Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 72

Liu Huifeng was stunned when he heard Yuwen Yaoguang say that three people were taking care of him. Seeing his puzzled look, Yuwen Yaoguang explained, "I, listen to the rain and the purple cliff girl."

"Purple Cliff?" Liu Huifeng was surprised to hear the name. How could he take care of him with the character of Purple Cliff? What's more, if it hadn't been for him, the seal would not have been destroyed again. Unexpectedly, Purple Cliff not only did not blame him, but also came to take care of him, which made him feel ashamed.

"The purple cliff girl said that it was because she was so tired that you were injured, so the three of us took turns to take care of you, and you were really comfortable." Yuwen Yaoguang's tone was a little proud. After all, Liu Huifeng woke up when she took care of Liu Huifeng.

"Is that what the Purple Cliff said?" As soon as Yuwen Yaoguang heard this, Liu Huifeng's heart was even more ashamed. If it hadn't been for him, these things would not have happened for no reason.

Yu Wenyao looked at Liu Huifeng puzzledly and didn't understand why the expression on his face was so strange. She continued, " By the way, how do you feel now? Is the injury on your body healed?" After talking for a long time, this is the most important thing.

Liu Huifeng was speechless and secretly explored his body. He couldn't help but feel a little gloomy. His spiritual power is still there and there is no problem in operation, but the key is that he can feel the pain that has been making his heart palpitations in the cave has not disappeared until now. When he fell asleep, he was unconscious. During the period of talking with Yuwen Yaoguang just now, he had actually had several attacks, but it was not as serious as in the cave. He put up with it and didn't let Yuwen Yaoguang see it.

I don't want Yuwen Yaoguang to worry too much. She is already very tired. Since she can sleep while taking care of herself, it can be seen how hard she has been these days. And her concern for herself also moved Liu Huifeng's originally calm heart, so she said, "It doesn't matter anymore. It seems that I really want to thank the senior well!"

Yu Wenyaoguang was also relieved when she saw Liu Huifeng laughing and talking about the wind. She stretched her waist in front of Liu Huifeng and stretched out. "In that case, I'll go back first."

Liu Huifeng appreciated her straight figure and said strangely, "Go back? Where are you going back?

"Of course, go back to my room!" Yu Wenyao's face suddenly blushed, "Brother Zuo knows that you have woken up. How can I stay here again?"

Hearing Yuwen Yaoguang's words, Liu Huifeng remembered that what Zuo Fuchao had just said was obviously a misunderstanding between the two, and his face couldn't help but turn red.

"Well, okay, I'm going back to my room to rest, and finally I can sleep peacefully." Yuwen Yaoguang opened the door and walked out. Although the second half of the sentence was very soft, it was still heard by Liu Huifeng. She couldn't help but feel warm. Yaoguang really cared about me.

Yu Wenyao opened the door and looked at Zuo, who was standing in the corridor with his hands on his chest. It seemed that he had just heard the sound of Yuwen Yaoguang pushing the door open and turned around in time. Ah, it's Miss Yuwen. Have you finished it?

"Well, it's done..." Yuwen Yaoguang was about to answer, but suddenly found something wrong. What does it mean to be done? She grew up in a big family and was influenced by the family. She knew a lot about men and women since she was a child. Even his brother Yu Wenba has taken two concubines before they get married. This is also a common thing for large families, but they are afraid that the disciples of these families will suppress themselves too much.

At this moment, when I heard Zuo Fuchao talking about finishing the matter, I suddenly thought of that aspect. I thought that Brother Zuo actually made such a joke. Is it possible that he thought that he was in the room before and the wind... Thinking of this, he remembered what Zuo Fuchao said when he just broke into the room. For a moment, his ears were blushing, and without saying a word, he lowered his head and ran into his room.

With a "bang", the door was heavily closed behind her, leaving only Zuo Fuchao with a stunned face, "Did I say something wrong again? Why did Miss Yuwen leave like last time? This woman's thing, I have a headache!"

He thought for a moment and thought it was better to go to see Liu Huifeng. After all, Liu Huifeng had just woken up. Although Ziya had told them what had happened, Zuo Fuchao keenly found that Ziya seemed to hide a lot of things. His relationship with Liu Huifeng is much closer than Ziya. It is not convenient to ask Zi Cliff about some things, but it is not important to ask Liu Huifeng. Another point is that he found that his sister Jiang Chi and Yuwen Yaoguang seemed to be very resistant to Ziya. I don't know if Ziya had found it, but even if she knew that with her personality, she would not care about it at all, right?

Thinking so, he knocked on Liu Huifeng's door.

"Come in." Liu Huifeng's voice came from the house, but it sounded full of air. Zuo Fuchao also put it down, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Originally, it was Brother Zuo." Liu Huifeng has been sitting in ** and is about to get out of bed at this moment. Zuo Fuchao saw his movements and quickly rushed forward to stop him. "Brother, don't be polite. You're injured, you'd better take care of yourself."

When Liu Huifeng saw that Zuo Fuchao was sincere, he was embarrassed to get out of bed and continued to sit ** as Zuo Fuchao intended. However, the environment of the Yuelai Inn was really good, especially in this sky-size guest room. Liu Huifeng felt very comfortable lying on it.

"Do you still refuse to call me brother?" Zuo Fuchao made a joke first and pretended to say solemnly to Liu Huifeng.

When Liu Huifeng saw his serious face, he was surprised, "Didn't we have agreed before? You and I can call your name directly before we figure out that I am a disciple of Shushan."

"Haha", Zuo Fuchao heard Liu Huifeng's words and laughed happily: "Brother Huifeng, that was the past. Now, if you say this again, it will be really not interesting."

"Ah?" Liu Huifeng was stunned. What did Zuo Fuchao mean? He was not good at dumb fans, and suddenly showed a confused expression.

"Don't say this first," Zuo Fuchao put away his smile and his face suddenly became serious. He looked at Liu Huifeng and thought about it again, and then said, "I want to ask Brother Huifeng why you and Sister Ziya left together without saying hello this time, and you suffered so seriously after coming back. Injury?"

Although the meaning in Zuo Fuchao's words was vague, Liu Huifeng still heard it. He seemed that he was not satisfied with the explanation of the Purple Cliff, or she thought the Purple Cliff had hidden something. From what Yuwen Yaoguang said before, he already knew Ziya's explanation of this matter. Ziya did not lie, but just saved Liu Huifeng's action.

Thinking of this, Liu Huifeng couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Purple Cliff was to protect himself, but it aroused Zuo Fuchao's suspicion, which is really an unacceptable fact.

Thinking of this, Liu Huifeng told Zuo Fuchao the whole thing in detail. He still trusted Zuo Fuchao, and even told him without reservation that he had not completely recovered from his injury.

After listening to Liu Huifeng's words, Zuo Fuchao shook his head and said, "In this way, I was careful to save the gentleman's belly. Sister Ziya must have been afraid of causing a misunderstanding between me and Xiaochi, so she did not say that it was your brother who caused the failure of the seal. I thought she had hidden something from us. I'm really ashamed. I'm a seven-foot man, not as good as a girl's family. It's really embarrassing. He has always been upright, frank about his suspicion of the Purple Cliff, and even more frank that his mind is not as good as Purple Cliff.

Liu Huifeng nodded secretly. It's great to admit this frankly. With this, Zuo Fuchao is worthy of the four words of a gentleman.

"But, brother, you said that your injury has not recovered..." Zuo Fuchao's eyes were faintly worried, "... You must not have told Miss Yuwen, right?"

Liu Huifeng shook his head, "I'm afraid she's worried."

Zuo Fuchao punched Liu Huifeng in the chest with a smile, "Pity and cherish the jade!"

Liu Huifeng stared at him angrily and pointed to his chest, "I feel pain here from time to time. Do you still hit here?"

Zuo Fuchao suddenly opened his mouth and couldn't speak. He was embarrassed to continue joking about Liu Huifeng's injury. "I think you are in good spirits now. Why don't I call my uncle to treat you?"

"Uncle?" Liu Huifeng's eyes were slightly moved, "Is it the person who healed me before?"

"Exactly," Zuo Fuchao replied, "It seems that Miss Yuwen has told you that if it hadn't been for my uncle, I'm afraid we really wouldn't have seen you. When you just came back to the inn, there was no life in your body and heart failure. At that time, Xiaochi and I thought you were..." Zuo Fuchao was embarrassed to say this. At that time, he and Jiang Chi did believe that Liu Huifeng could not be saved. After all, the vitality in the body was cut off, and even the heart was exhausted. How could they be saved? Come back.

However, Yuwen Yaoguang's indotermination and the persistence of the purple cliff made her determined to bring Liu Huifeng back to Kunlun, which made Zuo Fuchao and Jiang Chi find Zhang Yu's head with a try mentality. Zhang Yu heard that he might be a disciple of Shushan, running faster than anyone else, and thanks to him, Liu Huifeng picked up a life. So when Zuo Fuchao thought of this, he was still a little embarrassed.

Liu Huifeng didn't mind at all, but when he saw Zuo Fuchao's expression, his heart moved and simply planned to joke with him, "Do you think I'm dead?" After waiting for Zuo Fuchao to explain, he said, "It's quite kind. Xiaochi, after not seeing you for a few days, my sister became careful. It seems that Brother Zuo is the real pity for the jade."

Hearing Liu Huifeng's joke tone, Zuo Fuchao really couldn't wait to hit the wall. In the past three days when Liu Huifeng was lying, he once called Jiang Chi's sister in front of Ziya, and Jiang Chi almost broke the sky. From then on, the word Xiaochi was deeply engraved on his heart, even if no one was there.

"Brother Huifeng, don't make fun of me as your brother. You're not the same. What were you doing with Miss Yuwen when I first came in?" When Zuo Fuchao saw Liu Huifeng's secretly happy appearance, he simply did everything and shook it out. Our second brother, not to mention the eldest brother, who is afraid of whom?

Sure enough, as soon as he heard Zuo Fuchao mention this matter, Liu Huifeng suddenly became speechless and spit out three words for a long time, "You are cruel!"

"Haha, Huifeng, you should know that Jiang is still old and spicy, hahaha, hahaha!"

"What's the matter laughing so happily?"

Hearing this sound, Zuo Fuchao, who was laughing proudly, suddenly changed his face. Then he heard the sound of the door being pushed open. Zuo Fuchao turned around and went back. As a result, the two girls who had just been hung by her and Liu Huifeng came in side by side. It was Jiang Chi and Yuwen Yaoguang.

"I've met Brother Liu." Jiang Chi knew a lot of etiquette and blessed Liu Huifeng first.

Liu Huifeng was stunned. Why did even Jiang Chi admit his identity as a disciple of Shushan? Wasn't she very unhappy at the beginning? For a while, I forgot to return the gift.

Jiang Chi thought that Liu Huifeng was inconvenient to move. She was straightforward. In the past few days, she and Yuwenyao have become good friends who have nothing to talk about. Even she has learned a lot about Liu Huifeng's affairs. Naturally, she will not care about these little things. Then she turned to Zuo Fuchao and said, "Brother, what happened to hear you laughing so happily just now?"

Yuwenyao just glanced at Liu Huifeng and asked, "Yes, Brother Zuo, what are you talking to Huifeng? Why are you laughing so happily?"

Zuo Fuchao's dilemma can't be said to laugh proudly because he revenged against Liu Huifeng. In that case, neither Jiang Chi nor Yuwen Yaoguang will let him go. Only then did he remember that after listening to Liu Huifeng talk for so long, he had indeed stayed in Liu Huifeng's arms for a long time. No wonder they would walk in.

"This, uh-huh, that..."

When Jiang Chi saw Zuo Fuchao's hesitant appearance, he was suspicious, "What's this and that? What's the matter? Brother, you're not saying bad things about me behind my back, are you?"

Zuo Fuchao thought that I didn't dare, but he looked at Yu Wenyao with a guilty heart, thinking that I just made fun of him with the one next to you. Unexpectedly, Jiang Chi could see him clearly. Jiang Chi snorted, "Well, I was saying bad things about my sister Yaoguang behind our back."

"No, no!" Zuo Fuchao shook his hands and defended repeatedly.

"No, where are your eyes looking? Why don't you dare to look at me?" Jiang Chi was majestic and completely overwhelmed Zuo Fuchao in momentum for a moment.

Unpreparedly, Liu Huifeng, who sat on ** and kept smiling and looking at them, suddenly felt that his chest seemed to have been hit hard by something. It was difficult to suppress the discomfort in his throat. He coughed twice, and then felt the darkness in front of his eyes and fell back.

Zuo Fuchao stood next to him, with his eyesight and hands, and his hand held his body to avoid letting him directly at the head of the bed.

"The wind returns!" As soon as Yuwen Yaoguang saw Liu Huifeng like this, she rushed up, but was stopped by Liu Huifeng, "Miss Yuwen, don't touch him now!" Then he immediately turned his head and said to Jiang Chi, "Xiao Chi, go and invite your uncle quickly, and say that Brother Huifeng woke up and fainted again."

"I know." Jiang Chi nodded and was about to leave when he heard a cold voice saying, "I'll go."

The three of them raised their heads together and saw a purple shadow flashing like Jinghong. The cold and beautiful voice of the three people were very familiar with. It was the Purple Cliff.

"In this way, there will be Ziya's sister." Zuo Fuchao saw that the purple cliff was extremely fast. When he only had time to say this, he could no longer see the purple cliff. Like last time, he directly created a boundary to protect the tenant.

"How could he return to the wind? Didn't he say it was all right? How to reply?" Yuwen Yaoguang was stopped by Zuo Fuchao and immediately cried with pear blossoms and rain.

Jiang Chi hugged her and comforted her repeatedly, "Don't worry, sister Yaoguang. Ji people have their own phenomena. Brother Liu will be fine. Uncle will come right away." She said with some reproach, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have made such a loud noise in front of Brother Liu as soon as he woke up. It's all my fault."

Although Yuwen Yaoguang was sad, she knew in her heart that she seemed to cry when she saw Jiang Chi, she quickly comforted Jiang Chi in turn. In this way, both of them were embarrassed to cry again. After all, there was also Zuo Fuchao standing there.

Zuo Fuchao also blamed himself. Knowing that Liu Huifeng's injury had not healed, he punched him in the chest. Of course, he knew that Liu Huifeng fainted again this time had nothing to do with those two punches, but he always felt that he had something to do poorly and took the responsibility on himself to make him feel a little better.

He stretched out his hand to put on Liu Huifeng's pulse, which was stable and powerful, and then his spiritual power penetrated into Liu Huifeng's body through the meridians. As he expected, he did not feel anything strange at all, or even healthy. He sighed and waited for Uncle Zhang to come.

This time, Liu Huifeng seemed to have slept for a long time, and seemed to have only slept for a while. Even the dream was extremely chaotic. For a while, he dreamed that he was in the sea of fire, and the heat around him made him breathless. After a while, I dreamed that he fell into the ice cellar, trembled with cold, and couldn't wait to return to the sea of fire just now.

was so confused. It didn't take him long before he felt something shiny flying in front of him. He wanted to reach out and grab it, but he couldn't raise his hand.


Originally, it was not flying. Liu Huifeng opened his eyes and saw a small mirror, which was grabbed by a hand and reflected the light vertically towards him.

"Wake up?"

A voice that sounds very strange came.

Liu Huifeng's eyes stretched up along the edge of the mirror to the hand, and then to the owner of that hand, he saw an old man with crane hair and childish face, looking at himself curiously with a pair of deep eyes.

"Are you?" Liu Huifeng did not react for a moment.

"Zhang Yu, Zuo Fuchao and Jiang Chi's uncle", the old man smiled and then said something that surprised Liu Huifeng, "He is also your master's old friend."