I'm so sorry that I didn't prepare any good tea. After seeing Luo Yun like this, Zuo Tiancheng smiled at the corners of his mouth, but he did not doubt how Luo Yun knew his identity.

After all, although he is not a top strong man, he is not weak, at least he can be included in the position of heroes. What's more, his title of Zuo Tiancheng is to destroy flowers with a hot hand. I believe that the meaning behind this title can be understood as long as he is a person. Therefore, his portrait was also pasted all over the city. It was not until later that he joined the Qiankun Fumo Association, which could join as long as he was willing to eradicate demons.

What really made Zuo Tiancheng feel funny was that the previous man who suddenly appeared and said that he had a way to make him stronger now respects himself so much. Is the difference between people really bigger than that between people and pigs? Zuo Tiancheng then said to Luo Yun, "Mr. Luo, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm just following an old gentleman's intention to help you."

"Your sister, that's me." Of course, Luo Yun can only think about this sentence in his heart. If he really says it, a free hitman who has finally earned will definitely run away immediately. Therefore, Luo Yun also said directly, "I don't know which old gentleman has such great energy to ask a strong man like Mr. Zuo to help me."

"I'm sorry, because the old gentleman told me not to tell you his specific name in advance, just let me come to help you." Ha ha, right, should I thank the old gentleman or thank you, Mr. Zuo." Of course, it's the old gentleman. If it weren't for him, how could I come to help you?

I have to say that it seems that Luo Yun's previous words have made Zuo Tiancheng more confident and even a little conceited. Because he has always been a leader in helping Luo Yun, but he didn't expect that Luo Yun would always treat him as a pawn. However, Luo Yun was not angry after hearing Zuo Tiancheng's rather conceited words, but smiled:

"Yes, then I'll say goodbye." After saying that, Luo Yun actually knelt down to the window and kowtowed three times. At this time, Zuo Tiancheng's eyes also revealed a trace of appreciation. After all, it can also be seen from this that Luo Yun is a condescending person. Zuo Tiancheng came to help Luo Yun because he heard the old man he said before.

Although he has been prepared for this person to be an extremely arrogant person a few days ago, he still hopes that that person is a little measured, at least an ordinary person. And now the impression Luo Yun gave him also made Zuo Tiancheng very satisfied, so Zuo Tiancheng also said directly:

"I think the old gentleman would be very happy if he could see this scene." After hearing this, Luo Yun slowly got up and patted the dust on his knees. At the same time, he scolded secretly in his heart, "I'm glad that you are a bastard. I'm happy to kneel down and kowtow to yourself, you idiot."

Although he scolded Zuo Tiancheng all over his heart, he still said pleasantly, "Then I don't know what should I do if I need to contact Mr. Zuo in the future?" This sentence contains two meanings. One layer naturally requires him to give Luo Yun a future contact, and the second layer is undoubtedly to give an eviction order.

After hearing this sentence, Zuo Tiancheng was slightly angry in his eyes, but after thinking of the previous soul Luo Yun, he still took his anger back. Then he turned to hand over to Luo Yun a scroll engraved with strange secret text and said to Luo Yun, "This is the secret text scroll handed down from my left family. You only need to enter a little internal force inside to contact me."

After saying that, Zuo Tiancheng wanted to leave here to find a few girls to ecstasy. But Luo Yun said another sentence that made him collapse: "However, I don't know internal strength." After hearing this sentence, Zuo Tiancheng, who was already depressed and wanted to spit blood, directly put an internal force into Luo Yun's body and then turned around.

To be honest, the strength of reincarnation is mostly based on equipment, free attributes, and skills, and the internal force should belong to a special energy from the tips just put forward by the reincarnation space. In fact, when Luo Yun just got the scroll, the reincarnation space has also given a hint:

You have obtained Zuo Tiancheng's family scroll (1/2). Note that there is no special energy-internal force on your body, so you can't drive or use this scroll. Luo Yun undoubtedly has equipment, skills and free attributes, so it can also be seen from here that this so-called internal force should be another combat force away from the first three.

"Is that what Chen Xin wanted to tell me but couldn't say before?" If Chen Xin heard Luo Yun's voice at this time, he would definitely nod crazily. Because Luo Yun's conjecture is not wrong at all. In fact, every reincarnation will gain one or more special forces to strengthen himself when he enters this training task.

"If this is really the case, does it mean that the world difficulty you are going to experience next will be greatly increased?" From now to now, all the things Luo Yun thought of can be said to be correct, but it is still not comprehensive enough. Luo Yun then chose to answer the prompt sent when Zuo Tiancheng input an internal force into his body:

You got the story character: the power of the hot hand destroying Hua Zuo Tiancheng. You get a special energy - the incoming internal force, and all your attributes are increased by 2 points. You can now practice internal force. The higher the cultivation, the more attributes you will strengthen. Moreover, when you use skills that require internal force in the future, you will be more powerful and last longer.