Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 17

When Liu Huifeng saw her put away a pair of wings behind her, he remembered that the little girl had just met him this morning.

"It turned out to be the five poisonous beasts!"

I suddenly realized that all the problems were solved. Strictly speaking, the five poisonous beasts are not demons, but a spiritual beast. They are transformed into the aura of heaven and earth, and naturally there is no demon spirit. However, Liu Huifeng's strange thing is that what is the purpose of her coming to find her late at night?

In retrospect, after Liu Huifeng saved Li Qiang yesterday, the little girl left silently. Of course, Liu Huifeng also noticed it, but he was not a red-eyed king snake. Naturally, he would not care about the stay of a five poisonous beast. He did not care much about her departure, but he didn't expect that she would Come back here to find yourself.

"You...are you here to find me?"

Liu Huifeng was a little curious. He also saved her life indirectly. Did she come to thank herself? Liu Huifeng recalled that he had actually seen her at the seller with a big stone on his chest long before he met Li Qiang, but he didn't expect that she was a spirit beast at that time. And today, it was entirely because I heard her call for help. So it seems that the two are really predestined?

"Big...Big brother, I want to follow you and let you teach me how to practice in the future."

The little girl said this timidly, and a pair of big dark eyes looked at Liu Huifeng with a pitiful and expectant look.

Liu Huifeng couldn't help but be a little surprised. He never thought that the little girl would make this request, "You said... you want to practice with me?"

Liu Huifeng repeated again. He didn't understand why the little girl had this idea.


Hearing Liu Huifeng's question, the little girl's eyes suddenly became wet and plunged into Liu Huifeng's arms. Liu Huifeng was shocked and quickly reached out to hug her. He thought that I didn't bully you. Why are you crying? No wonder the master often said that the girl's mood changed, just like the weather, as if it was sunny the previous moment and rained the next moment. I didn't understand it at that time, but now it seems so.

The little girl sobbed in Liu Huifeng's arms, and tears wet Liu Huifeng's clothes on his chest. It was not easy to wait for her not to cry until Liu Huifeng calmed down and wanted to ask what was going on. Unexpectedly, she looked down and couldn't laugh or cry. Maybe she felt comfortable lying in Liu Huifeng's arms. She didn't know when she had fallen asleep.

After being made such a fuss by the little girl, Liu Huifeng was also a little sleepy. He put her in his ** and thought about letting her sleep well and see her current state. It was impossible to ask anything, so he had to wait until tomorrow.

Liu Huifeng pondered a little, but he was not afraid that she would hurt himself. He simply took off his coat and lay side by side with her. Not long, sleepy came and he fell asleep...

" Mr. Liu, have you got up yet?"

Liu Huifeng, who was sleeping, suddenly heard a soft cry accompanied by footsteps, and he immediately woke up.

The footsteps outside the door stopped, and a crisp female voice continued:

"Mr. Liu, please come to the front hall for breakfast after washing up."

Liu Huifeng answered, sat up cross-legged, and moved his body helplessly. He thought that he only slept for a few hours by such a shock last night. Fortunately, the quality of sleep was high enough not to feel sleepy, by the way!

Liu Huifeng turned his head and looked. The little girl sleeping beside her lay on ** with her chin with her hands. Her two little feet shook, and her big black eyes emitted a flexible light, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, smiling sweetly at herself.

"Typ, what the hell is going on?"

Looking at the little girl in front of him without any awareness, Liu Huifeng had to break the silence.

"I want to practice with my big brother!"

When Liu Huifeng heard this, he had a big head and practiced with the five poisonous beasts? Not to mention that the five poisonous beasts are immortal beasts in the world, how much trouble it will cause. Even if they are not afraid of trouble, the cultivation methods of humans and beasts are fundamentally different.

Heaven and earth are in a chaotic state, in which Pangu was born. Pangu's body continued to grow, and the original chaotic state could not accommodate its body and split. The clear air rose to the sky, and the turbid air sank to the ground. This is the legendary Pangu's creation.

After Pangu's death, his essence, qi and gods were divided into three gods, namely Fuxi, Shennong and Nuwa. Known as the "Three Emperors".

Because there are too few creatures in heaven and earth, the three emperors created creatures in different forms. Fuxi took the divine tree to absorb the fruit of the clean qi of the divine world as his body, injecting his powerful energy to create a "god". Because the fruit of the divine tree comes from a rare source, the number of gods is very small, but the spiritual power is strong, and the gods are not resistant to the turbidity of the earth, so they live in the sky and form the "divine world".

Shennong uses earth, stone, grass and trees as the body to inject his own strength and create a "beast". Because Shennong pays attention to quantity and ability, there are many types and numbers of beasts, and their abilities are diverse, but his mind is not enlightened.

Nuwa mixes earth and water, with her own blood and spiritual power, points it with willow branches, shapes it according to her own appearance, and creates "humans". The human body is beautiful and intelligent, but the physical strength is inferior. Although there is no special ability, it has strong comprehension.

God lives in the sky, people and beasts live on the earth, and there is also a "ghost world" as a place for the reincarnation of people, beasts and other creatures.

Occasionally, there are beasts that have been cultivated to stimulate the Shenn power inherited by themselves and become "demons" with special abilities, and human beings can also stimulate their inherited Nuwa spiritual power and become "immortals".

The formation of demons and immortals is not only related to talent and cultivation, but also related to earth qi. Therefore, there are "fairy worlds" in the sky, and there are also immortal worlds such as ten caves, 36 small caves, and 72 blessed places. Among them, the most famous fairyland is the "Shu Mountain" where Pangu's heart is located and the "Kunlun Mountain" below the fairyland in the sky, which are today's Shushan School and Kunlun School.

In addition to these, Liu Huifeng talked about when listening to the master's wife's gossip. People not only have different cultivation paths from beasts, but also have differences in nature. One inherits the spiritual power of female disaster, and the other is to stimulate Shennong's power, so he does not know the cultivation method of fairy beasts.

Liu Huifeng simply said to the little girl, "Your cultivation path is different from that of us humans, and I don't know how you practice. But your potential is very great, and your future achievements are bound to be unlimited. Following me is not conducive to your growth, so you'd better find a cultivation method that suits you.

Although Liu Huifeng felt that his words were not impassioned, it was also exciting to say them. Even if the little girl would not be ecstatic, she would be much happier. Unexpectedly, as soon as she heard Liu Huifeng's words, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and the corners of her mouth seemed to hang an oil bottle. Similarly, he asked with a crying voice:

"So...don't that big brother want me?"