reincarnation evolution

Chapter 33 Dawn Breaks through the Darkness

"Is there an error in the space?" Such an idea passed through Luo Yun's mind. Then, his eyes were full of surprise. Because the air around him was like a stone smashing into the water, with waves of ripples. And those plot characters, such as Yundingtian, Red Wolf, and even the Dragon, have mosaics floating on their bodies.

Luo Yun's eyes began to widen slowly, "What's going on?" Then, in Luo Yun's surprised eyes. These mosaics began to slowly become runes one by one, and at the same time they became characters, as well as those plot characters and dragons, and even the surrounding air. After less than ten seconds, Luo Yun's surroundings completely fell into darkness.

The degree of blackness easily reminds people of the most violent force in the whole universe: the black hole. However, Luo Yun did not care about the environmental problems around him. Instead, I thought of the plot characters who had just become runes. Is that what they really are? Yes, they are just some data composed of numbers. Wait, what am I?"

Luo Yun suddenly thought of a terrible thing. If the world is composed of data, does it mean that Luo Yun, who is constantly reincarnated in this world, is also purely composed of data? I'm afraid this sentence is difficult to understand, but figuratively speaking, it should be easy to understand.

In the real world, hackers rely on data when editing Trojan programs, right? So is it possible for them to directly stuff a person together with the body into this program? Of course, the answer is no. Although the strength of the reincarnation space is exaggerated, it is obviously impossible to expect it to stuff a person into some characters.

And the only possibility is that Luo Yun has also become data. Have I become some data? Hahaha..." Luo Yun laughed loudly. But in his laughter, there is sadness and desolation that ordinary people can't easily detect. Thinking about it, Luo Yun just thought that he had become a normal person in the past few days, but suddenly found that he had become some data.

Data the body mode, and it becomes some data. It sounds no different, but in fact, the data-based body pattern can be understood as transforming the strengthening of the body pattern into another standard and directly changing it into digital strengthening. And it has become data, which is almost the same as in those online game novels.

Wear a virtual helmet and enter a virtual world. When the body becomes data, it means that it completely becomes the character in the game. Did everything just happen when I was some data?" No." Luo Yun suddenly thought of an idea, an idea that made his bald heart start to revitalize.

"What if I didn't enter this world physically?" The reason why Luo Yun had this idea is that after he became a digital body, he remembered an animation that completely simulated consciousness: Sword Art Online.

This animation tells the story of the protagonist Kirito who entered a fully simulated consciousness game SAO (Sword Art Online) and had to fight for survival because of the obstruction of Akihiko Maoba, the creator of the world.

The consciousness experienced by the protagonist of this animation is almost equivalent to the body becoming some data, but the difference is that the protagonist enters the world through consciousness. If you also enter the world through consciousness. Well. No wonder." Luo Yun finally understood that in addition to the real space, reincarnation space and home space. Others may be virtual.

Luo Yun believes that the reason why the reincarnation world is a virtual world is naturally because this reincarnation world is completely constructed from data. The reason why Luo Yun thinks that the home world is also a virtual world is because of his previous talent breakthrough. The main reason is that the breakthrough was too strange. I just thought about my life and broke through my talent.

And the breakthrough is very abrupt, and there is no sign of it. If that place is a space of consciousness, then it is easy to understand, because what Luo Yun broke through at that time was talent. Luo Yun has actually asked about the activation method of this thing for a long time. The answer given by space is very simple, which is three words: pineal gland.

I don't think anyone will feel strange about this term. Of course, scientifically speaking, the pineal gland is just a small pineal endocrine gland at the top of the brain of a vertebrate. I won't tell you that this was made by Baidu, haha.) However, from the perspective of reincarnation space, the pineal gland is an important tool that can help the human potential explode.

The potential explosion in reincarnation space essentially refers to the explosion of human consciousness. In space, consciousness is believed to manipulate the body, or even above the body. Therefore, only the evolution of consciousness is the real evolution. Therefore, Luo Yun's talent evolved in the home world at that time, and he thought it was only consciousness. His body did not change at all.

As for the physical quality of the reincarnation in the real world, it is because the reincarnation space is constantly stimulating the pineal glands of the reincarnation and constantly inputting the lens of the reincarnation in the reincarnation space. Then promote the explosion of reincarnation's potential. After Luo Yun thought of these things, a glimmer of light began to appear slowly. It was very weak and seemed to disappear with the wind immediately.

But Luo Yun looked at this beam of bright eyes, but the people who wanted to stay in the desert for a month suddenly saw a water source, so hungry and thirsty. Then, the light began to slowly become bigger. And the darkness has begun to slowly fall off. Darkness is about to pass and the dawn is coming. Somehow, this idea suddenly came to Luo Yun's mind.

I don't know how long it took, in the seemingly endless darkness. Luo Yun didn't know the time, but the light finally replaced the darkness. What appeared in front of Luo Yun was the sky, the dragon, and the red wolf that kept roaring, which made him feel extremely kind. At this time, a hint also came from the space:

The space repair program is over, and the order has returned to normal. At the same time, Luo Yun also received space call requests from real space. And the person shown above is No. 656848. The owner of this number is the first person Luo Yun knows in the whole reincarnation space and the first teammate, Chen Xin.

"When has this guy been so generous?" Luo Yun frowned, because Chen Xin has always been very stingy, and the cost of sending a space call request from the real space to the reincarnation space is not very high. In any case, this is not like Chen Xin's style. Well, that can only explain one thing.

That's what Chen Xin wants to tell Luo Yun next, but I'm afraid it will be very urgent. Sure enough, when Luo Yun accepted Chen Xin's communication request. Luo Yun's mind sounded a familiar but angry voice. I have to say that the reincarnation space is indeed a magical place, which can actually make the sound ring in the mind.

But in fact, the reason is also very simple. That's because this is a communication of consciousness. Head, have you received a prompt from the space that the space is disordered and the program will be repaired automatically?

"Yes, what's wrong?" Luo Yun was also shocked after hearing what Chen Xin said. But he still keeps reminding himself to stay calm, otherwise, he is likely to miss some important news. Head, listen to me, what you encountered this time may be a virus invasion. You should be careful. Dudu.

indicates that after the sound of hanging up comes. Hey, what's going on? Hello." Is it a violation of the taboo of space again? Luo Yun couldn't help but think of this idea. At this time, he received another call request from the real space. But this time, it's not No. 656848.