reincarnation evolution

Chapter 52 Cerberus

"Are you calling me?" In fact, the sentence asked by Luo Yun can be said to be very idiotic, because when he said this sentence, the hell three-headed dog was staring at Luo Yun affectionately with his pair of real non-pure gold dog eyes. If you are stared at by a beautiful woman with this kind of eyes, then Luo Yun will certainly be very happy and even a little proud.

But the key is that this hell three-headed dog is not a beautiful woman. It is not even a female dog. Hearing Luo Yun's words, there was also some sadness in the eyes of the hell three-headed dog, but it immediately said to Luo Yun, "Yes, master." To be honest, there is a sad look on the face of such a dog that may look handsome in dogs.

It's not disgusting. Maybe it's a little cute to girls and think it's humane. However, Luo Yun was a little unacceptable, so he immediately said to him, "What's your name?" To be honest, an owner doesn't even know the name of his pet. This is definitely an incompetent owner, because the name of the pet is usually named by the owner.

"Name?" After hearing the two words given by Luo Yun, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the hell three-headed dog. It seems that it doesn't know what the word means at all. Go to hell, you demons." Zhiguo Jingang was also a little angry when he saw that the other party completely ignored him. What really makes people angry is not necessarily abuse, but ignoring.

Therefore, Guo Jingang suddenly bounced the pipa in his hand. In a moment, several blades of light also flew to Luo Yun. Because it has been seen that this man is the most threatening existence. From this, it can also be seen that Zhiguo Jingang did not directly lose his mind at this time, but chose to attack the existence with the greatest threat first.

When they saw these light blades flying towards Luo Yun, other people were more or less worried. As strong as them, how can they not see the fragility of Luo Yun himself? Therefore, he also wanted to help Luo Yun resist the power of the light blade, but Luo Yun shook his head and motioned them not to come over. Luo Yun's words have always been quite heavy in this small group.

So after seeing Luo Yun's movements, others naturally did not continue to come here. In fact, Luo Yun did not do this to be handsome. The reason why he gave up the help of those plot characters was that he wanted to test the accuracy of his ideas. He wanted to know whether the general strength of these summons was as he thought.

The strength will be enhanced in the face of plot characters like Guojingang, but it will be weakened in the face of reincarnations. In the eyes of others, it is stupid to gamble on your life for such a trivial matter. However, this has an indelible effect on the future development of the reincarnation team.

If it really doesn't work, Luo Yun still has such an object as a real time machine. And when these light blades flew across, the hell three-headed dog was still meditating because of what Luo Yun said earlier. Therefore, only the bull's head and horse's face are resisting now. However, after seeing the movements of the two guys, Luo Yun's face changed a little.

That change is exciting, but mixed with worry. The movements of the two guys, Niutou and Mamen, casually clicked a few times in the void. These seemingly powerful blades dissipated in the wind. It is easy to understand that the strength of such a powerful summoner makes Luo Yun excited. But the worry is still because of their strong strength.

Luo Yun is not worried that the strength of these two guys is too strong and may rebel. There is room for reincarnation, and their loyalty absolutely does not need to be considered. Even if their strength is a hundred times stronger, they will still be loyal to Luo Yun. In fact, Luo Yun is worried about the checks and balances of space.

These two guys are so strong in dealing with the enemy in the plot, and the reincarnation space advocates balance. So does it mean that its strength will be weakened to a certain level when dealing with reincarnations? On the one hand, it's good to specialize. At worst, you don't have to fight with reincarnations in the future. Luo Yun couldn't help comforting himself in his heart.

I have to say that the spirit of Q is easily contagious. Previously, Zuo Tiancheng had just owned this kind of thing. Before he covered the heat, he had already infected Luo Yun like SARS. After that, Luo Yun also turned his eyes to the battlefield where fierce battles were taking place. Cerberus." After hearing these four words given by Luo Yun, the hell three-headed dog was also shocked.

Then he looked at Luo Yun, with confusion and doubt in his eyes. Is this my name? So familiar. It turns out that my name is Cerberus. When saying this, the tone of the hell three-headed dog has a trace of nostalgia, as if it had been called a long time ago. That's right," Luo Yun couldn't help thinking.

In Western myths and legends, the real name of Hell's three-headed dog is Cerberus. Since it came to this world through reincarnation space, most of the prototype of space is taken from the real world. Therefore, the name of the Hell's three-headed dog should remain unchanged. Master, thank you." After saying this, Cerberus immediately stretched out his huge tongue.

It seems to be greedy for Luo Yun's beauty and wants to roll its tongue around Luo Yun's body. Luo Yun didn't want to be inexplicably covered with its saliva by a dog, so he suddenly said to Cerberus, "Xiao Ke, I wonder if you should help the two of them now, at least kill the orangutan." Yes, master."

As Luo Yun's pet, Cerberus is relatively obedient. After hearing Luo Yun's words, he immediately rushed to Zhiguo Jingang. Its blood basin mouth also opened in the process of rushing to Zhiguo Jingang, revealing the fangs inside. Wait, everyone, let them solve this battle. Luo Yun was eager to try and was ready to rush up to fight with a group of plot characters who held Guo Jingang.

"But..." Qiu Yexiang was going to say something, but Luo Yun directly interrupted her: "Believe me, they will succeed in killing this guy." Luo Yun's words revealed incomparable self-confidence. Suddenly, everyone had no idea of rushing to the end. And after seeing the big dog rushing towards him.

Holding Guo Jingang can't help but feel a headache. To be honest, these two monsters have made themselves a great threat. But if you continue to fight, it must be the one that wins in the end. It's just that if you add the monster that rushed up, then I'm afraid I'm really going to fall here this time.

In fact, it is also the bad luck of the guy holding Guojingang, but he met Luo Yun, and also met him in this place. The power of summoning is recognized as the strongest in the whole space, and even the power of summoning can be said to be almost one level higher than it.

However, if it is not a pure summoner, the drawbacks to be suffered are very big. Especially people like Luo Yun who rely on their own skills to summon.