reincarnation evolution

Chapter 50 The rise of holding the national gold steel

It's not just Qiu Yexiang. After seeing that the guy holding Guojingang could no longer move, everyone began to attack desperately. Fans flew to the head holding Guojingang like butterflies. This was Zuo Tiancheng's attack, and the butterfly sought incense. A fan-shaped flame shock wave came out of the mouth of a man who had just drunk.

The high temperature formed by the flame suddenly solidified the air around Zhiguo Jingang, and the skin of Zhiguo Jingang was also burned by the flame. Sound, this is Yang Qing's attack: the overlord gives wine. Ah." Holding Guojin Steel couldn't help roaring. The pain of being burned by the flames was really unbearable, although the skin of Holding Guojin Steel was as strong as steel.

But that doesn't mean he can't feel pain. After all, the temperature of the flame spit out by Yang Qing is by no means comparable to ordinary flames. Normal people generally get used to constantly twisting their bodies after being attacked, because this can relieve their pain. However, now the body holding Guojin Steel can be said to be almost controlled by Yundingtian.

And it can't move now, and the pain it suffers can also be imagined. Therefore, shouting such a sentence can't say how fragile its heart is. It can only be said that the pain is too strong. In fact, after these two waves of attacks, there were several other attacks. A whip was constantly beating the legs holding the national gold steel, and the whip came down with some flesh and blood.

And this is one of Lu Jiayi's concubines, Hong'er's attack. Lightning appeared on the head of Zhiguo Jingang, and suddenly, the whole body of Zhiguo Jingang was numb. This is one of Lu Jiayi's concubines, Cui'er's attack. Lu Jiayi, on the side, kept throwing darts at the body holding the national gold steel.

This move doesn't seem to be very powerful, but everyone noticed it. Those darts lost by Lu Jia were directly integrated into the body of Guo Jingang. This does not mean that the dart pierces its body, but is like the complete integration of ice melting in water. It seems that the two of them are one. As for Luo Yun, he picked up the trial and first gave Zhiguo Jingang a few negative states.

Immediately, he directly used the equipment's own skill: wind and clouds. Suddenly, Luo Yun also turned into a sudden wind and ran towards the national gold and steel. All this is quite long, but because everyone competes for time to output, it can be said that they basically attacked at the same time, so the time has not passed for a long time.

At this time, Yundingtian has just reached the shoulder of holding the national gold steel. Then, Yundingtian jumped up again and then punched the head holding Guojin Steel. P pounding." It is hard to imagine that the physical attack on the body can make such a dull sound, but Yundingtian's attack did not end because of the end of this punch.

After he punched this punch, he gently turned back. Once again, he stood on the shoulder of holding Guojingang, punched out one punch, and Yundingtian's fist kept falling on the face of holding Guojingang. Suddenly, the color of blue and purple appeared on the big head holding Guojin Steel. Of course, Luo Yun's attack was not interrupted.

Pain and humiliation, this is the feeling of holding Guojin Steel at this time. As a King Kong messenger, when did he think that he would be so humiliated one day? So many people are attacking themselves together. Another person ran to his shoulder and looked at his face. More importantly, it can't fight back. Roar."

Holding Guo Jingang began to roar, and its voice was full of anger. And Yundingtian's attack on its shoulder has finally ended, although Yundingtian can still stand on the shoulders of Guojingang to attack it. However, because the duration of the capture technique has disappeared, it is now possible to hold the national gold steel.

And now attacking this guy, his output ability is weaker than one at the beginning. Therefore, Yundingtian jumped down from the shoulder of Guojingang, like a light swallow. The demon retreated. Holding Guo Jingang suddenly shouted such a sentence after seeing the little reptile-like human leaving his shoulder.

It immediately took down the pipa it had been holding, and then held Guojingang and pressed it hard on it with his huge finger. At this time, a blade shot like a sharp sword flew towards everyone. The blade is very big. If everyone stands together horizontally, then this blade alone can definitely attack all people.

However, no matter who wants to be beaten for no reason. Therefore, the crowd dispersed and avoided this attack. Roar." Zhiguo Jingang roared again, and then pressed it hard on the pipa with its huge finger. However, what appeared this time was not the blade of light.

But a stone falling from the sky. It is worth mentioning that the first person to notice this matter was not Yundingtian, the strongest, but Luo Yun, the weakest. Luo Yun has played the game Sword 2 anyway, and he used to play FB. Naturally, the understanding of those boss skills is far from comparable to others.

After seeing that Zhiguo Jingang had obviously pressed the pipa hard, but after there was no light blade as at the beginning, Luo Yun had already thought of this possibility. Therefore, he also directly said his guess to the crowd. The stone summoned by Zhiguo Jingang gives people a great deterrent, because its size is a little too large, which is basically equivalent to a modern small car.

With such a huge volume, the quality of the stone can also be imagined. Although the people present are strong, they are flesh and blood after all. If they superimpose internal forces on their bodies, their physical endurance may be very strong, but now they are very weak. Such a big stone falls from the sky and hits a person's head, then this person will definitely die.

As for internal strength, there is no doubt that more internal strength is accumulated now, and the victory of the subsequent war will be guaranteed. Otherwise, if the internal force can't keep up with the supply in the subsequent battle, it's like not being able to do logistical work on the battlefield. It can be said that this battle is bound to lose. Moreover, it is more likely to put them in danger.

Therefore, after hearing what Luo Yun said, everyone was ready and easily dodged the attack of the stone. No one used internal force to resist in order to deliberately be handsome.