reincarnation evolution

Chapter 60 The Head You Found

"Head, boss, are you all right?" A familiar voice came, with a little anxiety. Luo Yun rubbed his eyes and saw several people standing in front of him that made him cry. Chen Xin, Ying, Will, Conson and Sam. It's rude." Luo Yun immediately shouted these three words after observing that he was currently sleeping in his ** and his upper body was close to **.

Fee the pain in his eardrums, and Sam suddenly came up to block Luo Yun's mouth. However, Luo Yun hugged her waist and then aimed at her delicate red lips and wanted to kiss her. In view of the fact that there were so many people around here, Sam directly pushed Luo Yun away. She blushed, stamped her feet, turned around and walked to the kitchen. Head, I admire you more and more. That's all right.

Chen Xin's mouth began to open and get bigger and bigger. Now even if he stuffs a goose egg, it's not a big problem. He closed his mouth a few times and said the previous sentence. Luo Yun was about to smile, but he was helpless, but he was involved in the wound on his body. Looking at Luo Yun's grinning painful expression, the other members of the reincarnation team couldn't help laughing. Shit, you laugh again."

The laughter is getting louder and louder, which makes Luo Yun have an impulse to fight with them. However, after thinking about his current physical condition, Luo Yun still canceled this idea. What are you laughing at? Luo Yun looked at Chen Xin, who covered his mouth and seemed to want to laugh but never laughed. Well, boss, hahaha..." Such an obvious and cheap way made Luo Yun have a crazy impulse.

Luo Yun raised his hand. Although it showed that Luo Yun's current physical fitness was far inferior to him, Chen Xin still felt a little panicked for some reason. "Head, I said." Uh-huh." In fact, in space, there is a treatment center where the injured body can be treated." Where is it?" The feeling of weakness made Luo Yun feel a little pain.

He really doesn't want his body to be in this state again, even for a second. Pulling left and right on the huge space square, Chen Xin and others finally pushed Luo Yun in a wheelchair out of a small house, "Is this the treatment center of space?" Luo Yun was a little speechless. In his opinion, the treatment of space should be quite magnificent, but he didn't expect it to be so dilapidated.

The number of people in line is quite large, which is almost worth the Spring Festival travel rush. Fortunately, after the people here entered, they were followed by the next one without any hesitation. Even so, Luo Yun also waited for ten minutes to squeeze in. There is a cave. It can be said that there is a sea of people outside. After entering, it should have been crowded here.

However, after Luo Yun entered, it was discovered. In addition to the group of people in the reincarnation team, there is only one pillar of light that seems to be connected with the world. The diameter of the light column is very long, more than ten meters. The space is completely different from what you see outside. Looking at this place from the outside, you feel that it is only 70 or 80 square meters at most, but after you really come in, you can find that the inside is really not ordinary.

"Head, stand on that beam and spend some energy points to repair the body." After saying that, Chen Xin pushed Luo Yun to the pillar of light. You have entered the light of treatment and detected that your body has great damage. 200 energy points are needed to repair it. Whether to repair it or not. Hearing this, Luo Yun felt goose bumps on his back.

There is great damage to the body, well, theoretically it may be true. However, if you really spit it out from someone's mouth, it will definitely make everyone around you feel the pain. Yes." Luo Yun couldn't wait to answer this answer after his goose bumps fell out. Then, he felt a warm current rising from his feet.

The warm current keeps climbing up from the bottom of the feet. Luo Yun felt where the warm current passed. It's like being massaged by the world's most famous masseuse, and the comfort makes people want to moan. The repair is over. These four words came from the space, and suddenly, the warm current that made people feel very comfortable disappeared directly from Luo Yun.

The sound of breaking the air came out. Luo Yun felt that his strength was back. He couldn't wait to push away the wheelchair and jumped down. This kind of loss and recovery really makes Luo Yun a little neurotic. Bang." Luo Yun fell down and ate shit, but then Luo Yun picked up a carp and stood up again.

"Yes, everyone." Luo Yun's face changed very fast. It was just clear, but now suddenly there are dark clouds. This made everyone feel that something was wrong. I don't know if you know that we are reincarnated in the reincarnation space, but in fact, we are constantly reincarnated in the space of consciousness." Well, then?"

"It seems that you all already know." Head, these things should be known to every newcomer who enters the space." I remember Chen Xin, you sent me a newsletter and asked me to be careful of the virus, right? Luo Yun answered some questions, but Chen Xin still nodded. When the virus invaded the space, I found the meaning behind this message..."

Luo Yun's expression changed slightly, because he had received a hint that he could not continue to talk. Although the reincarnation's fear of the reincarnation space is not as exaggerated as the plot characters, it will certainly not easily touch its edge. Therefore, Luo Yun had to give up the idea of continuing to speak. Digimon, Pokémon. Luo Yun had no choice but to leave these two nouns.

"Pokémon, Digimon?" Everyone began to think about it. Digimon and Pokémon are cartoons that everyone who has had a childhood knows. Among them, the evolution of digital beasts and Pokémon makes many little friends a little fascinated, and they can't wait to have a digital beast or Pokémon one day. Yes, the way of evolution.

six words, Luo Yun nodded six heads. Shadow's character was not very public, so after spitting out this sentence, he fell silent again. You mean that the evolutionary method required by space is different from what we think of it is now. Uh-huh." Now it is generally believed that the evolution method is the evolution of the body, right? After muttering for a period of time, Chen Xin gave Luo Yun's answer.

"Hmm." Luo Yun nodded. So, the evolutionary method required by space is the evolution of consciousness, right? Luo Yun nodded. Head, I'm sorry to tell you something." If you have a fart, let it go." In fact, this is a difficult way to evolve, and the two difficult way to evolve is the dual evolution of body and consciousness. Several black lines appeared on Luo Yun's forehead.

He almost forgot that Chen Xin and Ying originally came from the second difficulty. The tone of the world. I don't know why Luo Yun continues to say this sentence that was not allowed to be said now because it has not been blocked. "Well." The expressions on Chen Xin and Ying were a little surprised. Head, have you found it?