reincarnation evolution

Chapter 11 The Mist

The speed of the car is not fast, mainly because the walking of the dead in front is painful. If a car like a bus hits too much at a time, it will easily cause a rollover. Therefore, it took more than an hour to reach the point of the boss less than 10,000 meters away from them. However, when they arrived, they found that, not to mention the boss, they could not even see a dead body.

After seeing this situation, Luo Yun did not feel surprised, and the corners of his mouth also gently filled with a subtle but obvious arc. Luo Yun also handed over the driving rights back to the beautiful school doctor, and everyone didn't ask much. Xiaoshi knew Luo Yun's combat strength. If he took this opportunity to restore his physical strength, it would also be quite great for their team's combat effectiveness. As for others, they were not familiar with Luo Yun, so they naturally didn't care about him.

So Luo Yun also sat behind Chen Xin. In this case, the two reincarnations can communicate more easily. Although the team space communication is convenient, it requires a certain energy point. No one will think too much energy points, so it can still save money. However, just as Luo Yun wanted to say the first word to Chen Xin, he cut it with a knife. And this knife was abruptly cut up and caused 120 points of damage to Chen Xin. You know, the two are in a temporary team and can't attack each other. After seeing this situation, everyone was also shocked. They didn't understand why Luo Yun wanted to attack Chen Xin. ( If you are interested, you can guess where Chen Xin has gone.)

"Ha ha, that's right. You're really not Chen Xin. This is the illusion you created." Luo Yun looked at him (it?) and smiled. And Chen Xin did not look panicked and painful at this moment, but said to the people around him, "Luo Yun, what are you going to do?" And his intention to shout this sentence is also obvious, that is, to make the surrounding plot characters hostile to Luo Yun. Although, plot characters such as Xiaoshi Komuro, who have a high favorability with Luo Yun, do not completely doubt Luo Yun, which can be seen from the fact that they retreated first and took a step forward. However, other people are different. They have no deep friendship with Luo Yun. At this moment, when they see that Luo Yun actually attacks Chen Xin, who has always called him a brother, they will inevitably think about whether Luo Yun will attack themselves. Naturally, it is inevitable to have a sense of fear of Luo Yun.

However, when Luo Yun saw them retreat, there was no other expression. For him, this group of people is basically useless now. If there were N little ones around the boss, they could have been used to attract some firepower. At this moment, there is only one boss, and their output Luo Yun is really unsightly. So he didn't explain much to this group of people, but looked at the plot characters and rushed to the boss.

And Luo Yun's distance from Chen Xin was very close, so he also wrapped his arms around him, trying to strangle him to death and let Komuro Xiaoxiao output their firepower to it. However, Chen Xin, who was standing less than one meter in front of Luo Yun, suddenly arrived at the front door of the bus. And everyone also quickly discovered this situation, first silent, and then a burst of **.

But Chen Xin, who was lowering his head, suddenly raised his head. When he saw the smile on Luo Yun's face, he asked, "How did you find it?" At this time, since he has burst into a different strength from ordinary people, it will be meaningless if he denies it again.

And after he finished this sentence, Luo Yun also got a hint:

The Devil of the Mist

Type: small boss (physical value is physical strength*50)

Attribute value: strength: 15, physical strength: 40, agility: 20, spirit: 15, charm: 40 (excellent illusion ability makes it easy to get the favor of others), Yuanshen: 12

Skill 1: Teleportation, Evaluation: C. Specify a fixed position for teleportation, with a teleportation range of 20 meters. It cannot be forcibly changed after designation. The cooldown time of this skill is 3 seconds, and there is no need for any consumption of this skill (this skill seems to be very strong, but because there is no priority, the judgment of many skills can be easily broken, which gives a C evaluation)

Skill 2: Fear recovery, evaluation: C+. After casting this skill on the enemy, it will give the enemy a state of fear and make him move around. Lasts for 3 seconds. You can recover 10% of the maximum physical strength during this period, and this skill will consume 5 points of mental strength, cooling time: 30 minutes.

Comment: If someone quarrels with this monster, I can only mourn for you. I hope that your battlefield with it is in the sun. At least, this will make your body corroded as soon as possible without being swallowed up by this guy's men.

"Do you want to know? In fact, the most important thing about you is that you don't understand human feelings, so it's easy to be recognized that you are different from Chen Xin as soon as you speak, so that you have never spoken, so that we won't doubt you, but this is in line with the image of Chen Xin in my impression. This is one of them."

"Second, you don't have that temperament, the spirit of not giving up at any moment, even if you fight until the last moment." Is it gone?" No, these two points are enough to determine that you are not Chen Xin." Well, I know a lot from you that I don't know, so you can die. Chen Xin, who was originally at the front door, moved behind Luo Yun again like a teleportation, and then gave him a horizontal cut to Luo Yun's neck.

At the same time, Luo Yun also received a hint: the plot BOSS fog demon made an ordinary attack on you.

The part of the fog demon attack is the critical part (throat), and the damage of this attack is increased by 30%.

The part attacked by the fog demon is the key part (throat).

In the defense damage reduction deduction, your defense is 25 points, the attack will be deducted 35% damage, your talent barrier will take effect, and the attack damage will be forcibly deducted 20 points.

The final damage caused to you by the attack of the plot BOSS Mist Demon is 25 points.

And the demon of the fog also moved to Luo Yun's back with a teleportation. When he wanted to give Luo Yun another time, his hand was caught by him (the demon of the fog mainly relies on teleportation and the illusion to attack others, so its power is not as good as Luo Yun). Then Luo Yun slapped his backhand. However, the reaction of the fog demon was not slow, and another moment moved behind Luo Yun and was ready to repeat the old skill again. Luo Yun's right hand changed. Originally, after slapping, he would often stagger if there was no power point, but Luo Yun's long-term combat experience made him turn his palm into an elbow and hit the face of the fog demon with the air (because the fog demon still maintains Chen Xin's body, so he Luo Yun is also quite relaxed to hit him in the face.)