reincarnation evolution

Chapter 26 He is not dead yet

"Have you been attacked?" Luo Yun's voice sounded in the team space. Head, not yet. However, I noticed a tracking. Chen Xin's reply was very fast. What about the others? Luo Yun is not particularly worried about Chen Xin and Ying. After all, their strength is there. Not yet."

This time it was a collective answer, and the voice was also a little louder than Chen Xin's single voice before. Good, come and gather at the gate of the KOF stadium. Be careful not to scare snakes." Received." Although everyone's answer should be gratifying, Luo Yun's face still has an indelible sad face. The man died, and his companion should have received the news. Why didn't he react at all?

Luo Yun has been thinking about this problem on his way to the KOF stadium. Or they are not a team at all. This crazy idea suddenly came to Luo Yun's mind. If that's the case, then." Hurry up to the gate. Hurry up." Luo Yun's words are full of eagerness.

Although he doesn't know what Luo Yun thought of, judging from the urgency of his words, what he thought of must be a very urgent thing. Therefore, everyone did not hesitate at all and immediately accelerated their pace. Head, what's going on? What's going on? Chen Xin finally couldn't hold back. I killed your enemy." What are you talking about?

This sentence was shouted by Chen Xin and Ying together, and their tone was unbelievable. But I killed him. Those people are still following you. Don't you feel strange?" Head, did you kill the wrong one? Until now, Chen Xin still dares not dare Luo Yun's words. After all, the man who forced them to that situation was actually solved by Luo Yun.

"No, I didn't kill anything wrong. He definitely died in my hands. However, that group of people are still following you. Luo Yun's words are a little irrefutable. In fact, when he heard Chen Xin's words, he doubted whether he had killed the man or not. Now this sentence is just to give everyone a reassurance pill.

Or, give him one to eat. Head, do you know what the reason is? Hearing Luo Yun's strong and confident words, everyone didn't know what to say to refute for a moment. Therefore, he can only follow his words and ask. They may not be a team." Head, what do you mean? Everyone's heads did not turn around for a moment.

"We may not just be targeted by a team." Hiss." Hearing Luo Yun's words, everyone took a cold breath. This is not to say that the power gathered by so many teams makes them so afraid. The key is why those teams gather to fight against one of their teams. Although it was the first time for them to enter the second difficulty, how could they know?

"Head, but how do those teams know that we are the first time to enter the two-difficulty team?" Chen Xin asked everyone's heartfelt words. Have you forgotten that the man once saw you at the registration office of KOF?" Do you mean that the man used to inform him?" I'm not sure, but I guess it should be like this.

"How far are you from the KOF gate now?" Luo Yun's words suddenly became this. OK, don't gather together and go in one by one.

Everyone nodded. Although Luo Yun's method was a little timid, it was the smartest and safest way. On the one hand, it will not startle the snake, and on the other hand, the other party will not dare to do it after entering the KOF competition venue.

In a hotel suite very close to the KOF competition venue, a man chewing gum is leisurely closing his eyes and watching the movie shown on TV. Ha ha." The man suddenly burst into laughter, as if the content on TV was very funny. Go straight back to the canteen. Luo Yun said to everyone in the team space. Himself. He also walked towards the canteen with a smile on his face.

"Head, how did you kill that man?" After entering the canteen, people didn't mind whether those people would continue to follow themselves. After all, if they deliberately pretend to see it, it will not only make people feel that they are stupid. More importantly, it is easy for those who follow them to find that they have found their group.

As generous as now, even if this group of stalkers really think that Luo Yun's group of people have found them, they will think that everyone is not afraid of them. Maybe they will think that people have set some traps. That's it..." Luo Yun did not continue to make up the story this time, because let Chen Xin and Ying listen to it, so maybe some of the loopholes that he could not see could be found.

"No, boss, you shouldn't kill him like this." Is that really the case? Luo Yun sighed, perhaps this is the worst possibility. Why?" Although Luo Yun had believed the words of the two, he still had a fluke in his heart.

He hopes to hear a loophole from the explanation of Chen Xin and Ying, and then prove that what they said was wrong.

"Captain, that guy has a skill, whose ability is roughly similar to the yellow flash in a difficulty. It's just that the range is much less, so the loss is not big. He should not be so stupid that he doesn't need it. After listening to Chen Xin's explanation, Luo Yun sighed again. Sure enough, there was something strange about the man being killed by himself.

"I remember that I killed him. His blood bar has been zeroed. Luo Yun felt that this sentence was a little pale, but he still said it. Head, there seems to be a detail that you didn't notice." What?" The man died and fell without a key. This sentence immediately shattered the last fluke in Luo Yun's heart.

"Yes, he must be alive without the key."

"Why, his blood bars have been zeroed, and he is still not dead." Luo Yun is still very curious about this problem. Head, didn't you say before that you were attacked by his illusion?" But." Wait, boss, listen to me first. After he attacked you, he may have taken out a prop.

"Prop?" Well, there is a prop in the second difficulty, called a stand-in doll. A replica that is very similar to the ontology can be simulated in a short time, and its combat effectiveness is only 1/3 of that of the ontology. It can only be used once in a world, and most of them are used as registration props. Chen Xin seemed to highlight the key point of what he was going to say next, paused, and then continued to say:

"Of course, the production of this prop is very high, so it is not surprising that he has several items in his hand." No wonder it's so weak." Luo Yun smiled, but in the smile, it was full of bitterness.

"Head, it's okay. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. And if he is the only team, we will not necessarily lose. What's more, if we really can't win, let's stay here and return to space after finishing the next game.

"Hid you ever heard of the empty city plan?" Luo Yun said to everyone in the team space, but on the surface, he suddenly became very confident and said, "It's okay. We will definitely kill him. Don't forget, we have that."