reincarnation evolution

Chapter 23 Close Contact in the Elevator

Luo Yun took out a toothpick from somewhere and picked the vegetable leaves and shredded meat between his teeth. This disgusting action is absolutely not suitable for public. Therefore, Luo Yun is now collectively despised by everyone. Er." Luo Yun also felt that his movements were really indecent. Finally, he withdrew his movements with some embarrassment.

Then, he said solemnly to the shadow, "Are you asking me how to distribute the team competition?" Yes." The shadow nodded. Chen Xin, Kang Sen, Will's first team. I, you, and the first team of the month." After listening to Luo Yun's arrangement, everyone felt quite reasonable, so they had no objection. Especially Will and Conson.

The two men laughed brightly when they heard that they were in the first team of treatment. Shadow, do you want to sign up for another team competition?" Random is not needed. If you form a team by yourself, you still need to register." Oh, then please take us there." Er." Ying sighed and found that sometimes it's not a good thing to know too much.

"It's those guys." Chen Xin and Ying gritted their teeth and said, following their eyes, everyone saw another team that was signing up. It was the previous cold man who signed up. What the hell are they?" Previously, because there was something wrong with the spirit of the two, Luo Yun did not ask at that time, and now the spirit of the two seems to be no problem.

Naturally, the questions asked now are not expected to be too big. They made a sneak attack on our team, which greatly reduced the team's combat effectiveness. This makes us completely powerless to fight back after being hunted down by different space teams. In the shadow's words, there is an unforgettable anger. To be honest, it is the first time that everyone has seen this well-trained man get so angry.

"Do you want to kill it quickly?" Luo Yun said to the two. Of course." Both of them's tone had the meaning of clenching their teeth. He is looking at us." Luo Yun said to the two. Suddenly, the anger of Chen Xin and Ying, who were still angry, disappeared. To be precise, the anger on their surface disappeared. You must be able to kill him."

Luo Yun smiled at the two and said, his smile contained incomparable confidence. Boss, that's what you said. Chen Xin seems to be a little moved. That's what I said. You will definitely kill him with your own hands." Let's go and sign up." Uh-huh." Everyone nodded. I saw Luo Yun and his party coming over, especially when I saw Chen Xin and Ying.

The cold man's face showed doubts. You must die." Luo Yun's lips slowly moved a few times. However, he lowered his head, so the cold man didn't see his movements. After that, the cold man did not say anything to Chen Xin and Ying. He left here directly with his team members and did not seem to want to have a head-on conflict with the reincarnation team.

"Hello, we are here to sign up for the team competition." Seeing that the other party did not intend to have a head-on conflict, the group of people in the reincarnation team did not go up to cause trouble. After all, they were able to sneak up on Chen Xin's team at the beginning, which is enough to show their strength. Even if it can take the lead in the past, according to the current strength of the reincarnation team, it is definitely not good.

"Please take out your entry cards." Well, you have all won the preliminaries and can have a team rematch. After watching for more than ten seconds, the registration officer said to several people. Please put together the three entries to form a team. After inserting several cards into a slot beside him, the applicant returned them and then said:

"You have successfully signed up, and now you can leave." The tone of the applicant is somewhat impatient. After all, behind everyone, there are other people who want to sign up. Please take out your entry cards. The applicant said to several people who had just arrived. Head, come here for a moment." Chen Xin pulled La Luoyun's clothes and seemed to have something whispered.

"Tell me, don't pull it." Luo Yun patted off Chen Xin's hand on his clothes. Head, is there that in the KOF market?" What?" Luo Yun didn't react for a while. That's it, you know." Chen Xin was a little embarrassed. Er." Seeing Chen Xin like this, Luo Yun finally understood what he said.

"It's obscene, bitch." Luo Yun cursed in his heart. I don't know." Head, you absolutely know." Chen Xin's eyes revealed a firm meaning, including endless trust in Luo Yun. You can go to hell." Luo Yun patted his forehead, and he couldn't figure out how he could know such a living treasure. Head, don't go. At worst, I'll give you half."

"If you say I don't know, I just don't know." Luo Yun shouted in front and walked forward without any hesitation. Don't say pull it down, I'll find it myself." Chen Xin said and really looked around with a very obscene look. Brother Yun, why did you come back alone?" That obscene guy is looking for somewhere.

"Well." Hearing Luo Yun's words, everyone couldn't help but collectively despise Chen Xin. He can really let go." In the shadow's words, there is a taste of envy. Yes, it's always a good thing to let go. After Jingying said this, Luo Yun was also a little envious of the man's open-mindedness and optimism. Let's go and eat." Luo Yun said to the crowd again.

"..." Everyone was speechless. Brother Yun, can you really hold your stomach?" Nonsense." Luo Yun looked at Will with contemptuous eyes, because he felt that this problem was too retarded. "Well?" In the doomsday, Luo Yun's super ** degree of danger was cultivated, so even if it was just a little murderous, he could feel it.

"Killing." This is Luo Yun's current feeling. He felt that behind him, there was a look at him, full of murderous intent. Luo Yun did not look back. He was worried that doing so would startle the snake. His companions have dispersed after eating. Think about it, that's why he was followed by this guy. Who the hell is it?" Luo Yun walked as naturally as possible while thinking.

Finally, a person's face came to his mind. That's the cold man who made Chen Xin and Ying hate very much. Luo Yun has no basis, but his intuition tells him that it must be that man. A man's sixth sense is sometimes more accurate than a woman, when Luo Yun sees the scene behind him through the mirror of a car.

The owner of the murderous look was the man. He didn't seem to find Luo Yun looking at him through the mirror, or he didn't want to avoid it at all. Be careful, there is a possibility that someone will follow you, and it is likely that they want to kill you directly. Of course, the possibility of sneak attack cannot be ruled out. Luo Yun left such a sentence in the team space.

Immediately, he took a detour and walked into a KOF karaoke bar next to him. The decoration of this place is very luxurious, and the surrounding walls seem to be made of gold. The clarity of this gold is not high. If it is used as a mirror, the consequence must be that you can't see the things behind it. However, Luo Yun didn't want to look at it as a mirror. He just wanted to make sure that the person behind him.

As Luo Yun expected, the cold man followed his footsteps and stepped in as well. Open me a bag." Luo Yun said to the receptionist in front of him, who was a beautiful figure and face. Well, you're here." As soon as he walked into the elevator, Luo Yun found that the cold man had come in one step ahead of him. Humph." The cold man hummed softly.

However, the elevator door was still open at this time, so the cold man did not do it directly. After Luo Yun pressed one or three, and the door slowly closed, the cold man suddenly punched the surrounding wall. I don't know what was on this punch, but it actually failed the elevator.

The cold man seems to be very familiar with doing this kind of thing, because after the elevator punched him, although it no longer moved, the light inside was still on. "Well." The cold man punched the wall, and the strength he used was very strong, and there was no way to recover it for a while. Naturally, Luo Yun will not let go of such a good opportunity.

He pinched the cold man's neck with one hand. Suddenly, the cold man moaned.