Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 11

When Liu Huifeng took Lin Tingyu back to Longkong Mountain, he came here directly by flying with a royal sword, but now he added Yuwen Yaoguang... He thought about it and thought it was better to fly with a sword. Yuwen Yaoguang's cultivation... She has no cultivation at all. Although she is a local spirit physique, she has never learned five spirit spells. She only relies on physical strength to travel long distances. She really doesn't know when she will be able to find Xiao's separation.

So after the three hit, Liu Huifeng's waist and the wind sword came out of its sheath. It instantly changed from a flying sword that could accommodate several people to stand on it. In this way, it floated quietly in mid-air, a little more than the ground, and the sword body emitted a bright blue light under the reflection of the sun, which was extremely beautiful.

Lin Tingyu is fine. She has seen it more than once, but Yuwen Yaoguang saw the Royal Sword flying for the first time. The change of the Huifeng Sword itself surprised her. At this moment, she stood in front of the Huifeng Sword and only felt a chill on her, which made her shiver involuntarily.

"Is it cold?" Liu Huifeng caught a glimpse of Yuwen Yaoguang, who seemed to shrink her body and asked.

"It's okay, it's just a little uncomfortable." Yuwen Yaoguang shook her head and denied it.

Seeing that her mouth was hard and not broken, Liu Huifeng jumped on the sword and said to the two, "Come on, we're going to go."

"Oh! Oh! Let's go!" Lin Tingyu jumped on the sword happily like Liu Huifeng, turned around and waved to Yuwen Yaoguang, "Sister Yaoguang, come up quickly!"

"Oh, oh, okay, I'll come up." Yaoguang answered and jumped on the sword. She noticed that at the moment when she was about to jump on the sword and hesitated, Liu Huifeng seemed to deliberately sink the position of the Huifeng sword slightly. But when she looked at Liu Huifeng in surprise, she saw that Liu Huifeng didn't care and thought to her, didn't he mean it? Thinking like this, he heard Liu Huifeng say, "Stay well and don't move. Listen to the rain. Pay attention to her."

"Hmm!" Lin Tingyu nodded vigorously and shrank into Yuwen Yaoguang's arms.

"Hey..." Liu Huifeng shook his head helplessly and said "Rise", and the Huifeng Sword rose in an instant and soon got into the clouds.

Yuwen Yaoguang was the first time to fly with the sword. Although it was not her own sword, this feeling made her feel excited and scared. She shuttled through the clouds and could actually see some practitioners flying in the air like them. However, those people are not all royal swords, and some people use other magic weapons. For example, Yuwen Yaoguang saw a white silk at the feet of a nun, just like a fairy walking in the air, and she was very envious.

Liu Huifeng did not squint. He stood at the front of the Huifeng sword with his hands on his back, and his eyes were tightly locked in front of him. However, the practitioners along the way saw three people on their flying sword and cast a lot of curious eyes on this side.

There is a saying that "the higher place is extremely cold". The higher the place, the colder it will be. Yuwen Yaoguang's clothes had been almost tossed all the way to Longkong Mountain. Later, although it had been changed when she took a shower, it was now getting colder. The weather was as cool as a day. She was a mortal and had never practiced spells. Naturally, she couldn't stand it. Although the flying of the sword was indeed one for her. It was an extremely novel experience, but the stimulation of her body still made her sneeze several times in a row.

When Yuwen Yaoguang made a "sneeze" sound for the third time in a row, Liu Huifeng, who had been carrying his hands on his back, frowned. His spiritual power moved slightly, and the Huifeng Sword began to fall slowly.

"What, have we arrived yet?" Yuwen Yaoguang noticed that Liu Huifeng had begun to land and couldn't help asking. They flew for less than an hour. She didn't know how fast the sword flew, but she couldn't reach her destination so quickly. However, when it comes to the destination, she doesn't know where Liu Huifeng is going now. Damn it, like a piece of wood, you will die if you say one more word!

Yuwen Yaoguang secretly slandered, but heard Liu Huifeng say, "There is a town below. Let's go there to buy something first. There is only a Dingyuan village near Longkong Mountain, but it may not be able to buy all the goods we use here. Some things can only be found in big cities."

"So that's it," Yuwen Yaoguang understood the meaning of Liu Huifeng and praised him, "I can't see that you are young and know a lot of things. I have come out to travel around the world. If I had such a thorough consideration, I wouldn't have been here until now."

She praised Liu Huifeng. She thought Liu Huifeng would be polite and say something like "the girl is too modest" and "this is nothing". But he didn't expect that Liu Huifeng seemed to be deaf. After saying that sentence just now, he continued his movements that had not changed since the beginning of the imperial sword. With his hands on his back, he only showed his back to himself, but his eyes were not locked in front of him as before, but looked around, as if he were looking for something.

"Good boy, you pretend to be deaf and dumb!" Yuwen Yaoguang gritted her teeth and thought that she looked like a master outside the world. It's not that I have never seen immortal cultivation. The Taoist priest invited by my family is much more powerful than you. If there is a chance, I must let him teach him a lesson from this hateful guy. However, on second thought, she ran away from home because she quarreled with her brother Yu Wenba, saying that she was going to find immortals and ask questions. Now she has no chance to find someone to teach Liu Huifeng, and her future of seeking immortals is still on Liu Huifeng, and she can't help but feel even more angry.

"That's it." Liu Huifeng's eyes swept over an empty land. This happened to be a wild suburb. At present, there was no one around. Liu Huifeng stopped firmly in this place with the Huifeng sword.

"Let's come down!" With a greeting, he took the lead in jumping back to the wind sword, and then Lin Tingyu and Yuwen Yaoguang jumped down one after another.

Liu Huifeng put away the Huifeng sword. Yuwen Yaoguang saw that the Huifeng sword changed its original size and returned to Liu Huifeng's waist, and the chill that had always made him feel uncomfortable also disappeared at the same time. He asked, "Where is this?"

Liu Huifeng shook his head, "I don't know, but it's not far from that town. We'll be there after walking for a while."

"Why don't you just stop in the town? Isn't that more convenient?" Yuwenyao Guangqidao.

Liu Huifeng stared at her, "In that case, I'm afraid it won't be easy for us to get out. Not everyone in Kyushu can fly with a sword."

Hearing Liu Huifeng say this, Yuwen Yaoguang also reacted. Her face turned red and she was about to refute a few words, but she heard an abrupt voice, "Help! Help!"