Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 1

In the quiet night sky, the stars are like countless pearls sprinkled on the jasper plate, and a full moon hangs on the edge of the sky, emitting a faint light against the backdrop of countless stars, quiet but mysterious.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop at this moment, and the moon, which was originally emitting yellow light, was covered by a sudden black shadow, and the area of the shadow continued to expand until it covered the whole moon. The original light was lost because of the moon swallowed by the shadow, and the whole earth fell into darkness.

"Run, Tiangou is eating the moon!"

"Come on, go and get the gongs. Tiangou is going to eat the moon!"

Screaming and panicked, scattered in this small village called Dingyuan like a plague. At this time, Dingyuan Village did not match its name at all. People shouted and rushed out of the house. Many young and strong men ran around with gongs and drums in their hands and shouted, and the originally quiet night was completely broken with their actions.

Longkong Mountain.

Unlike Dingyuan Village at the foot of the mountain, this place looks very quiet, but this tranquility is also broken with the sudden appearance of a figure.

In a room made of green bamboo, a teenager came out. He looked extremely light when he ran, and a pair of big dark eyes were very flexible.

The teenager jumped, and ran to the empty space in front of the house between several ups and downs. Originally, the open space under the moonlight was dark, and before the open space was a cliff. It was still towering in the roaring cold wind, but at this moment it looked a little strange.

"It's strange that the moon disappeared all of a sudden. I've never seen such a strange thing before. It's not written in the book, but the master hasn't talked about it."

The teenager reached out and touched the back of his head, and a puzzled look flashed in his big clear eyes. He showed calmness that was not compatible with his age, indicating that he was not afraid of this strange scene.

It seemed that he suddenly found something, and the original confused look in the teenager's eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by excitement. He jumped and ran to the bamboo forest on his right.

"Master, you are back!"

The teenager's body passed through the bamboo forest quickly. Before he reached his destination, he could not suppress the excitement in his heart and shouted out.

In the forest open space, a man in a cyan gown stood with his hands behind his hands. Somehow, the night at this time did not hide his figure. The teenager stopped his galloping footsteps, raised his head and stared at the familiar back in front of him, with excitement on his face.

The man in blue didn't seem to hear the teenager's voice and still stood quietly. He looked up at the sky and muttered to himself:

"Moon eclipse, it turns out that... there is also a lunar eclipse here."

I don't know why his voice has a faint bitter taste.

The teenager did not hear his words, but saw that the master's figure did not move, so he stood on both sides of his body, clenched his fists, and still stared at the blue back in front of him with excitement.

Shaoqing, this back finally turned around, and an elegant face appeared in front of the teenager. His facial features were correct and his star eyebrows were bright. He was indeed a handsome and beautiful man. He was just a young man who looked only a few years older than the teenager, but he was somehow called a master by the teenager.

"Master, you are back!"

"Old man?"

The corners of the man in blue twitched slightly, "Who taught you to call me that?"

The teenager unconsciously touched the back of his head, "Oh, when the disciples went down the mountain and chatted with the people in the village these days, Aunt Li once told me that they should be treated by the elders, which is respect. Moreover, this is the name of the books that apprentices usually read. Master, what's wrong?

The teenager who was talking suddenly found that the muscles on his master's face kept shaking, as if he was desperately putting up with something.

"That's all!"

The man in blue brushed his sleeve robe and said to the teenager:

"Don't call me that way in the future, just call me master!"

The teenager bowed and agreed, but his heart was very confused. I can't help but think that it's strange. When I called Uncle Zhang and Grandma Wang like this, they all looked very happy. That's what the book said. Why doesn't the master seem to be happy? Well, it seems that I haven't read enough books. I've finished reading "Historical Records" and "Warring States Policy". Let's read "Records of the Three Kingdoms" first tomorrow. .

The man in blue did not know that his words attracted the young man's imagination, so he asked:

"Feng'er, do you know why the full moon disappeared today?"

The teenager who was called a style was suddenly attracted by this problem and said excitedly:

"The apprentice was about to ask the master. The apprentice usually read hundreds of books, but he had never seen such records. It was very strange in his heart."

"Overview hundreds of books?"

When the man in blue heard his disciple's words, his face with a faint smile gradually became serious. He said seriously:

"Liu Huifeng!"

Hearing the master's voice, Liu Huifeng was obviously stunned, but immediately reacted. His body was straight, and a trace of excitement on his face just appeared in an instant. His eyes stared at the man in blue and shouted:

"The apprentice is there!"

When the man in blue saw Liu Huifeng's appearance, he nodded, "Liu Huifeng, Liu Huifeng..." The man in blue read silently twice, his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help thinking of some past events. He said leisurely:

"Liu Huifeng, you are only ten years old this year, and you are not weak. Even if you have been able to read and write for less than ten years today, why do you dare to say 'read hundreds of books'? With the "Historical Records" and "Warring States Policy" that you have read, or can you recite four books and five classics?"

When Liu Huifeng heard this, he lowered his head and dared not say anything. He knew the master's temper. Usually, the master always calls himself Xiaofeng. Once the master calls his name, he either tells himself something important or makes a mistake. Therefore, when the master just called himself Liu Huifeng, he expected that the master would definitely teach himself a lesson. However, when I heard the second half of the sentence, I was shocked. How could the master know which books he had read, and he had just finished reading the book Warring States Policy yesterday, and the master only returned to the mountain today. How did he know?

As if he saw the doubts in Liu Huifeng's heart, the man in blue slowly said:

"There are people outside, and there is a sky outside. Liu Huifeng, self-confidence is a good thing. As a teacher, I have also taught you. Do you remember?"

Liu Huifeng's face turned slightly red and said, "I remember that the master once said, 'If you have self-confidence, you may not win, but if you don't have self-confidence, you will definitely lose'."

The man in blue smiled and his tone became less serious. He only heard him continue to say:

"You should know that everything is moderate. Excessive self-confidence is conceited. If you have conceit, you must be arrogant. People should not be arrogant."

When the man in blue said this, he stopped talking and just stared at Liu Huifeng. Liu Huifeng was already regretful at this time. He just read a few history books and memorized the four books and five classics, and he was a little complacent, which really failed the teacher's previous teaching. At this moment, when I heard the master's words, I subconsciously answered:

"You can't be arrogant."

As soon as the words came out, he was shocked. He looked up at the master and saw him looking at himself with a smile, as if he had expected his movements, and he was even more ruthless to find a seam to get in.

The man in blue saw Liu Huifeng's expression and nodded, "Feng'er, I should tell you this as a teacher today, and I don't mean to blame you. At your age, there are not many people who can have such achievements as you. When you are as your age, you are still learning Chinese."

When the man in blue said this, his handsome face suddenly appeared, as if he remembered something. He paused for a moment and said:

"In a word, pride makes people backward, modesty makes people progress, you can just remember it."

Liu Huifeng did not find that the master suddenly changed the topic, silently remembered the master's words, and secretly decided that he must not be complacent with a little achievement like this in the future.

However, what Liu Huifeng doesn't know is how remarkable it is that a ten-year-old child has finished reading "Historical Records" and "Warring States Policy" and can recite the four books and five classics that those scholars read hard every day. Such achievements are also regarded as "a little" by the two masters and apprentices. I don't know how those students who listen to things outside the window and only read sages will feel when they hear it.

After Liu Huifeng made up his mind, he just looked up and suddenly saw that the moon, which had been swallowed up by the shadow, gradually regained its brilliance. He was shocked and the look on his face changed.

When the man in blue saw Liu Huifeng's expression, he looked up and saw that the moon was gradually regaining its true color. He smiled and walked slowly to Liu Huifeng, took his hand, but the other hand pointed to the moon and smiled:

"Feng'er, do you want to hear the story?"

"Okay, I like to listen to the master's story!"

The man in blue smiled more. He bowed down and held Liu Huifeng in his arms. The two looked at the moon together, and a kind voice gradually sounded:

"Once upon a time..."

With the passage of time, the moon finally became a perfect disk, but this pair of masters and apprentices still stand in the moonlight. From afar, the straight bamboo forest, coupled with a figure that looks more upright than the green bamboo, constitutes a beautiful picture.

Bloomingly, you can also hear the dialogue between the two people in the bamboo forest:

"Master, why do people call lunar eclipses Tiangou eats the moon?"

"Well, because some people are always not optimistic about his dog."

"Oh... So, master, when will you teach me how to fly with your sword?"

"Well, it will be until you have a deeper understanding of the sword."

"Oh... Well, master, why do I have three teachers?"

"Well, it's because... Well, you boy, where are so many problems? Go to bed!"

Finally, the sound became softer and softer until it was inaudible...