reincarnation evolution

Chapter 18 The Headache of Amnesia?

"Really?" Luo Yun asked softly, as if he was afraid of scaring her. Uh-huh." Yue nodded, and the frequency was very small, and only Luo Yun could barely feel it. When he saw Luo Yun put down the moon on his back, No. 5867 thought that Luo Yun was going to fight with him. But then, in his surprised eyes, Yue actually stood up and silently retreated behind everyone.

She has just entered the second difficulty, but her strength is indeed not good. Excuse me, we're going out for lunch." If you say let me, just let me go. I'm in a bad mood today. I won't let you do anything." Head, it's recorded." Chen Xin said to Luo Yun in the team space. Not good." Luo Yun smiled at No. 5867. Originally, No. 5867 thought Luo Yun was cowardly again, and he was ready to ask him for the blue door.

However, there was a sharp pain from his stomach. This boy is so strong." This was the first and last reaction of 5867 in Luo Yun's punch, because after that, Luo Yun punched him in his temple again. The scene of the fight was seen by a man who had just returned from lunch and immediately ran to call the staff.

The first sentence of No.5867 woke up in the KOF exclusive hospital was: "Where's the boy who hit me? How is he?" There are only a few young nurses next to him who look no more than 25 years old. It seems that No. 5867 has indeed been completely stunned by Luo Yun's two punches. These young nurses are all staff inside KOF anyway.

Although he is only responsible for medical treatment, he is well informed. Therefore, the understanding about Luo Yun's beat him is quite clear. The person who hit you provided the staff with strong evidence that you offended first, so they were not punished. Although the little nurse is in the service industry, her words are cold and unpleasant to hear.

"How can it be? There is strong evidence that there should be no recording tools on him. And the location I was in at that time was a dead corner of the camera. 5867 is quite thoughtful, but its consideration for external factors is quite imperfect. In fact, even if someone comes, you may not be able to think that Luo Yun has a super recording pen specially bought from the reincarnation space.

"Head, can you look better?" Seeing Luo Yun pouring rice into their mouths without intervals, they all felt a little ashamed. The food here tastes good. Luo Yun only had time to say such a sentence vaguely, and then began his food cleaning business again. Er." Everyone patted their heads and left here.

They really have no face and continue to stay with this god-eating existence. The eyes of the people around are not so good. After stuffing some snacks, pizza and other things into his mouth, Luo Yun finally burped and returned to locker room 202. At this time, the number of people here is much less than when they first came here, and I think some people should have been eliminated.

"Chen Xin, where is Yue, where is she now?" Don't worry, boss, she has returned to the hotel." Oh." Luo Yun's eyes were put on the TV, which was a fierce competition. By the way, Chen Xin." Luo Yun seemed to ask Chen Xin intentionally and unintentionally. What's the matter, boss? It seems that Chen Xin's attention has been completely attracted by the TV.

"Will there be a great punishment for the failure of the two-difficulty main task?" Don't worry, boss." Chen Xin's attention was directly transferred back from the TV at this time. For teams like us who enter the two-difficult world for the first time, the punishment for the failure of the main task will be weakened to the extreme. Don't worry, boss." Oh, right?" Luo Yun's attention was on TV again.

At this time, the competition shown on this TV is an extremely cold-looking man against a bad year with colorful hair. At this time, the battle seemed to have entered a white-hot stage. The fists of both sides kept hitting each other like raindrops, and the sound of their fists falling on each other's bodies can be heard across the TV.

Finally, the cold man ended the attack with a cannon punch. I always feel that they are a little familiar. Chen Xin said to the shadow beside him. Yes." The shadow nodded. It's like the group of people I met when I went downstairs. In the end, Will remembered it. I have to say that it was a miracle. No, these guys are not just this. Who the hell are they?"

Chen Xin touched his head, and he seemed to feel a very headache. When Luo Yun saw his appearance, he suddenly remembered that when he occasionally remembered some memory fragments during the doomsday, his reaction was just like him. Have you lost any memory? Think about it. I heard Luo Yun's words.

It's not just Chen Xin, but even Ying, who began to hold his head and twist constantly. What the hell is this, ah..." There is basically no difference what Chen Xin said to Ying, even the last sound "Ah." They are all shouted together, and their loud voice has attracted the attention of countless people. However, after seeing that the two people went crazy, their eyes returned to TV.

After all, qualifying is their first goal now. Huh?" Will felt a little vibration on his contest card, but when he looked at it, he saw that some words floated from the card. Ten minutes later, in the No. 5 ring, you will fight against No. 9568. Please be prepared." Why?" Will feels unfair.

Obviously, Luo Yun was announced by the big broadcast, but he only had such a sad treatment. Head, my game has started. I'll go first." What number are you in the ring? Luo Yun observed in advance and found that there was a huge Arabic numer in the middle of each ring. Undoubtedly, this represents the number of the ring. No. 5

"Goodbye, come on." Luo Yun shouted, and then saw Will running quickly towards a ring. Did you think of it?" Luo Yun looked at the two men who were still holding their heads and asked. There are some, but it seems that our memories are blocked by something." Is it blocked?" Can you feel clearly that it is blocked by something?"

"Ah." The two began to hold their heads and twist constantly again. Seeing them like this, I guess I won't be able to speak for a while. Luo Yun was not in a hurry at this time. He believed that sooner or later, the two men would remember for a moment. Brother Yun, this is Will's battle. In a continuous search, Conson finally found the location of the No. 5 machine. Well, I'm coming."

Although Luo Yun is talking about me, in fact, we should be more accurate. Because when he came over, he also took Chen Xin and two men.