reincarnation evolution

Chapter 5 Horror Unentrant

"A woman like Miyamoto is in a very low position, both in the team and in her private life. Therefore, her sensitivity is not very difficult for us to take risks in the world in the future. However, 1 point of free attribute points and 40 points of permission experience can play a considerable role in improving our strength. After hearing Chen Xin's explanation, Luo Yun paid attention not to the meaning of this sentence, but to the level of the evil impression that will affect the level of world difficulty. "It seems that there are too many things that I don't understand." After hearing this explanation, Luo Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart. Originally, he thought the questions he asked were enough to initially understand this space, but now it seems that...

"So, generally speaking, how many difficulty levels will her sensitivity increase?" This, generally speaking, is random, but according to our current task difficulty level, the difficulty of the task is about to increase from E level E+, D-, or D." Well, if you are lucky, you will only be promoted to E+." No, it should be better to upgrade to D- or D." Why?"

"In fact, the random arrangement in the world of reincarnation also has certain rules. The closer the protagonist or the point of the task, the weaker the person is, and on the contrary, the stronger it is. Originally, I felt some inappropriate for the two of us to get together, and I did not receive a hint after the reincarnation person entered. After that, this shows that we are in a considerable weak position in the world. If the difficulty of the task is only increased a little, it is enough to show that we have only a little change in the whole world, and the power gap between us and those reincarnations is ridiculously large.

"No way, will space allow people with such a large power gap to enter the same world?" It may not be our reincarnation space, but it may also be that the reincarnation sent by other reincarnation spaces chase us." Other reincarnation space?" Yes, in fact, it is not just the reincarnation space we are in, but quite a lot, and the space will also fight with each other. Naturally, the goal of the struggle is the reincarnation, so every reincarnation space will be quite disgusted when it finds other reincarnations who do not belong to its own space. After that, some powerful reincarnations will be sent to chase and kill.

"Doesn't the reincarnation space we belong to respond to this situation?" Of course, our reincarnation space will forcibly change the time when other reincarnations enter the reincarnation world, even until we complete the task. However, judging from the difficulty of this reincarnation world, if we can still send reincarnations to carry out the two of us in such a low-difficulty reincarnation world that are not too weak If you look at it, it should be a quite powerful reincarnation space. It is estimated that the reincarnation who chased this time will enter the world about 24 to 48 hours in advance. Space will also be divided into strong and weak." Well, the strength of space will mostly depend on the strength and number of reincarnations. The greater the number of powerful reincarnations, the stronger the space will naturally be.

"So, how do you know the last question?" Ha ha, in fact, in the last reincarnation world, I also encountered the situation of chasing and killing. Therefore, this is the information that should have been obtained by people with quite high space authority, so I knew it in advance. And, just now, I also got a hint. After saying this, Chen Xin also shared the tips he got with Luo Yun:

Note that the remaining reincarnation space has been detected to send reincarnations into the world. After forced weakening, the time for reincarnations to enter the world will increase by 42 hours. The remaining entry time of the remaining reincarnations is 3 days and 06 hours.

After reading this passage carefully, Luo Yun smiled slightly and said, "It seems that the strength of our reincarnation space is also very strong, which actually gives us so many preferential treatment." Ha ha, you also found it." Well, I can't find it like this. How stupid I am. In fact, 24~48 hours seems to have not increased much, but their task is so easy. Not to mention 3 days, even 3 hours is enough for them to complete. However, the reincarnation space came a ruthless reminder at this moment:

"The system has detected a vulnerability, and the system has detected a vulnerability. In repair, in repair, after repair, you have obtained the main task 4: Kill BOSS Yamakimoto. Note: The difficulty of this task is evaluated as C+, and an unknown force is detected. The difficulty of this task will weaken a level. Weak, weakened, weakened, failed, and the difficulty of the task remains unchanged. After completing this task, you will get 3000 energy points, 6 potential points, 2 free attribute points, 80 points of permission experience, and a little legend.

"Damn." Both of them scolded. Obviously, this task is the masterpiece that sent reincarnations to chase their space. The main task of the C+ level also makes the two people feel dizzy, killing the boss, or the boss of the C+ main task. In fact, the strength should be imagined after seeing the ordinary corpse that is only the strength of the E-level task soldier. However, one of them has been in the world of reincarnation several times, and the other is a warrior who has survived for more than ten years in the end of the world. They both deeply understand the meaning of the saying that living is the hard truth.

So the two quickly got out of the psychological pressure caused by this mission. Then he looked at him and walked towards Jing Haoyong. In fact, the two seem to have talked for a long time, but in fact, they communicate in the team space, and the communication between the team space is the communication of brain waves. Therefore, it didn't take much time, only about 10 seconds, and Jing Haoyong has not completely turned into a corpse at this moment. So under Miyamoto's begging, Luo Yun smashed Jing Haoyong's head with one punch. And Miyamoto's eyes at Luo Yun changed from begging to hatred. With it, there are also hints of reincarnation space:

You killed the plot character Jing Haoyong, and you got 1,500 energy points, 4 potential points, and 1 free attribute point. 40 points of permission experience, the plot character Miyamoto's favorability of you has dropped by 1200 points. The current relationship between the plot character and you is: hatred. The plot character Komuro Takashi and your favorability has increased by 1,000 points. The current relationship between the plot character and you is friendly.

The two were not surprised to see Miyamoto's favorability of them decline. After all, this was expected. However, Xiaomiao's favorability for them increased so much, which surprised them, but after a little thought, they understood. Obviously, high school students like Takashi Komuro have never killed anyone, and the psychological burden of Takashi Komuro, who has made up his mind to kill him for the first time, is also quite heavy, but after killing Jing Haoyong, the two of them helped him break free from this psychological burden. Therefore, it is understandable that his favorability of the two has increased.

In fact, after getting this hint, the feeling that followed was not only surprise, but also overwhelming surprises. After all, the importance of the protagonist's favorability to them is much more important than a woman who is useless to them. After all, the protagonist of the plot involves the key to the whole plot, and this woman is just a maid following the protagonist's buttocks. If possible, give them a task so that the woman's bad feelings towards them are deeply hated, and the protagonist's favorable impression of them is only for respect, and they will not hesitate to accept it. Now, not only have they received mission rewards, but also have the favorability of so many protagonists.

However, the two were not overwhelmed by such a task reward and forgot the business. Instead, they pulled the protagonists Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto to rush under the rooftop.