reincarnation evolution

Chapter 10 Skinny and tall man

"Do you want it?" After hearing Luo Yun's unfinished words, Chen Xin suddenly lit up and showed an expression of "you understand" to him. Luo Yun sighed. His eyes were full of ambiguity and looked at this guy. At the same time, he took out 5,000 yen and gave it to him. Hey hey." Chen Xin's face showed the previous gloomy smile again.

This look immediately made Luo Yun clenched his fist again. Seeing Luo Yun's movements, the gloomy smile on Chen Xin's face was directly replaced by a faint smile. Head, I'll go first." Let's go." Luo Yun waved his hand, and he really felt a headache for Chen Xin. Others opened a room directly at this time, and then went directly to refresh their spirits.

And, they all told Luo Yun directly that they didn't have to call themselves for dinner. I didn't mean to call you." Luo Yun said silently in his heart. Then, with a flattering smile on his face, he looked at Sam: "Wife, tonight. Ah." It sounded like a pig-killing sound. Humph, who is your wife? Sam said and stepped on a few more feet. Then he opened a room as if he was angry.

At ten o'clock the next day, Chen Xin came back here with a tired face. Because of the dataization of the reincarnation, their energetic vitality can be said to make people feel out of reach. There is only one thing left that can cause the reincarnation to feel like this. Of course, Luo Yun and others will not believe that Chen Xin ran out all night to exercise.

After all, according to Chen Xin's current strength, exercise has little effect on improving strength. Well, the reason for his reaction is naturally very easy to guess. What kind of expression is that?" Chen Xin yawned and opened the door of the room he had just opened. At the same time, he said to the people who appeared behind him at some point.

"It's inconvenient here. Go in and talk." Chen Xin looked around and found that there were people coming and going here, but it was really not suitable for talking. But I'm going to sleep." Chen Xin is really a little sleepy now, but since the other party's power is far greater than himself, not to mention that it was himself who caused this. Therefore, Chen Xin's tone is still more euphemistic. Go ahead."

Luo Yun's tone was a little commanding, which did not make Chen Xin's tired nerves feel a little unhappy. This is not because of the gap in strength, but because Luo Yun said so, which made him feel that he was already a real member of this group. Then you guys, come in." Chen Xin yawned and walked in. Head, what's the matter?"

Chen Xin is still yawning. He likes this feeling. As a reincarnation, he no longer knows it. It's been a long time since I tasted this feeling that can be felt by people. Did you go to the nightclub last night? Luo Yun's tone was very serious. But in this way, it seems that other people around him already have a little smile. Yes." Chen Xin is not shy.

"Body, nothing happened." No, boss, why did you ask that? After hearing what Luo Yun said, Chen Xin suddenly felt a little strange. After thinking about it, he said to Luo Yun again, "I'm not a gimmi." I didn't call you to be a dojo. Luo Yun's tone was as plain as ever. Others finally couldn't hold back at this time.

Sam has already laughed out loud. Ha, hu." Chen Xin yawned again. Knowing that you are sleepy, let me ask you again, is there anything wrong with your body?" No." Chen Xin yawned again. He felt more accurate about his body. He only sprayed a few more times yesterday, and he hasn't sprayed it for so many days. Come here once in a while, but it's nothing.

"That's good. Go to bed. Let's go." Head, are you here to be cute? Will saw Luo Yun keep asking to come in, and now he takes the initiative to ask to go out again. And I'm afraid the interval is less than five minutes. Suddenly, I felt speechless. His strength is the main combat effectiveness of our world. What happens is not very good.

Hearing Luo Yun's explanation, everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. For a moment, no one continued to say anything. I'll go first." Luo Yun said to others, "Where are you going?" Guess what." After leaving such a sentence, Luo Yun picked up the few remaining yen and walked out of the hotel. Well, where is he really going?

The shadow muttered to himself. Others naturally felt very curious after hearing his words, but when they asked Xiang Ying, they got only one answer: "I don't know." Is that it?" After getting out of the car, Luo Yun couldn't help saying relaxedly when he saw a factory in front of him that looked like it had been used for hundreds of years.

It looks like a waste factory outside, and several people are playing cards inside. Hey, you beasts, hand over all the money to me quickly." Luo Yun shouted at these people. "Well." At first, several people seemed to be fascinated by playing cards, but they dared not find that another person had come in. After hearing what Luo Yun said, they reacted.

" boss, do you hear me? Someone asked us to pay him." A stronger man said to a thin and tall man in front of him. Kill him." The thin and tall man's tone is very calm. It seems that he is not talking about killing, but more like talking about playing online games tonight. Yes, boss." After saying that, the strong man actually took out a watermelon knife directly from his clothes.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face and said to Luo Yun, "Kid, I don't know who you are with. But you dare to collect protection fees from Brother Long today. It seems that you are going to die. What responded to him was a fist, a fist with groundbreaking power. The fist is getting closer and closer to the strong man's head. The speed is getting faster and faster.

"Bum." There was a close contact between the fist and the head. Suddenly, the man's head exploded like a watermelon. How can his speed be so fast? This is the last thought of a strong man. He didn't even have time to pick up his watermelon knife. Luo Yun walked towards the * table again. Boss, Xiaobiao is dead.

A young man with blonde hair and several earrings in his ears said to the thin and tall man. Well, go up and kill him." The tall and thin man continued to order, and he was still playing cards with his head covered. But in fact, there is only one person left to play cards with him now. Bang." This yellow-haired head also collapsed. Bang." The tall and thin man directly killed the man who played cards with him.

Then, I lit a cigarette for myself. At the same time, he said to Luo Yun, "Who are you?"