reincarnation evolution

Chapter 48 Bloodless Monkey

Men's natural enemies are women, and women's natural enemies are cockroaches. I don't know which god said this sentence, but saying this sentence shows that the god must have a full understanding of women. For example, now, Qiu Yexiang is scared by several huge cockroaches rushing over. Of course, this cockroach is not a cockroach, but a few monkeys, several monkeys walking on only two legs.

Although Qiu Yexiang's title is a guillocer, and she did confirm the heads of many people. It's just a group of people. She has never seen many of these ferocious monsters. Naturally, it is normal to have some fear in her heart. However, she is a warrior, a warrior with strong strength. As a warrior, her heart is absolutely enough.

So soon, the autumn leaf fragrance recovered. Then he quickly rushed to the monkey closest to her, and in the process of running, he suddenly formed remnants. This shows how fast the autumn leaves are. The knife light appeared, and a monkey fell down, and a visible bone blood stain appeared on the monkey's neck.

Qiu Yexiang took back her Tang knife, and then looked at the blood stains caused by her knife waving like a work of art. The backhand knife pulled out, and suddenly, a monkey that was going to sneak up on her fell down. Why, there is no blood." Qiu Yexiang looked at the scar she had caused. It was so horrible, but not a drop of blood came out. Could it be..."

Qiu Yexiang seemed to think of a possibility that she wanted to say it to Luo Yun and others. But one hand, a big hand covered with black fluff, pinched the delicate neck of autumn leaves. " click." The big hand broke Qiu Yexiang's neck hard, and the owner of this big hand was a ferocious monkey. It's just when it just cut off the neck of Qiu Yexiang.

The monkey's neck was also cut by a knife that seemed to cut through the world. Suddenly, a head full of black hair rolled down its neck. And behind it, Qiu Yexiang also slowly took back the Tang knife in her hand. However, her eyes looked at Luo Yun. His eyes are also full of gratitude.

To be honest, if Luo Yun hadn't arranged a mirror person for her this time, Qiu Yexiang would have really died this time. In fact, the reason why Qiu Yexiang was able to avoid the attack of the monster just now is that the person who had been attacking before was not her body, but the replicator copied by Luo Yun with a copy mirror. And this replicator also copied all the strengths of Qiu Yexiang.

Of course, this prop cannot be copied indefinitely. Otherwise, copy hundreds of thousands of autumn leaves, so it's not like playing to kill the spiritual wisdom. In fact, this prop only copies one person at most once. Moreover, the damage suffered by the replicator is 400% of the damage it usually receives. Therefore, this replicator can only be used as cannon fodder at most.

However, at least it saved my life. Therefore, it is also normal for Qiu Yexiang to be grateful to Luo Yun. After solving the problem of the two monkeys, Qiu Yexiang suddenly rushed forward and smashed the head of a monkey with a groundbreaking knife. As expected, blood did not spewed out, and even there was no brain in the monkey's head.

With a backhand knife, Qiu Yexiang smashed the head of a monkey behind him who was preparing to attack him. However, there is still no blood flowing out. In Qiu Yexiang's eyes, Luo Yun, who was fighting with several monkeys not far away, was suddenly smashed by a monkey who rushed from behind, like a watermelon when it was knocked down by a hammer. Suddenly, the brain splashed.

"No." Qiu Yexiang shouted in her heart, but she did not disturb her emotions. Because she is also in a very dangerous state now. If the calm mind is disturbed by some emotions now, then Qiu Yexiang can be said to be dead. Pa." The crisp slap sounded, and Qiu Yexiang felt the hot pain in her face.

However, she didn't see the person who slapped her in the face. Because several monkeys around her have been almost cleaned up by her. Have you forgotten your brother?" This sentence sounded like thunder in the ears of Qiu Yexiang. Suddenly, Qiu Yexiang opened her eyes. In fact, her eyes were also open just now, but in another world.

That world is beautiful and terrible. That world is called the fantasy world. Some people also like to call it a dream world. How come? Why are you still alive? Qiu Yexiang looked at Luo Yun, who was "resurred from the dead" in front of her with some surprise. What did you say? I'm not dead at all. Luo Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart that good people don't have good retribution.

He worked hard to wait for Qiu Yexiang to wake up, and even slapped her in the face. It was not until the end that he thought, "Have you forgotten your brother?" This sentence. Only then did he successfully wake up Qiu Yexiang. But I just saw that you had been killed by several monkeys." Huh? What else did you see?" I saw that you were dead. Every monkey didn't bleed after being killed by me.

It's okay to hear the former. After all, Luo Yun knew that it was this woman who misunderstood. But after hearing the following words, Luo Yun felt his scalp numb. What does it mean that there is not a drop of blood left after being killed? Can't this woman speak more gently? However, now Luo Yun has not come up with the mood of expressing inappropriate words in her language.

But he said to her with a very serious and serious attitude: "You know, you fell into a coma just after killing the first monkey. Fortunately, Brother Yun finally reacted quickly to save you. Whether it is Yundingtian, Yang Qing, Zuo Tiancheng or Lu Jiayi, they can be said to be masters in martial arts, although these monkeys are said to be soldiers guarding the country's gold and steel.

The actual strength will certainly not be too weak, but it is still not enough in front of this group of martial arts pros. Therefore, after Luo Yun said this, he also killed all these monkeys. And the blue protective film that originally prevented everyone from entering the location of Guojin Steel has also disappeared. "How long have I been in a coma?" Qiu Yexiang suddenly asked this question that seemed to be a bull's head and a horse's mouth.

However, Luo Yun still replied, "Let's do a fragrant kung fu." After hearing Luo Yun's words, the worries contained in Qiu Yexiang's eyes have also disappeared. In fact, Luo Yun knew what this woman was worried about. Obviously, she was worried that she would be in a coma for too long and would drag her back. At this time, several people finally came to the front of two people.

After seeing the movements of the two people at this time, their hearts were like overturned five-flavor bottles, and various emotions could not help but appear. Yundingtian: "Beast." Yang Qing: "Animals." Lu Jiayi: "It's so rude." Zuo Tiancheng: "Let me do it." And the reason is that Qiu Yexiang was holding Luo Yun's hand tightly at this time. It seems that in the dream before, this woman regarded Luo Yun as her brother.