reincarnation evolution

Chapter 44 has been introduced

"A smile." Everyone couldn't help but think of this idea. This sentence should have been used to describe a beautiful woman, but it was also appropriate for Lu Jiayi. Tall, rich and handsome are scarce at any time, just like white, rich and beautiful. If a rich white beauty keeps smiling at a loser, the loser's reaction...

Naturally, a real pure-bred, rich and handsome man like Lu Jiayi is also a fan. After that, Lu Jiayi also said to the crowd, "I don't know if you have any comments on the service of the store." This sentence can be said to be very humble, but based on Lu Jiayi's previous performance, no one is saying anything dissatisfied.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Lu Jiayi's face also showed a trace of satisfaction. Then he also said, "If there is anything wrong with the service of the store in the future, please feel free to tell me that the store will strictly correct it." It must be." Everyone echoed. Obviously, this sentence should be Lu Jiayi's attitude to bow very much, but now it has completely fallen.

It can be seen that Lu Jiayi's high status in the eyes of everyone really makes people feel ashamed. After hearing everyone's words, Lu Jia turned around and walked back to the room where she was. Looking at his back, the look on everyone's faces was also very wonderful. Some envy Lu Jiayi's chicness, while others despise his pretending to be X.

The faces of some martial arts chivalrous women show some admiration. Ah, Honger, let go. It hurts, it hurts me so much." A pig-killing voice sounded from a room on the second floor of this inn, and this room performed a scene of human tragedy. A Qianyu put his hand on Lu Jiayi's ear, but this action was not as soft as his hand.

This hand suddenly turned the ear in the hand into an S-shaped shape. Humph, tell me, are those foxes underneath having an affair with you?" No, absolutely not." Lu Jiayi's face was full of bitter words. He, who was originally chic, had been forced to look like this, and the reason was because of the man who was twisting his ears.

Lu Jiayi's concubine, Honger. That is, the previous beauty in yellow, this woman has always been a very violent image. And her personality is also extremely the same as the image she shows. Except for being very gentle to Lu Jiayi in front of outsiders, she is a violent woman at other times. Sometimes, Lu Jiayi can't wait to divorce her.

I have to say that Lu Jiayi is very inclined to be a small beneficiary. Every time he was beaten by Honger, Lu Jiayi cried bitterly and wanted to divorce this woman. However, when I just wanted to write a divorce book, I couldn't write it down. Of course, it is also possible that they really love each other very much. As the saying goes, beating is kissing and scolding is love.

"Puff." Lu Jiayi's other concubine, Cuier, a beautiful woman in white, couldn't help laughing after seeing Lu Jiayi's expression at this time. To be honest, it's funny for a rich and handsome man like Lu Jiayi to occasionally show such a bitter expression. Therefore, although this is not the first live performance of domestic violence, Cui'er still feels very funny.

"How can it be? I saw you flirting with those foxes with my own eyes." I don't have it." Lu Jiayi is about to cry. I still don't admit that I saw it with my own eyes. After saying that, Honger increased the strength of her hand again. Suddenly, the sound of killing pigs came out again. Fortunately, because Honger had been worried that Lu Jiayi's ghost cry would attract other people to watch.

Therefore, Honger has set up a sound insulation boundary in advance, so no one else has heard this heartbreaking sound. During the domestic violence, Luo Yun also received a letter. In fact, strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be a letter. It is the biography of flying pigeons, but this flying pigeon is different from those flying pigeons in martial arts movies.

This flying pigeon has no wings. And, more importantly, this so-called letter is this flying pigeon. Of course, it is not that this flying pigeon is a piece of paper, but because this flying pigeon contains powerful energy. And it was this energy that made the flying pigeon fly and come all the way here. Not only that, there is also a message on this flying pigeon.

After Luo Yun entered an internal force, the content of the message contained in the energy of this flying pigeon suddenly also appeared. The content is very simple, only three words. It has been introduced. After seeing these three words, a smile also appeared at the corners of Luo Yun's mouth. Because he already knows who is the owner of this flying pigeon. There is no doubt that this person is the top of the sky.

The meaning contained in these three words is also very easy to understand. That is, Yundingtian has successfully used the two splits to lead a group of internal traitors originally belonging to Wadang City to that place. When Luo Yun first saw the flying pigeon, he did not doubt that the flying pigeon was forcibly sent by the traitor.

But the hint given by the reincarnation space made Luo Yun completely dispel the idea, and the hint given by the space is that you accept the message from the plot character: Yundingtian. The specific content of the message can be viewed using special energy-internal forces. The reincarnation space is very normal most of the time except occasionally. Therefore, the accuracy of this prompt does not need to be considered too much.

However, it seems that the training requirements of space for reincarnation have taken to another level. Because if Luo Yun receives any message at the beginning, it will be accepted by space, and the content of the message will be presented in front of the reincarnation. But now, it is the initiative to ask the reincarnation to use that special energy to observe the information. Why is it like this?

This idea couldn't help but come to Luo Yun's mind. In fact, this was originally a good thing to guess. After all, the reincarnation is strong, so of course, it is impossible to raise him like a good baby in the future. It's like the gap between the training of a new recruit and the training of a special forces soldier. The gap in strength determines this.

However, Luo Yun remembered the two words Chen Xin said to Ying before. The virus invaded the space, although Luo Yun successfully took out the stand-in Yundingtian and killed him. But Luo Yun was willing to believe that the virus only had such a little power. Imagine that in modern society, the power of panda burning incense is obvious to all.

If you don't change a machine or completely replace the hardware, then this computer will probably be useless. Since the power of this virus can invade the reincarnation space, its power should not be weaker than that of pandas burning incense. Therefore, it is not impossible if the virus causes some disturbances to the reincarnation space and causes some confusion.

Luo Yun is not the kind of worried person. He just thought of these things to remind himself. In order to prevent yourself from encountering such a thing later, then there is always a preparation. And Luo Yun then put his mind on the content of this message.

To be honest, the content of this message still surprised Luo Yun. Because he really didn't expect that those traitors would be so stupid.