Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 61

Liu Huifeng followed Zuo Fuchao's imperial sword to the forest and stopped. His intention was to find out what happened to these immortals who came here with such a great fanfare? Although some clues have been heard from the previous words of Ji Aojian, it is not very clear after all.

And the forest in front of him reminded Liu Huifeng of a person, Bai Qiuhan. The reason why I think of Bai Qiuhan is not that the two are so similar, but that both of them have the same temperament, which brings Liu Huifeng a similar feeling, coldness, which includes both calmness and coldness.

With a slight glance, he noticed that although the people here were immortals, they were obviously divided into several factions, giving people a clear feeling.

First of all, what attracted his attention were the two people standing side by side behind the forest. The first one on the left was dressed as a Taoist priest. His face was kind, and a wisp of long beard on his chin made him look like a fairy. He was looking at Liu Huifeng with interest. When he saw Liu Huifeng looking at him, he smiled at Liu Huifeng. On his right is a middle-aged scribe, plain-looking and dressed as a layman, but at this moment he looks at his own eyes... which makes Liu Huifeng feel very uncomfortable. What's wrong with this hot look? The breath of the three of them is the most obvious among all of them here. There are dozens of people standing behind them, all of whom are swordsmen. Liu Huifeng knew in his heart that this should be the Shushan School.

The clothes of the Shushan School are simple and simple. All male disciples and Liu Huifeng have seen Zuo Fuchao before, and the female disciples have just changed their green shirts into purple shirts. Although their number is not many, everyone stands there, just like the same straight green pine, which is first superior to other sects in momentum.

not far from the Shushan faction, the first person was a red-looking fat man. The deepest impression he left on Liu Huifeng was that he narrowed into a slit. His eyes seemed to be open, and there were dozens of people standing behind him, but much less than the Shushan faction.

Far away is a beautiful and refined female chauve. Liu Huifeng was slightly surprised that there were also nuns behind her, and there was no male disciple. Liu Huifeng was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized that this should be the Emei school. The characteristics of this school are really too obvious.

Liu Huifeng's eyes then moved aside. Seeing the previous guy named Yi Zhou, Liu Huifeng knew in his heart that this was the Kunlun faction. However, why are there so many people in this Kunlun faction?

The number of sects seen by Liu Huifeng just now is about dozens of people. Even Shushan, which has the largest number, is not more than 100, but the number of Kunlun faction in front of him is hundreds. Compared with other sects here, the gap is too obvious.

Liu Huifeng was waiting to look at Kunlun's disciples carefully, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice, "Who, come here."

Looking along the voice, I saw that it was the plain-looking middle-aged scribe of Shushan. His sword was a little farther away from the people of Shushan and waved to Liu Huifeng, which was a very mysterious look.

"What does this guy want to do?" Jiumo stood beside the grave digging. "There are so many people here, don't bother the head brother." Seeing the grave digging and making such a move in front of everyone, Jiu Mo whispered helplessly.

Zuo Fuchao saluted Lin Zhong, "In return to the leader, all the residents of Hangzhou have been escorted to the safe area, and the brothers are dealing with the rest of the demons with other sect brothers."

Lin Zhong nodded, "You step back." His eyes moved to the side of digging the tomb, but did not stop it. In fact, the act of digging the tomb can be said to be relatively rude, but the forest itself did not say much, and other sects naturally would not talk too much. It's just that their eyes at Liu Huifeng inevitably became a little more mysterious, "Who is this person? How can he talk to the Xuanqi elder of Shushan alone?"

Dig the tomb and saw Liu Huifeng approaching himself and asked:

"It seems that you don't know me anymore. What's your name?"

Liu Huifeng was stunned and replied, "Liu Huifeng."

"Liu Huifeng, are you my disciple of Shushan?" When digging the tomb said this, his voice was extremely low, and he was afraid of being heard by others. Thinking that he didn't even know his disciples, he was really embarrassed to say it.

When Liu Huifeng heard the grave digging question, he remembered that the master had never mentioned his sect over the years. Thinking of the last time I met An Di, the old iron man in Hangzhou, "He said that I was a disciple of Kunlun because of the Huifeng Sword, but the sword was forged by Qiu Han's uncle. Is Qiu Han's uncle also a Kunlun disciple? So what about the master? Is the master also a disciple of Kunlun?

Liu Huifeng knew that it was all because of the trouble caused by his "sword secret". At the beginning, Xiao Beili did not say much when he taught him this style. He only said fame and sword meaning, and the rest were understood by himself. But just now, he saw that many Shushan disciples also used this sword formula, and with the dialogue with Zuo Fuchao, he already knew in his heart that this "10,000 sword formula" was probably Shushan's sword formula. It's just that he didn't know whether Xiao Beili was a disciple of Shushan or not, so he meditated for a long time but did not answer.

Seeing that Liu Huifeng had been speechless for a long time, he dug the tomb and thought to himself that there were also several elders who did not hold positions in this door. Maybe he really didn't know himself.

"Then which elder's disciple are you?" Digging the grave patiently continued to ask.

Liu Huifeng was confused when he heard it, "Disciples entering the room?" He is not clear about the sect composition of Shushan.

"In Shushan, the new disciples are collectively known as Shushan disciples. At this time, the task is to practice. Generally, they do not participate in the political affairs of Shushan, and rarely assume the responsibility of defeating demons. In principle, without the company or permission of the master, they cannot go down the mountain alone, whether they are ordinary or monks. At this time, Shushan disciples could only choose one of the three items of practicing martial arts, refining qi and nourishing their spirits.

When a Shushan disciple cultivates to a certain extent and obtains the approval of the master and leader, he becomes an entry-level disciple. At this time, they will be assigned to the jurisdiction of each elder to undertake certain work. At the same time, the relationship between master and apprentice began to be loose, and disciples can learn any Shushan cultivation method from any elder. Upgrading to an entry-level disciple is usually called a teacher in our Shushan. And the so-called disciples, digging the tomb and staring at Liu Huifeng with burning eyes, "is selected by each elder among the entry disciples. Generally, each elder only chooses 1 to 2 as the key training and teaches his own unique skills. He was regarded as the successor of the elder.

I accept apprentices in Shushan, look at the fate method, secondly, look at Huigen, thirdly look at the character, and accept apprentices rigorously. After heavy investigation, I can enter the door of Shushan. Shushan disciples can ask to become monks at any time, but once the disciples of Taoism want to return to vulgarity, they must leave Shushan. They can no longer call themselves Shushan disciples, but if their original cultivation is not abused, they will generally not be deprived.

Digging the grave and saw Liu Huifeng's sudden realization, he frowned, "Didn't your master tell you this?"

Liu Huifeng shook his head, "No, I know it for the first time today."

Hearing what he said, he suddenly remembered, "Has your master ever told you his name?"

Liu Huifeng nodded and said, "I know, but the master said that he was not allowed to reveal his identity to others."

When digging the tomb heard this, his eyes lit up and left Liu Huifeng and went to the forest and Jiumo. Liu Huifeng was confused and saw what the tomb digging said to the forest and Jiumo. Jiumo looked at himself from time to time and seemed very happy to see the dancing of the tomb digging.

"Do you think he is a disciple of Shen Yue?"

"That's right, besides that guy, who else would accept apprentices so mysteriously and send him here at this time, but the head brother, I really didn't expect that guy to accept apprentices."

"It's too arbitrary to rely on this alone, but there is no doubt that he is a disciple of Shushan. Jiu Mo asked Zuo Fuchao to take care of him first. After this incident, it will be too late for us to ask more details."

Jiu Mo nodded and ordered a few words to Zuo Fuchao in a low voice. After listening, Zuo Fuchao came to Liu Huifeng and pulled him to the Shushan camp, explaining to him in a low voice.

Ji Aojian has been staring at his every move since Liu Huifeng appeared. At this moment, when he saw that he was actually standing in the Shushan faction, he thought with hatred in his heart, "This guy is indeed from Shushan. At that time, we were really blind and had deceived him for so long."

Thinking of this, I am also quite angry, "You immortals, who are self-identified and look down on our demon clan. Today, let you see the real power of our demon clan."

Four strangely shaped giant swords slowly appeared in front of him, and he shouted, "Laohei, Xiaobai, it's time for you to appear!"