Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 50

Jinhen intended to use Liu Huifeng to attack him with a sword, but unexpectedly Liu Huifeng seized the opportunity to destroy his magic weapon directly, and the first hand he finally grabbed was forced to give it to Liu Huifeng again. The situation has been reversed again.

Liu Huifeng is actually not uncomfortable. I have to admit that the power of Jinhen's magic weapon is still good, and the strong counterattack brought by destroying it also injured Liu Huifeng, but at least on the surface, he is the magic weapon that majestically destroyed Jinhen.

"Big brother!"

Seeing that the magic weapon of Jinhen was broken, and Liu Huifeng's sword was directly cut on his body. As soon as his eyes were red, he rushed up. Ji Aojian saw that the situation was not good and followed him.

The two had not rushed to Jinhen, but they both felt a wave of mana in their hearts.

"Ice Curse!"

"It turns out that he is also a watery attribute!"

The ice spell used by Jinhen to deal with Liu Huifeng is exactly the same. At this moment, he was returned by Liu Huifeng to the white-clothed Death and the Ao Sword. Moreover, what surprised the Ji Ao Sword and the White-clothed Death was that the ice spell cast by Liu Huifeng was so powerful and wide in scope, which was not inferior to Jinhen, a guy who lived on magic.


Liu Huifeng issued an ice spell, followed by seven transparent swords, but its goal this time is not the death in white and the proud sword, but the present mark that is unable to fight at this moment.

"Big brother!"

"Old black!"

Death in white tried his best to send out an earth spell. A huge wall rose on the ground in front of Jinhen, and the powerful impact caused by the collision with Jian Jiang* made a huge roar. The spell of the proud sword was not excellent. He could only throw a golden charm. As soon as the charm was thrown out, it formed a huge shield shining with golden light. Together with the earth spell just cast by the death in white, he stood in front of Jinhen to protect him from being hurt by the sword.


Seeing that the idea power of Death in White and the Ao Sword had been successfully attracted elsewhere, Liu Huifeng flew to Qingluan and picked her up. Suddenly, the two turned into a blue light and disappeared into the sky.

"So, you have all been cheated by him?" A Si snuggled in the arms of Death in white, and his beautiful eyes sparkled with strange brilliance. "You all thought he was going to kill, but he took the opportunity to take Qingluan away?"

"Yes, but what can happen? At that time, even if we knew that his purpose was just to shoot, there was nothing we could do. His ice spell and soul-killing and demon chopping were full of power. At that time, the eldest brother had just been broken. If we ignored it, I'm afraid he really couldn't resist it, so we had to save it at that time.

"If you attack the enemy, you must save it? Although it is simple, it is effective. A Si smiled and said, "It seems that Liu Huifeng is indeed a simple character."

Death in white nodded, "Yes, but he should also be the end of the crossbow. I was injured in a hurry, and the eldest brother has not recovered until now. He fought fiercely with his eldest brother for so long and spared no effort to attack at the last moment. He should be the most affected of us, probably similar to Qingluan's situation.

After saying this, Death in white suddenly remembered something and couldn't help wondering, "However, why did he use the sword formula of Shushan School? Does he really have anything to do with Kong Lingqi?" It's just that he didn't tell A Si again.


"Then you were also seriously injured, didn't you?"

After listening to Liu Huifeng's words, Caifeng blinked her eyes and asked curiously.

Liu Huifeng did not hide it, "Well, to be honest, I haven't fully recovered until now. The cultivation of Death in black is very high. Although I broke his magic weapon, I have also suffered the power of counterattack. And in the end, the sword formula and ice spell were used again, and it was the end of the crossbow. He sighed with emotion and turned his words, "However, there are a lot of elixirs here. After a few days of recuperation, there is nothing serious. Although it has not fully recovered, I think there will be no problem if I rest for a few more days."

After listening to him, Caifeng lowered her head and thought deeply. After a while, she took out a book from her arms and threw it at Liu Huifeng. Liu Huifeng quickly reached out and took it.

"Here you are. For the sake of saving my sister so hard, I won't care about you."

Liu Huifeng smiled bitterly. If it hadn't been for you, Qingluan would have given it to me directly. Of course, he has learned to be good now. If you just think about it in your heart, you will never say it.

Now that he had got what he wanted and stayed here for so long, Liu Huifeng thought that it was time to leave. He probably turned over the thin book and solemnly collected it.

Seeing Liu Huifeng's careful appearance, Caifeng thought, "Well, it's really stingy. Don't think that this girl will change her opinion of you. It turns out that you saved me and my sister just for this. You are really a nasty guy!"

Of course, Liu Huifeng didn't know that Caifeng had put a different hat on him in his heart. Of course, even if he knew it, he would not argue with Caifeng.

"Miss Caifeng, please tell Qingluan that Liu Huifeng still has something to do and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, so I will leave. Thanks to Qingluan for taking care of Liu Huifeng on this matter. If he is predestined, we will see each other again. He handed over these two sentences and was about to leave but was stopped by Caifeng:

"Are you leaving like this?"

Liu Huifengqi said, "What, is there anything else for Miss Caifeng?"

Caifeng put her hands on her waist and said angrily:

"I'm fine, you have something to do!"

Liu Huifeng was puzzled and asked, "I have something to do? What can I do for you?"

Caifeng walked to Liu Huifeng and gritted her teeth at him and said, "Thank my sister and asked me to say thank you to my sister. Why don't you know how to thank me? You know, I gave you what you want!"


Liu Huifeng had no choice but to hold his fists again and bow to Caifeng. He said solemnly, "Liu Huifeng thanked Caifeng for the kindness of the gift of the girl. Liu Huifeng remembers the kindness of the girl."

Caifeng waved her hand freely and said with satisfaction, "Well, it's almost the same. Come on, you go!"

Liu Huifeng smiled at her and said, "See you later!" After saying that, the wind and sword shook up, and then the sword went away.

Seeing Liu Huifeng's smile on her before leaving, Caifeng stamped her feet fiercely and said angrily, "Okay, Liu Huifeng, what's your expression? Are you laughing at me for not knowing what's good or bad?"

She wanted to learn from the appearance of Qingluan, waved freely, and then watched Liu Huifeng leave tremblingly, because the Qingluan in her eyes usually treated her subordinates like this. Such Qingluan is the perfect Qingluan and the idol in her heart.

It's just that Liu Huifeng's smile to her before leaving made her feel that Liu Huifeng seemed to be tolerating herself and treating herself as a little sister. Thinking of this, she suddenly felt unhappy. Of course, that's what Liu Huifeng actually thinks. In his opinion, compared with Qingluan, Caifeng is like a child who has not yet grown up and likes to be petty.

Of course, Liu Huifeng didn't know that his unintentional behavior actually caused a lot of trouble for himself. That old saying is not wrong at all, only women and villains are difficult to raise.

However, these are not important to him. After staying in the demon for four days, Liu Huifeng finally returned to the Li family villa. After greeting the people of the villa with a smile, he hurried back to his room.

In the room, a girl was sitting by the window and looking at the scenery outside in a daze. She held her cheeks with her hands and looked out of the window with a pair of eyes. Her beautiful and lovely face was watery, which made people fall in love at first sight. Naturally, the girl is Xiaoyu, the incarnation of the five poisonous beasts. She seems to be distracted, and she didn't even hear Liu Huifeng enter the room.

When Liu Huifeng saw the appearance of Xiaoyu, he shouted with some heartache, "Xiaoyu!"

"You don't have to persuade me, I won't..." Xiaoyu shook his head and said. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at Liu Huifeng in surprise. The familiar face that he had thought about many times appeared in front of him again.
